MTL - God! I Turned Into a Turtle-Chapter 2169 Family law service

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You Zhibai's gaze flashed, and a look of determination appeared on her face, she directly rushed towards Ye Que, as if she wanted to die together.

The moment the two sides approached, all the roar disappeared, and the world was silent.

You Zhibai's eyes suddenly softened, and she smiled sadly: "No matter how angry I am, I'm still afraid of hurting you. If that's the case, then..."

An extremely penetrating roar knocked her eyes apart.

It was Ye Que's belief that "all the heavens are reflected, my heart is invincible" by Shuiyue Huantian, in line with the meaning of Zhan Lian, and let out a roar.

This roar can suppress the enemy's spirit, and Young Zhibai has no defense against him, or has no defense at all.

So as soon as the roar came out, Young Zhibai was hit immediately, her brain was dizzy, her eyes were broken, and she lost her fighting power.

Without saying a word, Ye Que wrapped his arms around Young Zhibai's waist, and with a flash of purple light under his feet, he flew out of Longhuang, and after another flash, the person disappeared to a farther place.

Not long after, Young Zhibai recovered.

She woke up leisurely, and found that she was bound by a rope intertwined with laws, unable to move.

After mobilizing the divine power in the body, it was discovered that the divine power was sealed and could not exert any force.

"let me go."

You Zhibai looked straight ahead at Ye Que.

If there were cigarettes, Young Master Ye's feet would already be full of cigarette butts, no, it wasn't cigarette butts, it was loneliness and sorrow.

Boss Ye is worried.

"Calm down first."

Ye Que said.

"How do you tell me to calm down?"

You Zhibai said coldly, struggling to no avail, still struggling.

"That fairy is talking nonsense, you are also Yuanshen after all, how could you easily listen to her words?"

"Who is Xian'er? Where did you find the woman?"

"Xian'er is the weapon spirit of Jiu Sangyuan God, how can you think so!"

"Jiu Sang Yuanshen is still alive, what is your relationship with her?"

The more You Zhibai spoke, the angrier she became.

Ye Que covered his face.

When a woman is on the top, she can always think about it from a tricky angle.

"Calm down first, I won't talk to you."

Ye Que crouched on the ground and decided not to say anything.

"You have nothing to say! I said it at the beginning, it's appropriate to separate, but you don't, I knew that sooner or later there would be a day..."

The more You Zhibai spoke, the more excited she became, her emotions were out of control, tears were streaming down her cheeks one drop after another.

The more she spoke, the sharper she became.

Ye Que's face became darker the more he listened, and any mess of dirty water could be splashed on him.

The less he responded, the more disappointed You Zhibai would be, she couldn't calm down at all.

At a certain moment, Ye Que stood up abruptly, staring at You Zhibai.

Seeing Ye Que's sudden reaction, You Zhibai was taken aback for a moment, then sneered.

"If you can't calm down, I'll help you calm down!"

If the soft ones are not enough, then come hard ones.

Family law service!

Ye Que took away the magic rope that bound Young Zhibai, picked up Young Zhibai, and entered the nearby attic.

This is Young Master Ye's internal world.

"What are you going to do?"

Young Zhibai was thrown on the bed and asked questions.

The divine power in her body was sealed, and she was like a fairy who had lost her mana and fell to the mortal world.

"Of course it's to calm you down!"

Ye Que said while taking off his clothes, Young Zhibai's eyes widened, shocked by this scene.

Fortunately, she was not shocked for too long, because Ye Que started to strike, grabbing her whole body.

You Zhibai struggled even more and cursed loudly.

But soon, her mouth was gagged.

After a while, her two hands were pressed on the bed by Ye Que's.

Immediately afterwards, the bed shook violently, and her scolding voice gradually turned into another muffled voice that was suppressed.

More than a month has passed.

Ye Que finally exhausted You Zhibai's mental power, making her helpless and a little bit angry.

At the same time, it also puts her in the sage mode, with an unprecedented peace of mind, without desires or desires.

"Can I explain now?"

Ye Que was half lying down, with a perfect carcass in his arms.

You Zhibai didn't speak, but she didn't refute either.

At that moment, Ye Que told the ins and outs of the matter one by one.

When he finished speaking, Young Zhibai still didn't move at all.

It wasn't until another half a moment later that she said coldly, "I know she intends to provoke, but I can't hear what she said."

As for?

You're already insane, yet you're so easily irritated?

If this were my sister emperor, she would definitely resist the urge to stab him, and then give him a chance to explain.

If Huang Youyao encountered this kind of thing, not only would she not stab him, but she would think it was her fault, and then she would be considerate, making Ye Que feel guilty, wishing she could pick up the knife and stab herself to death.

If it were Bing Yining, she would definitely say, "Is the scent of wild flowers? Take me one."

Putting it on Young Zhibai's place, not to mention the opportunity to explain, if Ye Que's strength is not strong, I'm afraid there will be no chance of escaping.

Fortunately, Ye Que's tough "family law" calmed down Young Zhibai's anger.

"I hope I'm the most special one."

After a while of silence, You Zhibai said quietly, her eyes were a little blurred, as if she was expecting and feeling extravagant.

When Ye Que looked over, she had already buried her head in his side and fell into a deep sleep.

After sleeping peacefully for three days, Young Zhibai woke up.

Seeing that she was emotionally stable, Ye Que unsealed the divine power in her body and wanted to take her back.

"No need, I can't see you with that woman, and I can't hear Xian'er's voice. I can't do anything about you. I'm still looking for someone."

[Author's Digression]: And