MTL - Good Man Operation Guide-Chapter 15 Xia Tangjun (15-17)

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When Lin Shiheng and He Xuezhu went back, they heard that Zhang Yanming was in the hospital and caused dissatisfaction.

The army is a disciplined place. It is not only a small soldier. An officer like Zhang Yanming is also unable to make mistakes. He has a background, but in this era, his background does not allow him to retreat when he is full of rumors.

In the end, under the protection of his family, Zhang Yanming was punished, from the deputy group to the platoon leader.

It is reasonable to say that this kind of big mistake has been made under the eyes of the public, especially in the sensitive and sensational period in which the country is still in the temptation of the next door. It is not bad to be able to maintain a platoon leader position. Zhang Yanming is fundamental. This result cannot be accepted.

In particular, he received a phone call from his home, where his grandfather scolded him.

"For a woman, it has become a joke of the whole army. It is really a waste of money. I have spent so much effort on you, and I have to go out and let others take care of you."

"I tell you, I am honest with the troops. If you take care of your marriage with the woman at home, I will remember it first. When the wind goes by, I will divorce her immediately."

Zhang Yanming bit his teeth, his face is full of dissatisfaction: "Grandpa, I love her."

"I don't care if you love cats or dogs. Remember, we have a family. You don't need a woman who can't give you any help to be your wife."

After Zhang Yanming hangs up the phone, his face is gloomy as if he wants to eat. He is full of resentment for the elders to intervene in their marriage.

But he will not give in, the more the family forces him to give up, the more he will not give up.

Zhang Yanming’s reluctance obviously did not make his elders soft, but they made them angry. Lin Shiheng quickly received news that Zhang’s family had withdrawn from Zhang Yanming’s asylum.

He is not very surprised. Zhang Jiayuan was originally a big family. It is because it is a big family. Everyone loses all their glory. The words that Zhang Yanming said are what others mean, even if they are small soldiers. I don’t know that Zhang Yanming is a descendant of Zhang’s family. If Lin Shiheng has such a military position, it is clear and clear.

Zhang Yanming is favored, but these favors can't offset the influence of his words on Zhang.

If he bows to the home and then bows his head and apologizes, maybe the elders will be soft, but how can he bow his head like a sly temper.

In the original plot, after Zhang Yanming left with Miao Xing, because of the influence of the original master, the two did not openly love, but continued to carry out underground love and enjoy the stealing | emotional stimulation.

Because of the departure of the head of the original owner, Zhang Yanming quickly sat on the position of the head of the regiment. After the operation of his family, another smooth and smooth way stood for the height of the Zhang family.

He no longer needs any help from external forces, and at this time, even if he declares himself to be with a girl without any family, no one will question and oppose it.

But now Zhang Yanming, the wing is not rich, the smell of the troops is stinking, and the support of the biggest backing is lost.

One night | lost all the halo of being blessed, and if you want to stand on the heights, you can only work **** your own.

According to Lin Shiheng's observation, Zhang Yanming is not like a character who will redouble his efforts in adversity.

He has long been accustomed to the help of the family, used to contempt for others to be high, when the privileges that he once enjoyed are no longer owned by him, he will only resent others not to give preferential treatment.

As time passed, Lin Shiheng’s guess became a fact. Zhang Yanming seemed to become a water dog between the night and the night. The people above would choose him from the danger zone, and he would never send him any dangerous mission. Now However, like other people's treatment, other platoon leader has any tasks, Zhang Yanming has any tasks.

Zhang Yanming used to be pampered. When he ate this bitterness, he suffered a lot of injuries in a short period of time. However, these injuries are not very heavy. Even if they are not used, they will continue to be sent out.

Obviously it is a normal thing. He has never felt such cruelty, but he is convinced that someone deliberately harmed him. For this reason, he also went to the Shangguan side and let the people in the army read a joke.

Lin Shiheng also got a lot of attention from people, because according to Zhang Yanming, the person who wants him is Lin Shiheng.

