MTL - Go Back To 1980 and Enjoy It-Chapter 264 The student aid honor list is crazy [6000 words]

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Chapter 264: The honor list of student aid is crazy [6000 words]

It has to be said that the practice of posting a student aid honor list in the ancestral hall is indeed very tempting to the tribesmen with relatively good economic conditions.

 So, on the second day of the clan meeting, people one after another found Deng Changqian, the person in charge of collecting money, and happily donated their scholarships.

In later generations, Bangjie Village (Brigade) was one of the seven administrative villages in Shuangwang Town. It had more than 1,600 households and a total population of nearly 7,000 people. Among them, there were about 4,300 people surnamed Deng. It can be considered prosperous.

The population today is naturally not as large as that of later generations, but the entire Bangjie Brigade has a population of more than 3,000 people surnamed Deng.

With so many people mobilizing, the power unleashed cannot be underestimated.

 Especially, the villages are secretly competing with each other!

Even though they are all brothers of the same race, everyone still likes to compare with each other about being in the limelight.

Therefore, the day after the clan meeting was held, all villages took action. In less than three days, more than 100 people from each village made donations for student aid, and the minimum donation amount was not less than 5 yuan. , it can be seen that the economic conditions of the tribesmen who charged in the first wave are relatively good.

Deng Changqian was instructed by clan leader Deng Shirong. When clan members donated, he would record and count the donations separately in each village, and then list two honor lists, one for individual donations and one for each village's donations.

 Simply put, it is the personal ranking list and the village ranking list.

Anyone who has experienced the past generations understands the power of rankings. I think back when QQ launched a level ranking list, everyone went crazy using QQ to rush for levels. It was the same with the member growth value ranking list. In order to be ranked at the front, everyone worked hard. Throw money.

Just the QQ level and membership growth value have caused such a big sensation, let alone the game level. There are not many people who are crazy about this.

By the same token, the clan has now created a donation honor list, which includes not only individual rankings, but also village-to-village rankings. Who doesn’t want to compete? Which village is willing to be at the bottom in front of all the brothers?

 Hence, since these two lists were released, the tribe’s enthusiasm for donation has been further stimulated.

 The competition between villages is also going on quietly.


 This afternoon.

Accompanied by several young people in the village, Deng Changbao came to the house of Deng Changqian, who was responsible for collecting money in the clan. He got straight to the point and asked: "Brother Qian, who is ranked first on the honor list of personal donations now?"

Seeing the arrival of the famous big boss in the clan, Deng Changqian said with a smile: "The one currently ranked first is Uncle Yungui from our village, who donated a total of 388 yuan."

This amount made several descendants behind Deng Changbao take a breath. This amount of money is almost enough to marry a daughter-in-law. The money is really not that big.

Deng Changbao was not surprised when he heard this figure. The cylinder tile factory contracted by Uncle Yungui and Jiu Gong in partnership has made a lot of money in the past two years. The money allocated to Uncle Yungui should not be less than 16,700. For the clan Donating 388 yuan to a middle school student aid is really not stressful.

Deng Changbao was not in a hurry to express his position, and asked: "In the current donation list of each village, which village ranks first?"

Deng Changqian couldn’t help but smile and said: “Currently, the number one ranking is our Naye Village.”

Deng Changbao nodded and asked again: "Then where is our Jifeoling ranked now?"

Deng Changqian knew the rankings of each village by heart and replied directly: "Your Ji Maoling is currently ranked 12th."

Deng Changbao couldn't bear this ranking. After all, he was also the owner of a brick and tile factory. He had made a lot of money in the past two years, and he made more than Uncle Yungui. He was the veritable richest man in the village of Ji Maoling. Naturally, he wanted to kill them. Ji Maoling Village was propped up.

Therefore, he asked again: "Brother Qian, how much worse is the total amount of donations in our village than in your Naye village?"

Deng Changqian replied: "The current total donation from our Naye Village is 638 yuan, and the current total donation from your Ji Maoling is 66 yuan."

