MTL - Golden Age Legitimate Fei-~ 13. Garden war

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13. The battle of the wreckage garden

Although Ye Liu does not like to join in the fun, but also knows that the girl and the married woman are not the same. When I was in the middle of the word, I didn’t want to participate in the gatherings of the show. Most of the outsiders felt that the girl was inward, or really poor. However, if a woman who is in charge of giving in after marriage is still unwilling to integrate into it, people will feel that this person’s eyes are higher than the top, and even seriously affect their husband’s family. The master of the king's palace today is the disfigured King Moss, although there are still several son-in-law in the house, but after she marries, she must be in charge of the king's house. Therefore, after listening to Mrs. Ye’s words, Ye Li also smiled and made a look forward to the appearance of this year’s Hundred Flowers Festival.

After sending away a group of Yin Zhaotai, Ye Liu retire to the old lady back to Qing Yi Xuan. Mrs. Ye’s wife and Wang’s wife are delighted by the glory of Yin Zhao’s personal appointment, and there is not much left. Yeli went out of Rongle Hall and walked carelessly in the cloister. On the one hand, he remembered the sight of Xian Zhao when he was too far away. Somehow I always feel too embarrassed. It has a very meaningful feeling in my eyes.

"Miss, look." When passing by the garden, Ye Liu was thinking about the matter, and the frost whispered in her ear.

Looking up, there is a pair of monks in the pavilion on the garden roadside. The man is handsome and awesome. The woman is absolutely weak. Isn’t it the name of Mo Jingli and Ye Ying? Ye Liu is somewhat puzzled. These two people don’t go to spend the month before, what are they doing at the garden intersection where this person enters and exits? It seems that I am here to wait for her. Stepping forward, "I have seen His Royal Highness Prince." Mo Jingli glanced at the few hoes behind her and sneered: "You will be in the middle of the field." In the past, Mo Jingli was not far away. I have seen the glaze several times, and each time the glaze is followed by a hoe, it looks like a small family. Now that she has just been given a marriage, this Yeli not only dares to embarrass herself, but also puts on the stage. I don't know why, Mo Jingli always felt that she was a little angry when she saw Ye Liu. Thinking of the nearly two thousand two silver pieces falling into the hands of Ye Liang, let Mo Jingli gnash his teeth. It wasn't that he couldn't afford the money from Li Wang's house, but Ye Liu's move made it clear that he didn't care about him, so he was so generous to ask for money.

Ye Liu covered his lips and smiled, his faint eyes circling on the two. "Wang Ye said with a smile, this is just a rule that the girl should have. I know that the four sisters and the princes are naturally inevitable... but they are still not married, the fourth sister. It’s good to go in and out, or let the **** go with it... even if it’s far away, it’s good. It’s also exempting others from making irresponsible remarks.”

"Three sisters, how do you say that..." After listening to Ye Li, Ye Ying’s bright water ripples suddenly turned red, and the crystal tears swirled in his eyes, and he was so grievous that he looked at Ye Liu. "I and Wang Ye are clear and white." Even if my sister is sorry for the third sister, but this is not the meaning of the sister, why should the third sister..."

Ye Li slightly raised his hand, calmly planning her words, some funny asked: "The four sisters misunderstood, who said that you and the prince are not clear? You just say it, even if the grandmother and father do not make you the master, The third sister will also be the master of you." After a look at the face of the people who swept over the eyes, the frost covered his lips and smiled: "The slave has not heard it. But since Miss Four said that it must be there, it is better to go back. The old lady’s strict investigation will inevitably lead to the filth of Miss Four and Lieutenant Colonel Li.” Ye Ying’s look changed, with a hateful scent of frost and a look at the poor face of Mo Jingli, “Wang Ye... "This is if the grandmother knows that he will certainly reprimand himself. If he is too big, he will not have the rumors that he did not have."

"Enough! Yeli, what you do is useless, this king will not look at you, you will die this heart." Mo Jing Li Han screamed, staring at Ye Liu's eyes as if full of disgust and disgust .

Some of the surprised glasses are not coming back. What is Mo Jingli talking about? Wouldn't you think that this is what you want to look like? Where does this person come from such a good self?

I was looked at by the eyes of Ye Liu, and Mo Jingli was a little angry and angry and said: "You have seen enough, no shame!"

Yeli helplessly turned a blind eye in the heart, and resisted saying "you should take medicine". I went to the ceremony with Mo Jing Li Fu. "Enough, Wang Ye and my four sisters talked slowly. I will leave." And I did not wait for Mo Jingli to agree, and turned directly to the direction of my Qing Yi Xuan.

Behind the ink, Jing Jingli stared at the thin figure that grew up and looked gloomy. Ye Ying looked at her heart and tightened her voice. "Wang Ye, the third sister has always been like this, don't worry about her."

Looking at the beautiful face of the former people filled with worries and pleading, Mo Jingli's face slowed down a bit, pulling Ye Ying snorted: "You can rest assured, since she is your sister, the king will see you. I don’t care about her on the face.” Ye Ying’s eyes flashed slightly, and she shook her head down. “Thank you, Grandpa.”

Just entering the Qingyi Xuan, I heard a few idle squats, and the little girl was amazed at the richness of the dowry sent by Li Wangfu today. It is a blessing for the four ladies to marry Li Wang. Of course, it is inevitable to say that the three Miss married to the misfortune of the waste material lord known to the capital. The face of the defrosting gas is white, and I don’t wait for the opening of the glass to scream: "Let's give it up! Who will give you the courage to talk about the master?!" The few gimmicks said that they were too invested, even when they stood up. Six or seven people do not know. When I heard the sound of the frost, I turned around and I was so scared that I was soft.

The glazed look of the glass was walked by the hoes that were squatting on the ground. Just when the gimmicks thought that they had escaped the sigh of relief in their hearts, they only listened to Ye Lidao: "Go down to the twenty boards."

"Don't ah... Miss sin, slaves don't dare..." Although the courtyard of Qing Yi Xuan is not favored in the government, there is not much difference in the gimmicks. There are good things in the other yards and there is no such thing as a rough hoe, and Miss San is the best master of the entire Yefu. I usually never ask anyone who is too demanding, and I don’t get angry. I’m angry at Shantou’s body, and I’m basically not penalized people in the hospital. So these little girls will inevitably feel that Miss San’s heart will be loose. It is. But I did not expect that they would be fined twenty boards for just a few gossips today.

"Go!" Too lazy to listen to those who begged for mercy, Ye Liu faintly left a word to go.

"Miss, why bother with that little boy, angry and angry, how much is not worth it." The frost whispered behind the leaf.

Ye Li looked back at her and smiled. "Do you think I am angry?"

"Miss...what is it?" In the past few years, I have rarely seen the lady punish the girl.

Ye Liu sneered aloud: "I punish them not because they chew their tongues, but because they are carrying the Lord."


"If you are a girl, chewing the tongue, will you stand in the yard and enter the door?"

The clearing of the frost suddenly realized, some incomprehensible asked: "Who is referring to them? It will not be a lady, what good is it for her? In addition to the angry lady." And not necessarily angry With.

Ye Zixiu's eyebrows were slightly wrinkled, and he shook his head and shook his head against the frost: "You go to the Imperial Palace in person, and send me a letter to the second official. I said that I don't understand something I want to ask the second mother, please She has time to come over. Right, tell my aunt, don't worry."

------Off topic ------

If there is a wood, I feel that the plot is progressing too slowly.

Read Dafeng’s Night Squad