MTL - God Stick Wife-Chapter 516 : Broken Body (18)

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It's not pleasing to the eye, it's blue and purple, although it was fun to watch at first, but after watching it for a long time, it's not pleasing to the eye, so I rubbed Bai Jin's cheeks with both hands and poured spiritual power.

Bai Jin let the other party move until Charm stopped, then he pouted and said. "You still know how to treat me. I thought you would just gloat at misfortune."

Charm heard the words, hehe smiled.

"Why do you blame me for this? It's your elder brother who wants to punish you. Who told you to be mean?"

Bai Jin snorted coldly and took Charm upstairs, Charm followed behind him with a smile on his face.

After entering the room, Bai Jin closed the door, then, pressing the person on the door panel, he kissed him heavily, and Charm cooperated and hugged the other person's neck. He frowned slightly.

After Bai Jin took a heavy bite on his mouth, Charm couldn't help but complain. "Are you a dog?"

Bai Jin snorted, then eased his efforts.

Pulling all the clothes on Charm's body, after that, in this standing posture, the two of them made a shot.

At the end of the charm, the whole body was sore and soft, and hung on Bai Jin's body. Bai Jin, finally feeling comfortable, picked up the person and walked to the bathroom.

After being served, and then lying on the bed, Charm found the same, took a bite on Bai Jin's neck, and Bai Jin happily let the other party bite.

Charm really doesn't even have the strength to get angry! In addition, this man is so thick-skinned, what else can he say? Just close your eyes and go to sleep. Bai Jin touched Charming's body again, and then he was satisfied and closed his eyes. In other words, with the passage of time, the skin on this guy's body is getting better and better.

It just looks too young, and I seem to be getting old a little bit. Although compared to many other ordinary people, the speed of this aging is very slow, but compared to Charm, it is still faster. Yes, Bai Jin, I couldn't help but think, maybe I should do some maintenance often, but the most important thing is to raise the cultivation base. Only when the cultivation base is raised can we stay young forever.

I didn't quite understand why those emperors in ancient times always pursued immortality so much! Now, Bai Jin understands a little bit.

In the past, Bai Jin never understood what it meant to be beautiful and misleading the country! From now on, the king does not go to court early. If there is such a partner by his side, even if it is true that the king does not go to court early, it is very likely.



@11: I want revenge


Thinking about it, Bai Jin also followed into dreamland.

After Bai Luxi went out, he naturally went to the pock-faced house first, but he found that pock-face was not there.

The father and daughter were both absent, and Bai Luxi frowned slightly. Bai Luxi's observation was not as careful as Lin Xijiu's and the others. After all, the age gap was there, and the experience gap was also there. In addition, the pockmarked face did not take away the things in the house. Therefore, Bai Luxi didn't even see that the pockmarked face might have run away and gave up this den.

Bai Luxi only thought that the pock-faced woman had gone out. After thinking about it, Bai Luxi decided to look for it. If you can find it, then take revenge, if you can't find it, then you have to talk about it next time.

At the same time, on the side of Lin Xijiu and Bai Qi, they had already really fought against Mazilian once, and forced each other into a special barrier.

However, this barrier was not set up by Lin Xijiu and Bai Qi, but a natural barrier, and Lin Xijiu and Bai Qi had never discovered it before. Taking advantage of this barrier, Lin Xijiu and Bai Qi's attacks were blocked.

"That person's strength is really good. When the two of us joined forces, we only forced him back, and he found such a place, but this place is definitely not the one he found, and we knew about it before." Lin Xijiu smiled. said.

Bai Qi nodded. "The strength is really good, no wonder you can hang that guy from Bai Luxi and beat him."

"The little guy deserves a lesson too! However, it's a little surprising when such a powerful character appeared in the imperial capital." Lin Xijiu said while looking for a breakthrough in the enchantment.