Deng Changbao's mouth twitched when he heard it. The gap was indeed a bit big. Even if Naye Village removed the 388 yuan donated by the boss, Uncle Yungui, the remaining amount was far more than that of Jimaoling Village. He thought for a while and said : "Brother Qian, please mark it down and I will donate 688 yuan."

Deng Changqian was shocked by the donation amount, and then immediately gave a thumbs up and praised: "As expected of the famous big boss of our Deng clan, his actions are really extraordinary. With the support of big bosses like you, how can we, the Deng clan, I’m worried about not being prosperous!”

Deng Changbao was so praised that he beamed, and while taking money out of his pocket, he said: "I am just doing my part. If our Deng family is prosperous, others will think highly of it when we go out. This is Something that will benefit everyone.”

Deng Changqian nodded and said, "That's true."

 Next, both parties counted the money, and then Deng Changqian took out the account book and kept records. The rankings of each village and the personal rankings were also adjusted accordingly.

After doing all this, Deng Changqian said with a smile: "Congratulations to Boss Changbao for temporarily ranking first in the individual donation honor list for student aid. Congratulations to you, Ji Maoling Village, for rising to the first place in the total donation ranking. I will give this to you later." Post the list in the ancestral hall so that all clan members can see it.”

Deng Changqian was very satisfied after hearing this. If it were for other things, he might not be in the limelight, but this is a student donation from the clan, and it is a great thing to bring glory to the village. Naturally, the higher the profile, the better. He Now that he has made great contributions to the clan, he will have something to say if anything happens in the future that requires the clan to step in.

After completing the donation, Deng Changqian took the young people in the village back.

Deng Changqian's actions were not slow either. Half an hour later, a big red paper was posted at the door of the ancestral hall. On it was written the honor list of Deng's donations to education. On the left was the ranking of individual donations, and on the right was the ranking of each village. Donation rankings.

The donation rankings of each village are available from beginning to end, but the number of individual donors is relatively large. This is just a temporarily posted honor list, and not all donors are listed. For the time being, only the top fifty are listed.

The ancestral hall of the Naye Deng family stands next to the Bangjie brigade station. The brigade station is the core of the entire Bangjie. Except for those villages far away, villagers from other villages like to come to the brigade station to chat when they have nothing to do.

Therefore, Deng Changqian came to the ancestral hall to post the honor list, which instantly attracted everyone's attention.

Then, the news seemed to have wings. In less than an hour, it spread to all the villages with the surname Deng.

Although most families in rural areas of this era were relatively poor, basically every village had families with relatively good living conditions, such as Deng Shirong and Deng Yungui in Naye Village, and Deng Changbao in Jimaoling Village. These are among them. representative figures.

 In other villages, there are also bosses.

For example, Deng Yunfa and Deng Changshou from Yangdipo Village jointly opened a bowl factory and have made a lot of money in the past two years.

 In fact, except for a very small number of people who started doing business in the early days of reform and opening up, most people made money in the first few years.

After passing through the golden period when you can make money with your eyes closed, most people were eventually dismissed due to their inability to keep up with market changes. Those who were able to adapt to the market and stand out were the ones who later became famous. Boss.

 Deng Yunfa and Deng Changshou, including Deng Yungui and Deng Shirong in their previous lives, were ultimately unable to keep up with market changes and were eventually eliminated.

However, during this period, Deng Yunfa and Deng Changshou still made a lot of money, and they were the only households in Yangdipo Village worth 10,000 yuan.

At this time, Deng Yunfa, Deng Changshou and many villagers were talking about the honor list of student aid at the entrance of the village.

 Previously, this honor list had not been publicly posted, and only villagers with relatively good economic conditions in each village were leading the charge. As bosses, except for Deng Yungui, the bosses in other villages were not in a hurry to end.

