MTL - God of War Dressed As a Weak Male-Chapter 91

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Li Zhou: I will teach you fighting skills and spiritual training..

Morey looked in shock at the intact and smiling male in front of him. He couldn't believe that he was beaten to the ground by a slender male, and the male did not use mind control. case.

It's not that he can't afford to lose Morey, or that he doesn't believe his boss's words, but that there is an insurmountable gap between male and female physique, this is not a matter of pure strength Explain past problems.

Different from females who can jump physically in space and fight directly with powerful star beasts, males are naturally weak and can't even lift heavy things.

The males with weaker physique among the males can exhaust themselves by swinging the whip, and the males and females will not have a second ending except for fractures.

However, the current situation had to make him accept the result that he was hit by the male, and the male was intact, because he clearly knew that Xavier did not shoot, because, if Xavier shot , his fate may be even worse.

Rubbing the painful back of his neck, Morey looked at his boss, and said cautiously: "Old, boss, I know it's wrong, you shouldn't underestimate the enemy, you let me go Bar."

Xevier looked at Li Zhou, and after seeing Li Zhou's agreement, he released the hand that was holding Morey, and sat next to Li Zhou and looked at Morey coldly.

"How about it, do you still want to eat?" Li Zhou teased while looking at Morey who was sitting on the ground still a little confused.

"Eat, why don't I eat, I'm still hungry." Morey was a little embarrassed, but he was naturally cheeky, and he wouldn't hold a grudge against Li Zhou just because he was beaten by Li Zhou. He was just very curious why Li Zhou would be fine when he beat him, because it could no longer be explained by his strength and good physique.

No matter how good the physique of the male worm is, it will not be so good that it will not break the female head-on. Besides, Li Zhou has a high fever, and the side effects of outer space are so serious that he always depends on his boss's arms. It is not like The physique is good enough to be able to face him head-on.

Li Zhou seemed to see his question and asked gently, "I'm curious why I'm fine?"

"Hmmmm." Morey nodded again and again, but just after nodding, he seemed to be suddenly opened by Li Zhou, and asked, "Can you tell me? If you can't, forget it. "

Li Zhou smiled and didn't elaborate, just told him: "You will know the specific reason later, but I can simply tell you that I can hurt you without hurting myself, yes I can use my mental power well and protect my body."

"So powerful? Is it derived from the talent to soothe the female's mental power?" Seeing that Li Zhou didn't want to tell him, Morey asked.

Li Zhou and Xie Weier did not expect Morey to be so sharp. Although what he said was wrong, it was not far away. Li Zhou was indeed able to strengthen his body in a short period of time through the cultivation and use of his spiritual power. the goal of.

Glancing at Morey admiringly, Li Zhou said, "You can think so."

"Cool—" Morey got up from the ground and sat opposite Li Zhou and Xieweier, picked up chopsticks, picked up the dish in front of him and stuffed it into his mouth, said with admiration. : "The boss is not the boss, and the hero you are looking for is so different, but even so, it doesn't prove that you are completely fine."

Seeing that Morey still hasn't forgotten about this, Li Zhou tilted his head and glanced at Xievil with a faint smile in his eyes, and said softly: "It's really difficult."

Severe nodded and repeated: "It's very difficult."

"What should I do then?" Li Zhou pretended to be aggrieved and asked.

Xevier's eyes flickered for a moment, he couldn't see Li Zhou's grievance the most, even if he knew that Li Zhou was pretending.

He set his eyes on Morey who was struggling to solve the meal in front of him, thought for a while, and decided to sacrifice Morey to coax his aggrieved little hero.

Morey, who was eating happily, suddenly felt dangerous, and mechanically raised his head to look at the source of danger - his boss, Xavier, and said carefully: "Boss, do you also eat?"

Shewell shook his head, and when Morey shoved a big mouthful of food into his mouth again, he said, "Morey, Norman's life was saved by Li Zhou."

Morey: "What?