It is only according to their observations, where the head of the forest family can take care of him, he has accomplished several outstanding tasks, and even set up a first-class merit. It is reasonable to say that there is no problem if you have a first-class merit directly. Just look at the above meaning, I want to wait any longer.

Also, after all, the head of the forest is still too light, but such a talented person is such a young age, or let many officers secretly nod in their hearts.

In particular, Lin Shiheng not only has strong combat capability and leadership ability, but also is quite decent. It is said that Zhang Yanming did not give him a scorpion when he was still a deputy group. After that, he was smeared several times, although no one took it seriously, but if If you change to them, you may be so angry.

Before Zhang Jia was behind him, now Zhang’s family is no longer a good time. Lin Shiheng’s unexpected surprise is that he did not do anything to Zhang Yanming who has ever targeted himself.

If he retaliates against Zhang Yanming with his temperament, it is not too big in the eyes of some of the above people, but it will leave an impression of vengeance and savage. Now he gently let go, in the eyes of some old people, it is big. There is a style.

At the end of the day, the news has been basically implemented. If there is no accident, Lin Shiheng must raise at least two levels at the end of this year.

In many people's eyes, Lin Shiheng, who should be proud of his spring, is accompanying his wife for a checkup.

"It's very healthy, and the body of the adult is not bad."

The man in the military uniform was obviously relieved, and his wife stood up and asked: "Doctor, my wife, is there a time limit for reading a day?"

The doctor wearing a white coat smiled and replied: "Just stop after feeling tired. Does your wife like reading books?"

"Yeah." Speaking of this, Lin Shiheng looked helplessly and looked at his wife. "There is no hand to hold the book every day. The school teacher said that she is too serious."

He Xuezhu was a little embarrassed, blushing red, whispered: "I will rest if I feel tired."

The doctor looked at the pregnant woman with a big belly in front of her.

They came to be diligent, and Miao Xing, who had been dismissed from a military hospital, knew that the head of the forest had a wife and pursued his gossip. The doctor had a couple of husband and wife. Familiar with.

From the first time they came to the present, maybe even He Xuezhu did not know what changed in her body.

Generally, the appearance of pregnant women will be more ugly than before pregnancy, the bloated stomach and various reactions during pregnancy, as well as the obesity that can not be avoided, the doctors of obstetrics and gynecology have also seen a lot.

But this is the first time they have seen it, and it is getting better and better with pregnancy.

At the first inspection, He Xuezhu's face was still yellow. When she looked at the person, she couldn't help but reveal some coziness. Although she tried hard to make herself not show it, she could still be easily noticed.

Looking at her now, the original rough yellow skin has turned into a smooth white and tender, even a little spot, even the delicate five features seem to open in the past few months, obviously still the original appearance, but looked It’s gentle and attractive.

When you look at people, you are full of generosity.

However, it is no wonder that whoever gave her a good husband did not ask her to take care of herself in the compound. Instead, she sent the person to the school, and she was afraid of her hard work. She also specially hired other people in the compound to help pregnant women. meal.

The maternity department gave so many pregnant women's meal lists, and the head of the forest was the first to perform seriously.

Husband loves, and he has a career he likes. He doesn't need to wash and cook every day. He only needs to study his favorite things with peace of mind. It is normal to look good.

Anyone can see that He Xuezhu's state is very good. Even so, the head of the forest always feels uneasy. When he arrives at the inspection time, he will rush to accompany his wife for inspection.

He also knows that He Xuezhu was admitted to the school and is waiting for the exam four months later. Once the exam passes, she can become a formal doctor, so she works very hard and reads the book whenever she has the opportunity.

No matter where it is, people who work hard will always get everyone's favorite. He Xuezhu's gentle medical knowledge is fast, and the exam is ten, the relationship between her and her husband is so good. It is estimated that it will not be too far away. The hospital has only military hospitals and their hospitals. Since it is very likely to become their future colleagues, the doctors and nurses here do not mind having a good relationship with this future colleague.

He Xuezhu is a big month. If it is not expected, the expected date of birth should be next month. Although her condition is very good, the doctor still took a few precautions as usual, and looked at the man in front of the uniform wearing a military uniform and carefully recorded it. The deeper the sigh in my heart.