But now, the student aid honor list has actually posted a temporary list, and the boss of Ji Maoling Village, Deng Changbao, has also taken action, directly occupying the top position on the personal list, and has also brought Ji Maoling Village to the top of the rankings of each village. top of the list.

 Hearing the news, both Deng Yunfa and Deng Changshou couldn't sit still.

Deng Changshou couldn't help but ask: "Uncle Yunfa, how much do you think we should donate?"

Deng Yunfa thought for a while and said: "I am going to follow Yungui and donate 388 yuan. If you also donate this amount, then although our personal donation ranking is not the highest, it will be enough to top our village." Got to the first place.”

Deng Changshou clapped his legs and said, "Okay, let's donate this amount and put our Yangdipo Village first."

The villagers present couldn't help but cheer when they heard this. Although they were not the ones who contributed, they still have a sense of collective honor as members of the village.

At the same time, similar scenes were playing out in every village. The bosses who originally planned to wait and see for a while before taking action were all stimulated by the temporary list posted and couldn't wait to get out.

So, in the next few days, the rankings of each village were so crazy that Naye Village was first, Jimaoling Village was first, Yangdipo Village was at the top, Ma Village came from behind, and Bangba was the first. The village came out on top.

 In short, no village can always remain number one.

  It is actually the first place in the personal list, which has always been firmly occupied by Deng Changbao from Ji Maoling Village.

As the head of the clan and an advocate of the honorary list for student aid, Deng Shirong is naturally not in a hurry to take action and is ready to wait until the dust settles on the list before taking action to decide the outcome.

During this period, Deng Shirong also worked out the detailed regulations for grants and scholarships. After discussing with the more prestigious members of the clan, he decided that the scholarships would be implemented in accordance with the award standards he had previously told his daughters-in-law.

As for the standard of the scholarship, it was originally intended to only support the children of the clan who were in financial difficulties but who were good at studying. Later, after discussion, it was changed to support all the children of the clan who were good at studying.

As long as the student can rank among the top three in the class in the final exam, the family will not only reimburse all tuition and miscellaneous fees, but also provide additional cash rewards. The second and third place will be awarded 5 yuan, and the first place will be rewarded 10 yuan. Those ranked fourth to tenth in the class will only be reimbursed for tuition and miscellaneous fees.

 After the announcement of the scholarship incentive measures, the sensation caused was not comparable to that of scholarships. Indeed, the amount of scholarships is huge, especially if you are admitted to Tsinghua University and Peking University, it is a huge reward of 1,000 yuan, which is enough to marry two daughters-in-law.

However, just looking at this huge reward, everyone has no hope at all, especially in some villages, where even the most ordinary college students are not available. It is nonsense to ask them to set their sights on Tsinghua University and Peking University!

However, this bursary is different. It is a reward that is completely possible. Even if you are not among the top three in the class, but just in the top ten, you can still reimburse all tuition and fees. If you can maintain this ranking , then there is no need to spend money at home to study, which is a great thing!

Therefore, in order to get the scholarship award from the clan, after the school started this year, the clan members paid more attention to their children's learning than ever before, and the intensity of supervision was completely different from before. In the past, parents were free-range and relied entirely on their children for learning. They are conscious.

 But other children are playing, so you expect your child to study and do homework at home honestly. Is this realistic?

Nowadays, instead of being strict with one or two families, the whole family is strict with discipline. Occasionally, one or two parents do not discipline properly, and their children run out. As a result, there is no one to play with anywhere, and other children are doing homework at home. Woolen cloth!

 It is absolutely impossible to think of going out to play before finishing your homework.

This small change has no obvious effect yet, but as long as we persist, I believe children's learning will improve.


 Bobai County.

A group of people, old and young, walked out of the station with their luggage. This group of people was none other than Zhang Zhenfa's family from Poxin Village.

Except for Zhang's mother, everyone else in this family came to the county for the first time. Their behavior was similar to that of people who came to the county for the first time. They all looked around, paying attention to the "high-rise buildings" in the distance and the "continuous flow" of vehicles in front of them. Let out bursts of exclamation.

