MTL - God’s Game I Am the Great Will of the Planet-Chapter 798 : Dominate the Southern Border (24) 1 stab at the feudal, 1 stab at the altar

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Different from the situation when the "November Mother Law Outline" was signed, this time Lorraine did not directly block the door to negotiation, but only euphemistically said that the implementation of the law should be piloted in some areas first, and then slowly to the public. National implementation, so as not to cause too much turmoil in the country.

To be more specific, Lorraine can get Celiti III to sign an anti-feudal decree, but the premise is that this decree cannot, at least temporarily, not affect the basic issues with the Atonaite nobles such as Phoebe and the Old Pass Province. .

Although Lorraine's proposal has bad intentions, her words are not necessarily unreasonable. No matter what, you have to do a good job in the local area before extending to remote areas. Therefore, after discussions, leaders such as Shiaire agreed to Lorraine's proposal. , in exchange for this decree being successfully signed by Celiti III.

After the two sides negotiated the terms, Seliti III did not act as a demon and signed these anti-feudal decrees. Anyway, those old nobles will be hurt the most. You used to follow the mob to run against me, but now you are suffering retribution? With this thought in mind, Celiti III even felt a sense of joy when passing the decree.

As soon as the decree came out, most of the nobles, especially those who dealt with raw materials and depended on the land for food, were suddenly mourning and scolding.

There are only two factions of nobles who do not scold, one is the nobles who run factories and commerce, and the other is the nobles of the Atona faction. They use their privileges that have not been affected to move their family industry beyond the boundaries of Phoebebo and begin to nibble on Vale. Industry in the province and the old customs province.

The happiest force is the business group. You must know that they have invested a lot of money in the enlightenment for hundreds of years, and now they have finally paid off. They can justifiably break with the nobles through these laws and compete with the nobles for the leadership of the city. Control.

Since the nobility's anger index has soared into the sky, it is natural that the decree was greatly resisted during the implementation process, and the local support and opposition were in chaos.

In order to supervise the implementation of anti-feudal laws, the National Assembly passed a resolution to establish a new post of Observatory to supervise the implementation of anti-feudal laws in various provinces. Fighting bravely, this has nothing to do with the National Assembly.

Everyone knows that if you want to do well in the position of observation officer, it must be like stepping on the crown of thorns. Therefore, in order to recruit enough talents, the National Assembly has also invested heavily, claiming that it will give priority to those who are from the observation officer to be elected. for MPs to stimulate enthusiasm for observation.

After enough incentives, a group of aggressive newcomers volunteered themselves, trying to make themselves stand out in the political arena with this blog name.

After this batch of newcomers took office, many of them died of the epidemic within a month, and the other group joined the local community. Only a few of them carried out anti-feudalism very well and received their due rewards. This group of people will become newcomers in the future. A vital force in a generation of leaders.

The first knife of the National Assembly is against feudalism, and the second knife is against the altar. If it was fifty or sixty years ago, if anyone dared to do this, it would be courting death, and the divine envoy would come to the mortal world to torture you for your devotion to the gods.

However, after the "Metatron Disaster", the gods lost contact with the Southern Border Continent. If it wasn't for the magic, people would almost think that the gods had all fallen. In this case, it's no wonder that others are getting more and more courageous. bigger.

Although compared to the Earth plane, the altar of the Southern Border Continent is not as reactionary as the church, so the National Assembly chose the church as the target, in the final analysis, it is a question of money.

Don't forget that the economic crisis caused by the dragon fruit bubble is still going on. At this time, if the National Assembly wants to save the world, it has to find an economic source.

The anti-feudal decree has been passed to pluck the nobles. It is impossible for the business group to pluck them. They are the parents of the reformers. Therefore, apart from these forces, the only thing that can get money is the loss of the backstage (god). The group of priests who still owns a lot of land and wealth.

The prototype of the ideas that the members of the National Assembly came up with came from the "Apocalypse War" in the last century. In the Apocalypse War, the "Hunting Magic Coin" issued by the heavens undoubtedly provided ideas for the members, and then under the hint of Cold Game, " The concept of "indicators" came out.

The National Assembly believes that although the altar is a necessary existence, the grand altar is unnecessary. Therefore, the National Assembly will give strangers the "excess" land of the altar, and sell the "referential" paper money according to the value of these lands. It is used for circulation in the country, so that Shibo can get out of the economic crisis as soon as possible.

It is quite funny that the congressman Naletase who made this proposal is a priest himself. In fact, he still has not stepped down as a priest. It is precisely because of the convenience of this position that Naletase is the wealth of the altar. It is very clear, and it is almost a three-inch suggestion.