I love my wife, even Li Qigong, responsible for the next, right on the right, how can there be such a perfect man in the world.

I also complain that a group of young nurses will brighten their eyes as soon as they see him. It is even more embarrassing to discuss when he leaves.

"I have written it down, is there any more to add?"

The doctor smiled and shook his head: "No, she is in good health, her child is very healthy, and she should be very smooth. If she is not at ease, she will be sent to the hospital a few days before the expected date of delivery."

Lin Shiheng remembered the doctor's cockroaches in his heart and confirmed it again. Junmei also showed a relaxed smile on his face: "Okay, we will, thank you doctor."

After bidding farewell to the doctor, he helped the inconvenient wife with a big belly to go outside, and from time to time accompanied by warm voices.

"We walked slowly and didn't worry what to do, just go shopping in the mall."

Speaking of this, He Xuezhu quickly said: "Don't buy clothes for me again. I am now big, and those clothes will not be worn until the child is born. It is too wasteful."

"You are so hard, you should have a good deal of it, okay, don't worry, I didn't just make a bonus, it's not without money."

He Xuezhu was moved and at the same time somewhat helpless: "The money is placed here. I certainly know that there is money at home. It is that these clothes can't be worn for a long time. It's too wasteful. I wear the old ones. Why do you want to buy them?" new."

Zhou Qianqian took the checklist and walked from the other corridor to this side. I just heard this sentence. When I saw the two people talking and laughing, I was going to go to my side. I turned and hid in the ward.

She was pregnant for three months, it was the time when the morning sickness was the most powerful. It was really uncomfortable. I had to come to the hospital to see it. It was all right. Today is the day when my husband is on vacation. As a result, he is too late to stay with her. Zhou Qianqian is really uncomfortable. Going to Miao Xing again, I want her to accompany her.

After all, since Miao Xing was dismissed, she never worked again. She was free all day, but when she went to find it, Miao Xing had to read books and refused.

Helpless, Zhou Qianqian can only come by car, the road can not help but spit a body, although there are good people handed the paper to let her rub, but the smell of vomiting on the body can not disappear.

Zhou Qianqian did not like Lin Shiheng, but later learned from Miao Xing that Zhang Yanming was in the process of being replaced by Lin Shiheng. After he was operating, he insisted that Lin Shiheng and his wife were cold-faced and naturally unwilling to let them Seeing what they look like.

She never doubted the words of Miao Xing. She always believed that Lin Shiheng was a hypocrite. It was impossible to really be good to his wife. The gentleness they saw against He Xuezhu was deliberately made for them.

But at this moment, Zhou Qianqian hid behind the door of the ward, listening to the gentleman's voice outside, as if screaming at the child to persuade his wife:

"Where is the child wearing old clothes, hey, listen to me, you are not buying a husband, but also save the two money?"

"Give us a little clothes for our baby. I heard that the children's clothes should be bought earlier, and they should be boiled with boiling water and then sun-baked, and the softness of the clothes can be worn. It is not too early to buy. ”

He Xuezhu came with a happy voice: "Well, I will buy some clothes for you."

"I can wear military uniforms, I don't have to buy them."

"You can't always wear military uniforms. You look at you, how much clothes you have bought for me. You can't think of buying them. You are not talking about vacations? You can't wear military uniforms during that holiday."

She complained sweetly: "You don't care about me, but think about yourself."

It is clearly a group level, and the man who is also very majestic outside laughs lowly. The magnetic voice is full of pets: "Good, obey the command of the chief."

Zhou Qianqian hid behind the door, listening to their movements gradually drifting away, the unconscious death of the hand clasped the door.

She looked down and looked at her own clothes that had been wearing a hairball for a year, and her face was green and white.

No, how could she not match He Xuezhu?

Miao Xingjie told her that He Xuezhu relied on only one stomach.

Just how to try to comfort myself in the bottom of my heart, Zhou Qianqian can not ignore her husband and even accompany her uncomfortable to check, and He Xuezhu is not uncomfortable at all, Lin Shiheng did not fall to accompany her to the hospital.