Zhang’s mother had stayed here for half a month last time and was familiar with every corner of the county. At this time, she acted like a local and introduced to the family: “This is Nanjie Road, not a prosperous area of ​​the county. The most prosperous places are Main Street, Wenhua Road and Xinglong Road.

We are now walking straight ahead from this road to the intersection in front of us. Xicheng Road is on the left. Xiuping's public restaurant is on this road. When you turn at the intersection, you can see the People's Cinema, and the hotel It's right across from the cinema, so you should be able to see it when you turn the corner. "

Zhang Zhenfa looked at the bicycles everywhere and the motorcycles passing by from time to time, and couldn't help but sigh: "This county is worthy of being a county. It is much bigger and more prosperous than our Longtan Street. I wonder if our store would open here." , will business be better?”

Zhang Shoumin nodded and said: "It should be better. The main advantage of our store is not the cheap price, but the service is better than others. Once you get a firm foothold in the county, it is normal for the business to be better than Longtan Street."

 Zhang Shouguo asked: "Dad, do you want to open your family's store to the county seat?"

Sister-in-law Zhang and Second Sister-in-law Zhang both looked at their father-in-law. Currently, the store at home is doing well and they can earn a few hundred yuan steadily every month. They are quite satisfied. If they start from scratch in a new place, they might be able to You may earn more, but it may not be as good as before.

 So, speaking from the bottom of their hearts, even if the county town is more prosperous and even if they yearn for life in the county town, they still don't want to change places.

Zhang Zhenfa shook his head and said: "I just said that casually. The business of the store at home is stable now. If we change to the county town, who knows what will happen. The risk is too great. There is no need to change unless the business of the store is not good in the future. Then I considered changing places.”

Mother Zhang waved her hand directly and said: "Okay, let's talk about the business later. Let's not stand here anymore. Let's leave quickly!"


ten minutes later.

The Zhang family arrived at the entrance of Suifeng Hotel, and looked at the majestic three-story building in front of them. Everyone looked shocked.

Even though they knew before coming to the county town that their in-laws’ restaurant covers an area of ​​more than a thousand square meters, they still couldn’t help but be shocked when they saw such a big hotel.

The design of the hotel cashier is on the right side of the hotel entrance. Sitting at the cashier, you can see the outside of the hotel.

 Therefore, Zhang Xiuping saw the Zhang family and the group before they even entered the hotel, and directly pulled her husband to welcome them out.

“Dad, mom, eldest brother and sister-in-law, second brother and second sister-in-law, Xiaojun Xiaoshan, you are here!”

 “Yuntai, Pingmei!”

 “Sister, brother-in-law!”

 After greeting each other, Zhang Xiuping and Deng Yuntai welcomed the Zhang family into the hotel.

From the outside, the hotel is already big enough. Once inside, the spacious space is really an eye-opener for the Zhang family.

If the size of this hotel were compared to a basketball, then the state-owned hotel in Longtan would be as big as a table tennis ball. The two are not on the same level at all.

Zhang Xiuping and Deng Yuntai directly arranged for the Zhang family to sit in one of the boxes. Naturally, the Zhang family were amazed when they saw the decoration and arrangement in the box.

After they were all seated, Deng Yuntai asked with a smile: "Mom, dad, eldest brother and sister-in-law, second brother and sister-in-law, Xiaojun Xiaoshan, there is a menu here. Just tell me what you want to eat. I will ask the master chef in the kitchen to Made for you.”

Mother Zhang said quickly: "Yuntai, don't go to such trouble, just let the master prepare something to eat."

Deng Yuntai smiled and said: "Mom, it's rare for you to come here, so I must greet you well. Just order whatever dishes you want, don't be polite."

  That said, the Zhang family was still embarrassed to order.

Zhang Xiuping smiled and said, "Brother Tai, don't embarrass your parents. I'll just take care of the arrangements."