It is a pity that it is not so easy to destroy such a natural barrier. Of course, it is not impossible, but time has passed. Even if they broke through now, the guy would probably have already run away.

So if you want to break through this natural barrier, you need to think about it.

"I heard Bai Luxi say that in addition to the pockmarked face, there is a girl in her 20s, but I haven't seen it."

"Although Bai Luxi said it was the father and daughter, I don't know if they were the real father and daughter." Lin Xijiu simply gave up searching. He looked at the sky, and he had been out for most of the day today.

"Let's go back first, we're not in a hurry anyway, and the guy just slapped us, it should take time to heal, and it's too late to find him tomorrow."

"Are you taking him as a pleasure? I'll look for him tomorrow." Bai Qi couldn't help laughing.

"If you don't believe me, try it. At night, the little guy in Bailuxi will definitely come out to find him. We should give him some time. Besides, I still feel a little inexplicable about the previous calculations. We don't have to worry, let's see the situation. Let's talk about development." In fact, Lin Xijiu was really bored, and he didn't figure out what danger would be in Bailuxi, so. Of course there's no need to worry about this.

Bai Qi finally nodded. "Okay, then let's go back today."



@11: I want revenge

Hearing this, Lin Xijiu smiled and took Bai Qi's hand, and the two went back. After returning to Bai's house, the two of them went to Bai Luxi's room first, but they really didn't see anyone, Lin Xijiu was facing Bai Qi raised his eyebrows.

"See, I said that the little guy won't stay in the room, he must have gone out to find someone."

Bai Qi nodded. "What you said is, let's go, let's go back to the room, I'm still a little tired, go to bed earlier."

Lin Xijiu's eyes darkened a little when she heard the words, she and Bai Qi returned to the room together, and then took each other into the bathroom.

Although Bai Qi wasn't the roundworm in Lin Xijiu's stomach, he knew what this guy wanted to do when he saw him follow him into the bathroom. When the other party was attentive to help him undress, Bai Qi glanced at the other party with a half-smiling smile. Lin Xijiu's face was so thick, but it was just being looked at like this, of course he wouldn't take it to heart, so he continued to be courteous.

The two had a shot in the bathtub. During the period, Bai Qi was rubbed by Lin Xi's back. Because his skin was too pale, he looked a little bruised and looked terrible. Lin Xijiu frowned slightly. He shook his head, and then used his spiritual power to heal the other party. Although Bai Qi didn't care about such a small injury, he was so happy to see Lin Xijiu's distressed look, and he sneered. "Let you fool around!"

Lin Xijiu kissed the corner of Bai Qi's mouth. "Sorry, I didn't pay attention, I was too careless."

Bai Qi rolled his eyes, then closed his eyes, Lin Xijiu wiped the other person clean, put him on the big bed, and kissed the other person's eyelids. "Go to sleep."

The two on this side are sweet and sweet, while on the other side, Bai Luxi has been searching for a whole night. Seeing that it is almost into the second half of the night, no one has been found, so Bai Luxi has to give up! Before giving up, though. He decided to visit the guy's house again, maybe after so many hours, the other party has already gone back.

Originally, it was just with the mentality of taking a look, but what Bai Luxi didn't expect was that the other party had really returned.

Bai Luxi felt it outside the door, and only felt the breath of the pockmarked face. As for the girl who didn't feel it, that's great! If the girl was there, he might be embarrassed to seek revenge. Bai Luxi naturally felt that there was nothing to be polite when the girl wasn't there, so he broke in immediately.

That pockmarked face is really there, and it seems to be injured, is this healing?



@12: So entangled really

@12: So entangled really

Mazi's face was indeed healing, so after Bailuxi rushed in, his eyes narrowed. These guys are really haunted!

"Are you injured?" Bai Luxi raised his brows and looked at Mazi's face carefully, "Aren't you very powerful? Why are you still injured?"

