MTL - Great Tang Broom Star-v2 Chapter 1173 Datang is everywhere in Guanzhong

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  Chapter 1173 Datang is everywhere in Guanzhong


  Hundreds of students are saying goodbye to their classmates.

   "Leaving today, I don't know when we will meet again."

   Heart-touching scenes abound.

   Jia Yu and Shang Ting were watching from the side.

"Most of them go to the Anxi area of ​​Longyou. The court said that they have been preparing to fight against the Tubo Turks there. Almost all the people are soldiers, and the children of the common people can't study at all. This time, the court has built a large number of new schools in Longyou and Anxi. These seniors are going there to teach."

  Shangting was a little envious, "I just want to go, thinking that I can stay away from my family, hey!"

  Teenagers always think that they can break free from the protection and supervision of their families, and fly to the vast world until they are beaten to pieces by the society.

   "Jia Yu, do you want to go?" Shang Ting asked.

  Jia Yu shook his head, "I have too many things to do at home, so I can't go."

  He is the eldest son. As he grows older, Jia Ping'an also intentionally trains him to take on more responsibilities.

   So he can't go anywhere for long.

   "It's a pity, how about we go together."

  Shangting has some regrets.

   "Mr. is here."

   There was a commotion outside.

  Jia Yu suddenly stood up and turned around, which startled Shangting.

   "Why are you so excited?"

  Jia Ping’an went to Hebei Province to poke a hornet’s nest this time. The family was worried that something would happen to him, so they sent people to inquire.

  Jia Ping'an is here.

   Surrounded by the crowd, he walked to the playground and bowed to the students.

"After studying mathematics, you will be an adult from now on. What is an adult? To be able to bear the important responsibilities of the family, the country, and the world. To be able to earn money to take care of the family. When the court calls, you can use the horizontal knife to kill the enemy, and you can go to the four directions to serve the people of the world. Do your best, this is the adult."

  The youngest of these students is only sixteen years old, but they are about to embark on a journey.

"This time you will go to various places to be a teacher for a period of five years. If you want to come back after five years, the court will give priority to hiring. The experience of these five years will become an important basis for the selection of officials. From now on, you will be an official of the Tang Dynasty."

  The students couldn't help cheering.

Jia Ping pressed his hand, "Someone said to me, Duke, since you are going to serve the common people, why should you give preferential treatment? What I want to say is, should good deeds be rewarded? Why do good deeds have to suffer? ? This world should reward those who endured hardships and suffering for the country and the people, and should reward them openly."

  Those students blushed, and a feeling of being recognized emerged spontaneously.

"You can also stay in Chang'an, or be petty officials, or do other things. The students of mathematics will not starve to death when they go out. But you have chosen to teach in the frontier without hesitation, to sow the seeds of knowledge for the Great Tang, to A strong and prosperous Tang Dynasty. I hope you will look back on this experience five years later and feel proud."

  Pairs of young eyes are full of ideal brilliance.

   "I'm here to see you off today. After a few years, I will appear here again to welcome you... home!"


   "The students of mathematics set off."

  Wang Kuan sat in the duty room, his hair became whiter, and the wrinkles on his face became deeper.

  "Our students are still dreaming of being a master after leaving the Imperial College, while the mathematics students are already shouting to endure hardships and work hard for the sake of the world... What have we cultivated? A group of rice worms!"

  Wang Kuan's words caused more commotion in the silent duty room. The teaching assistants were not angry, but they couldn't refute.

   "The old man hoped that you could refute it, but you didn't. The old man is very relieved, at least you didn't have the brazenness to turn black and white. But the old man is also quite at a loss, what should the Imperial College do?"

  Wang Kuan stood up with his arms on the table, a few strands of gray and long hair hanging down from his temples.

   "I can't go on like this anymore, the old man doesn't want to be the last Guozijian's sacrificial wine, so, the old man went to see Zhao Guogong."

  Duke Zhao Guo is in the palace at the moment.

   "There are still cases of suppression of hermits fleeing in various places, and Zhechong Prefectures in various places are suppressing it. This time, it will take at least ten years to calm down, but I think it is worth it."

  Li Zhi's eyes looked calm, but Jia Ping'an knew that he was just a vague shadow in his eyes at the moment.

   "Yes." Jia Pingan said: "Your Majesty, the next step is the field..."

   Li Zhi smiled, "This is what you are best at."

   Jia Ping'an then went to the queen.


   Taiping rushed over, hugged his leg, raised his head and asked, "Where's my gift?"

