MTL - Ghost Marriage, the Abandoned Wife Has Three Treasures-Chapter 17 : In my Mingyue Villa, trading is not the way to do it.

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Biquge, the latest update of the underworld marriage, the abandoned wife's mother's family has the latest chapter of the three treasures!

When Su Ziyun heard it, he looked at Junlin Tian with horror.

I saw that Jun Lintian had a black face and wanted to be angry.

Roaring with anger: "How can my sister speak recklessly? Lord Wang is here again, and I will let you commit the following crimes."

"Hmm! What am I afraid of dying?" Su Zinian stopped crying and roared.

Su Zimo only felt her throat choked and saw them both, her heart was both excited and missing.

Su Ziyun frowned slightly and clenched his fists.

"Three lords, your marriage with Momo was decided by the queen mother. I didn't expect you to retire on the street just because Momo couldn't cultivate. You know that Momo is kind and able to sing and dance. It's not sin to be ruthless. Injustice, we Momo did not marry you, fortunately we Momo. "

Su Zinian was determined to die. He planned to say all the words in his heart, so as to make him happy.

Su Zimo strongly agrees with Su Zinian's words, and it is indeed Su Zimo's luck to not marry Jun Lin Tian.

"Why are you still doing that? You have to take the young lady and the eldest son back quickly."

Su Ziyun knew that if Su Zinian was going on, Jun Lintian would kill Su Zinian, but Su Zinian could not die, she must marry General Wang, so that their Su family ’s power would gradually grow, Wang Ye Will marry her without hesitation.

"Yes." Su Qing gestured to his men behind him.

"Who dares to touch the two of them, today the owner will let him splatter on the spot."

The cold voice was as uncomfortable as Shura in hell.

Only Su Qingjue and Su Ziyun looked at Su Zimo involuntarily, and they all felt that Su Zimo had a sense of familiarity.

"Mingyue Zhuang, this is the family of my Su family. Does the Zhuang also intend to intervene?"

Su Ziyun yelled, and Su Zimo's obstruction made Su Ziyun, who had endured a long time, instantly angered.

Junlin Tian also turned around, squinting at Su Zimo, frowning involuntarily.

"Mingyue Zhuang, don't care about these things," Jun Lintian said with a warning in his tone.

"Three lords, in my Mingyue Villa, trading is not what it is."

The sneer on the corner of his lips, with a beautiful demon smelt, did not put Junlin Tian in his eyes at all.

"Bring them back." With Junlin Tian's speech, Su Ziyun was reckless.

"If you want to take someone, you have to ask my son to agree."

The cold voice made everyone look back, and saw three identical children standing there. The three children, with impeccable beauty, one of them showed a chilling chill, and a sneer appeared from the corner of his mouth.

"Lier, let them know the consequences of making a bad in Mingyue Mountain Villa."

The soft voice has acquiesced to certain things.

"My dear, Quer will be very fast." The original beautiful eyes, killing intentions, make people never dream of how much suffocation will be in a child.

The man in white on a green pine tree outside the village could not help frowning. This expression was really familiar. Where did he see it?

A mother-in-law made Jun Lintian look at Su Zimo in surprise, all three children were her.

"My dear, can Qier also ..."


Before Su Qi's remarks, Su Zimo was allowed. Exercise was necessary.

"Haha! Today I'm going to zoom in at midnight."

Su Qi smiled, "Brother, let's go."

Su Xin pursed her lips aside, no matter what she did.

Turning around, her small body gave way a hundred steps away, she didn't want to be affected.

-End of this chapter-