MTL - Go Back To 1980 and Enjoy It-Chapter 288 Net worth exceeds one million【中】Please subscribe

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Chapter 288: Net worth exceeds one million [Part 2] Please subscribe


 The Industrial and Commercial Bureau of a certain district in Beijing.

Li Changsheng left the unit on his bicycle and prepared to go home for lunch.

While passing a certain intersection, a fruit stall surrounded by people caught his attention.

Because he saw a customer leaving the fruit stall carrying fruit. Li Changsheng was very familiar with this kind of fruit. He had eaten a lot of it when he was queue-jumping in Baise, Guangxi. He didn't expect to see this kind of fruit with this name in the capital today. Pineapple fruit.

Seeing the pineapples, Li Changsheng inevitably thought of that charming girl. It was that girl who brought a touch of sweetness to his bitter queue-jumping career and stayed with him through those difficult years.

 Counting the days, it has been a while since I visited her and their son.

Li Changsheng nodded, and then asked: "Xiaoxue, how is your work lately?"

“Okay, Boss Deng, please walk slowly, we look forward to our cooperation.”


“Okay, 5 pounds 2 together, 5 yuan 7 cents 2 in total.”

Deng Shirong smiled and said: "Boss Xiao, this is called a ground pineapple in our south. It can be said to be the same fruit as the pineapple, but the varieties are different. The meat inside the pineapple has no internal thorns, while the meat inside the ground pineapple has no internal thorns. The flesh has internal spines.”

Deng Shirong nodded and said: "Yes, it's all included. I'll pack everything that has been steamed in oil paper. Those who haven't put it in the steamer can also put it in the steamer and start steaming!"

Li Changsheng stood up and said, "I will go and find out this for you now."

After arriving at the agreed place, Boss Xiao and others were a little surprised because the goods were not in the warehouse, but piled on the deserted land in front of them. Hundreds of tons of pineapples were piled into a hill, which still looked very... shocking.

The middle-aged man who entered the wholesale department was none other than Deng Shirong. He waved his hand and said with a smile: "Boss, I'm not here to buy goods, but I have a batch of goods that I want to sell to you at a low price. I wonder if you are interested in talking about it? "

Li Changsheng parked his bicycle, knocked on the door with rice noodles and pineapples.

The middle-aged man had no intention of leaving when he heard this. He didn’t know if he didn’t believe it or if he wanted to stay and watch the fun.

 First, she has no education. If he hadn't taught her how to read and write, she wouldn't even be able to write her own name.

"Okay, it's settled then. Boss Xiao, just go about your business. I'll come back the day after tomorrow."

It is now the 1980s, and Goubuli steamed buns still have a good reputation. Unlike later generations, Goubuli actually became Goubuli, leaving the impression on diners that they were expensive and unpalatable, which wasted the inheritance passed down from our ancestors. A reputation accumulated over more than a hundred years.

Deng Shirong sat down, then took out a pineapple from the bag he carried with him, handed it to the other party and said, "Boss Xiao, this is the fruit I want to cooperate with you. Do you recognize it?"

After Li Changsheng squeezed in, he heard that the pineapple seller was teaching customers how to eat pineapples. He had stayed in Baise, Guangxi for several years and had eaten countless pineapples. Naturally, he didn't need to listen to this kind of introduction. There’s no need to ask about the price, it’s clearly written on a wooden board hanging next to it: ground pineapples are 1.1 yuan/jin.

The boss, whose surname is Xiao, is determined to restore his ancestral business. He is in his thirties. After several years of hard work, his fruit wholesale business is not only prosperous, but it has also opened up many sales channels and become a major player in Majiakou. One of the strongest fruit wholesalers in the area.

 But now that things have come to this point, there is no use worrying about it anymore.

 This opportunity cannot be missed, and it will never come back. I hope you, Mr. Xiao, can think carefully about whether or not to purchase goods, and how much goods to purchase. "

However, today is different from the past. Back then, his ancestors could dominate the market. Looking at the whole of Tianjin, there was no opponent in the fruit wholesale business. Now he has to deal with brutal competition from his peers. It is not easy to maintain the current situation. Think about it. It is really difficult to stand out from many competitors and become the dominant player in the fruit wholesale market!

