MTL - God of War Dressed As a Weak Male-Chapter 5

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Despicable King

Li Zhou entered the space and was not busy farming. One was that it was very late, so he was not in a hurry for farming; The running line didn't quite fit his Zerg body.

Just a few laps won't cause much problems, which is why he didn't find problems when he was hospitalized.

The main purpose of his entering the space this time is to find a solution. He has to read the thickened version of the exercises again.

He was in a hurry before, because he was already familiar with the content of the exercises and couldn't be more familiar, so he didn't read it carefully.

Now that I think about it, there should be a difference between the original exercise and what he is practicing now. After all, their family was not a human before, but a snake demon.

Sure enough, Li Zhou carefully read the exercises again, which is indeed different from the exercises he practiced as a human being. Not only that, the end of the exercise also mentioned that his ancestors once hid various clan exercises in the space for future generations to practice.

"Fate people? Cultivation methods of various ethnic groups? Will there be any cultivation methods related to Zerg cultivation?"

Li Zhou became interested and began to search through the cabinets in the bamboo building. Soon he found a wall of books in the wardrobe of the bedroom on the second floor.

Looking at the exercises hidden in the closet by this wall, Li Zhou twitched the corners of his mouth, doubting the reason why their family fled from Qi Yuanxing to Blue Star.

Is it true that their family was hunted down and fled to Blue Star because they stole too many family exercises? And you are too perfunctory. Anyone who can enter the space can be found with a little careful attention!

Shaking his head, Li Zhou threw the unreliable idea of ​​his ancestors out of his head, and began to look for the exercises that could be used.

The exercises here are not only numerous, but also very advanced. It can be seen from the title pages of several exercises that he picked up at random, and these are all mysteries that are not shared by other races.

And from the practice of this wall, you can also see the glory of their family. However, the glory is also the past, and now he is the only one left in their clan to survive.

Thinking of this, Li Zhou felt a little down, but in a split second he was attracted by the exercises he found. .

Li Zhou also found some boxes containing top medicinal materials and jade. But now these are useless to him, put them back in place, Li Zhou took two exercises out of the space.

One of these two exercises is gentle, while the other is much more intense.

Thinking about his body, Li Zhou decided to practice softer ones first. He carefully read and memorized the exercises and found many similarities with his ancestral exercises.

"Is this the same thing?"

Looking at the time, it was already past 11 o'clock in the evening, no more time wasted, Li Zhou closed his eyes and entered the cultivation practice, he must make himself stronger quickly, in order to have the right to speak in this era .

At the same time, Xavier, who hung up the communication and fell into contemplation, did not know that he would be forced to marry by the royal family again after dawn.

The reason is that after ordering the official to return to the palace, he told the emperor Xiong the news of Seville's rejection of the marriage.

Because the commander was also a male who looked down on military females, he told the male emperor how he was disrespectful to him.

"Your Majesty, although Xavier is an admiral, he can't refuse your kindness! He actually refused on the grounds that there were star beasts attacking on the edge of the nearest alien star and he had to go to the battlefield at any time. The male you picked for him."

"I insisted that the admiral take a look at the male you chose for him, he would just ignore it, and let the lowly military female drive me out of the army! Keep your eyes on it!"

The commander Lihua looked at Xionghuang with a rainy look, and smiled secretly after seeing the ugly face of Xionghuang.

He knows the temperament of His Majesty the King, Clyde, and he will not tolerate any worm's refusal.

Even if this worm is their most feared military general!

Yes, Xionghuang couldn't stand the rejection of any insect. He wanted Xavier to marry, not just because he wanted to hold Xavier from death and give birth to an egg with good genes. The most fundamental reason is - he wants the military power in the hands of Xavier.

He found that during the 20 years in the army, Xavier's reputation had reached its peak, which had never happened in tens of thousands of years. If Xavier is allowed to develop like this, his imperial power will be in danger.

He will not allow anyone to threaten his imperial power! Even if Xavier is a dying bug!

But Seville's refusal was also expected and part of his plan.

Sheville is 65 years old this year. According to interstellar law, the female must have a legal male before the age of 66. If not, it will be forced to match.

He has already sent someone a few days ago to match Seville's genes with the males in the gene pool. There are only three males with a matching rate of more than 50%, and these three males are nobles , of which Locke is also his nephew.

He had already thought about it, if Xavier did not obey the order, he would let the three males marry the female immediately, then Xavier would wait to lay eggs for different males.

If Xavier dares to resist, he will have more reason to imprison Xavier, overthrow his reputation, and let him endlessly give birth to excellent descendants for the empire.