Her husband's new clothes are reluctant to buy her, even if she is pregnant, the taste is changeable, want to eat fruit will be too expensive to buy for her to eat.

But He Xuezhu, but what he wants to eat, Lin Shiheng will buy anything, even if Zhou Qianqian refuses to go to He Xuezhu to be a guest, the people in the courtyard have not mentioned how she is blessed.

Nothing can be done, even if you want to wash clothes, Lin Shiheng will stop him. When he is at home, he usually washes him. When he goes out to do the task, he will spend money to ask others to help wash. Even cooking is the same.

The last time Zhou Qianqian accidentally saw He Xuezhu on the road, and saw her ten fingers white, completely without the appearance of the old man who had just met before, at first glance, I knew that I had never done anything.

At that time, she taunted Lin Shiheng when she was envious of others, and her wife still spent money on housework and money.

But now, when she is the most uncomfortable, the most embarrassing, actually picked up He Xuezhu.

Why is she?

They are all from the countryside, and she can live so well.

Why is it liked by people in the entire courtyard, why do not care about her and Miao Xingjie with the group of people.

Zhou Qianqian wants to be more and more confused in the heart, the most sad, or she is so uncomfortable, and once he was looked down on, He Xuezhu was smooth.

She was blushing, and her stomach was tumbling again, vomiting a few times, thinking that if she didn't leave, she couldn't catch the cheap bus and quickly opened the door and went outside.

Lin Shiheng moved to his pregnant wife. The two walked very slowly. Zhou Qianqian did not take two steps and saw that they were going downstairs. The two young nurses who were going upstairs just happened to meet them because they came more often. The couple who are very good in feelings are also familiar with each other. The two sides greeted each other and the men in military uniforms continued to protect their wives from going downstairs.

Zhou Qianqian is a bit of a mouth, not just pregnant, how slow is to want to show off with whom, she is going to go downstairs, but see one of the nurses stepped up the stairs in three or two steps, the probe went to see that careful and gentle support Lin Shiheng, his wife.

"The head of the forest is really good for Xuezhu. If I can find a man like him in the future... No, there are only half of the good men in the forest."

She stepped in and listened to another nurse:

"Why do you want to see something beautiful, you don't look at it. We have been working in obstetrics and gynecology for a year. The good men who have seen it have counted one hand, like the head of the forest, and even more like a lantern. It’s hard to find, even the head nurse said that she has only seen such a thoughtful wife.

"It's also true." The look on the face of the young nurse who first spoke suddenly lost.

The people who are getting married are generally older. Even if they can't get a license because of their age, there are several young nurses in the obstetrics and gynecology department who are not married. In the final analysis, they are still scared by some men seen in obstetrics and gynecology. It is.

The wife is very pregnant to go to the hospital to prepare for the production, but she has to run the payment for the run down. The stomach hurts, but the husband only cares about sleeping and even the doctor is not willing to call.

Or if everything was all right, the husband took care of him after running and looked at him very diligently. When the child found out that the girl was turning his face immediately, what a wife had done unforgivable sin, everything was fine. If you don't do it, the child will cry only when he hasn't heard it. The nurses help me to abandon them.

Seeing this kind of thing, they all have no hope for marriage. This is not the old society. The chairman said that the boys and girls are the same, but the men are just boys.

A while ago, there was a wife who came to the hospital to have a baby. As a result, she found that a girl was born and left. The child was left unattended, or the hospital contacted the police to find someone back.

Just watching his black face and reluctance to pick up his wife and children, it is estimated that their future days are still better.

"The mother who gave birth to the child yesterday is the one who cried in the bed when we went to the dressing change in the morning. Do you remember?"

"Remember, her child cried the loudest, I can hear it in the house."

Listening to her, the young nurse snorted: "I heard the head nurse say that the child is crying, the diaper is so wet that he cries, and the child is crying for half an hour, crying and sleeping. The person changed the diaper, or the head nurse found it for change."


Another nurse was shocked. "Is nobody in charge for half an hour?"