Cheville thoughtfully handed the water to Morey, who was choking, and when Morey drank the water, he said a second time: "You said, whoever saves Norman, you will be your teacher. , If you violate your oath, you will run around naked for ten laps in the Imperial Star Plaza."

“Pfft..I, uh[email protected] #¥@.." Morey's eyes widened, and he struggled desperately to take off Xavier's hand from his mouth, and he was about to choke to death.

He gasped and looked at Xavier with accusatory eyes.

However. Shevell ignored him, and didn't feel any guilt for having nearly choked Morey to death.

He is a good general, in addition to being hard-hearted, he knows how to chase after victory. Seeing that Morey, who was choked, was about to recover, he said for the third time: "You don't believe in yourself. Teacher, do you want to deceive your teacher and destroy your ancestors, or do you want to run naked?"

Morey: "I..."

Breaking tears, Li Zhou really can't mess with it, the boss is terrible, he doesn't want to bully his teacher and destroy his ancestors, and he doesn't want to run naked, woohoo, how did the boss know that he was drunk and talking.

Hiccup, really choking.

Li Zhou watched in amazement that Sheville made Morey burst into tears with just a few words, and suddenly felt some sympathy for Morey.

In fact, Morey suspects that he is normal. He doesn't know what is special about him like Duke and the others, and he doesn't know his significance to the whole plan. See the problem from the point of view of the female.

He didn't act aggressively, because of Shevel's relationship, he was open-minded with suspicion, and he didn't say anything about the evil behind the scenes. For Morey, he still admired it very much.

So for Morey's obsession, he suddenly got up to make fun of him, but what he didn't expect was that Xavier was so powerful, three sentences directly made Morey cry.

It is impossible for him to dismantle his lover's platform, taking advantage of Morey's ease, he finally calmed down, and when he drank water again, he opened his mouth and said: "Good boy, you have to kneel. Are you coming down to apprentice? As a teacher, there is a gift for you."

Morey spit out: "Puff-cough-cough-cough.."

Is it the end of these two? Who will save him? !

However, no worm heard Morey's cry for help. Fortunately, Li Zhou and Xavier let Morey go.

Looking at Morey, who was shrunk in the chair, trembling and pitiful, not daring to touch the water or food, Li Zhou smiled.

He coaxed Morey in a childish tone: "Eat, I really won't scare you this time."

Morey shook his head quickly, he was afraid, he felt that his boss was broken by this scheming male.

Although I used to say some choking words from time to time, I would never intentionally bully him like today.

But after this battle, he no longer doubts Li Zhou, because Xavier said that Li Zhou saved Norman.

He believed that Xavier would not lie, and he knew what kind of charges Norman faced at the time.

He felt that if Li Zhou really had a problem, what a spy should do was to help Xiong Huang to use Norman to attack them, instead of trying to save a wanted criminal.

In addition to Li Zhou saving Norman, he also guessed from Xavier's attitude that Li Zhou already knew their overall plan.

If Li Zhou was really a spy, or simply didn't want the male worm's status to be threatened, as long as he handed over the information and evidence he had to the male emperor, none of them would be able to escape, and they could still be reused by the male emperor. Gain power and glory.

But Li Zhou didn't. They can sit here and talk and talk, which proves Li Zhou's credibility.

He apologized to Li Zhou: "I'm sorry, thank you for saving Norman."

"Don't doubt me?" Li Zhou teased.

"No doubt, no doubt." Morey said embarrassingly: "I want to understand, I was confused just now."

"Just want to understand." Sheville said lightly: "So, are you ready to fulfill your vow?"

Morey couldn't forget this stubble when he saw Sheville.

Sighed, Xavier said: "When the road wakes up, you will know when you ask for the direction."

"I knew it was him, but I still treat him as a good brother, I'll tell you all." Morey seemed to have found a point of anger, and scolded the road angrily, as if he wanted to immediately Go downstairs to find a friend who is still lying in the rescue capsule to settle accounts.

