MTL - Go Back To 1980 and Enjoy It-Chapter 275 The road to wealth, love at first sight [6000 words]

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Chapter 275 The road to wealth, love at first sight [6000 words]

The eighth day of September in the lunar calendar, 1983, is a day worthy of being remembered by Nayedeng.

nine in the morning.

 Bobai County Bus Station.

 In the presence of hundreds of Deng clan members and hundreds of passers-by, ten brand-new buses all rang and were ready to set off at any time.

At the exit of the station, eight tribesmen had fireworks in front of them, each holding a box of matches in their hands. They could light the fireworks just waiting for the company shuttle bus to pull out.

Originally, at this critical moment, Deng Shirong, the leader of the clan and the founder of the passenger transport company, should have made a few speeches, but what needs to be said has been said. Today, I just asked the clansmen to come up and bear witness, which is not true. What kind of opening ceremony are you doing?

 So, there is no need to speak.

 Waiting until 9:08, Deng Shirong waved his hand and said loudly: "The auspicious time has arrived, let's go!"

Hundreds of tribesmen shouted in unison: "Have a good journey, and wealth will come from all directions!"

 At this time, the family was having dinner.

 All these changes were brought about by Jiu Gong, and Deng Silong always kept this in mind.

 It is no exaggeration to say that even if there is a girl who doesn't need a penny of net worth to marry him, he still can't afford it.

This series of changes really surprised Deng Silong, and then made him overjoyed.

 Over the past two years, Deng Silong has almost become desperate.

 To put it bluntly, we are training troops now. Both drivers and conductors are the targets of this training.

These positions must not go to outsiders, but must be digested within the clan.

When the Shenzhen bus at the head of the train arrived at the station, fireworks shot into the sky.

The conductors who were selected to follow the bus were also very excited. Rural people in this era basically never traveled far away. It was already a very happy thing to be able to go out and see the world by bus, not to mention getting a salary. This was simply It's their dream job.

The other building has three bedrooms, one living room, a bathroom, and a kitchen. This is where the couple lives. A special room is reserved for their daughter and son-in-law, and the other room is reserved for other relatives to stay when they come.

But they never expected that there would be a turn of events. In less than a year, their family had undergone earth-shaking changes. Not only did the family earn a lot of money growing watermelons, but the three brothers were also selected by Jiu Gong. , came to the county town and learned to drive, and now he has officially become a bus driver.

What is certain is that the ship of the Naye Deng family will officially set sail from today, sailing towards the rolling Yangtze River, and one day it will enter the vast ocean.

If you want to travel to these cities in Guangdong in the future, just take the bus directly to Bobai Station.

 Furthermore, their family actually owns shares in this passenger transport company.

 After all, the conditions at home have not improved, and he is getting older. Generally speaking, the older you get, the harder it is to find a wife. This is a well-known fact.

Seeing the bus leaving Bobai and heading towards the distant Shenzhen, Deng Silong could hardly suppress the raised corners of his mouth.

 These five houses have been spent on 70 to 80% of the money their family has earned since opening the store.

He is 28 years old this year. As the top bachelor in the village's bachelor rankings, it is impossible to say that Deng Silong has no pressure in his heart. His friends of the same age all have at least three children. He is a father, and he is still single year after year.

 At that time, all the obstacles for him to marry a wife will be cleared.

If nothing else happens, he should be able to take his wife home next year and say goodbye to the fifth girl who has been with him for more than ten years!

It feels really good to think about it. The days are getting more and more promising.

When building this new house, Zhang Zhenfa referred to the architectural style of his in-laws’ houses. Four of the houses have a layout of two bedrooms, one living room + bathroom, and are divided among his four sons.

Originally, he thought he was destined to be a bachelor in this life.


In fact, not only Deng Silong was excited, but the same group of people who went to the county town to learn to drive with him were also excited. Those who were selected by Deng Shirong in the first batch were all from relatively poor family backgrounds. Now that they have become real drivers, they can get... A salary of tens of dollars is really a huge improvement compared to before.

 The eyes of the Deng clan members who witnessed this scene were full of hope.

The reason why so many conductors are required to follow is that we want to train more conductors when there are not many passengers at the beginning. When the company's number of trains increases, they will naturally come in handy.