Can't be hurt so badly? It's amazing, but it also has to be against people. How many people in this world can stop Lin Xijiu and Bai Qi's alliance? Mazilian didn't want to pay attention to Bailuxi, so he closed his eyes and continued to meditate to recover.

Although this young man is not so likable, he should not be able to do things while taking advantage of others. After all, it was from the White House. Mazilian thought in his heart, so he didn't pay attention to Bailuxi.

Bai Luxi really didn't plan to take revenge while the other party was healing. It's just like the bad taste, the nose is blue and the face is swollen, but there is no life crisis. Therefore, Bai Luxi didn't plan to do anything at this time, just felt a little surprised.

He knows the strength of this guy, but he needs to be healed to beat him. How powerful is the person who started it? When, when I didn't even know it, did so many powerful characters appear in this imperial capital? Bailuxi frowned slightly.

About two hours later, the pockmarked face over there opened his eyes, and it seemed that the healing was over. During this period, Bai Luxi didn't leave, he just turned around in other people's rooms, from one room to the other, it looked like a "patrol", when he saw people wake up, he said: "Who hurt you?"

Mazi face was not interested in answering, and said lightly: "Why don't you leave? Do you know that you are trespassing at the house now.


Bai Luxi smiled, but that smile was more like a skinny smile, "If you trespass on a private house, let's trespass on a private house, so what? I said, who hurt you, tell me."

"Why, you still want to avenge me?" Mazi looked at Bai Luxi sarcastically.

Bai Luxi shook his head, "That's not true. What revenge will I give you? I'm here to seek revenge for you. It's too late for me to be happy if you were beaten."

"You're honest." Mazi sneered.

Bai Luxi shrugged, "Of course, honesty is a virtue, and I have always been of virtue."

Mazi sneered, "Really? So, you are here to seek revenge from me." As he spoke, a fierce light flashed in his eyes, and then he took out a magic weapon and threw it directly into the middle of the room.

Bai Luxi was on alert immediately, and then found that the function of this magic weapon was somewhat similar to that of an enchantment. To put it simply, it was to isolate this place, so that Bai Luxi could not run even if he wanted to.

Bai Luxi narrowed his eyes, "What are you going to do?"



@12: So entangled really

"Aren't you going to seek revenge from me? Of course, it's a chance for you to take revenge in peace." Lin Xijiu and Bai Qi joined forces to beat him, and Bai Luxi brought it to the door himself. Of course, he had to bully him! Otherwise, how could he be able to withstand the injury he suffered today!

So, after sneering, Maziface immediately started.

Bai Luxi snorted, and of course he immediately responded. This guy, I see that he is healing, and he is still waiting. Even if he wants to take revenge, he is walking in the style of a gentleman. This guy is good, and it is too fast to cross the river and demolish the bridge. Just after the healing was over, he immediately attacked him! Tsk tsk, if I knew earlier, I shouldn't be so gentlemanly, and I should take advantage of others' danger!

The two fought, Bai Luxi was indeed not the opponent's opponent, but this time he brought the killer. So, Bai Luxi threw the Soul Repellent Stone that charmed him towards Mazi's face. In this enchantment, it is not difficult to use the soul-scattering stone to lose a person, especially, although Bai Luxi said that he can't beat Mazi's face, it does not mean that Bai Luxi is weak.

What's more, the most important thing is that the Charming Soul Stone seems to be quite special. After throwing it out, it seems that as long as the target is determined, it will attack autonomously. However, what Bai Luxi didn't expect was that the soul-scattering stone did hit the pockmark's face, but the barrier here was broken by outsiders!

And the one who broke through the barrier here turned out to be Mazi-faced daughter, the girl Bai Luxi once rescued. It's just that that girl now looks...not an ordinary, ordinary girl at all!

The woman who appeared was dressed in a coquettish dress, her lips were very red, and her eyes... just like seeing a prey, and she was completely two extremes from the beautiful and pure appearance before. If it wasn't for the same face, Bai Luxi would never think that this woman was the daughter of a pockmarked face!