"Who cares, you didn't see it. Her mother-in-law and her husband heard that it was a girl's face that was iron and blue. The maternity had just been produced for a long time. This morning, she cried so badly that her husband slept and went straight to her mother-in-law. Slap, or else do something to hide in the bed and cry."

"I don't care about her family?"

"What do you care about? You didn't see any of your children's family. No one came to me? I also listened to her mother-in-law chatting with other people, saying that it was a grandmother who was sent to the hospital because she was a grandson. I knew that it was a girl. The family is born."

"You said that she is also a woman herself. How can she be so worried? That is her granddaughter."

"How about your granddaughter, I told you that the older the woman, the more she likes the boy, the girls are not the same thing, my mother told me that when I was a child, someone in the village gave birth to a girl. If her mother-in-law doesn't like it, she will die directly. Even now, such a thing is not uncommon, but it is illegal to kill her own dolls now. Those talents are afraid to be brazen."

Zhou Qianqian’s face was white after listening to them, and the stomach that was uncomfortable was even more uncomfortable.

Her mother-in-law did not like girls, including her mother-in-law. After Zhou Qianqian’s pregnancy news was handed back, the letter sent in it was written to let her have a boy, not to mention the possibility of having a girl.

Even Zhou Qianqian himself, I hope that this is a boy in the stomach, and that the girl will marry later, but it is someone else’s home.

But if she gave birth to her daughter...

She was panicking, and one of the nurses facing her suddenly said: "You said, if the girl in the snowy belly is a girl, will the head of the forest have any opinions?"

Another nurse replied with a little hesitation: "It shouldn't be. The head of the forest loves Xuezhu so much, and every time he checks, he has never asked the doctor if he can check if it is a man or a woman. I listen. It is said that the head of the forest is very positive. He should follow the words of the chairman and feel that the boys and girls are the same."

"I don't think it's still allowed. You look at the maternal. When the husband came, how good the husband cares, the two said that they are childhood friends. As a result, the prostitute changed his face after a lifetime. Before he was diligent, he washed his feet. Now even the child has urine. No matter what, I just watched the old lady playing the wife."

"I heard the head nurse said that he wanted to help, and was stopped by his mother. It is estimated that the old lady did not have the enthusiasm of her grandson. It is also the aging mother who grew up and the wife who has been married for several years. It must be the old lady. The most important thing."

She said this, the nurse who felt that Lin Shiheng would not change was hesitant. "I remember, is there a mother in the hometown?"

"Yeah, I said it when I last checked, saying that she planned to come to help before the production of Xuezhu. I don’t know if this old lady likes the boy..."

"Okay, let's not worry about other people's affairs, and hurry into the house. It's a cold day, it's still cold."

The two said and turned, Zhou Qianqian, who was listening, quickly bowed his head and hurriedly turned to the stairs.

Although her footsteps were rushing, her heart was a little bit smoother.


It’s not that she has a mother-in-law alone, and He Xuezhu also has a mother-in-law.

Indefinitely, He Xuezhu’s mother-in-law did not like her at all.

Zhou Qianqian’s heart is even a bit malicious. He hopes that He Xuezhu will have a girl, and she will be dismissed by her patriarchal mother-in-law. If she can make Lin Shiheng’s attitude change, it will be even better.

At that time, see how she still carries a happy little woman's style.

Just think about it this way. Before I saw He Xuezhu's bright and bright, but her tired and uncomfortable inferiority immediately vanished, even the uncomfortable stomach did not make her suffer.

Zhou Qianqian did not go to catch the cheap bus, re-sit in a car, sitting on the top of the dizzy, not forgetting to think about what is the case of Lin Shiheng's mother.

If you are patriarchal, then you can have a good show.

When the car arrived at the place, Zhou Qianqian got out of the car and vomited a few voices to suppress the nausea. I hoped that my eyes were full of excitement and walked toward the front.

She vaguely remembered that the little girl who was selling clothes in a shopping mall seemed to be in a village with Lin Shiheng. I heard that she was quite close, and she came out to work for two years. Before she went out with other military sergeants, she heard her mention. Said to be looking for a husband's family, intend to marry here.