At this time, the two waiters, Zhang Wenying and Zhang Wenjuan, served the tea and the tableware served the tableware.

 Three minutes later, the food started to be served.

 Those who can get up so quickly are naturally in vain.

The slices are all ready-made. You just need to put them into the boiling soup to heat them slightly, then cut them and arrange them on the plate before serving them.

As for the dipping sauce, they are all ready. Just put them into small bowls and serve them together. The speed is naturally very fast.

Bobai Baiqie is generally divided into two types, one is used for dipping sauces (dips), and the other is used for cold dressing, both of which taste great.

When the dishes started to be served, Zhang Xiuping looked at her husband and said, "Brother Tai, go out and collect the money. I'll eat some more with my parents."

Deng Yuntai nodded and said: "Mom and dad, eldest brother and sister-in-law, second brother and second sister-in-law, Xiaojun Xiaoshan, you eat slowly, there are still guests here, and there will be people when paying the bill."

 When Deng Yuntai went out, Sister-in-law Zhang, who was sitting on the left side of her sister-in-law, asked, "Mei Ping, your restaurant should be able to make a lot of money in a month, right?"

Zhang Xiuping has a good personality. Before her parents got married, she helped take care of her nieces and nephews. She got along well with her eldest sister-in-law and second sister-in-law. And since she married so well, the aunts and sisters-in-law got along more harmoniously. .

 So Sister-in-law Zhang dares to ask such private questions. If the relationship is not in place, it is impossible to ask such sensitive questions.

Hearing Sister Zhang’s inquiry, the rest of the Zhang family also looked curious.

 Zhang Xiuping smiled and said: "Currently the business is not bad, I probably make a profit of more than 1,000 yuan a month!"

The Zhang family looked shocked when they heard this. This income was beyond their expectation. It was not too much, but too little.

The store they opened on Longtan Street cost less than a thousand yuan including the purchase of the store. The area was not worth mentioning compared to this hotel, but they could still earn three to four hundred yuan every month. , but it turns out that this hotel covers such a large area, and more than 300,000 yuan was invested in it, and it only makes a thousand or a few hundred yuan a month?

Zhang's mother immediately said worriedly: "Xiuping, you said that the restaurant business is good. It only earns a thousand or a few hundred yuan a month. How many years will it take to earn back the more than 300,000 yuan that your father-in-law invested? ?”

Zhang Zhenfa also frowned and said: "Our store has a small investment of only a few hundred yuan, but now it can earn three or four hundred a month. For such a big restaurant, it only earns a thousand or so a month. It is indeed a little less. Even if it can be earned in a year Even if you earn 20,000 yuan, it will take you fifteen or six years to make back the money you invested. This business must be a loss, right?"

 Sister-in-law Zhang and Sister-in-law Zhang looked at each other, obviously not expecting this to happen.

Zhang Xiuping couldn't help but smile and said: "Dad, Mom, what are you thinking? It's impossible to lose money. The hotel has just started now, so it doesn't make much money, but the business of our hotel is getting better and better. In the next month It is possible to earn 2,300 or even 4,500.

 Besides, the money invested is still there. Do you think this three-story building and the land are not valuable?

To take a step back, even if the hotel cannot continue to operate, the money invested can be recovered by selling the hotel. "

Sister-in-law Zhang nodded repeatedly after hearing this, and continued: "Pingmei is right. The capital invested has always been there. If you don't consider the cost, if you can earn more than a thousand a month, then this income is also very good." ”

Sister-in-law Zhang agreed: "That's true. Our small shop can indeed earn three to four hundred a month, but our family also uses six or seven laborers. On average, one person doesn't actually earn much, and this restaurant is Ping My sister and my brother-in-law are managing it, but they have an income of more than a thousand a month. The gap is still very big. "

 Father, Zhang, mother, and brothers of the Zhang family also figured out this truth, and they all breathed a sigh of relief.

 (End of this chapter)