"Why are you here?" Mazi frowned and looked at the woman who appeared, a glimmer of light flashed in his eyes. The woman chuckled, and then directly broke into the barrier.

"Of course I came to see you, my good father, you are being bullied, how could a daughter not come to help?" The woman said, but her hands were quickly knotted.

Mazi snorted coldly, and immediately a spiritual force hit the woman.

The woman laughed, "My good father, do you think my daughter will come over without any preparation?"

As the woman said that, Yuyin's movements were faster, but the attack of the pockmarked face did not fall on her. Bai Luxi looked a little silly, what's going on? Aren't these two father and daughter? It looks like this now, how can they look like father and daughter, they are enemies at all!

The two were fighting more and more fiercely, Bai Luxi thought, whether he was watching, or helping one of them. Help that pockmarked face, he is not happy, this is the man who fights him. But I don't want to help that girl either. That girl doesn't look good.

This situation is kind of weird.

Bai Luxi thought so, but before he could make a decision about who to help, a strong energy suddenly appeared on him, and then, a pink breath spread, and the pink breath made Bai Luxi instinctively feel Not great. He quickly stopped breathing, but



@12: So entangled really

Yes, it was useless, there was still breath infiltrating his body invisible.

And at this moment, the woman laughed loudly, "My good father, how is it, what is the taste of this red and pink skeleton, you must not disappoint your daughter."

Bai Luxi frowned and looked at Mazi's face suddenly, seeing that the other party was not in a good condition. Even the body is shaky.

Bai Luxi was stunned for a moment, could it be that this pockmarked face couldn't beat that girl?

Probably feeling Bai Luxi's sight, Mazi glared at him fiercely, "What have you done!"

Bai Luxi snorted and understood, it wasn't that the pockmarked face couldn't beat the woman, but the soul stone given by Uncle Charm was too useful, and Bai Luxi felt guilty for a second. At this moment, the woman was already attacking Mazi's face quickly.

Seeing this, Bai Luxi couldn't watch it anymore, so he hurriedly launched an attack on the woman.

"Nosy thing."

The woman scolded coldly, and then moved towards Bailuxi. When he really fought this woman, Bai Luxi realized that the other party was very strong. Moreover, he didn't know what was wrong with this woman. He only felt that after playing with the other party for a few minutes, his whole body was not right, and there was a hot feeling that followed him. heart rises.

Bai Luxi instinctively felt that he couldn't stay like this any longer, so he gritted his teeth and took out a talisman. These powerful talismans were his last cards, and they were given to him by Uncle Lin. Bai Luxi threw it all at the woman in one go, and then he turned back in front of Mazimian, and broke through with Mazimian who couldn't stand still.

The woman was thrown straight by all those Fu Lu, and then suffered a moderate or serious injury, but it was too late to chase after her. Wasting such a good opportunity, the woman is mad! I hated that nosy Bai Luxi.

Bai Luxi broke through with a pockmarked face, but he couldn't run very far, and even Bai Luxi's sanity was not so clear, he just relied on instinct to run reluctantly.

Mazi face took a deep breath, "Go over there."

Bai Luxi instinctively did as he did, and he didn't know how long he ran, Bai Luxi fell down suddenly, and the pock-faced words beside him naturally fell along with him. The two fell heavily to the ground, Bai Luxi groaned, and Mazi groaned similarly, and it seemed that they both fell hard.

Bai Luxi only felt very hot, very hot, his eyes were a little blurry, and the muffled groan from the pockmarked face next to him made him feel very itchy. It was extremely itchy. So, Bai Luxi instinctively groped over there, and just grabbed Mazi-face's elbow. Afterwards, Bai Luxi pulled the person over.

Pockface snorted again, "Damn, what are you doing!"

