MTL - Full-time Master: Buy Excellent Era at the Start-Chapter 298 worst enemy

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The latest website: The Thousand Chance Umbrella in Lord Grim's hand has already turned into the shape of a Dongfang stick.

Punches, air wave bombs, uppercuts...

Various fighting skills are played.

Yiyixing was hit by the attack. Facing Lord Grim's short punches, Yiyixing endured a series of attacks. To Chen Xing, this was a bit incomprehensible. Every inch was short and every inch was dangerous. After this set of combined punches, there was no room for counterattack.

But fortunately, Lord Grim, as an undisciplined person, does not have the high-level skills of boxers, and there are 24 professions, six professions, and 120 skills, which means that one profession can have at most 20 skills for you to use. When Mo Xiao uses it, there are also status skills, or skills that cannot be connected to the combo. As long as Lord Grim does not switch the weapon status, then the skills he can use during this period are clear at a glance.

If the combo routines are summed up, there will be fewer changes, but on the other hand, we must be wary of the unique cross-professional unattended combos.

However, although the Thousand Chance Umbrella makes up for the cooldown when switching weapons for the uninitiated, objectively, it takes time to change the form. The only way to change the form as soon as possible is by speeding up the operation (Chapter 207). Do you have the ability to grasp such an opportunity? ?

Everyone didn't know what Chen Xing was thinking, otherwise they would feel quite crazy.

Because no one ever thought that this would be Lord Grim's shortcoming, maybe even if there was, it would not be an opportunity that ordinary people can grasp.

However, even if he couldn't seize the opportunity, Lord Grim's offensive couldn't be maintained all the time, and when there was a change, it was time for him to make a move.

A series of skills have been used, and there are blood splatters on Yiyi's body, but he is still calm.

Suddenly, the Thousand Chance Umbrella in Lord Grim's hand changed shape again.

Chen Xing seized the opportunity, and at the same time as the Thousand Manifestation Umbrella changed, the epee slashed out!

It was just an ordinary general attack, but it was very effective. Lord Grim's offensive was slightly interrupted!

Without any bells and whistles, the epee slashed again.

Lord Grim took a step back, the Thousand Chance Umbrella was already completely in sword form, lying in front of him.


The weapons of the two collided fiercely.

Lord Grim's skill is to block.

And Going My Way is still just a basic attack, but the sound effect when it hits is very powerful, it seems that Lord Grim's block is a bit dangerous.

Ye Xiu didn't maintain the sword form any longer and insisted on exchanging. When he drew the sword back, the Thousand Manifestation Umbrella had transformed into the spear form again, but he wanted to fly the spear again to open the distance.

But after waiting for Lord Grim to jump up, the thick blood in front of his eyes had already exploded.

Moonlight Slash! Full Moon Slash! Split waves!

The moment Lord Grim jumped back, Chen Xing had already reacted, he jumped to catch up with Lord Grim, and unleashed three combos of slashing skills without thinking.

quick! too fast!

In fact, from the moment of contact, the operations of the two parties have been very fast, but on this basis, Chen Xing's movements still make people feel that they are flying fast.

This time, he was the one who understood Ye Xiu's intentions ahead of time. This was consciousness.

Ye Xiu's eyes narrowed slightly. Chen Xing's move was based on the judgment made by the change in the shape of the Thousand Manifestation Umbrella. Ye Xiu never expected such a subtlety to be captured by the opponent.

Lord Grim was hit by three slashes in a row, coupled with the wave-breaking skill that can break the domineering body, Lord Grim was blasted a certain distance.

Lord Grim immediately stood up, and the Thousand Chance Umbrella in his hand had changed shape again.

The Thousand Chance Umbrella in the form of a sword stabs directly at the rushing Yiyixing!

Even thrust!

Afterwards, Lord Grim no longer distanced himself, but started to take the initiative to face the attack head-on.

Moreover, the Thousand Manifestations Umbrella in his hand was changing shape rapidly, and the skills of the cross-professional department were continuously used.

Shadow clone!

Night Cloak!

Dragon tooth!

This is... Sanren Kombat!

This style of play, in the following tenth season, almost made the entire professional circle kneel down, and everyone in Xingxin felt dazzled watching this scene.

It seemed that this was the first time Ye Xiu had erupted in such an offensive, and even everyone in Xingxin couldn't figure out how to deal with it.

What about Chen Xing?

They couldn't help but looked at Chen Xing together, the expressions on their faces couldn't be seen, but the rhythm of the self-willed operation on the screen was speeding up visible to the naked eye.

