MTL - Given A Second Chance: Time for Revenge!-Chapter 15 Can't see and eat

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"This dowry is divided into two parts. The first part is real estate worth 50 million yuan, a deposit of 50 million yuan and 25% of the shares from the Su Group. These real estates include houses, trees, land, and real estate certificates together with The 50 million deposits are all deposited in Swiss banks, the shares will be profitable every year, and someone will take care of them, and they will also be credited to your Swiss account." As soon as Lin Xuejiao spoke, Su Zibao was stunned.

so much! She didn't even know that her family was so rich. The wealth of the Su family is worthy of being one of the four giants in Haicheng, and it is worthy of being a century-old family. The real estate of 50 million plus the deposit of 50 million is 100 million, not to mention the 25% of the shares. That is millions of dividends every year.

As long as the Su Group does not collapse, this income is permanent. Even if Su Zibao does nothing from now on, he can support her to death.

Of course, these belong to the joint property of husband and wife, but it is no problem to support her and Pei Yi.

"Your 100 million real estate and deposits, we have arranged for overseas financial planners to take care of them. The annual income is not as good as the dividends, but there should be a lot. It is more than the interest rate increase in the bank." Lin Xuejiao added. In one sentence, he continued: "The remaining second piece is an investment fund of 200 million yuan. In the name of your husband and wife, entrust the Su Group and the Pei family's Royal City Real Estate to cooperate to carry out business investment plans, and you will receive the benefits of the contract. Together with Pei Yi, they account for 70%, and the Su Group and Yucheng Group each account for 15%. You and Pei Yi just wait to collect the money, and you don’t need to worry about the rest. The investment needs to be done, Su The Group and Yucheng Real Estate will do well." Lin Xuejiao stroked Su Zibao's hair and said, "Don't worry about my good daughter, Mommy won't let you suffer."

Su Zibao was stunned. The investment of 200 million yuan, the property of 100 million yuan, and the 25% of the Su Group's shares were her dowry.

But, no, this money, from the beginning to the end, my mother never said she could control it. In other words, these things are nominally hers, but she has no right to use them?

"Mom, you didn't tell me the Swiss Bank's bank card password or anything." Su Zibao looked innocent.

Su Jianguo said solemnly, "I know what the **** you're up to. I'll tell you, don't even think about the Swiss deposit of the title deed passbook, you can't use it until you are 30 years old. The annual dividends of the Su Group are also stored in Switzerland. On the bank card, the financial planner will make a payment of 100,000 yuan into your personal account every month, you are extravagant, if it is up to you, no matter how big the family property can be, you can lose it all!"

No! Seeing that she can't eat, how could she use the money to enter the mall to fight with Xia Chengye?

"I promise not to mess around, I want to start a business!" Su Zibao said sincerely.

Su Jianguo showed no mercy, "No way! What kind of business can you start? You haven't even graduated from university, and you haven't worked in a company, so what a joke."

"Mom!" Su Zibao knew that it was useless to find his father, so he looked at his mother pitifully.

But I didn't expect that Lin Xuejiao, who spoiled Su Zibao, would stand on a united front with Su Jianguo on this kind of issue, "No! Mom will take care of you for other things, this is no good. If you think the monthly pocket money is less than 100,000 yuan. , I'll let the other side call you a little more, but starting a business is not enough. Baby, you don't know that shopping malls are like battlefields, and it's not so fun. Be good, let's stop making trouble. I'll take you out for shopping when your next mom, what do you fancy? Whatever you buy is mine."

"Mom! I want too!" Su Jiaxin immediately raised her hand.

Lin Xuejiao laughed, "Okay, let's go."

Su Zibao sighed, yes, based on Su Zibao's previous actions, unless Su Jianguo's brain was squeezed by the door, he would definitely not be able to give this money to Su Zibao.

But without the initial capital, how could she kill Xia Chengye, should she start by selling songs? Not to mention three years, thirty years might not kill him.

During the next breakfast time, Su Zibao tried his best, but his parents were firm, and even Su Jiaxin advised her. Su Zibao finally understood that the 100 million yuan in real estate and deposits was her parents' guarantee to ensure that she would have no worries of food and clothing. .

On the other hand, the investment of 200 million yuan can be considered.