It was also on this day that the entire county knew one thing, that is, the station had trains to several cities in Guangdong. This kind of news spread very quickly. I believe it won’t take long for everyone in the Bobai Realm to know this. thing.

 Because their family didn’t have any extra house at all, and they didn’t even have a place to live if they married their wife back. In this case, unless the woman was missing some spare parts, she wouldn’t choose to marry him.

Five blue brick and large tile houses are connected together. This is the new house built by Zhang Zhenfa’s family last month.

However, the whole family agreed that the money was well spent. Living in this new house is much more comfortable than the old house. Especially the design of the bathroom made Sister Zhang and Sister Zhang extremely satisfied.

 Poxin Village.

Ten buses set out at the same time, and their destinations were all in Guangdong. They had to travel together for a long distance.

 After all, they had already had enough of the **** lake in the village.

Because he saw the hope of marrying a wife, his current conditions are very different from before. Although he still doesn’t have a house, the three brothers are all drivers, and each of them earns dozens of yuan in monthly salary. The three brothers Working together, and planting another wave of watermelons next year, the new house will be built soon.

On the first Shenzhen bus, the driver was an experienced driver hired by the company. Deng Silong and another brother from the village were the following drivers. In addition, there were more than a dozen tribesmen in the car, all of whom were the conductors following the bus. , there were only three real passengers.

Suddenly, the ten buses that had been waiting started to move, starting with two buses from Shenzhen, followed by two buses from Guangzhou, then Dongguan, Foshan, Zhongshan...

However, their family is one of the poorest families in Hengkou Village, and Hengkou Village is one of the poorest villages in the entire Bangjie Brigade. Such a family is not something Deng Silong can marry if he wants to.

 In short, no one knows for the time being how much change this passenger transport company led by Deng Shirong will bring to the tribe.

It’s not that he doesn’t want to marry a wife. As a normal man, who would want to live with the fifth girl all the time?


Amidst the fireworks, ten buses drove out of the station one by one, heading towards Nayedeng's road to wealth.

When they were almost done eating, Zhang’s mother said, “Counting the time, Xiuping is about to give birth to her second child. I will be ready to help in a few days, and I will leave the house to you.”

 Sister-in-law Zhang smiled and said, "Mom, don't worry, we can take good care of the family."

Sister-in-law Zhang also said with a smile: "Mom, you have to stay for a while when you go up this time. Pingmei's sister-in-law has to take care of Xiao Dong'er. If she has to take care of a newborn, she will really be too busy by herself."

“That’s right, then I will take care of Xiuping until she comes out of the moon, drink the child’s full moon wine and then come back.”

 At this point, Zhang's mother looked at her third son and said, "It's time to see if we can find someone for Xiaojun."

 Zhang Shoujun scratched his head and said, "Mom, go up and take good care of me. My marriage is not urgent."

Mother Zhang said: "You are already 21 years old. Even if you are not in a hurry to marry a wife, you still have to start looking for a wife. If you find someone suitable, you will get married next year. If you don't find someone suitable, you will slowly look for her."

 Zhang Shoujun smiled and said, "Then we'll wait until we meet the right person."


  Guantian Brigade.

Lin Zhenxing knelt in front of an earthen grave with his wife and children, and said with red eyes: "Dad, I brought Aying, Xiaohua and Xiaofang to see you today to tell you good news. What you suffered back then He was wronged, and now the Bobai County Committee has vindicated him.

The country has also posthumously recognized you as a revolutionary martyr, paid a large sum of funeral expenses and pensions, arranged jobs for us survivors, and even helped our family build a house. Those **** who persecuted you back then have also been punished. legal sanctions.

 You old man, you can rest in peace. "

Zhu Ying and her husband Lin Zhenxing knelt side by side. She admired her father-in-law, but she also hated him.

 Fortunately, everything is over now. Their family has survived and received due compensation. The future is finally full of hope.

After Lin Zhenxing talked to his father for a while, he turned to his son and said, "Xiaohua, please come over and say a few words to your grandpa. I remember that when you were young, your grandpa loved you the most." Lin Qinghua He nodded, knelt down in front, kowtowed first, and then said: "Grandpa, you have always been the hero in my heart.

 Now the country is as you wish. Under the correct leadership of the party, our country will get better and better.

 Now we are beginning to enjoy the shadow of your old man. The days ahead are full of hope. You don’t have to worry about us anymore. "

 After Lin Qinghua finished speaking, it was Lin Zhengfang’s turn.