Chen Xing seemed to be squeezing his own limits!

Lord Grim's Sanren Kuai Da, through the intensive operation, brought a strong sense of oppression, and after speeding up the pace, the style of Yiwu changed drastically and became extremely ferocious.

The epee swung like the wind, skills mixed with basic attacks, and slashed wildly, as if ignoring the coherence of skills at all, just like Tang Rou's way of fighting indiscriminately in the All-Stars.

Crazy and aggressive!

Both of them seemed to be on fire!

The number of times Lord Grim succeeded increased, and as a result, the attacks on his body became more frequent.

Because if you go your own way, you can also succeed!

Under such circumstances, the two sides still have no way to suppress each other!

The current situation seems to be an enhanced version of the confrontation just now!

The blood volume of the two sides is also being exchanged, and the rate of decline in health is actually the same.

No one thought it was a coincidence. Ye Xiu's strength had never been doubted, and they didn't think that the current situation could be achieved just by simply bursting with hand speed. Otherwise, Tang Rou would have already achieved her goal and defeated Ye Xiu.

Therefore, their eyes turned to Chen Xing again, there was only one possibility, Chen Xing still maintained his own thinking and was methodical when his hand speed was so fast that it would make people crazy.

The mad swordsman on the field is so crazy, but his operator is still sober and rational.

He was calmly exchanging with Lord Grim.

From the very beginning of the confrontation, he already had a slight advantage, even now.

And he is a mad swordsman, as long as the blood volume of the two of them can be maintained at a constant rate, it will be an advantage for him.

The bystanders were already unable to analyze the battle situation and were watching the battle nervously.

Suddenly there was a knock on the door.

But everyone in Xingxin didn't hear it, they only saw Yiyi's HP drop by 50%!

Are you coming? !

As a result, the offensive remained the same, and the eruption they had imagined did not come...

Before anyone could open the door, the door of the training room had already been unlocked.

Chen Guo walked in with a spare key in her hand.

She wiped off her sweat, and had managed to maintain order at the outer door just now, only then did she realize that the entire training room was exceptionally quiet.

Several people gathered in front of a computer, staring at the screen.

The atmosphere doesn't seem right.

"what happened…"

As soon as they walked up, everyone in Xingxin let out a soft cry before they finished speaking.

Of course, Chen Guo wanted to join in the fun, so she rushed up to see the arena on the screen, Lord Grim and Yiyixing were fighting.

In a short period of time, the battle between the two sides has come to an end!

Insist on going your own way has 12% of your HP, and Lord Grim has 15%.

The red blood around him surged, and the epee in his hand slashed again!

Blood Shadow Knife!

Resolutely go his own way with 8% HP, Lord Grim 0%.



Chen Xing was also a little dazed for a while.

Although it was just a sparring match, this sparring also made him feel that it was quite difficult, even more so than the finals.

Even he can feel the consumption is great.

Of course, he believed that he had brought considerable pressure to Ye Xiu, but this was not the main reason why Ye Xiu lost.

On the one hand, Lord Grim's equipment is not as good as his. On the other hand, the Myriad Manifestations Umbrella has not yet been equipped with skills in various forms. killer feature.

It's still too early to say whether the competition is a competition or not, if they really beat Ye Xiu.

But, he is still satisfied with his progress.

Chen Xing smiled, followed by Ye Xiu's applause.

"You won." Ye Xiu smiled calmly.

"Concession." Chen Xing was so modest that he sincerely.

The two of them were calm here, but everyone in Xingxin was dumbfounded.

Is it human? Is it human? Still human? !

Su Mucheng was also surprised and frowned at the same time.

Tang Rou rarely showed a dazed expression, obviously Chen Xing's performance had once again impacted her world view.

Qiao Yifan was well-informed after being in the professional circle like this, and he couldn't keep calm at this moment.

Everyone felt once again that Chen Xing was indeed the core that led Excellent Era to victory.

Chen Guo was even more stunned, she had an unbelievable expression on her face, completely shocked by the scene in front of her.

God Ye lost...

As a loyal fan of Ye Xiu, Chen Guo suddenly found that her mood was about to be twisted into a twist, which was a bit complicated.

Although Ye Xiu's idol filter was almost shattered, and she was also Xingxin's boss, Chen Guo found that a victory or defeat instantly made her return to the mentality of a fan.

Even though Chen Xing is a friend who has known him for a long time, but when he thinks that Chen Xing won the championship, he is definitely Xingxin's formidable opponent. It's strange that his mood is not complicated.

Of course, Chen Guo was the only one present who still had the mentality of a fan.

