MTL - Godly Model Creator-Chapter 1 Source age

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In the 301 class of the third year of high school, dozens of students sit cross-legged in the wide classroom. As the old man enters, the light that surrounds them is surrounded by light.

"You are not a carefree student! You are already a senior year. You only have to take the college entrance examination in the last year. If you can't even take a university, you are destined to become a beastly food!"

Class teacher Yang Ziqing, a middle-aged woman in her forties, was swaying at the waist, spitting the stars and splashing around, and screaming at the group of students who were practicing under the hand.

"I don't care how you messed up, how lazy, when I got to my class, I was not allowed to be lazy! In one year, I will increase the source ability to 6 or more, otherwise I will not have any chance to participate in the college entrance examination."

“Have you heard?” Yang Ziqing, who did not respond, shouted again.

“Hear it!” the students replied in unison.

"Very good." Yang Ziqing nodded with satisfaction. "The source of cultivation can already be handed over to you. You can also practice after school. One month is the first simulation of the third year of high school. Don't give me a shame! Oh, yes, big test. At the time, the top 100 of the school are eligible to enter the day-to-day class. You also know, now, after school!"


The classmates who had just been so determined to practice in the past had just lived off, and they couldn’t see the way they had been practicing hard, and walked out of the classroom one by one.

Yang Ziqing's face became iron blue, and she knew that the monkeys were pretending to be pretending to look at it. Only one student was still practicing, seriously, and Yang Ziqing got a little comfort.

It’s a pity that his source talent...

Under the podium, Su Hao took a deep breath and gathered around the faint light. He woke up from cultivation. "The source can be repaired with a little more. According to this progress, the ability index can be raised to 100 within one month, plus the body. Quality and theoretical foundation, source ability should have the opportunity to reach 4!"

Su Hao got up and took a look at the body and looked out the window.

The students outside, at this time one by one proudly show off their ability, some people practiced the chest in the playground, some people in the small woods inside the fireball, and some people kneeling on the edge of the pool to set the ice... even have a The bird man fluttered in the sky.

This is the era in which he lived – the source of energy!

In 2030, a catastrophe swept the earth, and a group of light that was later called the source of energy came from the ectopic plane.

Numerous sources can emerge, giving people, things, and even animals some special abilities, and the earth is in chaos. Later, the governments of various countries jointly launched, for a full 20 years, finally stabilized the chaotic situation of the earth.

The power of source energy is completely controlled by people. It is used in scientific research, education, agriculture and other aspects. The development of society is changing with each passing day. Many technologies that cannot be realized are realized. By 2050, today, the era of source energy has already fully entered.

This is the best time. People don't want to eat and wear. High school students can combine source energy and master special abilities.

This is also the worst era. The wild animals in the wild have already become savage beasts and slaughtered. In addition to the city, no place is absolutely safe.

For the students who are in high school, their only goal is to control the source!

Take the college entrance examination!

The best university!

"If you want to go to college, you need at least 6 source abilities. According to this progress, when I go to the college entrance examination, the source ability is not necessarily 5, and the university is hopeless." Su Hao is a bit stunned.

In this era, all special abilities existed for survival and fighting, and his ability... turned out to be model analysis, a weak and poor ability.

Su Hao calculated, even if he went all the way up, admitted to the university, and finally the model analysis that can be used, should only be the creator of the generals...

Or become an obscure planning architect behind the city?

Yes, this may be able to survive, but... Which boy does not have a **** dream? The beast is a beast, defending the earth, and thinking about it will boil.

Unfortunately, the dream is only a dream.

The calculation of the source ability is related to the source talent, and the weakness of the talent is doomed to the high value of his source ability.

According to the latest assessment of global organizations, the final value of source capacity is a combination of theoretical basis, physical fitness, fighting skills, and ability index, divided by 100.

Among them, the theoretical basis is the basic theoretical course, which contains all source information, beast information, fighting methods, overcoming weaknesses, and even growing a certain herb on a certain planet, all the knowledge of the world, all-encompassing, difficulty Highly horrible, the upper limit of this course is 200 points. For ordinary students, it is amazing to be able to get 100 points.

Physical fitness, representing the strength of the body, the upper limit of 400 points, is the limit of humanity. 100 points for the physical strength of a normally developing high school student.

Fighting skills, representing the current combat skills and martial arts, up to 400 points, but for the average student, the score is only 0 to 5 points.

Finally, the most important point is the ability index!

The ability index is related to the talent level, ability display, and source energy. The calculation is complex, but the talent level accounts for a very high proportion. From F to A, the higher the talent level, the greater the ability index.

The upper limit is infinity!

Su Hao's ability is only an E-level model analysis, which lowers the overall score.

