MTL - Genshin Impact: I Sell Jars In Tivat Continent-Chapter 3

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He can only open exclusive jars.

To open an exclusive jar, you must sell a certain amount of jars.

And what he said was the truth. The Eye of God in the jar was not too conspicuous. It was even better than the Eye of God.

It's just an ordinary jar, and it's really not easy to open the eyes of God.

But being able to open it also shows that the can opener is very lucky.

"The Eye of God is not a good thing???"

Hearing Lin Mo's words, Ningguang narrowed his eyes and looked at Lin Mo.

It was the first time she saw an ordinary person and said that the Eye of God is not a good thing.

From the tone of Lin Mo's speech and the attitude on his face, he didn't take the Eye of God to heart, and he didn't care too much about the Eye of God.

She still sees this.

It's hard to imagine what kind of confidence can make an ordinary person say that the Eye of God is not a good thing.

Looking at Lin Mo's appearance, there are many things that come out of this jar that are better than the Eye of God!

Otherwise, how could Lin Mo say such a thing.

When he said that, he also showed such a disapproving expression.

You must know that in this world, everyone knows that the eye of God is a good thing, and how many people have tried hard to get it.

Everyone who has the eyes of God is qualified to become God!

This alone has caused countless people to scatter their wealth, show determination, and hope to get the attention of the gods, but unfortunately very few people get it.

For a while, Ningguang took a deep breath and looked at the jars behind Lin Mo.

"Want to open the jar?"

Seeing Ningguang put his eyes on the jar again, Lin Mo smiled brightly: "I promise I won't let you down, maybe I can open a god's eye."

"Since you know me, you should also know that I have no interest in the Eye of God."

Ningguang said calmly: "But you just said that there is something better than the eye of God, what are there? Can you tell me more?"

"Let's not say that you have something better than the Eye of God in your jar. Even if there is, you are willing to sell these things for only 100,000 Mora a jar? Isn't this too cheap? Will you not lose money?"

"Although 100,000 sounds like a lot, it's not too expensive for a group of businessmen. Everyone buys it, and you only have 100,000 Mora. What are you looking for? What's the difference between this and a free gift?"

Since Lin Mo didn't say why he was able to trade the Eye of God, she Ningguang believed it for the time being.

If what Lin Mo said is true, there are things in these jars that are better than the Eye of God, how can they only sell a mere 100,000 Mora?

For ordinary people, 100,000 Mora is an astronomical sum, but for businessmen, 100,000 Mora is really nothing.

The things in these jars are completely beyond the value itself, so why does Lin Mo sell it?

Why don't you keep it open by yourself? On the contrary, earning Mora means earning Mora, but the price is not high. She is very puzzled about this.

Why does it sound like Lin Mo is a charity?

"I don't lose anything, that's my business. There are not a few things in the jar that are better than the Eye of God, and there are also some jars that don't have anything in them. Come down and see if you can earn it."

Lin Mo said slowly: "It's a sky-high price for ordinary people, but many ordinary people can reach the sky in one step through jars. My purpose is to sell jars. If others make money, they will naturally come to buy them.".

Chapter 5: Ningguang open the jar, buy five jars, and open the devil fruit (five more)

"As for things that are better than the Eye of God, there are too many, I don't know what to say, because there are too many, so I don't know where to say, it's true that there are very few things that can be opened in ordinary jars. kind of thing, but not without chance, it's a matter of luck."

"Say 10,000 and 10,000, why don't you buy a few to get started, and then consider whether to continue to buy?"


Hearing Lin Mo's words, Ningguang nodded: "Then give me a jar first. As for Mora's words, I'll have someone send money over and pay you later. I'll open the jar now."

She came in a hurry and did not have the habit of carrying money with her.

"There is no balance in the store. When to pay and when to open the jar."

Lin Mo chuckled: "Now which jar you can choose first."

"Do you have to pay first to drive?"

Hearing Lin Mo's words, Ningguang raised his eyebrows, is he worried that she won't pay? How could she possibly not pay for her dignified Liyue Tianquanxing.

But the transaction was indeed the case, Ningguang didn't say anything, and immediately ordered Qian Yanjun next to him to get the money.

The Qianyan Army named Changqing left immediately after hearing Ningguang's order.

Not long after, Qian Yanjun came back with a purse in his hand.

"Eh? Just after Qian Yanjun came out, he went in again, still holding a purse in his hand. Are you going to open a jar?"

"It should be Lord Ningguang who opened the jar. Otherwise, how could Qian Yanjun go out to get money? I don't know what Lord Ningguang will open."

"Yes, Lord Ningguang, do you want to test it yourself? I thought this shop would be closed."

"Why do you want to block a good person? Your words are really strange."


At this moment, at the door of the canned shop, one after another, watching Qian Yanjun coming back with a purse in his hand, he immediately started a discussion.

At the same time as they were discussing, they all looked at the jar shop with incomparable curiosity.

They were all looking forward to it, expecting that Lord Ningguang would come up with something.

When they were looking forward to it, in the shop, Ningguang had already handed over part of the money in Qian Yanjun's hands to Lin Mo.

The Qianyan Army didn't just bring 100,000 Mora over here.

In the purse, a Mora has a denomination of one thousand, and a hundred is one hundred thousand.

Lin Mo took Mora and threw it in front of the cabinet. Looking at Ningguang, he smiled and said, "Have you chosen which jar?"