  Jia Pingan made a wooden bird like a magic trick, and with a slight movement, the bird's wings also fluttered.

   "Give me, give me!"

  After coaxing Taiping, Jia Pingan talked about some things about this trip.

  The queen said: "Those people are greedy. At first, I thought that breaking with them rashly would bring something, but now it seems that they are ruthless. As long as the army is in hand, these people can only bow their heads."

   "But the outside world is saying that your majesty is greedy and despicable, but a fool."

  Jia Pingan heard many similar rumors along the way.

  The emperor has become a foolish emperor. If the person who compiled the history books was on the side of the gentry, Li Zhi would be one of the few foolish rulers in history.

   "Sister." Jia Pingan said, "How is the prince?"

  Wu Mei said calmly: "Wu Lang has made a lot of progress in his studies recently."


   Jia Ping'an couldn't get involved.

  He got up and left.

   "By the way, when will you let Doudou enter the palace?"

   Could it be that he wants to find a wife for some prince?

  Jia Ping'an's heart rang the alarm bell.

  Back home, he searched for a bag.

   "After entering the palace, play with Taiping more and talk less with the prince."

   "Oh!" Doudou was very peaceful, which made the old father anxious.

   "Aye, actually I don't like the palace."

"That's good."

  Yunzhang said: "The news that Mr. Lang is going to Hebei Road, someone broke up with the young lady."

   "This is a good thing." Jia Ping'an smiled and said, "The so-called difference of way does not conspire with each other, how many people?"

  He also does not want his children to be isolated from the outside world.

  DouDou said: "Three."

   "Mr. Lang, Guozijian offers wine and asks to see you."

   Jia Pingan covered his forehead, "What is this old gentleman doing here?"

  Arrived in the front yard, Jia Pingan cupped his hands, "Wang Jijiu is a rare visitor."

  Wang Kuan cupped his hands, "I am here today to be a bad guest. Even today, the Duke should know that the Guozijian is hard to continue. If the Duke is happy to see the Guozijian fall, I have nothing to say, and I feel it is only natural..."

   "The study speaks."

  The two went to the study.


   Ah Fu, who was sleeping in the study, got up, Wang Kuan smiled and said: "What an iron-eating beast, looking naive."

   Ah Fu was also so naive when he arrested people.

   Jia Ping'an rubbed Ah Fu, "Go to find Doudou."

   Ah Fu ran away immediately.

   "Why is it like seeing a ghost?" Wang Kuan was a little curious.

   "It's just joy." Jia Ping'an smiled fakely.

Someone brought tea, Wang Kuan took a sip, and said slowly: "The Imperial College was originally a school for the nobles. Except for arithmetic, most of the students who were enrolled were the children of the powerful and high-ranking officials. These people rely on their families and go out with the name of the Imperial College students. can become an official."

   This is also a kind of monopoly.

"Anathematics is on the rise, and students of anathematics continue to become officials. Let me be honest, students of anathematics and the students of the Imperial College are both becoming officials at the same time. However, the students of anathematics are quick to do things and learn quickly. The students of the Imperial College are dwarfed by comparison. Nowadays, the officialdom He is saying that he would rather have a student of mathematics than ten dandies from the Imperial College."

  Wang Kuan was a little excited, "Students from our Zijian have turned into dandies in their mouths. There are dandies, but most of those students are serious in their work. This is because they are not talented enough and are disgusted."

  A group of rich and powerful children who studied **** the books of sages and sages found out that something was wrong after they became officials. How can the students of mathematics be so capable? They understand what we don't understand, they do things quickly and don't say anything, and they can continue to learn and summarize to go further.

   They lost at the beginning of their official career, even if they had a higher starting point, once their word of mouth was lost, they couldn't pick it up again.

   "What did Wang Jijiu tell me?" Jia Pingan didn't have any sympathy.

  Wang Kuan said: "What the old man thinks is... let the Imperial College teach a new lesson."

  Wang Kuan said this before, but no one took it seriously.

   Jia Ping'an frowned, "That's the headquarters of Confucianism. Wang Jijiu isn't worried about Wanfu's accusations?"

Wang Kuan smiled wryly, "It's better to say what Wan Fu is pointing at than to sit and watch the Imperial Academy fall. Some people in the court suggested that the number of new studies in the imperial examination should be expanded. This is because His Majesty felt that the time had come and began to suppress Confucianism... This old man knows that, if you don't do anything, you will lose it in the future." There is no need to move."

  He stood up and cupped his hands, "I ask the Duke to take pity on me, at least I have sent dozens of mathematics masters to the Imperial College. I am very grateful."