But when he got angry, he got up and walked in front of Li Zhou, crossed his hands flat on his chest, knelt straight in front of Li Zhou, bowed his head and said respectfully: "Teacher, student Huntington Morey Greetings to you."

"Hey, get up, I'm joking." Li Zhou reached out to La Morey.

Morey avoided Li Zhou's hand and said sincerely: "I'm not joking, you saved Norman, and you are my teacher. I Morey will not be unbelievable."

Li Zhou looked at Morey, who was stubbornly kneeling in front of him, in surprise, feeling a little overwhelmed.

After all, those "apprenticeships" just now were all his jokes. He didn't expect Morey to be really responsible for his words after drinking.

He looked at Xavier who was hugging him with help, hoping Xavier could help him, but Xavier just asked Morey solemnly: "You promise that you will respect Li Zhou as your teacher in the future. , respect him, love him, protect him?"

Morey: "I promise."

Sheville smiled with satisfaction, held the hand that Li Zhou wanted to refuse, and said first: "Okay, then I will accept you as a student on behalf of Li Zhou, he will teach you knowledge, teaching Your experience will give you peace of mind."

Seeing that Xieweier was so determined, Li Zhou did not refuse, but decided to take on the responsibility of a teacher, his tone was gentle but majestic: "Morey, I accept your apprenticeship, I will also take care of you as Sheville said."

"You may not believe that a man with no power and power and only relying on Sheville can protect you, but I can tell you with certainty that as long as I want, I can. I will take on a teacher It will teach you fighting skills and spiritual training, so that you can stay away from the suffering of spiritual violence and be freed from the mercy of male insects.”

"Get off, get out of the mercy of the male?" Morey was a little confused? is it possible? For thousands of years, there has been only one way for females to escape the mercy of males, and that is to die.

Li Zhou pitifully looked at Morey, who had been confused by his words, and continued: "Now, tell me your race."

"Butterfly, the **** butterfly in the butterfly family."

Li Zhou smiled slightly and spread his hands in front of Morey. For the book "Underworld Butterfly Spirit Art", Li Zhou handed the exercises to Morey, who was still kneeling on the ground, and said solemnly: "This is a master's secret, and it is also a gift from the teacher. How to use it, Xavier will teach you."

Morey foolishly took the book that Li Zhou handed him, and looked at Xavier foolishly, he was really foolish, and hoped that his boss would be kind to him.

Cheville ignored Morey, but picked up Li Zhou, whose body temperature was slightly elevated, and walked directly to the bedroom. When he walked to Morey, he kicked Morey who was still kneeling on the ground: "Follow."

Morey stood up, holding the gift that Li Zhou gave him, and quietly followed behind Xavier.

"Hey, hey, boss, don't drag me, I'll go by myself."

Sheville let go of Morey's hand, took the exercise from Morey's hand, and said, "Do you know what this is?"

Morey shook his head.

Cheville: "This is the secret that can make you no longer mentally violent, and no longer at the mercy of male sons. This is a practice method specially selected by your teacher Li Zhou according to your ethnic characteristics. Your level is bound to be multiplied with half the effort."

"How, how?" Morey stammered.

Shewell didn't explain too much. After reading the exercise, he found that it was very similar to his own spirit butterfly fantasy, so he closed the exercise.

He asked Morey to sit on the bed and stood in front of Morey. After Morey sat on the Nan-Maple bed dumbly as he said, he pressed Morey's forehead and carefully Guide Morey's mental power to operate according to the established route of the exercise.

Three weeks later, Xavier let go of his hand. He didn't go back to accompany Li Zhou, but sat on the chair next to him and guarded Morey's practice, in case Morey's first time Cultivation goes wrong.

While looking at Morey, he thought about the expression on Li Zhou's face when he gave the exercise to Morey.

He found that Li Zhou's expression at that time was different from when he gave him the exercises and when he gave Duke and the others the exercises. The exercises for them were mutual help among friends, comrades, and partners , To Morey is more like the expectations of the elders to the younger generation.

