MTL - Global Games: Start with 10 Billion Psionic Coins-Chapter 1044 16 Great Monks Return

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  Chapter 1044 The return of the 16 great monks

   "Is Senior Zhu alright over there?"

  Senior Zhu Yuanzhang was the second ancient monk Su Yu knew. They even lived in the same building, Su Yu lived on the 9th floor, and Senior Zhu lived on the 1st floor.

  But by mistake, Senior Zhu controlled a large country on Skrull Star, and never came back, and Su Yu never saw him again.

"Zhu Daoyou is fine over there." Prime Minister Cao smiled and said, "His vigilance is very strong, and he has not been targeted by G2's intelligence department until now. Moreover, G2 did not expect such an important king's position to be easily taken away." Evacuate the cage and change the bird."

As he said that, Prime Minister Cao's eyes fell on the necklace in Su Yu's hand: "Zhu Daoyou has provided more than 3,300 sets of armaments and weapons, including 300 sets of 'big three-piece sets' and '3,000 sets of small three-piece sets'. There are quite a few defensive weapons.

  With the strength of the Macadon Kingdom, it is not easy for Zhu Daoyou to produce so many armaments! "

"Yes." Su Yu nodded: "Macaton is a small country after all, and its size is much smaller than Baker's country, let alone the more powerful G2 countries... Anyway, thank you, Senior Zhu, for your work for mankind. I hope that the old man can live safely without being discovered by the enemy!"

   After speaking, Su Yu waved his hand, and a light blue portal opened behind him.

  This portal leads to the headquarters of the Yanshan United Government.

  He smiled and said: "Seniors, this is not a place to talk. Let's go back to the headquarters and talk again. Speaker Hu Jing and Political Commissar Zhang have been waiting there for a long time."

  But to Su Yu's surprise, the two seniors did not agree to him.

  The First Emperor shook his head and said: "Young friend Su Yu, let's wait a little longer. A dozen fellow Taoists will return to Blue Star later. How about we go there together after they return?"

   "There are more than a dozen seniors returning?" Su Yu was taken aback.

   Currently still on Skrull, except for senior Zhu Yuanzhang, the only ones left are the 16 seniors headed by Emperor Liu Che who built bases behind the enemy.

  By the way, there are also Tao Qian and Jun Shiyi, two seniors who lost their bodies and mixed into the Dragon Clan.

  Emperor Shi Huang said that there are more than a dozen seniors who will return. Could it be that Emperor Liu Che and the others have decided to come back?

  Before Su Yu had time to think seriously, space fluctuations appeared in the basement again.

   Later, silver-white portals opened in the basement, and 16 seniors including Emperor Liu Che appeared in the basement one after another.

  Su Yu glanced roughly, and all 16 great monks who established bases behind the enemy had returned.

  Seniors Liu Che, Sima Yan, King Arthur, Hammurabi... all returned smoothly.

   And the complexion of the seniors is very good.

   Except for two seniors who were slightly injured, the others were only a little pale because of the long-distance transmission, and there was nothing serious about it.

  Su Yu hurried forward and helped the seniors of the sixth rank to sit down on the sofa in the basement.

  The seventh-level monks can still stand calmly, but the sixth-level monks basically can't stand it. They feel dizzy and need to sit down and take a good rest.

  Su Yu also asked at the right time: "Seniors, why did you decide to come back?"

  The 16 seniors have been building a base behind the enemy lines on Star Skrus, but as far as he knows, the construction process has not been particularly smooth.

  The main thing the seniors do is to spend money or do it themselves to obtain information, which is quite smooth. As for the development and expansion of forces, it is basically impossible for them to have no mass base.

  The Blue Star Coalition Government did not give any orders to the seniors, but only told them to play by ear, so Su Yu did not expect that they would return collectively today.

  Emperor Liu Che breathed out a few breaths, calming down the turbulent mana in his body.

  After returning to Blue Star, smelling the completely different air between Blue Star and Skrull Star, he felt much better physically and mentally. No more stressful days! Well, at least not for now.

   Facing Su Yu's question, he replied with a smile: "The reason why we came back is because G2's intelligence agencies 'Flare' and 'Sky Eye' seem to have discovered our existence.

  Continuing to stay there to inquire about information may have the risk of being exposed. Once exposed, there will be no bones left, so we decided to return collectively after discussion. "

  Senior Sima Yan shook his swollen brain, and said: "And we have almost inquired about the information of the various countries of the Skrull tribe. If we continue to inquire, the benefits will not be very high. It is better to come back early."

   "So that's the case." Su Yu nodded clearly: "It's okay, everyone's safety should indeed be the first priority."

   Prime Minister Cao and Emperor Shihuang transmitted mana to the ancient monks through the air to help them relieve the dizziness caused by long-distance transmission.

  At the same time, Prime Minister Cao also said: "It is actually my opinion to let everyone come back.

  Although the 4 enemy bases have begun to take shape, it is best not to use them directly after the start of the war.

  Although you can attack the rear of the Skrulls after the war, you can relieve the pressure on the front. However, King Zhou Emperor Xin had promised that he could be resurrected on the frontal battlefield, so I suggest that everyone return to the frontal battlefield to fight, and no longer plan to attack behind the enemy. "

Emperor Liu Che looked at Su Yu, nodded and said: "We fully agree with this point. And the bases behind the enemy will not be wasted. When the war reaches a stalemate, we can find a way to return to the bases behind the enemy, and then launch an attack from the enemy's rear. Not too late."

   "Yes, under the current situation, the benefits of fighting on the frontal battlefield are higher." Su Yu agreed.

  Before they formulated the "Plan for Base Areas Behind Enemy Areas", Liu Che and other 16 seniors actually wanted to sacrifice themselves.

  Of course they knew it in their hearts—it was very dangerous to attack the Skrulls from behind enemy lines!

  As long as the Skrulls send gods to hunt them down, there is a high probability that they will fall.

  But in order to buy time for the frontal battlefield, they resolutely decided to do so. Sacrifice these old guys in exchange for being able to hold the front for a longer time.

   But now the situation has changed.

   First of all, G2's intelligence department was aware of them.

  If they are found by the Skrulls during this month, they will be sacrificed in vain;

  Secondly, the arrival of Emperor Xin, the king of Zhou, means that sacrifices on the frontal battlefield can be resurrected, and death in the enemy's rear is a real death.

  Although everyone wants to sacrifice themselves, who would refuse to be resurrected?

   Besides, they can make a lot of contributions on the frontal battlefield.

  After discussion, the 16 seniors unanimously decided to return to Blue Star and fight on the frontal battlefield!

  Of course Su Yu has no objection to the decision of the seniors.

   It doesn’t matter if we fight together in the front, at least there is a support in the front battle.

  (end of this chapter)