For the others, they are all professional players, knowing the difference is the most important thing.

The final counterattack has reached the point where they didn't understand it for a while.

Everyone was watching the replay, but Ye Xiu just saved the video casually, and then said: "It's a pity, I didn't expect your bloodthirsty battle to be anti-addiction."

Bloodthirsty fighting has two blood-sucking effects, one is positive blood-sucking, which is called positive bloodthirsty; the other is reverse blood-sucking, which is naturally called anti-bloodthirsty.

The former recovers HP, while the latter draws its own HP to increase damage.

During the match, Ye Xiu knew what the problem was. He didn't need to watch the replay. Chen's move was a desperate move.

"Haha, victory and risk coexist."

The discussion ended, and the atmosphere relaxed for it.

After chatting casually for a few words, the purpose of this trip has been achieved, and it is almost time for Chen Xing to leave.

"See you next time."

"See you on the field." Everyone also said.

Chen Xing walked straight to the gate, opened the door and walked out. After a while, there was a lot of people downstairs again, and there was a commotion in an instant.

Chen Guo: "..."

Everyone in Xingxin looked at each other in blank dismay.

"I forgot to remind him." Chen Guo covered her face.

"It's just a small matter. Personal safety can still be guaranteed." Ye Xiu didn't change his face. "Everyone find a place to sit down. I have something important to say."


To cover up their embarrassment, everyone in Xingxin ignored the noise that was fading away, and returned to their positions.

Ye Xiu looked serious: "I've already sent you the video just now. Today's discussion is very useful, so you must study it carefully. Excellent Era will be our biggest enemy..."

On the other side, Chen Xing rushed all the way back to Club Excellent Era, seeing the dumbfounded security guards guarding the door.

Why didn't you know that the boss's motor nerves were so good?

After finally returning to the club, the crowd behind was finally blocked.

Chen Xing went straight to the training room, inserted the card to log in, exported the video he had just saved, and sent it to the group.

"Important information, everyone should study it carefully! Xingxin will be our biggest enemy next season!"

The current Sanren has basically taken shape, and this discussion is of great reference.

Compared with the encounters in online games a long time ago, the understanding is definitely not comprehensive enough now, and the battle is not as high-end as this one.

Although it was the summer break, everyone in Excellent Era was online.

Thinking about it, most of the professional players are nerds, even during the rest time, they still stay at home most of the time.

Hearing Chen Xing's words, everyone froze.

"What's the situation?" Zhang Jiale asked, "I heard that you just went to the arena on Glory."

"How do you know?" Chen Xing was surprised.

"World Channel," Zhang Jiale explained the fact that he was playing Glory, "I'm doing an event now...Damn, it's second again!"

Then Zhang Jiale sent several [angry] in succession.

"Hehe, the guild has monsters. In the current situation, it would be difficult for you to get second if you brush normally." Chen Xing tapped the keyboard.

"No wonder." Qiu Fei also groaned.

"Xiaoqiu? Why didn't I see you?" Zhao Yang also spoke out.

Chen Xing Fu forehead, a group of people are drilling into online games.

Qiu Fei replied: "I am in the battle format, ranked 42."

"Oh! I almost forgot, I still wonder where such a powerful strategy came out."

Then Chen Xing @ clicked Zhang Jiale and said: "I'll say hello to the online game department later, and ask them to recommend you to the first place. The top five will have a chance to make a dungeon. There are optional materials, just to replenish the inventory."

"Huh? Did you talk about the event?" Zhang Jiale seemed to flip through the event introduction.

"Don't ask, asking is the inside story."

After prevarication, everyone's videos have been downloaded, and they are opened and viewed with special players one after another.

"Depend on!


"Oh shit!"


. "

"Ahem, pay attention to your quality." Chen Xingdao, don't be so straightforward in your compliments.

At this time the newbies in the team are still online, they have already watched the video silently.

At this time, a series of words such as "666" and "the captain is so strong" were brushed up, and some people honestly said "I don't understand".

"The most important thing to look at is Ye Xiu's style of play. Loose warriors are far more difficult to deal with than we imagined. In the later stage, Loose warriors will also develop high-level skills on their weapons." Chen Xingdao.

"So fierce?"

"And it's one form, one form."

Immediately, the whole group started to complain crazily again.

Everyone had to accept this fact. Although it was indeed abnormal, it was not without weaknesses.

After Chen Xing's explanation, Xingxin became even more important to them.

There is no absolute victory or defeat in the game, they can only try their best to tilt the balance of victory in their favor.