Although Li Zhou is indeed Morley's elder now, but he knows that Li Zhou will not use his identity as a teacher to oppress Morey, and it is estimated that he will still get along with Morey as a friend.

But this feeling still made him feel very fresh, and he clearly felt that Li Zhou had a deeper connection with the world.

He liked this feeling, it made him feel very secure, he even thought, after the successful integration of the exercises, should he open a school and let Li Zhoulai be the principal, to deepen his relationship with this world connections.

The more he thought about it, the more he felt that this method was feasible. It would not only increase Li Zhou's reputation, deepen Li Zhou's connection with the world, but also allow Li Zhou, the true creator of the practice, to teach them more thoroughly. Law, to prevent problems halfway, serve multiple purposes.

He outlined the successful establishment of the school in his mind. After the successful teaching, the students looked up at Li Zhou. He felt that it must be the eyes of admiration and admiration.

However, he would not allow any worm to approach his little hero, Li Zhou could only be his worm.

Thinking that the little females love Li Zhou, but Li Zhou only loves him, his vanity is very satisfied.

Shevell never found out that he actually has the heart to show off, and now he knows, he is not without.

It's just that there was nothing for him to show off before, but now he has a baby to show off, and his vanity is skyrocketing.


After he exited this mysterious state, he saw Xavier sitting on the chair, not knowing what he was thinking.

He knew that Xavier was guarding him and did not go to guard Li Zhou because he was afraid of making mistakes in his cultivation. He was a little moved and whispered to Xavier: "Boss, I'm fine."

Sheville recovered, looked at Morey in high spirits, and said, "Do you really recognize this teacher?"

Morey hurriedly said: "I agree, I agree." He touched his head and said embarrassedly, "Boss, I know why you attach great importance to the teacher, he can change the face of our female insects. The most embarrassing situation."

Cherville laughed, his eyes fell on Han Handi Morey, he slowed his tone, and said with consideration: "More than that, because of his appearance, Brother Taylor and the KS star thief organization have joined We, now we don't have to worry about funding problems, and even the scientific research force has greatly increased."

Morey was pleasantly surprised: "That's great."

Thinking of the exercises that appeared out of thin air in Li Zhou's hands, Morey asked carefully, "Boss, is there something different about the teacher?"

"Li Zhou didn't want to hide it from you, let him tell you in person when he wakes up." Xavier said to the curious Morey: "You are Li Zhou's first student, he He attaches great importance to you, but he will not use the name of a teacher to oppress you, and it will make him more comfortable to get along like a friend in the future."

"I understand, boss, don't worry, I will definitely take good care of you in the future."

Xevier nodded, patted Morey on the shoulder, and left a sentence: "I'm going to accompany Li Zhou, you go to see the situation on the road, go to the kitchen to cook a bowl of porridge."

"Cooking porridge? Boss, I can't?" Morey didn't understand what his boss wanted to do.

Xevier cast a glance at Morey and said ruthlessly: "I can't go to school, Li Zhou wakes up and needs to eat. As a student, he must learn to take care of the teacher."

Morey was stunned by Xavier and went to the escape exit on the lower floor, praying that Lu would wake up early and teach him to cook.

Cherville waited for Morey to disappear from sight, then smiled and returned to his room.

As soon as he entered the door, Li Zhou seemed to have a feeling, opened his eyes in a daze, and stretched out his hand to Xavier.

Cheville quickly took off his coat, went to bed and lay beside Li Zhou, even the quilt hugged Li Zhou in his arms, and pressed his forehead against Li Zhou's high temperature, his spiritual power surged He comforted Li Zhou, who had become mentally exhausted because of the high fever.

The fact that he could appease Li Zhou's mental power was something Xie Weil discovered by accident after Li Zhou was uncomfortable this time.

He originally just wanted to cultivate with Li Zhou to make Li Zhou feel better, but he found that when his spiritual power was the leader, he could also appease Li Zhou's spirit of being tired due to illness It made Li Zhou's mental energy more lively.