Among the four results, only the theoretical basis is the fixed score, and the only one is the test score. It must be passed the exam or the source assessment. For example, if you don't take the exam for the first time, if you don't take the exam, don't go to the school or the energy association to change it. In your information, this score will always be 100 points!

The other three items are related to their own strength. They are always ready to change at any time, but they are also the best to distinguish. Countless instruments can be easily measured. For example, the physical fitness detector, almost randomly scans you, you can get the score of your current physical fitness.

The improvement of strength is nothing more than strong talent, countless resources, persistence and hard work!

For Su Hao, the two things of talent and resources are unreachable dreams. The only thing he can do is persistence and hard work, so although his strength is very weak, the theoretical basis is horrible. And this kind of person, according to the name of the first middle school, was dubbed as - Xueba!

"The theoretical basis is 180 points, physical fitness is 100 points, fighting skills are 0 points, ability index is 100 points, total score is 380 points. Source capacity is 3.8, and soon it is 4!"

Su Hao silently calculated that the hands and feet were flexible and packed up, ready to leave school.

However, at this moment, a muffled sound, the classroom door was actually kicked open.

"Su Hao, let Laozi get out." A tall and handsome student appeared at the door.

"What?" Su Hao did not go out, he was not stupid. This person is called Sun Yaotian, a talented figure in the middle, the source ability is as high as 8 points or more, and he can be arbitrarily pinched to death.

"You and Chen Yiran go back together?" Sun Yaotian said coldly.

Su Hao frowned. "We are on the way, after school, we will go together occasionally..."

"I will not let you go!" Sun Yaotian interrupted him. "What is Chen Yiran's ability? You should be clear. In your capacity, you don't even have the qualifications to look up. Later, it is far away from her, otherwise I will see once. Hit once!"

"Sun Yaotian, you!" Su Hao was furious and pinched his fist.

"Why, do you want to fight?" Sun Yaotian looked at him with a sneer. "The school rules are not allowed to be shot in the classroom. You dare to come out and see."

Su Hao’s face was blue and green, and his heart rushed out, but he was pressed back.

Fighting Sun Yaotian with his 3.8 source ability is tantamount to hitting the stone with an egg. It is estimated that Sun Yaotian will slap and die. The classroom is not allowed to shoot, but if he first hits Sun Yaotian to fight back, it will be different.

"Be as timid as a rat." Sun Yaotian saw that he was not excited, and he left with a sneer. "Remember my words, this is the last warning."

"Sun Yaotian..."

Su Hao is angry.

He works harder than anyone else, but he can only sneak at the bottom, everything, just because of the **** talent, the theoretical basis of 180 points, he is the first deserved! For this 180 points, he did not know how much information he saw in the past few years to reach this level. But the ability index... He only has 100 points, and Sun Yaotian, only the ability index is as high as 500 points!

Because Sun Yaotian's ability is the control of the A-level talent iron element, the real strong combat talent, the offensive and defensive integration, greatly increase the combat power, much stronger than his analysis of the Rasch model!

"One day... I want to overtake you, sure!"

Su Hao’s eyes were filled with anger and turned away from the classroom.

His thoughts are simple, and the talent is not enough to make it!

What is the low ability? Since the ability is not available, then take the 1000 points of the basic points, 200 points of theoretical basis, 400 points of physical quality, 400 points of fighting skills, as long as you master all of these, you can push the source ability to 10 points, Become a strong!

Su Hao bit his teeth, left the school and went home.

On the streets of the stream.


A person quickly flashed from the side of Su Hao, like a shadow, the speed is so irritating, Su Hao was hit by a shackle.

The phone that is viewing the data is instantly raised, crossed an arc, and then enters the person's package.

Su Hao stunned and then quickly responded, "The thief?"

I saw another person flashing through, a middle-aged man quickly chased the past, Su Hao understood, "paralyzed, really a thief, and, more than stealing a person's things?"

There are a lot of thieves in this block, and most of the thieves are screaming at the speed source, stealing things and running, people can't respond, but this time, they have stolen Su Hao's things!

Su Hao raged in anger and was threatened by Sun Yaotian. It was just enough to steal the phone when he left the house.


Su Hao slammed out a fist and smashed the protective cover of a suspended motorcycle next to it, then mobilized it and chased it to the thief.

Suspended motorcycles crossed a soft light and chased them in the air. Su Hao said with a gnashing of his teeth. "A paralyzed, fast speed can't catch up with you?"

On the same line, three streams of light flashed.

The foremost black figure is flying away quickly, followed by an angry middle-aged man, and finally, Su Hao riding a suspension motorcycle.

Su Hao has been chasing for more than ten minutes, and when he chased the bridge on the river in Jianghe City, he was able to catch up.