Boss Xiao said confidently: "Don't worry, Boss Deng, my purchase volume will definitely not disappoint you."

Now the woman selling steamed buns heard clearly, and she said with surprise and joy: "Guest, do all the steamed buns you mentioned include the steamed buns that haven't been put on the steamer yet?"

While the taste of Goubuli steamed buns is still online, quickly buy some and save them in the storage space. You can take them out to eat whenever you want. This will not only satisfy your cravings, but also provide you with an extra selection of delicious food to choose from when you go out.

600 tons of ground pineapples, calculated at 5 cents per catty, total 660,000 yuan.

Deng Shirong didn't care about this. Anyway, he reminded him that he just didn't want the other party to waste time queuing up. Since he didn't care about this, let him go!

Majiakou area was the largest fresh fruit market in Tianjin at the end of the Qing Dynasty and the beginning of the Republic of China.

When leaving the Goubuli steamed bun shop, Deng Shirong took out a steaming steamed bun and ate it. The steamed bun was fresh but not greasy, fragrant and delicious, and had a soft texture. The taste was truly unique among steamed buns. No wonder even After the old woman Cixi tasted it, she would be full of praise and say: "There are animals in the mountains, geese in the clouds, cattle and sheep on land, and fresh food from the sea. It is not as good as dogs paying no attention to the fragrance, and you can live longer by eating it."

If you can buy some goods, cut out the pineapples and soak them in salt water and sell them piece by piece like you do over there, so that people who want to eat can eat them for a little money, and people who find it troublesome don’t have to do it themselves. , there is definitely a market for this. "

When Li Changsheng was about to change the topic, he saw the pineapples placed casually on the table by Jiang Xiaoxue. Suddenly an idea flashed in his mind and he asked: "Xiaoxue, do you know how much a pound of pineapples sell for here in the capital?" ?”

Deng Shirong smiled and said: "No kidding, I really want all the buns today."

Boss Xiao is also a fruit wholesaler after all. Although most of the fruits he sells are northern fruits, he still knows most of the fruits in the south. As one of the four famous fruits in Lingnan, he is naturally familiar with the pineapple here.

Therefore, when seeing the pineapple handed over by Deng Shirong, Boss Xiao blurted out: "Is this a pineapple?"

The price is indeed a bit expensive. He remembered that this thing was not worth much in Baise, but he understood after thinking about it. After all, this is the capital, and people transport pineapples all the way from the south. The price must not be high. It’s too low, otherwise how can people make money?

Thinking of this, Li Changsheng said directly: "Boss, I want two."

 Once the Beijing market is truly opened, Deng Shirong will be able to ship goods without any scruples.

Li Changsheng said: "I've already eaten. I'm going to ask you about it now. When I find out clearly, I'll come back and tell you at noon tomorrow."

 Jiang Xiaoxue shook her head and said, "I don't know."

 Next, customers continued to come and line up. Basically, Deng Shirong would remind every customer so as not to waste other people's time.

After the two parties greeted each other, Boss Xiao went straight to the point: "Boss Deng, my purchase volume has been determined."

 Therefore, in addition to actively exploring sales channels, Boss Xiao has also been looking for new sources of goods.

Li Changsheng was really ashamed when he heard this. He had failed her back then, but she had no resentment towards him. Apart from looking for him at the beginning when she came to the capital and asking him to help find a place to settle down, she never looked for him again. Whatever difficulties you have, you have to choose to bear them yourself.

Boss Xiao agreed and then said: "Boss Deng, you also know that the competition in our industry is fierce. I want to be your only partner. I hope you will not contact other fruit wholesalers, okay?"

Jiang Xiaoxue is living a difficult life now, and the need to make money is very urgent, so she did not stop him and said politely: "Then I'll trouble Brother Changsheng!"

Boss Xiao's eyes lit up when he heard this, and he said with a smile: "Of course I'm interested. Boss, please take a seat. My surname is Xiao. What's your surname?" "I don't think your surname is Deng."