The reason is very simple. She is a girl, she is not valued by her family, she struggles to make money, her aunt wants her to pay for her brother to build a house, and she wants to marry her to a blind man. Since then, this girl has I have never returned.

They are all a village. This girl is not liked. It is very likely that the whole village does not like girls. After all, Zhou Qianqian’s family is like this.

She quickly found the place where the girl sold clothes according to her memory. At first, the girl refused to say anything. Zhou Qianqian gritted her teeth and bought her a piece of clothes. She asked what she said.

"Li Wei?"

Speaking of Li Chunhua, the girl with a windy face on her face was pumping her eyes and showing a toothache-like look: "She likes the boy."

"When I left, I had been married for a year. Li Wei had been waiting for her to get married and had a big fat grandson. Before she quarreled with others, the words of the monks were cursing the daughter of the other daughter."

Zhou Qianqian’s eyes are brighter: “What about her personality? How is her personality?”

If you only like boys, but you can't control the wife's temper, it's useless.


The girl’s expression is even more difficult. “I’m not good at it. When I was a child, I often saw her chasing others. I heard that I always went from the village to the end of the village. When my grandparents didn’t dare to provoke her.”

"How about your wife?"

The girl recalled it and shook her head. "She doesn't like her husband. She always said that she is a hen who doesn't lay eggs. She always licks her. She has never seen it before. It doesn't matter much anyway. You see, My clothes are also very good. You touch this material, it is quite suitable for you. Would you like to try it? I will give you a 10% discount."

Zhou Qianqian did not go to listen to her sales. At this moment, Lin Shiheng’s mother did not like He Xuezhu. The waist was not so bad that the stomach was not uncomfortable.

It turns out that He Xuezhu is like her, and she is not liked by her mother-in-law.

Losing her, she can still have a favored look, and her heart is not guilty!

Inquired clearly, seeing the sky to be dark, Zhou Qianqian quickly and painfully spent money on the car.

Upon returning to the compound, she didn't even go back home, and she couldn't wait to arrive at Miao Xing and told her the good news.

Miao Xing was originally reading a book at home, and she planned to go to other hospitals. I thought it was quite good, but my heart couldn’t be safe. I couldn’t see a word.

After she was expelled, she was not in a hurry. Anyway, Zhang Yanming was a deputy. His salary was enough for the two to live more than enough. In his position, there are more or less connections, and he can definitely help her find a job.

All of the above are the thoughts that Miao Xing did not move to the compound.

When she moved to the compound, she discovered that Zhang Yanming’s salary was higher than that of ordinary soldiers. But he also spent a lot of money. He usually wears the best clothes, and every month’s money is just right. It is enough for him to live alone, not to mention that after being demoted, the salary level has dropped drastically. Zhang Yanming has not changed the temperament of spending a lot of money. The two have been very tight, and finally Miao Xing took it from his savings. Some money is too hard to spend.

And the network she is looking forward to is not to mention, Zhang Yanming has always been arrogant. Before that, people still saw him in the face of Zhang’s family. Now Zhang’s family is disregarding this son and grandmother. It’s not bad for others to give up the scorpion. How could they be willing to help him arrange it.

Moreover, Zhang Yanming did not want to let Miao Xing go to work. According to his point of view, Miao Xing was only at home in Anan, cooking for him, setting up housework, regenerating three or four children, and then taking responsibility for bringing the children up. Just fine.

Of course, his original words are: You don't have to work, I will raise you.

If he can afford it, Miao Xing does not mind letting him raise it. The problem is that Zhang Yanming can't afford her at all.

Zhang Yanming and his family's fallout did not tell Miao Xing, because he thought that as a good husband, he should not say anything that would upset his wife.

Naturally, he did not tell Miao Xing. In fact, he is the most favored young son of the big family Zhang.

It used to be.

In Miao Xing's eyes, this man who once brought her instigation and incompetence and couldn't resist the intense heartbeat became a waste that didn't have the ability to die and want to hold her to work.

Still a waste that can cost money.