Even though Lin Zhengfang was only four years old when her grandfather passed away, she still has some memories.

After the two children finished speaking, Zhu Ying also bowed and said, "Dad, rest in peace. We will come to see you during the Qingming Festival next year."

Having said what should be said, the family of four walked home with relaxed expressions.

Lin Qinghua smiled and said: "Dad, our family has a new baby. Do you want to find a place to have a meal to celebrate?"

Lin Zhenxing thought of the hard times that his wife and children had lived with him for more than ten years, and nodded: "It's time to celebrate. Let's have a splurge today and have a meal at Suifeng Restaurant to get rid of all the bad luck in the past. , welcome a better life.”

Hearing the name of Suifeng Restaurant, Zhu Ying, who was accustomed to living a hard life, couldn't help but hesitated and said: "My father, we can buy more vegetables and kill a chicken and cook it at home. There is no need." Spend money to eat at Suifeng Hotel? How expensive is that?”

Lin Zhenxing smiled and said: "It's not like we go to restaurants every day. Our family has been suffering for so many years. Now we don't have to pay for the house. We also have a lot of money in our hands. We can still afford a meal at Suifeng Restaurant." of."

Lin Qinghua also smiled and answered: "Mom, our family has saved so many years, so it doesn't matter if we are extravagant. This is to say goodbye to the hard days before."

Lin Zhengfang also held her mother's hand and said, "Yes, Mom, our family is different from before. We don't need to be so frugal anymore."

 Her husband and children all agreed, so Zhu Ying stopped insisting and said, "Okay, let's be extravagant today."

So, the family of four did not go home and walked directly towards Suifeng Hotel.

 Half an hour later.

Lin Zhenxing and his family arrived at the door of Suifeng Hotel.

This is not the first time for them to see this majestic hotel, but before, they were just passers-by and did not pay much attention to it.

  Today, they come as real diners, so the feeling is naturally different.


As soon as the family entered the restaurant, a waiter came over to greet them with a smile and then guided them to their seats.

Looking from the outside, the hotel is already big enough. Once inside, the space looks even bigger.

While the family was looking around, the waiter had already brought the tea, handed them the handwritten menu on the table, and asked them to order.

Lin Zhenxing took the menu and read it. The names of the dishes were written on it, along with the prices.

When he decided to come to Suifeng Restaurant for dinner, Lin Zhenxing was mentally prepared for the price of the food, so he was not too surprised when he saw the prices on the menu. Instead, he discussed with his wife and children what dishes to eat.

In the end, the family of four ordered a dish of white-cut pig's feet, a dish of sweet and sour pork belly, a dish of landscape tofu, and a dish of fried bean sprouts, two meat and two vegetarian dishes.

After the waiter left, Zhu Ying whispered: "I didn't expect that the food in this restaurant is so expensive, and there are so many people coming to eat."

 It was lunch time, and there were indeed many diners in the restaurant.

Lin Zhenxing also whispered: "In this society, there will naturally be rich people if there are poor people. Let's not talk about the distance, just take our family as an example. We were so poor that we couldn't open the pot, but now we are just sitting here eating, right? ?”

Lin Qinghua said: "Now that the country is reforming and opening up, more than a dozen people in our village have started doing business in the past two years. I heard that they have all made money. Compared with a few years ago, everyone's life is indeed getting better and better. "

Zhu Ying said: "I don't care how other people live. Now I just want to find a wife for you, Xiaohua, after my house is built. Our family has been passed down by one person for three consecutive generations. I have to find a wife for you quickly. Help." The family is blooming.”

Lin Qinghua is 22 years old this year. It is indeed time to marry and have children, so he does not refuse and said: "Take your time to find this. You must find a virtuous wife."

Zhu Ying nodded and said: "That's for sure. If it were before, mom would have been fine as long as you could marry a wife, but now our family is different, and you are qualified to choose one. This mom turned around and said hello to the third aunt in the village. , let Third Aunt, the matchmaker, help you find a wife from the Wang family."

The family was talking, and the waiter began to serve the dishes. First, they served white-cut pig's feet and fried bean sprouts. Then he brought over the bowls and chopsticks, and then a large bowl of rice.

