MTL - Food Circle Plug-in Emperor-Chapter 14 Ingenuity emblem

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  Chapter 14 Ingenuity Badge

  【Prize Draw: Yes or No】

   Fu Yu chooses to draw.

  The next second, a large colorful turntable suddenly appeared in the void in front of him.

  The position of the prize on each grid above is covered by a layer of golden coating, making it difficult for people to find out.

   It's quite mysterious!

  Fu Yu is gearing up.

  He is the chosen one.

  Luck can't be too bad, right?

  There is a countdown digital reminder on the top of the big turntable [3, 2, 1]

【Ding! Congratulations on getting a random prize: an ingenuity badge! 】

   Fu Yu: "Ah?!"

   The prize is a compliment?

No way!

   Later, I discovered that there was a [! 】

  Fu Yu chooses to view the unique attributes.

[Ingenuity: If you want to be a chef who is popular with customers, don’t just think about making delicious dishes, but also cleverly use original ideas in decorating and arranging dishes to meet customers’ perception needs .

  Wear this badge: When you are working independently, you can have unlimited creativity and the ability to spy on the customer's thinking or awaken the resonance of the customer. 】

   Fu Yu: "!"

  This badge is awesome!

   It is simply equivalent to opening a new cheat for Dahe!

   What the chef pursues is to make dishes that are complete in color, fragrance and shape.

   It’s not enough to have fresh ingredients and good taste. It must visually satisfy customers’ perception needs.

  Using an ordinary dish with different presentation concepts can create a completely different feeling, which can greatly enhance the enjoyment brought by the dish.

  Because of the effect of the plate, it will directly affect the appearance of the dishes, and even affect the appetite of customers.

  So playing lotus is very important for chefs.

  When Fu Yu was in school, he also specially studied the course of arranging dishes.

  The concepts and specific applications of points, lines, and planes are also familiar.

  But after listening to it, the mouth will recite it. When it comes to practicing it by yourself, the final product is often completely different from what you saw and imagined.

  Especially like the Maxima where he works now, the main business is all special dishes, all the dishes are carried on by the chef and the chef, and the small workers basically follow the script.

   This requires learning from scratch.

  But with this ingenuity badge.

  Everything will be different!

   Can have unlimited creativity and the ability to spy on customers' thinking or awaken customers' empathy.

   Isn't this the same as having an invigilator personally help you cheat during an exam!

  Not only do you have creative inspiration, but you can also know the preferences of customers and arrange dishes according to customers' needs.

  Even if the final effect does not meet expectations, it can resonate with customers and let them understand their own creativity and ideas, and then accept them further.

   This badge is simply a miracle!

  With this badge, he no longer has to worry about the problem of playing Dutch!

  One chapter in hand, I have the world, this is the feeling! ?

Wow haha!

  God sees him as the son of European Qi, right?

  If it is so awesome!

  Do you dare to give him a girlfriend-related badge for the next random prize?

  For example, if he falls in love with a beautiful girl, he can have unlimited creativity in pursuing the other party, and he can also know the other party's preferences, pursue the other party according to the other party's needs, and even awaken the other party's resonance!

   Really think about it

   Just look forward to it!

Hey Hey!

  Fu Yu changed his clothes and went to the back kitchen to find Zhao Meng.

   On the way, I met the owner of the dessert shop who came to deliver new product orders.

   "Hey! Xiao Fu! Are you back?"

  Fu Yu hurriedly stopped, and greeted with a smile: "Boss Pang!"

  Boss Pang runs a large dessert shop in this city.

  Because of good quality and moderate price, we have been cooperating with Maxima for a long time.

  When encountering various wedding banquets and birthday parties, the store will provide special products from Boss Pang's store.

  The two stores have cooperated for many years and are considered regular customers.

   Boss Pang's chubby face immediately burst into a smile: "I just went to the back kitchen, and saw that you were not there. I asked Chef Zhao before I knew that you went out with Chef Yao?"

  Fu Yu responded: "Yes, I just came back, and I'm going to find Zhao Chu, Boss Pang, so I'll go first?"

  Boss Pang stretched out his short and thick arms: "Hey, Xiaofu, I just ran into you. There is something I wanted to ask you before."

  Fu Yu was taken aback: "What's the matter?"

   Boss Pang asked seriously: "I heard that your family is from the four north?"

   Fu Yu nodded: "Yes."

   Boss Pang stretched out a finger: "Your little broken county hasn't started construction for several years, right?"