The love that bloomed in Zhang Yanming's heart came to Miao Xing here, and it has been wiped out by the trivial things of the rice and oil and the purse of the scorpion.

When she was most relaxed, it turned out that Zhang Yanming was sent out to do dangerous tasks.

Because only this time, the man who once made her want to be tired of being in his arms at all times would not ask her to be with him like a milk doll.

If he was once Zhang Yanming who was overbearing and mysterious and always able to buy her expensive gift, Miao Xing was also happy to get tired of him.

But when I lived in this compound, Miao Xing discovered that Zhang Yanming had only a hegemony.

She hates it, but she can't leave.

Everyone knows that Zhang Yanming was demoted for her sake, and she also put too much energy on this man, she can't leave without saying anything.

Moreover, even if she has been married once, even if she looks as before, it is difficult to find the man of her choice.

With these troubles in my heart, how could Miao Xing calm down, especially in the compound, how Lin Shiheng loves his wife.

That should have been her.

If Zhang Yanming did not kiss her in front of the unconscious Lin Shiheng, Lin Shiheng would definitely divorce He Xuezhu and choose to be with her.

Miao Xing regrets countless times in her heart. If she gives her another chance to choose, she will not be greedy for the excitement and happiness brought by Zhang Yanming, work, Lin Shiheng's love, the envy of everyone, these will be hers.

"Are you sure?"

When he heard Zhou Qianqian telling himself, Miao Xing was very difficult to stand up from the chair, and his eyes showed a joy: "Is the mother of Shiheng really dislike He Xuezhu?"

"Really, I have inquired clearly, and she is also patriarchal. If He Xuezhu gave birth to a girl, she must be dismissed."

Zhou Qianqian didn't find the friend's expression wrong. He was immersed in his own imagination and grinned. "Miao Xingjie, who is in the same village with the head of the forest, said that the head of the forest was particularly filial. He grew up with his mother and grew up. I must listen to his mother."

This is a very self-consciousness, even if she is trying to serve her husband comfortably, she still has to stand in front of her mother-in-law.

In Zhou Qianqian's view, of course, all men in the world are like this.

Miao Xing eyes blink. "Okay, I know, thank you, Qian Qian, so late, you should go back first."

"Oh, then I will go first. When He Xuezhu gives birth to a child, let's just read a joke."

Zhou Qianqian automatically and spontaneously ruled out the choice of He Xuezhu to give birth to a boy. The uncomfortable pregnancy and the indifference of her husband made her urgently need to comfort herself through the misery of others.

Miao Xing in the house seems to have seen new hopes. After disappointing Zhang Yanming, she did not move her thoughts on Lin Shiheng, just because he always kept a distance from himself and cared for him like He Xuezhu. There is no more humiliation.

However, if Lin Shiheng’s mother does not like this daughter-in-law, He Xuezhu has a gap with her husband.

Miao Xing’s subconsciousness fell on her abdomen. Since Zhang Yanming was demoted, she has been taking birth control pills, so she has not been pregnant with her children until now.

If, He Xuezhu gave birth to a daughter, and she was "accidentally" pregnant with Lin Shiheng's child...

Her eyes lit up a little.


In the courtyard, there was gradually a rumor that He Xuezhu, who was held in the palm of his hand by his husband, had a very poor relationship with his mother-in-law.

This rumor has a nose and an eye. Although it will not be taken seriously, it is also placed on the heart, but no one is going to tell He Xuezhu.

Miao Xing is not smart in big things, but she has a set of tricks. She knows that the contradiction is not a sudden outbreak, but it is accumulated day by day. The rumors that she now let Zhou Qianqian say are how Lin Shiheng’s mother let He Xuezhu do hard work, how to see On her.

Even if Lin Shiheng’s mother came, hearing these rumors will definitely only be a swearing in the back as a daughter-in-law and others, and the gap between mother-in-law and mother-in-law will be deeper.

Even if He Xuezhu gave birth to a son, bringing a child has more troubles, and with these rumors before, it is impossible for the mother-in-law to get along with each other.

She recently started to maintain her own, and also took out the private money, bought a few sets of new clothes and cosmetics.