Far away, you can see the thief and the middle-aged people are arguing, the two figures are pushing, Su Hao speeds up the past, "damn thief, this time you see where you run!"

Suspended motorcycles rushed in, but Su Hao felt faintly that it was not quite right.


The middle-aged man fell to the ground, hindering the disappearance, the thief figure was revealed, Su Hao was eclipsed, the thief was a white-bladed dagger, bloody, just pulled out from the middle-aged.

I saw the thief pull out a small blue bottle and face a drop to the middle-aged.


Under a drop of water, the middle-aged man's body began to corrode, and then turned into nothing!

"this is……"

Su Hao looked at this scene in horror, this person is not a thief, it is - killer! The killer of the drifting organization! According to the news, the killer of the drifting organization has this newly developed corpse solution, which can easily turn all the clues of the target into nothing.


Su Hao snorted and turned to want to turn the front of the car. Then, at this time, the killer had already noticed him, his mouth sneered, and he took out a silver pistol and pointed him at him.

For a moment, Su Hao shuddered and ran up.

Finished! dying!

In contact with the cold eyes of the killer, Su Hao felt a cold, but inexplicable, the anger of the heart was finally erupted.

I am Su Hao... Is it all about bullying for a lifetime?

No, never!

Looking at the blood on the killer's chest, he was obviously injured, causing the action to be slow. Su Hao’s eyes are a little worried, and he is afraid of fading. If Laozi is dead, he will pull you back as a cushion!


Su Hao slammed a button on a button on a suspension motorcycle.


An energy converges in the motorcycle body and erupts. The speed of the suspended motorcycle instantly erupts to the limit. A light is drawn across the air, and the smash hit the killer.


A laser beam was shot from the silver pistol, but it was obviously smashed. It was swept by Su Hao, and the hot temperature still made Su Hao feel hot in his ear.


The levitation motorcycle descended from the sky and was blasting on the killer's chest. Even the killer directly hit the metal container on the dock. Numerous cargo boxes collapsed and squatted on the killer, dull and sound.

When Su Hao accelerated the levitation motorcycle, he was smashed out and fell to the ground, directly fell a dog to eat, and the powerful impact he could not control.

After the scars of the ground climbed up, Su Hao was horrified to find that the killer had climbed from countless boxes.

"I am grass, those cargo boxes do not know a few tons of weight, this is not dead, how strong is this killer?"

"Can't let him live!"

Su Hao flashed this thought in his mind and took the silver pistol next to him, aiming at the killer who had just climbed out of the cargo box.

Cold, bloody, red, the horrible look at Su Hao, let Su Hao almost shuddered and let go.

"Go to death!"

Su Hao closed his eyes and pressed his teeth.


A laser beam swept through and instantly penetrated the body of the killer and crashed down.


Su Hao sighed, and some of the fear of throwing the pistol out of his hand, he wanted to turn and flee, but stopped instantly. The advantage of 180 points in the basic theory course is that he knows a lot of things that others don't even know.

The fingerprint on the pistol, the middle-aged man has been killed, disappeared, the killer is dead, can not be kept like this.

Su Haoqiang endured the nausea and nausea in his heart, and groped for the body of the killer and found the corpse of the blue bottle.


The corpse droplets passed, the killer's body began to slowly evaporate, a little dissipated, with the handle of the silver pistol and the suspension motorcycle, all the things related to the killer disappeared.

He can't dare to leave anything, and maybe there are GPS locks or other positioning systems in which weapon.


Su Hao was completely relieved, but unexpectedly discovered that under the corpse liquid, the position of the killer left a mysterious blue and black card.

"What kind of ghost thing? Did the corpse liquid not be digested?" Su Hao was amazed, and the effect of the corpse fluid disappeared and caught the past.


The mysterious blue-black card shimmers in the light, and enters the body along the right hand of Su Hao, disappearing without a trace.


Su Hao felt a roar of noise in his mind, and the surrounding scenery instantly became illusory. On the edge of the river and the city bridge, all the scenery became awkward.

Between half-dream and half-awake, it seems that it has been a long time, and it seems that there is only a moment.

The mysterious card appeared in the depths of Su Hao's mind, flashing and flashing. If Su Hao is still awake, he can hear the thoughts flashed in the mysterious card.

"...discovery ability...model the fusion...the concrete construction..."

In front of the psychedelic light, Su Hao feels that he feels like a psychedelic medicine, can not find himself, but feels comfortable and relaxed.


Su Hao was shocked and woke up.

On Monday, no one attacked, looked at myself, and did not feel abnormal.

"I don't know what it means to be a killer. I almost got it."

Su Hao shook his head and found a corner that was not noticed, and quickly left.