Bai Luxi didn't know what he wanted to do, so he instinctively posted it, rubbing and rubbing against the pockmarked face. Then, for some reason, his mouth rubbed against Mazi's face, so Bai Luxi kissed him fiercely.

At this time, Bai Luxi didn't care whether the pockmarked face was good-looking or not, no, it should be said, and no matter how ugly the other party was, he



@12: So entangled really

I just felt that after I kissed it, I felt a piece of softness. And the soft touch brought to Bailuxi is very comfortable, and he almost wanted it...

Bai Luxi couldn't bear it anymore, he just hugged the person under him and kissed. I don't know the kind of restrained kiss at all, as if I've never kissed anyone in my life. Very violent, very violent movements.

Mazi slapped Bai Luxi's face with a slap, "You bastard, sober me up."

Bai Luxi finally woke up a little, but his eyes were still blurred. On the contrary, the pain on his cheek made his heart even more flames, so Bai Luxi grabbed Mazi-face's two arms fiercely, raised the other's two hands above his head, and kissed him fiercely again. up. This time, it was even more rude!

Mazilian didn't expect that Bai Luxi would dare to be so messy, so he raised his foot and kicked over, but this action not only did not kick Bai Luxi away, but gave the other party another chance to let the other party directly One foot stuck in...

Mazilian never thought that he would have such an unfortunate day, and now he really hates eating Bailuxi, but he is firmly imprisoned, not only his spiritual power, but also his soul. Soul stone! Damn, it's actually a soul-scattering stone! And it's still a soul stone that has been spelled!

When all the clothes on his body were stripped off, Mazilian's face turned pale, and when his legs were separated, Mazilian's body was extremely stiff... In the end, he was captured by the city...

The extreme heat, I don't know how long it has passed, Bai Luxi's consciousness finally wakes up a lot, but the heat on his body still hasn't faded. And what he was doing, he naturally felt clear.

Bai Luxi's lips trembled, and met the hateful eyes on Mazi's face.

Bai Luxi's movements stiffened.

"Go away." Mazi's voice was hoarse.

Bai Luxi pursed the corners of his mouth and withdrew his pock-faced body. This action made both of them tremble.

Mazi's face slapped and slapped it again, Bai Luxi suffered.



@13: Why not leave?

@13: Why not leave?

"Be careful! My coffee!" Charm caught the coffee that was almost hit by Bai Luxi and fell to the ground, and glanced at the other party, "What's the matter with you, why are you so unhappy? I haven't seen you for a while now. your figure."

Bai Luxi opened his mouth to say something, but closed it again, dull.

Seeing this, Charm laughed, "You kid, it looks like you've lost your love. Isn't it true that you've lost your love?


Hearing this, Bai Luxi finally said, "I'm not in love at all, where did the lovelorn come from."

"Is that so? But you look like a brokenhearted young man."

The corner of Bai Luxi's mouth twitched, "No, Uncle Charm, you think too much... By the way, Uncle Charm, what is the function of your soul-scattering stone?"

"It's nothing, it's just a bit similar to your brother Baiguo's soul-fixing technique, but I also added some other effects. In addition to the soul-fixing technique, it can suppress a person's spiritual power infinitely, as long as that person's spiritual power is not comparable to I'm strong, so I can suppress it to the point where it's almost impossible to use, how about you, you charm uncle very well, right?"

Bai Luxi heard the words, paused, and finally understood that in the battle that day, the pock face was hit by the soul-scattering stone, so the fight with that woman was the first to lose.

After that, the pock face was injured by the woman, and there must be something wrong with the pink breath. He didn't know whether the pock face was hit, but he must have been hit.

That's why he couldn't control his pockmarked face to do such a thing.

The reason why Mazilian failed to resist was because both spiritual power and soul were suppressed by the Soul Scattering Stone, so he couldn't resist at all, and he was finally strengthened by himself.

Thinking of this, Bai Luxi could not wait to give himself a slap. If he didn't have the intention of revenge, how could there be so many things!