The priests drew countless small circles in Naretta, but they could not prevent this unpopular world from passing this law. When the **** of the mountains no longer sheltered the altar, the priests discovered that their power turned out to be so Fragile, despite the fact that the altar has been doing human beings for decades.

This may be the law that the Honorable Alliance has approved the most in the past few months. Many nobles are celebrating each other, just to draw the priests into their own camp, so they still all voted against it. Anyway, even if the Honorable Alliance all voted against it, It can't stop the League of Order and the League of Civil Rights working together to do what they want to do, and they can eat two bites by the way.

Anti-feudalism and anti-altar are also the two things that have the greatest impact at the beginning of this year, and the reformists and old-fashioned factions of the entire Shibo have been completely torn apart because of these two laws. Every town is rioting. Those who support and oppose, More are trying to take advantage of this opportunity to fish in troubled waters, and the situation has become more and more complicated.

When people are busy doing things, fewer and fewer people care about production. Therefore, not only has the production revenue in various places not reversed, but it has developed in a worse direction compared to last year, but it is still summer. So these issues are temporarily hidden in the turmoil of the political situation.

In fact, in addition to the "anti-feudal decree" and the "anti-altar decree", the National Assembly has successively passed some scattered "emergency decrees", such as curfews in civilian areas to prevent accidents, such as prohibiting civilians from marching to endanger national security Wait, but don't worry, these laws are not valid for citizens and nobles.

These things are all agreed upon by the League of Order and the League of Civil Rights. The two coalitions together occupy 66% of the seats in the National Assembly, and more than two-thirds have ensured that these bills can always be passed. Card Spirit" achievement.

But when the reforms continue, the League of Order and the League of Civil Rights will no longer be able to unify their opinions, because these differences are exactly the differences that led to the disintegration of the Reform League. If these differences can be resolved as soon as possible, then the Reform League will not be held three days before the election. announced the dissolution.

For example, according to the "November Mother Law Outline", specific government affairs are not carried out by the National Assembly, but by the cabinet elected by the National Assembly as the assistant to the President of the United States in the execution of government affairs, but the power of separation of powers has never been determined. As a result, the cabinet has never been established, so government affairs are still embarrassingly carried out by the National Assembly.

Regarding these quarrels between the Order Alliance and the Civil Rights Alliance, the Honorable Alliance maintained a very happy mood to watch the fun. Xiao Li Xini has ordered that no matter what proposal, the Honorable Alliance will vote against it to disrupt the situation, which will lead to whether it is the Order Alliance or the Civil Rights Alliance. Neither were able to obtain two-thirds approval of the parliament, making it impossible to discuss a result.

Soon, the two alliances also saw the sinister intentions of the Honorable Alliance. They were just dragging the time until the situation exploded and the spearhead was directed to the National Assembly, and then the Honorable Alliance could take the opportunity to withdraw and even dissolve the people they didn't like. parliament.

This is easy to see. In fact, after the fall, prices have begun to rise again. If prices are allowed to continue like this, it will be another "December storm".

However, seeing that the purpose is one thing, whether the problem can be solved is At least when the crisis did not officially break out, Shiaire and others were unable to convince most members to let go of their relationship with the alliance. differences.

The crisis that the two alliances feared, and the crisis that the noble alliance expected, finally broke out on October 10, and was detonated by Lorraine, who had been dormant for nearly a year.

"Are you really going to run away?" Seliti III looked at the maids who were packing their luggage, and his heart was beating wildly. Tiros fled to the faraway Phoebe, how could he not make him feel uneasy.

"Say, Sey, you have to remember that as the president of the United States, you can't escape," Lorraine said, "We are not fleeing, we are moving away, and we have been swayed by evil forces. Among the Batiros under control, move to Phoebe, who has a simple folk style."

Lorraine opened the curtain and pretended to be able to see beyond the very distant palace wall: "Have you seen this year's financial statement? You also know about the spies' inquiries on Batyros these days, right? The second mob I am afraid the riot is not far away, if we jump out of Batiros at this time, then the spearhead of the mob riot will point to the parliament, and we are just getting out!"

Celiti III was still rubbing his fingers nervously. The fact that the ruler of a country escaped from the capital could not help worrying him. Seeing this, Lorraine took his hand and comforted him: "My dear little husband, think back to when Your grandfather, he established the base from the east, so he can rule, and now what you need is this kind of breaking and standing!"

Through Lorraine's repeated persuasion, Seliti III had to settle down and start preparing for the upcoming escape. Seliti III also clearly knew that his escape this time would inevitably lead to an extremely huge political whirlpool. How many people will be engulfed by this vortex.


Set a small goal first, such as 1 second to remember: Shukeju