After finding out about this, he asked Li Zhou, Li Zhou explained that their spiritual powers had been intertwined and fused too many times, and they had a tacit understanding. I can control my mental power well.

Male can soothe the female's mental power. In the final analysis, it is because they can control their own mental power. Then the female can control their mental power and feed the male back, so it is not surprising.

Cheville felt that Li Zhou was right, so when Li Zhou was uncomfortable these days, he liked to hold Li Zhou in his arms and release his mental power to appease Li Zhou, which made him very A sense of accomplishment.

Li Zhou also enjoys the care of Xavier's spirit, so when he has time in the past two days, he will get into Xavier's arms and let him comfort himself.

It may be the effect of mental comfort, or the effect of antipyretics and nutritional supplements. Li Zhou's fever gradually improved, and the whole worm became much more awake.

After he stretched lazily, he buried his head on Xavier's chest, listening to Xavier's strong heartbeat, and said slowly: "How is Morey?"

Xevier stroked Li Zhou's hair, and replied: "He is very good, the effect of cultivation is good, his own mental power level is close to the SS level, so he can quickly grasp the essence of the exercises ."

Li Zhou nodded, and after a big yawn, said softly, "Have you eaten yet?"

"No, wait with you, I let Morey make porridge, do you want to get up and eat some?"

"Will he? Won't blow up my kitchen?"

"If you can't go to school, let him repair it when the kitchen blows up. He is your student, and you can instruct him to work in the future. If he is disobedient, you can call him."

"Haha." Li Zhou smiled and said softly, "Is this revenge?"

Severe raised his eyebrows: "You can think so."

Li Zhou closed his eyes, rubbed Xieweier's strong chest muscles, and said with satisfaction: "Relax, I will not bully him, although we have the name of teacher and apprentice, but I will not use teacher The identity of the man oppresses him, he is your companion and mine."

Cheville smiled and kissed Li Zhou's hair top, he knew that Li Zhou would not bully bugs, and spoiled: "My hero is awesome."

Li Zhou opened his eyes with a smile and said arrogantly: "Then, with such a great hero, can you serve me now and change clothes?"

"Okay, change clothes." Xavier sat up, helped Li Zhou, who was suffering from fever sequelae, to get up, got out of bed, and took a set of his own among the many clothes of Li Zhou in the closet. Come in uniform.

He put the uniform in front of Li Zhou, and said with anticipation: "My awesome lord, can you fulfill one of your female lord's wishes?"

"Yes." Li Zhou cooperated with Xieweier and nodded arrogantly.

Cheville gently changed Li Zhou's pajamas, took the uniform shirt, and said with a smug expression: "Then ask my hero to wear the same uniform as me, when I am a day old Sir."

He couldn't help laughing while talking. Li Zhou saw Xie Weier laughing, but he couldn't hold back, and said with a smile, "Are we two naive?"

Cherville suddenly blinked his eyes mischievously and smiled: "This is our little fun to keep our relationship fresh, isn't it?"

"Yes, then I will follow the name of the queen and change into this uniform."

He stretched out his hand as he spoke, waiting for Xavier to wait for him to get dressed.

Xavier happily stepped forward to dress Li Zhou, and the two insects sweetly said love words that others could not understand.

Outside the door, Morley woke up early and helped him finish cooking the porridge. As soon as he arrived at the door of the bedroom, he was met by a completely different Xie Weier who was flirting with Li Zhou. It's tender on the outside..

Morey and Lu, who just woke up, shouted in their hearts: It's too scary, and return the unsmiling and serious Admiral Sheville!

The author has this to say:

Morey: Hey, I'm just short of Sheville's generation.

Duke tapped on the shoulder: Hello, little apprentice.

Brian followed: Hello, little apprentice.

Azer: Hello, little apprentice.

Iville: I'm here too, hello little apprentice.

Lu, the road didn't come, and he was beaten by Morey. Because he leaked the news, Morey was a generation shorter.

Lu laughs and laughs, whoever he provokes.

Look first, catch the bug tomorrow