Jiang Xiaoxue said: "He is sleeping."

 “Okay, I understand, let’s see you tomorrow!”

Jiang Xiaoxue took the rice noodles and ground pineapple, looked at the ground pineapple in her hand, a flash of memories flashed in her eyes, and said: "Why waste money on buying this thing? I eat it all year round in my hometown, and I have long been tired of it. !”

“Everyone must pay attention. After buying pineapples here, you must soak them in salt water for more than half an hour before eating. Not only will the taste become better, but your throat will not be itchy when you eat it..."

Seeing Deng Shirong playing it real, the melon-eating crowd behind him naturally started talking about it. After all, it was really rare for customers to buy so many buns at one time. Their eyes were opened today.

 Therefore, after receiving the money, Deng Shirong rushed to Tianjin as soon as possible.

Jiang Xiaoxue paused and replied: "Very good."

However, it takes time to test the market. Deng Shirong has more than a thousand tons of cargo in his hands, so of course he cannot stay in the capital and wait foolishly.

When he arrived at Goubuli Steamed Bun Shop, Deng Shirong saw customers queuing up, as shown in the picture below:

In this era, Goubuli steamed buns are the top of Tianjin's three specialties. Not only are they affordable, but they also taste great, so business is naturally very good.

 Second, she has a child with her and has no way to commute to get off work normally.

  Boss Xiao’s fruit wholesale department.

 The next process is weighing, loading, and checkout.

Deng Shirong introduced with a smile: “Within 30 tons, it is 7.5 cents/catty; above 30 tons and under 50 tons, it is 7.3 cents/catty; over 50 tons and under 100 tons, it is 7 cents/catty; above 100 tons and under 200 tons, it is 7 cents/catty; , it is 6 cents per catty; over 200 tons and under 500 tons, it is 6 cents per catty; above 500 tons, it is calculated as 5 cents per catty.

And he also knew in his heart that it would be very difficult to find a stable job in her situation.

 “Well, see you tomorrow!”

 She is really a kind-hearted girl that makes people feel sorry for her.

Jiang Xiaoxue was moved when she heard this, and then hesitated and said: "But I don't know where to buy pineapples here. How can I do this business?"

On this morning, Boss Xiao wholesaled all the dozens of tons of cantaloupe in the warehouse through his sales channels. He made a small profit of several thousand yuan. He was planning to go back and let his wife cook two more dishes and have a few drinks to celebrate. At that time, a dusty middle-aged man came to his fresh fruit wholesale department.

Deng Shirong repeated: "I said, I want all the buns in your store today!"

Boss Xiao didn't bother about the difference between pineapples and local pineapples. His business sense was still good. This local pineapple had never appeared in Tianjin's fruit market. Once he introduced it, it would be an exclusive business. If he could wholesale it, it would be available to those who The fruit merchant also makes money, which is self-evident to his benefit.

I have to say that it may be the nature of Chinese people to love to watch the excitement. Deng Shirong even said that the venue was reserved, but none of the customers were willing to leave early. They all followed behind and continued to line up. Obviously, they were idle and idle, and the people who were eating melons were also quite happy good.

With the country's reform and opening up, the descendants of the owner of Jinji Inn returned to the place where their ancestors started and started the fruit wholesale business again.

 Because they didn’t know whether the market in Beijing could accept local pineapples, Zhou Shengli and the others only purchased 30 tons for the first time.

Especially Jinji Zhan, which was a famous fruit wholesaler back then. During its most glorious period of the Republic of China, taking citrus as an example, during the peak harvest season of citrus, the freight volume was at its peak, with six or seven wagons of 200 tons arriving in Tianjin every day. It also has to be wholesaled on the same day. This wholesale ability is really hard to accept.

“Boss Deng, what’s the lowest price you can pay for pineapples here?”

Deng Shirong followed in the queue, and soon another customer lined up behind him. He kindly informed the customer: "Comrade, you can come and buy again tomorrow. I want all the buns today."