On that day, Mazimian stumbled away after slapped him, and his own words... came back later. It's just that the more he thought about it after he came back, the more worried he became. He didn't know what was going on with that woman, and what kind of relationship it had with Mazilian.

He didn't know that he just left, what would happen if Mazi-face ran into that woman again. So he went out to look for someone, but when he found the house where Mazimian was, neither Mazimian nor the woman were there.

He went for several days in a row and found no one.

"Uncle Charm, how long will the effect of the Soul Scattering Stone last?"

"It won't take long, at most a day, after all, it's not a real soul stone. Besides, didn't I use that thing to avenge you? As long as you can stop people for a short time, it's not how you want to come. How come?"

Bai Luxi paused for a while, he can come as he wants, hey, now he just comes as he doesn't want! He regrets it! And he can't find that pockmarked face, so he's not good. I have hurt the other party badly...



@13: Why not leave?

"Did something happen?" The gossip expression on the charming face.

Bai Luxi swallowed his saliva and shook his head, "No, nothing happened."

"Really?" Charm expressed disbelief.

Bai Luxi nodded fiercely, "Well, nothing really happened, Uncle Charm, I thought of something, so I went out first."

Then, Bailuxi ran away in a hurry. Charm pouted, this child is not so cute anymore! Gee. Charming leisurely took two sips of coffee, and then Liu Suifeng came in.

Charm laughed suddenly, "Yeah, isn't this our famous Liu Tianwang?"

Liu Suifeng glanced at Charm, "You're the only one at home?"

"Yeah, everyone seems to be busy. I don't know if they are busy with work or dating. Where did you come from?" Charming eyes flashed with excited gossip.

Liu Suifeng looked at the other party, "Military Department."

"Military Department, are you sure? I thought you came back from the crew."

"The crew has finished filming." Liu Suifeng's face turned slightly dark.

"Oh, isn't it because there have been too many things recently, and my intelligence has also deteriorated? So, forget it."

Liu Suifeng sat down on the sofa and shouted towards the kitchen, saying that he wanted a cup of coffee too. The butler laughed and said that it would be delivered right away.

Charm looked at Liu Suifeng's expression, "What's the matter, it looks like he's in a bad mood, that Prince Sion will not be able to catch up to the military, right?"

Liu Suifeng pouted, "I'll let you guess right, they can really catch up to the military."

Hearing this, Charm laughed with joy, "He really went to the military headquarters, it's true, that place, even if he is a prince of a country, he can't easily go in, right? And there are not many people. Have you figured out a way to get him to empathize? Didn't he?,,

Liu Suifeng's face darkened, "No!"

Charm looked at Liu Suifeng with sympathy, "You said, why is your charm so great. However, if you come here now, the prince should come after us."

Liu Suifeng: "…"

Sure enough, not long after, the servants outside came to report, and the prince really came after him!

Charming hahaha laughed.

Liu Suifeng took a deep breath, "I'll go first, that prince, I'll leave it to you to entertain."

Then, Liu Suifeng stopped drinking coffee and left directly from the other direction of the house.

Soon after, the Prince Sion was let in under the bewitching gesture. Except on TV, this is the first time Charm



@13: Why not leave?

See the prince himself.

It was also the first time that Prince Sion saw Charm, and he was immediately shocked by the incomparable beauty of the other party, but the prince said that he was not a scumbag who met with strange thoughts, so no matter how beautiful Charm was, he only had Liu Suifeng in his heart!

Prince Sion elegantly asked Liu Suifeng's whereabouts, saying that he had come to visit him.

"Oh, he, he doesn't like you, so he knew you were coming and left on the other side." Charm's words were so direct, Prince Sion was stunned.

Charm continued to say lazily: "I said, you prince of what country, do you know what it means to be disgusting and not knowing yourself? I think you speak Chinese well, but you don't understand the logic at all. We There is a saying in Huaxia that a strong melon is not sweet, look at you, why do you have to force something that doesn't belong to you."