I must give Lin Shiheng's mother a good impression. As long as she pleases her, it is much simpler for Miao Xing to do anything more.

On the day when Miao Xing worked hard to prepare for it, Lin Shiheng finally took a vacation that had been squatting for a long time. It was rare to wear a military uniform and borrowed a car to go out.

When others asked why they wanted to go, he smiled and smiled with joy: "My mom's train today, I pick her up."

Shortly after Lin Shiheng went out, He Xuezhu sat in a chair and sat in the courtyard. While looking at the book in his hand, he waited for him and his mother-in-law to come back.

Zhou Qianqian and Miao Xing and a group of women sat under the tree to sew up their clothes, looking at the warm stomach in the winter, but they were not very tired. Only the warm Xue Hezhu, the tone was sour and awkward: "Look, afraid of mother-in-law. I feel that she is not at heart, waiting at the door, it has been sitting for more than an hour, she is more afraid of her mother-in-law."

Miao Xing scolded the people around him, smiled and shook his head, a disapproving tone: "She should go with Shi Heng, how can she let her mother-in-law come to see her?"


Zhou Qianqian was recognized, and her tone was a bit smug: "But it may not be dare. Isn't she often being shackled by her mother-in-law? Maybe she is afraid of a slap in the face after she has passed."

Zhang Zizi got along very well with He Xuezhu during this time. He couldn’t listen to it and coldened his face. "Don’t say anything that is unfounded. It’s a sentence to be rumored everywhere."

"Who is rumored everywhere!"

Zhou Qianqian was told by her, not only did she not die, but she was very confident: "He Xuezhu did not want her mother-in-law to like it. This is not something everyone knows!"

"Everyone knows? Then you told me that the mother of the head of the forest has never been here. Why do she not like the rumors of Xuezhu everywhere?"

Zhang Zizi sneered: "Don't think that everyone is a blind man, what is the use of these things all day long? If it is fake, it will never be true."

"Who said it was a fake!"

Zhou Qianqian was ugly by her blocked face: "I said it is true!"

"How? It's hard to be this time. Do you still have to take a plastic bag if you are fake?"

Zhou Qianqian black face, the plastic bag is something she always wanted to forget. In the past few months, I thought that others had long forgotten it. Now it is raised and the whole person is angry.

"I tell you, what I said is true, let alone eat plastic bags, even if you eat the soil on the ground!"

"Good! Everyone can hear it. If you want to mix it again, don't go out again later, no face!"

When she said this sentence, the car borrowed by Lin Shiheng slowly came in.

The door was opened, and Lin Shiheng did not wait to open the door, and the door opened.

An old lady ran off the car, and He Xuezhu, who was aiming to stand up and walk towards this side, rushed over.

"Oh my snow beads!! Let Mom see, thin and thin, no mother to give you stewed chicken soup, can be uncomfortable."

"Mom!! This time I brought you a few old hens from my hometown, I will give you back!!"

Lin Shiheng smiled at this scene. When he turned around and saw a few women under the tree, he turned back and said a few words to his mother's wife. The three of them walked up to them.

"Introduction, this is my mother."

"Mom, these are the families of the soldiers. We live in a large courtyard. Usually I am not there. They rely on them to help take care of the snow beads."

Upon hearing the last sentence, Li Chunhua immediately smiled and grabbed the hand of one of the girls. She thanked me with a grateful face: "Thank you, thank you very much, when you are young, you have no experience. I am at home. I am afraid that he will not take care of Xuezhu. I really appreciate you."

As she said, she also looked back at He Xuezhu, who had a big belly from time to time, as if her daughter-in-law had suffered a lot of grievances.

Zhou Qianqian, who was grateful for her hand shaking: ... said yes, don't like this daughter-in-law? ?

The author has something to say: The word update is sent! ! !

Thank you for your subscription. I will fight for more at 9 o'clock tonight, ah, I don't have to brake anymore! !

The little angel who posted the message in this chapter has a red envelope before the next chapter is updated! In addition, a random hundred angels sent a double red envelope! muah!