Li Changsheng couldn't accept this. If he hadn't let her down for the sake of his future, or if she hadn't given birth out of wedlock, she wouldn't have been reduced to the point where she had no place in her hometown. In the end, it was all his. wrong.

Jiang Xiaoxue said with some distress: "This thing is so expensive, why did you buy it?"

As soon as Li Changsheng heard this, she knew that her job was still not settled.

Li Changsheng waved his hand and said: "Don't worry about this. I suddenly had an idea. Pineapples here are so expensive, costing two or three yuan each. Many people may not be willing to buy them. There are also many people who don't want to buy them because they think it's troublesome. .

After talking about business with Boss Xiao, Deng Shirong went straight to Goubuli Baozi Shop.

 When you come to Tianjin, you must try Goubuli steamed buns, a century-old delicacy that is famous both at home and abroad.

Jiang Xiaoxue said quickly: "Brother Changsheng, this is not urgent. You haven't had lunch yet, right? I'll give you a bowl of noodles."

 The woman selling buns couldn't believe her ears when she heard this, and asked in shock: "What did you say?"


Li Changsheng said: "It's indeed a bit expensive, but it's understandable. After all, pineapples here are the fruit of your south. To transport them from such a long distance to the capital, you don't know how much it costs just in freight. It's not expensive. How can someone make money?"

“This depends on your purchase volume, Boss Xiao. The larger the volume, the cheaper the purchase price will naturally be.”

It took a dozen or so trips back and forth before all the buns were put into the system space.

When local pineapples appeared in crowded places in Beijing, Deng Shirong had already boarded the train to Tianjin.

By the time Deng Shirong got the money, it was already five hours later.

Li Changsheng didn’t mention the pineapple thing again. He went into the room, found a stool and sat down, and asked, “Where is Xiaofeng?”

 Half an hour later, Li Changsheng appeared in a dilapidated courtyard house. This was the first time he entered the courtyard. Several families rented it, and Jiang Xiaoxue was one of the tenants.

"Boss Deng, I feel your sincerity. Please give me some time. I need to call the merchants below to discuss it before I can give the exact purchase quantity."

Li Changsheng handed over the thing in his hand and said: "Xiaoxue, you haven't eaten pineapples here in two years. I saw one on the way from get off work just now, so I bought two for you mother and son to try."

Deng Shirong calculated that they paid 7 cents per catty, and earned a total of 42,000 yuan. Naturally, this profit cannot be compared with longan. However, the shelf life of ground pineapple is longer. No matter how large the quantity is, this thing will not attract others' attention, unlike longan. garish.

Jiang Xiaoxue opened the door and was not surprised to see Li Changsheng. Ever since the mother and son settled here, he would bring some rice and noodles to visit the child every once in a while. She was used to it, so she just said hello: "Brother Changsheng !”


Boss Xiao, you know your stuff. You should know how rare it is to get such a favorable price. Let me tell you from the bottom of my heart. We do not plan to make money on this batch of pineapples this year. The purpose is to cultivate the market. , after cultivating the market here in Tianjin, next year will be the time for us to make money.

Jiang Xiaoxue was silent for a moment and said, "That's better than going back to my hometown."

 It just declined later due to various reasons.

Li Changsheng said: “Here, it sells for 1.1 yuan/catty.”

When his ancestors were in the Republic of China, the wholesale volume of citrus could reach 200 tons a day. Although his current sales channels cannot compare with his ancestors, pineapples, a fruit that first appeared in the northern market, could wholesale dozens of tons a day. , he is still very confident.

The person in line behind Deng Shirong was a middle-aged man in his thirties. He asked in surprise: "Comrade, are you kidding me?"

Jiang Xiaoxue couldn't help but widen her eyes when she heard this, and blurted out: "Isn't this too expensive? The price in our hometown was only 181 pounds two years ago. Even if the price has increased in the past two years, it is impossible to exceed 20 cents. For one pound, the price difference is huge!”

Although Li Changsheng still does not regret the decision he made back then, he still owes the girl in front of him a debt in his heart, and this debt may not be made up for in this life.

Li Changsheng hesitated for a moment, then locked the bicycle and squeezed into the crowd.