   "Dozens?" Jia Ping'an smiled and said, "There are only a few hundred students in mathematics who go to various places to teach, but now there are not many people."

  Wang Kuan gritted his teeth, "How many old men do you want?"

  After the big family hermits were cleared out, their power shrank by more than half. Without a population, they are like wild beasts that have lost their sharp teeth and claws. They can only roar, but they cannot hurt people.

  Affected by this, the status of Confucianism has dropped again and again. Those big Confucians who used to be coaxed should be careful when they go out like this, lest they brag too much and be refuted by others.

  The status of Confucianism has been lowered, and the direct consequence is that the academic style of the Imperial Academy is not correct, and fewer and fewer people study seriously.

   "I have to ask for instructions on this matter."

  Jia Pingan really doesn't care whether the Guozijian is down or not, but he hopes to have another education system to compete with the new school system.

   Cannot be monopolized, otherwise Mathematics will still become the second Confucianism after many years.

  Wang Kuan immediately went to the memorial.

   "Queen, Wang Kuan, the Imperial Academy's offering wine, kindly asks the court to send a master of arithmetic to teach in the Imperial Academy."

  The queen was obviously taken aback.

  Guozijian, isn’t that the headquarters of Confucianism?

  Wang Kuan actually asked for help, wanting to change course and start a new study?

  The empress is obviously happy to see this matter.


  Dozens of students transferred from Mathematics entered the Imperial College, and the Imperial College was fried.

   "I can't wait to learn something new!"

   A group of teachers and students roared, while the three musketeers of the gentry murmured pale.

   "Learn Confucianism if you don't want to learn it!" Wang Kuan stood there and said firmly: "Anyone who is willing to learn something new should sign up."

   Not forced, but voluntary.

   "Old dog!"

   An inkstone flew from the crowd and hit Wang Kuan on the forehead.

  Wang Kuan staggered back, Guo Xin supported him and said, "Call the doctor."

   "No need."

  Wang Kuan raised his head, blood was flowing all over his face.

He supported Guo Xin and said: "Staying old and self-proclaimed is self-seeking death. Confucianism should be changed, but how can we change it? We should focus on the world, let those who preach less, and let those who can strengthen the country more...Learning to be a man all day long, but the old man Seeing that few good people have been produced in these years, how can this hard-studied person behave as a person, what's the benefit?"

  His voice was desolate, "If you don't want to learn new things, don't go. Those who are willing to sign up and schedule classes every day."

  He walked over slowly, and a gap was opened in the crowd.

   "Old dog!"

   Someone denounced.

  Someone said happily: "I want to learn something new!"

   "Damn, you don't want to learn by yourself, don't obstruct me, believe it or not, I'll kill you!"

  Wu Xun's children all clamored to learn new things, but most of the civil servants' children opposed it.

   "Their fathers and ancestors all relied on Confucianism to get ahead. Now that Confucianism is declining, if they bow their heads, will their fathers and ancestors lose face?"

   "Is it the face or the future of the children and grandchildren?"

  No one can answer this question.

  Wang Kuan just walked slowly through the crowd, turned around and said, "This old man will not be the last sacrificial wine of the Imperial College!"

  The crowd was silent.

  The decline of Confucianism is a foregone conclusion. If it continues like this, the Guozijian, which specializes in teaching Confucianism, will be very embarrassed.

   Someone said angrily: "Confucianism is also taught in Xinxue. It can be seen that my Confucianism is profound!"

   "Zhao Guogong said that new learning should be inclusive of all rivers, and tolerance is great. Confucianism naturally has good things, and these good things should be taught to students."

  Guo Xin said: "Jijiu wants to introduce new learning to the Imperial College, but you are like a concubine. Compared with the two, you look disgusting and shameless!"

   Guozijian split.

   "Some of Guozijian is now studying Confucianism, and some are studying both Confucianism and New Learning."

  Wang Bo found this situation very interesting, "Will the two sides fight on weekdays?"

   Jia Pingan shook his head, "You underestimated them."

  Wang Bo's biggest problem is that he likes to play tricks and be arrogant.

  “Those people say they only study Confucianism, but they are not firmly defending Confucianism.”

   "Why is that?" Wang Bo asked.

   Jia Pingan said: "Think about the number of places in the imperial examination."

  Wang Bo suddenly realized, "Yes, there are a lot of places for Confucianism in the imperial examination. If there are more new learning, fewer people will apply for Confucianism. The fewer people, the more opportunities they have."