"That's it."

Ningguang pointed to the upper right corner of the cabinet, the third jar from left to right.

At the moment, Lin Mo turned around, took down the jar, and placed it in front of Ningguang.

Without any hesitation, Ningguang tapped the jar with his hand.

The jade-white finger tapped on the jar, and the jar made a clear "click" sound, and the jar cracked instantly, then shattered, and something fell out.

It looked like a stack of paper.


Seeing this stack of paper, Ningguang picked it up in surprise.

A very strange piece of paper, covered with dense black symbols.

"The detonation talisman, a talisman that can cause an explosion."

Looking at what Ningguang opened, Lin Mo chuckled: "There are ten pieces in total. The method of use is to stick the paper on the place that needs to be detonated. With the help of external force, a piece of talisman paper can instantly blow up a person's corpse. It has no deposit, and it is also waterproof. It can be blasted even if it is attached to the water surface. The explosion is very powerful and has many uses. It depends on how you use it. Ten thousand detonating charms are worth it."

What Ningguang issued was a detonating talisman.

[Square paper detonation charm]: The size of the square paper detonation symbol is the size of two conventional detonation symbols. There is also a very thin black border around the curse mark, which is detonated with the help of external force.

"Character paper?"

Hearing Lin Mo's words, Ningguang raised his eyebrows: "This kind of talisman paper is not something that ordinary people can make, except our Liyue's talisman, there is also the rice wife's side, your talisman paper doesn't look like our Liyue's. Style, are you from the rice wife?"

"Don't give me a hat."

Hearing Ningguang's words, Lin Mo shook his head and laughed: "I'm a jar businessman, and I feel very comfortable in Liyue, so I opened a shop here, rice wife or something, but it has nothing to do with me."

"These things you opened are not too precious, but compared to the Mora you spent, they are still very worthwhile, so, do you want to open some more jars?"

Speaking of this, Lin Mo raised his eyebrows.

If Ningguang opened all the jars in his shop, that would be the best.

"Bring me four more jars."

Hearing Lin Mo's words, Ningguang did not hesitate at all, and directly handed all the money bags in his hand to Lin Mo, and asked for four more jars.

"it is good!"

Hearing Ningguang's words, Lin Mo suddenly smiled brightly.

As expected of the rich woman Ningguang, she directly bought five jars, which added up to more than what he sold in a few days.

Under Ningguang's choice, Lin Mo took five jars in turn.

Ningguang opened one by one.

As the jar shattered, one thing after another appeared, there were books and medicine pills.

Seeing these things, Ningguang looked at Lin Mo, waiting for Lin Mo's explanation.


And Lin Mo raised his eyebrows when he saw what Ningguang opened.

Really let Ningguang open good things, and ordinary jars can open these things, luck is really good.

[Zhuyan Dan] Ali's Zhuyan Dan, made by alchemists from an unknown world, can be permanently fixed in this moment by anyone who takes it.

[Xiandou] From an unknown world, the things planted by immortals can quickly restore physical and mental strength.

[Financial Management Books (1)] A book that records the management of monetary funds to achieve the goals of balancing money supply and demand, stabilizing monetary value, and economic growth.

[Super Devil Fruit - Washing Fruit] A magical fruit from a certain world, the eater can gain the ability to turn people and things into clothes and then dry them, and can also wash away the evil in people's hearts. Please use your own specific effects. Detection, this fruit has also undergone some miraculous changes after it came to this world. The eater will become a landlubber, unable to swim. When it is soaked in a large amount of water, the whole body will be weak and unable to use its abilities.

Of the four things, except the second one is crooked, the other three are very useful for condensing light.

Zhu Yandan does not say that it can make women beautiful.

Financial management can also enable Ningguang to better manage the Liyue economy.

It can be said unceremoniously that this book alone is the biggest gain of Ningguang.

Some things, in some people, will exert terrifying energy.

The last devil fruit, after coming to this world, actually carried some curses, but it was still very useful for Ningguang.

Even the first Zhuyan Dan, which helped Ningguang, was not enough to read before this book on financial management.

Ningguang, on the other hand, frowned and looked at these four things. She didn't know what these things were at all, only the book could tell.

But because the book was facing down and there was no handwriting, she didn't know what book it was.

At the moment, Ningguang looked at Lin Mo.

Since Lin Mo dares to sell jars, she must know these things, and she wants to hear what Lin Mo means about these things.

Chapter 6: You may earn blood, but I will never lose (six more)

"I have to say, you said good luck."

Lin Mo looked at Ningguang and said with a light smile: "All four things are very useful. The first thing is Zhuyan Dan. As long as you eat it, your appearance will be permanently fixed at this moment."

"Zhu Yandan?"

Hearing Lin Mo's words, Ningguang suddenly narrowed his eyes, and immediately looked at this Zhuyan Dan in shock.

As soon as Lin Mo spoke, she instantly fell in love with this Zhuyan Dan.

What girl doesn't like a beautiful face? Even if she is condensed, it is not surprising.

People will grow old, even if they have the eyes of God, they will not be forever young.

But if you want to look young, this Yan Yan Dan can do it, which is really incredible.

As for whether Lin Mo lied to her, that is another matter.

100,000 Mora, buying a Zhuyan Dan is simply a **** profit. If she auctioned it off herself, she would definitely be able to create a price of tens of millions of Mora!

This kind of thing will definitely be sought after by countless people.