Deng Shirong nodded and said: "No problem, I can give you a day and a half at most. I will come back the day after tomorrow. I hope Boss Xiao can give me a definite answer."

Boss Xiao said with a smile on his face: "600 tons!"

Seeing customers coming to the door, Boss Xiao greeted him enthusiastically: "Boss, do you want to purchase goods? I have no stock here now, but I will have all kinds of fresh fruits delivered early tomorrow morning. What fruits do you need?" Any amount can be booked in advance.”

 Early the next morning.

“Xiaoxue, if you work part-time like this, your income will be unstable, and it’s not an option in the long run.”



For fruit wholesalers like them, the most important thing is to have sufficient supply of goods and have channels to sell the goods. As long as these two points can be balanced well, they will be invincible in the wholesale market.

 Deng Shirong asked: “How much is needed?”

Li Changsheng has nothing to do about this. He can help occasionally, but asking him to help arrange work, not to mention whether he has the ability, is impossible to do it, because it will be difficult to hide it. Lives with his wife.

 A few minutes later, it was finally Deng Shirong's turn. He said directly to the bun seller: "I want all the buns in your store today!"

Tianjin is a national historical and cultural city. It has arisen due to water transportation since ancient times. After the middle of the Tang Dynasty, it became a water and land terminal for the transportation of grain and silk from the south to the north. During the Jin Dynasty, Zhigu Village was established near the mouth of the Sancha River where the North-South Canal and the Haihe River meet. It was the earliest village in Tianjin. Construction; "Haijin Town" was established in the Yuan Dynasty, which was an important military town and grain transshipment center; the city was officially built in the second year of Yongle in the Ming Dynasty (1404), and it is the only city in ancient my country with an exact record of the city's construction time.

 After confirming the authenticity of this matter, all the customers left one after another!

 Next, the employees of the bun shop got busy, counting, packing, and steaming the buns.

"No problem, 600 tons will be given to you at the lowest price of 5 cents per catty. My goods will be delivered tonight, but it will take a lot of time to unload the goods. Boss Xiao, please bring enough money and manpower tomorrow morning. Pick up the goods, the address is XXXX.”

After all, these are fruits transported from the south. Not to mention the purchase price, the cost of transporting thousands of miles is a considerable sum. Therefore, Boss Deng said that they do not make money with this batch of goods, and the purpose is to cultivate the market. He really believed this 70% to 80% of the time.

After Li Changsheng paid the money with some heartache, he squeezed out of the crowd with two pineapples, then found a nearby grain store to buy some rice and noodles, and then rode his bicycle in the other direction.

 Boss Xiao was completely moved when he heard this. If the purchase volume can be increased to more than 500 tons, the price of 50 cents per catty will be really affordable.

Boss Xiao brought enough people to pick up the goods. He was accompanied by dozens of small wholesalers and individual merchants. Each small wholesaler either drove a large truck or a tractor, and the scene was majestic. of.

After statistics, there were a total of 837 steamed buns in six categories, including seafood buns, sauced meat buns, and vegetarian buns. After Deng Shirong paid the money, he shipped them out one by one. When he went out, he went to a place with few people and saw everywhere. When no one is around, the packed buns are stored in the system space.

Deng Shirong said: "I don't need to contact other fruit wholesalers during this day and a half. It will depend on your purchase volume. If the purchase volume is large, then you, Boss Xiao, will be our only partner in Tianjin."

 So, this batch of pineapples is the cheapest you can get, Mr. Xiao. It is absolutely impossible to purchase them at such a low price next year.

Deng Shirong was really surprised when he heard this. He didn't expect that a fruit wholesaler he found at random would have such strong wholesale capabilities. It seems that he will have to cooperate with wholesalers like Boss Xiao in the future, so that he doesn't have to work hard to finish a fruit wholesaler. City after city.

The 30 tons of pineapples sold to Zhou Shengli and the others cost 42,000 yuan, which added up to a profit of 702,000 yuan.

And Deng Shirong’s system space still has a total of 576 tons of pineapples piled up!

 (End of this chapter)