   "It's not that you're not smart enough." Jia Pingan said: "These methods of maintaining the maximum interests of the family in the chaos are the foundation of those families."

  He didn’t think such a choice was wrong, “Xinxue schools are scattered all over the world now, and some people have published memorials, saying that the number of places for Xinxue in the imperial examination is too small, and the reply from the court is increasing year by year.”

  Wang Bo asked: "Whose advice?"

   That's a good question.

   "A civil servant, his grandson is studying in Xinxue."

   "Drive them away with profit."

   Jia Pingan nodded.

  “When there are more and more people standing here, many things don’t need us to do, and those people will spontaneously clamor.”

  "Wang Kuan saw this, and knew that if he didn't do anything about Guozijian, he would have no chance."

  Jia Pingan got up, "I have been planning for many years, and it is only now bearing fruit, but I am very pleased."

   Once in a good mood, Jia Pingan went to Xincheng.

   "Look at Da Lang."

   Xincheng hugged Li He, with a smile on his lips, which was unexpectedly gentle.

   Jia Pingan took the child and teased him skillfully.

   "The emperor and you have offended the powerful and powerful people in the world this time." Xincheng said: "The emperor is fine in the palace, you should be careful walking outside."

   Jia Ping'an said: "Now I go out with five or six people, and it's very safe."

  Nurse is here.

  She carried the baby to breastfeed, and Jia Pingan took advantage of the situation to wrap his arms around Xincheng's waist.

   "Xincheng, you have heard a sentence."

   "What words?"

"Tolerance is a virtue."

   "Xiao Jia, you..."

  After a while of hearty, Xincheng's face was blushing, lying on his chest, talking in a low voice.

   "Many people have come to me recently, saying that they are selling land, and the price is still low."

   "This is fooling people."

   Jia Pingan gently stroked her back.

  Xincheng nodded, "I know, those people have no hermits now, they can't find someone to cultivate for them, and the fields are all barren. If they don't sell it, they will lose even more."

  Jia Pingan turned over gently, looked at her and said: "If you don't sell it now, you will vomit blood later."


   "You have to serve first and then talk about it."

   "Xiao Jia, you..."


   "The fields at home are now for sale, but those people are mostly waiting and watching."

  Wang Shun gritted his teeth and said: "This action can be called scraping the bones and peeling the skin. The emperor killed two birds with one stone. After clearing out the hidden households, there will be a large number of people in the court, and these people will enrich Anxi and other places in the south.

  The emperor said in the court hall that Guanzhong is overwhelmed, and the population will continue to flow to the four directions in the future. In order to encourage people to emigrate, the next step of Datang will be outside Guanzhong, and there will be countless lush Guanzhong in Datang..."

   "This is Xiao Jia's words." Lu Shungui said holding the scroll: "There is a lesson in the new study called economics, which mentions the relationship between the balanced economic development and the rise and fall of a country, which is quite interesting."

Lu Shungui said enthusiastically: "The book mentions that differences in regional development have caused regional estrangement. A rich place will despise a poor place and wish it could become its own country. A poor place will envy and envy a rich place, and long-term poverty will It will cause many accidents, such as rebellion... and the balanced development of agriculture and commerce in various places is the best way to eliminate this threat."

   "Second brother, how did you know this?" Lu Shunzai asked.

Lu Shungui raised the book in his hand, "This is the textbook that the old man got when he went to Jia's house. It can be said that it has never been published before, and the words are pearls. The so-called learning of the world by the gentry has been revealed before this book. Give it to The old man even hates it when he wipes his ass."

  Wang Shun said uncomfortably, "What Lu Gong said..."

"Do you think you have belittled the gentry?" Lu Shungui carefully rolled up the book and stuffed it into his cuff, and then said: "What did the old man say back then? But a group of people regarded the old man as bewitched, and since then, the old man has no chance to become an official." .Now can you see it?"

Lu Shungui said slowly: "What will the regional wealth gap bring? Can you know? You don't know at all. Even if you know, you will be indifferent. It's not that you are indifferent, but that you have nothing to do. To solve this matter, so why are you waiting for pride?"

  Wang Shun glanced at Lu Shunzai.

   "Second brother." Lu Shunzai smiled wryly, "What time is it..."

"It is precisely because it is at the critical moment of life and death that the old man said these words." Lu Shungui said: "The only way for the gentry to reappear their glory is to invite the so-called family scriptures from the shrine to learn other knowledge. Don't talk about Confucianism, it will only make the nobles become old women's foot wraps, which are long and smelly! Go learn something new! Learn it down-to-earth!"

  (end of this chapter)