MTL - Film and Television Time Travel From the Courtyard-~ Organize instructions!

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Dear readers, thank you for your support and understanding.

When writing a book for the first time, I also feel that some places are not very well written, there are many poisonous points, and there are some problems with the plot.

In the past month or so, due to some special reasons, various problems have appeared in the chapters, such as interrupted updates, delayed updates, and blocking.

Dear book friends, I am here to say sorry.

It just so happens that the other colleagues in the dating agency are all goats these days, and several blind dates have been cancelled. The boss is on vacation for three days, so I can also sort out the previous chapters with mistakes. I must use these three days to write all the previous chapters. Complete the revision.

In the following chapters, I will try my best to avoid these situations, and I will try my best to write better, so that book lovers can read more comfortably.

I also hope that everyone will give more comments, thank you!