“Guests, please use it slowly. The remaining two dishes will be ready soon. If the rice is not enough, just shout and I will bring it to you again.”


Lin Zhenxing responded, and after the waiter left, he said with emotion: "It is indeed the largest and most upscale hotel in the county. The service attitude is really good!"

Lin Qinghua and others also nodded in agreement. Although it was their first time to eat in a restaurant, salespeople from all walks of life now have no service attitude at all. The supply and marketing cooperative even posted a slogan not to beat customers. In contrast, Then you know how good the service attitude of this Suifeng Hotel is.

 Next, the family started eating, and naturally they praised the taste of the food.

 After the meal, everyone’s stomachs were full.

 After finishing the meal, the family sat there for ten or twenty minutes before going to the cashier to pay.

At this time, Zhang Xiuping was not far away from her due date. Deng Shirong refused to let her continue working, so Deng Yunzhen was responsible for collecting the money.

“Hello guests, you have spent a total of 11 yuan and 80 cents.”

Lin Zhenxing paid the money readily. In the past, this money was enough for their family to spend a month. Now they spend so much on one meal. It is indeed luxurious enough, but this time the consumption experience is very good, not It was said to be well worth the money, but at least he spent the money comfortably.

While his father was paying the bill, Lin Qinghua couldn't help but look at the girl in charge of collecting money.

This girl is not particularly beautiful, but she has a special temperament about her. Lin Qinghua couldn't find the right words to describe this temperament for a while. Anyway, girls with this temperament feel particularly attractive.

At this moment, Lin Qinghua suddenly had an idea in his mind. If his future wife could find someone like the girl in front of him, then he would be satisfied.

 When his father finished paying the bill and the family left the restaurant, Lin Qinghua suddenly thought of a very suitable adjective, that is, confidence.

This girl has a confidence that other girls lack.

"Brother, what are you thinking about? Are you attracted to the sister who just collected the money?" Lin Zhengfang asked, looking at her somewhat distracted brother.

Lin Qinghua woke up when he heard this, blushed and said, "Xiaofang, if it's nothing, don't talk nonsense."

At this time, Father Lin and Mother Lin also felt that something was wrong with their son.

Zhu Ying's eyes were bright at this moment and she said seriously: "Xiaohua, don't be embarrassed. If you really fall in love with that girl, then my mother will ask someone to find out for you and see if she has married her husband. If you don't have a husband and you have a good personality, then ask a matchmaker to arrange a marriage for you. "

Lin Qinghua's heart was racing, but he still had some sense and said: "Mom, forget it, this is a private hotel, and people sit there to collect money. It is very likely that Suifeng Hotel is opened by her family. Where can I go with such a family?" It’s a great achievement!”

"If it was before, then our family was indeed not worthy of others, but it is different now. Your father has become a small leader in the Agricultural Machinery Bureau, and our three mothers also have their own jobs. The whole family is eating commercial food, even if This restaurant is really owned by her, and you are worthy of her."

What Zhu Ying said is really true. In the minds of people in this era, even if people who go out to do business make much more money than people in public institutions, in terms of social status, people who do business are indeed better than people in public institutions. Those who do not receive state wages.

Although this concept is not as serious as in ancient times, it is still real.

 It was not until the 1990s that this concept gradually disappeared as a large number of civil servants went to do business and the status of businessmen became higher and higher day by day.

 After the 21st century, it goes without saying that the rich are the bosses.

After Lin Zhenxing resumed work and made further progress, he was now more confident than ever before, echoing: "Xiaohua, your mother is right. Now that our family has formal jobs, our social status is completely different from before. If you really like this girl, you can really ask someone to inquire about her. "

Hearing this, Lin Qinghua also took up the courage and said, "Okay, Mom, ask someone to inquire about it."

Zhu Ying said with a smile: "Okay, leave this matter to me. I will talk to the third aunt later. She helps people as matchmakers all day long and knows a lot of people. If she comes forward to help inquire, there should be news soon. "

Lin Zhengfang smiled and said: "It seems that our family has come to the Suifeng Hotel for dinner today. If you really find your sister-in-law here, it must be the guidance given to you by grandpa. I have to take my sister-in-law to offer incense to Grandpa and kowtow a few more times.”

Lin Qinghua laughed and said: "It's too early to say this now. Let's wait until we find out what the situation is like!"

 (End of this chapter)