  Fu Yu nodded: "...Mmm."

  Boss Pang nodded, and asked again: "I heard that you are the only child in your family?"

  Fu Yu nodded: "...Mmm."

   Boss Pang stretched out two fingers: "You don't have a girlfriend yet, do you?"

   Fu Yu nodded: "Huh?"

  Fu Yu looked at Boss Pang, and tentatively said, "Boss Pang, what are you asking?"

   "Hey." Boss Pang narrowed his small eyes even more because he was too fat: "It's like this, I have a daughter, you know?"

   Fu Yu was a little surprised, did he want to introduce a girlfriend to him?

  Although since he graduated and went to work, no one has ever tried to introduce him to a girlfriend.

   After all, when they heard about his condition, those who wanted to introduce him also retreated.

  However, because of Boss Pang's height of less than seven meters, two hundred kilograms tall figure, and that dark and rough face.

  Fu Yu felt that his daughter Xiao's father.

  My blind date partner, I seem to be a bit unbearable.

   Fu Yu hesitated for three seconds, then shook his head: "Ah, I'm not sure."

  Boss Pang smiled and said: "It's okay if you don't know. It just so happens that she will come back from studying abroad in a while. You young people have a lot of topics in common. You can make an appointment to meet and learn more."

   Fu Yu said euphemistically: "It's not necessary, I don't know your daughter either."

  Boss Pang waved his hand: "You want it! It doesn't matter if you don't know each other now, after we meet, you will know each other!"

   Fu Yu still refused.

Boss Pang laughed and said, "Hey, everyone is on their own, so I'll just say it straight. My daughter went abroad to study in her sophomore year of high school, and now she is about to graduate from university, and she suddenly said that she doesn't want to come back, so I can agree." ?"

Speaking of this matter, Boss Pang was a little annoyed: "Ah, I worked hard to earn money for her to study, and she is successful in her studies and wants to stay abroad to benefit foreign devils? Pooh! The fat water is not left for outsiders, I must Bring her back to serve the country."

  Fu Yu: "."

  This consciousness, this thought!

   It really makes people feel ashamed!

   "Besides, raise a child to guard against old age. Ah, I've worked so hard to support her for half my life, and finally when I'm old, there's a headache and no one around me to take care of her? What am I trying to do!"

   After thinking about it, Fu Yu found out that this is indeed the truth.

  Boss Pang clapped his big fat hands hard: "I just thought, this time I have to get her back no matter what. As soon as she comes back, I will let her go on a blind date and introduce her to a boyfriend."

   "This woman, if she has love, she will meet fire with moths. When she gets married and has a child, she will never want to leave again in this life."

  Fu Yu: "."

   It seems strange, but come to think of it, there is nothing wrong with it.

  Boss Pang: "I have been observing for a long time, and among the young people around me, you are pretty good."

   Fu Yu subconsciously straightened his back, and said in his heart: Have vision!

  Boss Pang counted in detail: "He looks handsome."

  Fu Yu is modest: "Where is it, it was given by my parents."

  Boss Pang: "It's almost impossible to work. Is it two thousand a month for a small kitchen worker? Isn't it usually enough?"

  Fu Yu: "Uh, I usually save money, and it's enough."

  Boss Pang: "My family is in a small broken county, and being poor is a little poor. But with our family's conditions, it doesn't matter if the man is poor or rich."

  Fu Yu: What I said is really hard to answer.

Boss Pang: "Besides, I only have such a daughter at my knees. Although the little property I have saved now is not much. The three chain stores in this city are all bought by myself. There is a villa in the west district, and we live by ourselves now. I just bought a commercial house in the city center. The family has three cars, two BMWs, and one Mercedes, and I still have a seven-figure or less than eight-figure deposit on hand."

  Fu Yu: "."

Boss Pang: "As far as our family is concerned, it will definitely not be difficult for others to take the gift money in the future. Just like you, if you can catch up with my daughter, not only will I not want your gift money, but I will also give you a house and a car. I will give it to your family. A generous dowry!"

  Fu Yu seemed to see that his bottom line was dropping little by little, and he was about to hit the ground soon.

  At this time, Boss Pang suddenly patted his fat chest: "I am a man who spits a nail and always keeps his word! Don't worry about this!"

  Fu Yu heard the sound of slapping his flesh, and a word suddenly flashed in his mind.

  Daughter Xiao father

  The eyes that were almost blinded by money just now regained clarity in an instant.

  This betrothal gift is a bit hot!

  (end of this chapter)

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