Prince Sain looked at Charm aggrievedly, "I just like him and want to pursue him, but I didn't use tough means to get him. I'm very sincere, is that not enough? I finally met someone I really liked. Man, do you have to give up without doing anything? Then what is the meaning of my life?"

Charm smiled lightly, "Do you like people if you like others? Your likes are worthless to those who don't like you. Whether your life has meaning or not has nothing to do with others, and others have no reason to go. Be responsible for your life. Besides making people unhappy and causing trouble, does your so-called sincerity have any other effect?"

Prince Sion was silent.

Charm stood up, "I don't have time to greet you, you can do it yourself, Lord Prince."

Charm sneered, and then went upstairs happily.

Prince Sion took a deep breath. For the first time, he doubted his life and was very sad...

After Bai Luxi went out, he went to Mazilian's house again. There was no accident, and there was still no one there.

Bai Luxi sighed, a little discouraged.

After a while, Bai Luxi left there. When he came downstairs to Mazilian's side, he suddenly felt a slight movement in his heart and looked in one direction suddenly. Then, he saw a young man, that man. He has a face that can be called an alluring country, a white coat, and long hair, which is tied in a simple bundle at the back, and his temperament is indescribably elegant and noble.

Probably noticed Bai Luxi's sight, so the beauty also glanced over here. The dazzling star eyes are extremely bright, as if they will sink into it at a glance.

Bai Luxi was stunned for a moment, and the man quickly turned his eyes away, then turned and left.

Bai Luxi was silent for a while, and thought of Mazi's face again. Is there anything special about this place? The pockmarked face is here, and the person with the outstanding temperament just now is also a cultivator. What is that person doing here? Coincidence or what?

But no matter what other people do here, what Bai Luxi is worried about now is that pockmarked face, where did that guy go.



@13: Why not leave?

At this time, Bai Luxi regretted it very much. He shouldn't have let people go so easily that day, otherwise, he wouldn't be able to find anyone. Should he ask Uncle Lin and Uncle Seven for help? He is not good at finding people, but Uncle Lin and Uncle Seven can!

And Uncle Du Youyang.

Bai Luxi thought for a while, Du Youyang was too far away from him, so it was more convenient to find Lin Xijiu and Bai Qi. However, the two of them haven't stayed at home very much recently. They can't see people during the day, and they can't see people very much at night. business?

After a little hesitation, Bai Luxi still called Bai Qi.

However, Bai Qi and Lin Xijiu were currently chasing someone, so the mobile phone blocked the signal, and they couldn't call Bailuxi.

Bai Qi and Lin Xijiu were chasing the pock face before, but they couldn't find the other's whereabouts the next day. It seemed that pock face had done something to completely cover up their whereabouts. Later, they accidentally discovered the nightmare. And this nightmare is still very powerful, and has already killed many people.

After an investigation, it was discovered that in the last half year, the death of "myocardial infarction" was actually due to a dream, and the number of people killed by nightmares in the dream turned out to be as high as 30! It's just that the people who died were originally a little heart disease, and after all, there was half a year, and the population of the entire imperial capital was so huge, so it was not discovered during this time.

After the nightmare was discovered by Lin Xijiu and Bai Qi by accident, they naturally wanted to chase after them and destroy each other. And if Bai Luxi is here, the other party will definitely recognize it, this is the woman, the girl he once thought was the daughter of the pockmarked face.

"It's quite good at escaping." Lin Xijiu pouted. They had been chasing the nightmare for a few days, and they had played against each other twice, but the nightmare had a lot of trump cards, and they were all run away by the opponent. .

Bai Qi thought thoughtfully, "Why do I think this nightmare's escape method is quite similar to that pockmarked face."

"Do you also feel this way?" Lin Xijiu pondered for a while, and said, "I also feel this way, I thought it was an illusion before, but since you have this feeling too