MTL - God-level Perspective-v3 Chapter 3217 The Great Resurrection (The Finale)

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   Chapter 3217 The Great Resurrection (The Finale)

   Chapter 3502 The Great Resurrection (The Finale)

In the sky above the Central God Territory, which is full of destruction and destruction, Li Jiuye was wiped out on the spot under the suppression of the force of one force. Even though he had ten lives, but under the suppression of the force of one force, his ten lives were completely destroyed. Without any effect, Ye Han can kill him in one go!


  Ye Han looked around the entire battlefield, he murmured.

   Immediately, a force of force soared above the sky, and finally turned into three thousand divine dragons again, like streaks of divine light, suddenly penetrated into the earth, changing the completely destroyed land of the Central God Realm!

   Soon, the mountains and rivers are arching, the canyons are filling up, the rivers are flowing, and the devastated Central God Territory is slowly recovering!

   Feeling the change in the Middle God Realm, at this moment, people in the four major God Realms are all coming towards the Middle God Realm!

  Lanling God and Li Jiuye were beheaded by Ye Han. This war was finally over in Ye Han's hands. The Continent of Gods and Demons did not perish or be enslaved.


   "Palace Master!"

   "See the King of Humans!"

All over the world, countless people rushed towards Ye Han, and everyone's face was filled with rejoicing that they had survived the catastrophe. It's all over!

   Ye Han glanced at the world; "My God and Devil Continent deserves this disaster. It's not easy for you to persist until now. It's my Ye Han who came back late!"

   Hearing the words, the eyes of countless people in the heaven and earth turned red. How many people died in the invasion of the alien race? That's a completely uncalculable number.

   "Although you did come back a little late, we were lucky in the end and lasted until the moment you came back!" Cang Tianfu looked at Ye Han with complicated eyes.

   Ji Qianxun burst into tears and said, "Father, Uncle Stupid Ben is dead, so is Master Tai, Grandpa Gufo is dead, Grandpa Holy Spirit is dead, and many grandpas are dead!"

Ye Han sighed in his heart; "They are all heroes in this world. Although I, Ye Han, can't change the past, the future can't stop me from changing, the sky is buried, and the restoration of the Gods and Demons Continent will be handed over to you. already."

   "Human King, where are you going?" Emperor Cangtian asked.

   "Heroes, they haven't accepted the worship of the world, how can they just fall? Get ready for the return of heroes!"

   Ye Han looked up at the sky.

   Hearing this, the expressions of the people in this world were shocked.

   But the next moment, the time between heaven and earth stopped flowing, and everything stopped working.

   "Time... reverses!"

  Ye Han waved his hand, and the Great Way of Time suddenly converged, forming a space-time channel between the heavens and the earth. Ye Han walked in along this time-space channel and kept jumping in the endless space-time channel.

   In the end, Ye Han stopped at a certain point in time and walked out from a torn void.

   At this moment, in his sight, an unimaginable super war is breaking out in the universe starry world.

   And here is the first battle of the alien invasion of the Shenmo Continent. The strong men of the Shenmo Continent are joining forces to fight against the alien invasion.

  Lanling God came from a distant universe, one person to fight against the powers of the gods and demons!

Ye Han walked into the universe starry sky like an outsider. He watched the strong men of the God and Demon Continent slaughter them frantically to the Lanling God, but he could not shake the Lanling God. He sighed in his heart. At that time, the God and Demon Continent was The powerhouses, what despair should be in their hearts!

Immediately, Ye Han shot, and the power of the soul suddenly came from Daozu, Ksitigarbha Bodhisattva, Ancient Buddha, Emperor Xitian, Emperor Huangtian, Emperor Yantian, Emperor Bai, Emperor Barbarian, Old Ancestor Holy Spirit, Great Sage, Shaben, Qin. Saint Patriarch and the others, the three Sword Sovereigns and the others were pulled out, and even the most holy of the demon clan, the two great demon gods, and the four **** emperors of the **** clan had a soul force that was forcibly pulled out by Ye Han.

   At this moment, although these powerhouses in the war felt that their soul power was forcibly pulled away, but they could not resist!

   "Everyone, see you in the future!" A voice entered the minds of these strong men, and then Ye Han had disappeared.

Although Ye Han has mastered the way of time, he can go back to the past and enter the future at will, but he cannot change the things that happened in the past without authorization. How hard to prevent changes.

   After reaching the soul power of these powerhouses, Ye Han used the way of time again to go to the earlier past.

   came to Tianxuanyu where Li Zhengdao died in battle!

   Ye Han did the same, and also extracted a trace of Li Zhengdao's soul power.

   Then, Ye Han changed the time again and came to the time when the human race and the demon race fought, outside the Tianlong City of Yaoguang Domain, where he extracted the soul power of the Qingye Holy King!

  After doing all this, Ye Han used the way of time to reverse the future, and returned to the current continent of gods and demons through the passage of time and space!