At that time, even if the star beasts attacked, the descendants of Xavier also grew up, just enough to let the descendants of Xavier go to the battlefield.

And when it comes to taming a military female as strong as Xavier, he will inevitably be moved as a male emperor.

When he thought of a strong man like Shevel, being whipped, tortured, and forced to lay eggs, he felt relieved.

Clyde murmured to himself: "Shewell doesn't blame me, but blames you for being too powerful. It's been nearly 40 years since the Star Beast Legion had been attacked, and there was no way to invade the Imperial Capital Star. Wait for the Star Beast Legion to recover. When you are full of vitality, you won't be able to use you, Xavier."

As for the marginal star, Clyde would not consider it, there are some females who are pioneering wasteland, and they will die if they die.

However, the face-lifting project still needs to be done. After all, he is a benevolent majesty, and the female soldiers cannot be made to think that he treats the meritorious servants of the empire harshly.

Thinking of this, Clyde said to the commander standing in the lower position: "Tomorrow you will take someone to the military headquarters and tell Xavier that I have chosen a few more males for him. The ranks are very high.”

"If he refuses again, there is no need to say anything, just bring him directly to the palace and say I will summon him."

The commander immediately understood Clyde's thoughts. He knew that the Emperor Xiong wanted Xievil to disobey, or he would not tell him the name of the male son.

But this is exactly what he wants. Who doesn't want to pick the flowers of Gao Ling, if possible, he also wants Xavier to lay eggs for him, and wants Xavier to submit to his feet.

With his own thoughts, the commander looked at Clyde with admiration and praised: "Your Majesty is still so kind and tolerant."

"Who made him my admiral." After Clyde replied hypocritically, he waved the commander to go down, and he left the council and returned to the bedroom.

He was just training the newly brought back female, the female was tough, and he was struggling when he was interrupted by the commander's request. Now, Xavier's belly is aroused again, and he just vented it at the same time.

In the bedroom, the **** Bloomfield, who had been beaten, looked at Clyde coming, and closed his eyes in despair.

He wanted to resist, but he couldn't. He and the male emperor's gene match rate was too high. The male emperor's mental power was just enough to suppress him.

But what if you can resist? The result will only be worse than now..

The next day, Li Zhou opened his eyes to the crisp sound of birdsong. He was full of energy after a night of practice.

Li Zhou got up from the bed, stretched his waist, walked into the bathroom, washed and thought, gentle exercises are really good for self-cultivation.

But the progress is too slow, and I don't know when he will be able to restore the strength of his seventh-order thunder system power user.

He held it with his left hand, and a very fine electric current flowed from the fingertips to the arm and finally appeared in his eyes, the green pupils flashed with purple electric wires, beautiful and breathtaking .

But Li Zhou sighed when he saw this picturesque scene, he rubbed his face with his hands, squeezed his arms, and said helplessly: "Why are you so weak? What! No wonder Sheville doesn't like it."

Speeding up the washing, Li Zhou decided to finish his breakfast, and then went into the space to look for exercises, planted the medicinal herbs and ingredients he wanted to grow, and explored the mountains to the space. Experience, such a dense mountain, there will be no shortage of medicinal mushrooms.

Thinking of mushrooms, Li Zhou swallowed. He likes mushrooms the most.

In order to eat more mushrooms, he also specially chose the university in Nagumo City. For this reason, he had a cold war with the mother, the dean of the welfare institute, for half a month. Who would have thought that it was less than a year after admission , the end of the world will explode.

He struggled for ten years in the last days, until he was killed, he could not find the dean's mother, nor could he eat delicious mushrooms.

Just do what she says, this time Li Zhou did not do any complicated food, just boiled a porridge. After eating quickly, he threw the dirty bowl to the household robot for cleaning, and then entered again space.

He first went to the closet on the second floor to look for it. This time he did not stick to race, but found all the exercises that he felt could be used. He decided to integrate a set of own practice.

In addition, he also found a very beautiful jade pendant that he did not know what kind of butterfly was carved.

He decided to give this jade pendant to Xavier. I don't know what happened. The first time he saw this jade pendant, he thought it was very suitable for Xavier.

And the carving of the jade pendant is also very good, and the butterfly on it is alive, as if it can fly away at any time.

Putting the jade pendant and the book together, Li Zhou headed for the deep mountain, looking for the fungus he was thinking of and the medicinal herbs that could nourish Xieweier's body.

However, Li Zhou didn't know that even when he was looking for mushrooms, he missed Xavier's correspondence and almost lost Xavier forever.

The author has this to say:

Xiong Huang: I won't kill you, you little bitch;

Bloomfield: See how I'll kill you in the future!