  Ye Han walked around the passage of time and space. It seemed that not a long time had passed, but in fact, a month had passed!

   When Ye Han returned to the Shenmo Continent again, the entire Shenmo Continent had almost recovered!

On the top of a mountain, Ye Han sat cross-legged, and with a wave of his hand, the soil on the ground gradually wriggled, and finally turned into a human shape, but these human-shaped soils had a strong aura of life, and Ye Han also gave him the most powerful Dao power!

With the three thousand avenues in control, with Ye Han's strength at the moment, it is completely easy to revive a few people. In ancient times, Nuwa kneaded clay humanoids, and Ye Han is the same now. With the body of the earth, it fits all kinds of avenues. The power to create the body of the Dao!

   One after another, the bodies of the Great Dao appeared in the void in front of Ye Han, and the next moment, the terrifying divine light bloomed, comparing the scorching sun of most of the gods and demons continent.

Most of the people in the God-Devil Continent squinted their eyes and looked into the divine light. They saw figures like Buddha standing proudly in the divine light. Just like accepting the arrival of a new life, a brand new body is gradually bred!

   In the end, Ye Han put his souls in these bodies of the avenues shaped by clay figurines.

Afterwards, these clay figurines all opened their eyes, looking a little dumb, but within a few seconds, a strong divine light was released from every gaze, and the divine light that spread over most of the gods and demons continent disappeared. .

   Brand new figures stood proudly above the void in front of Ye Han.

   At this moment, Taoist ancestors, ancient Buddhas, Ksitigarbha King Bodhisattva... all those powerhouses who had sacrificed their lives for the Continent of Gods and Demons were all resurrected collectively!

   Ye Han stood up slowly, he looked at these people with a smile on his face; "Everyone, long time no see!"

   "Thank you, King of Humans!" Zhu Qiang looked trembling, and all bowed to Ye Han.

   Even the four **** emperors of the Demon Race, the Heavenly Demon Lord, the Earth Demon Lord, and the God Race have bowed down to Ye Han. They all know that they are dead, but Ye Han has now resurrected them all.

   As former opponents, even enemies, Ye Han also resurrected them, and they were naturally extremely grateful.

   At this moment, for Ye Han, the three clans of demons, gods and demons are the real surrender and real respect!

   "The world is still the world it once was, but after this calamity, the future depends on you!"

  Ye Han slowly disappeared between heaven and earth, and all the strong people were resurrected collectively. Then he can leave this world with confidence and return to the place where he all started!

   Not long after, Ye Han came to Jiuli World and found You Ruoshangshen and Yun Lan.

   At this moment, they are still imprisoned.

   But the next moment, God You Ruo disappeared, and at the same time, a powerful force of faith suddenly entered Yun Lan's body.

   "Big brother!" Yun Lan stood up in surprise.

   "Girl, goodbye by fate!"

Ye Han brought You Ruo Shang Shen back to the Continent of Gods and Demons, and saw all the women and others. Regarding Ye Han bringing back one more woman, the women no longer care. This time Ye Han can come back alive, they are already very concerned. Thank you.

   Soon, a year later, Ye Han returned to China with all the daughters!

   As for the Ye Divine Hall, Ye Han has already handed it over to Ji Qianqiu. It is a normal thing to pass on from father to son, and with Ji Qianqiu's strength, he is fully qualified to take over Ye Divine Hall!

"Finally home!"

   Huaxia Shanhai City, the girls looked at everything they were familiar with, and their hearts finally relaxed. In the future, they could finally live a peaceful life, and Ye Han could finally unload all the burdens to accompany them!

   Today's China is undergoing earth-shaking changes and is heading for a great era.

   In a flash, ten years have passed!

  Cultivators from the land of China emerge in an endless stream, and their national strength is strong, and they have become the overlords on this planet!

"Ji Qianqiu, are you sure it's this world?" On this day, a group of powerful cultivators appeared in the sky over China. Among them were the Immortal Ice Queen, Cangtian Burial, Zen Jia Buddha Girl, and next to Ji Qianqiu, they also followed With a young woman with a big belly, Taiyi Lingzhu!

   "This is my hometown!" Ji Qianqiu said with an aftertaste.

   "Let's go, find that man!" Cang Tianfu waved like a big sister.

"It's all here!" In Shanhai City, the corners of Ye Han's mouth twitched. In the past ten years, this group of wives from home have been too strict with him, and daughters of wealthy families have come from all over the place, even if they are maids for Ye Han. It's all right, but they were all dismissed by the women. Just kidding, the maid is fake, is it true to warm the bed for this man?

   Now that so many women are coming, I don't know what will happen.

   Immediately, Ye Han left a message for the girls and left immediately; "I'm going to visit the Honghuang Universe!"

   For ten years, Ye Han has never let go of his curiosity about the legendary realm of the ancestors. This time, he just took this opportunity to take a look!

   (end of book)

   (end of this chapter)