MTL - Great Tang Idyll-v4 Chapter 2 Life is like level and wave

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The weight of 3,000 tons sounds like people don't think so. The number in front is three thousand. However, the exchange of units, in kilograms, is three million.

When these late soybeans are left in the place of production, they will cause a very large loss of people's livelihood. The **** is not, and the crackdown on the credibility of the local government is unimaginable.

Beckham bought it and made a profit in winter. It is their marketing success. If the loss is lost, the plan will fail, and the risk will be borne by them.

However, the local government officials also think about it. No matter whether they succeed or fail, local officials will be punished. There is no such thing as tuition and money for economic development.

Looking at the edamame that was pushed to the side of a car, Beckham was gnashing his teeth and thinking about how to increase the punishment of local officials. After thinking for a while, I found that there is really no good way to use the privileges of the Datang patrol.

The mistake was made, and the officials were arrested and admitted that even if there was a part of luck, they did not argue. In fact, there is nothing wrong with putting in specific guilt. At most, it is impossible to cut off the official position and say that it is impossible to kill the head and pass the sentence.

Twenty years ago, such local officials could even come to the court to come to the money and to reduce the burden of the policy, natural disaster! Non-manpower can be, who called this year's climate is not good.

But Beckham, they never agree with the statement of natural disasters, and unanimously determined that it was the fault of the leadership of Tuen Mun in Shanyang County, Chuzhou. Is the rain more reason? Is it a pretext that a small cold wave that has not been seen for many years in advance?

"Don't expect to escape, three million kilograms of edamame does not recognize no responsibility." Xiaobei grabbed a edamame and hated it.

The reason why edamame adds a 'hair' is because there is a layer of fine fluff on the surface of the pod, which is very clear from a special angle, and it feels like a furry feeling. There are also mature beans, but they are not called edamame, called soybean or soybean.

"There are bugs, white." A country supervisor supervised the students and found a bug. They curiously reached out and touched them. The bugs immediately rolled into a group.

People who heard nearby looked at Beckham at the same time.

Beckham didn't care at all, said: "Boil, mix the seasonings, first cook in one pot, cook the first few pots and eat them ourselves. The purpose is to grasp the heat. The cauldron is cooked without cooking, and the cooking time is no more than one moment. The bell, the boiled edamame is green, otherwise it is yellow, and the sale is not good."


"Boil together, wait until the sale, there are special people to choose. Don't be afraid, the bugs are not dirty, it is cleaner than the cockroaches in the sauce. Time is not waiting for people, or I will pick out a bunch of bugs. Deep-fried when snacks are eaten, fragrant and crisp, fried grasshoppers have you ever eaten? Well, shaking your head is all the children of wealthy people. I think the poor people like me have to eat a few pounds a year."

Beckham said that he licked his lips and seemed to have a good aftertaste.

Xiaoyuan nodded and agreed. After cooking this edamame, they planned to find a harvested rice field to catch grasshoppers.

For those of them who follow the family to the south, there is nothing that can't be eaten. The scorpions, scorpions, moths, etc. have all tasted it, especially on the way to the Indian region. It is an addiction.

Of course, the raw things that are prone to parasites don't eat, they don't go to the mouth, they are afraid of eating out. If they are quarantined animals, they can take a knife and cut off a piece of meat and eat it. The hands are all bloody.

For them, there is no blessing that can't be enjoyed, and there is no bitterness to eat.

Many students of the wealthy family have not tried the students. Listening to Xiaobei, they are so vocal, not awkward, disgusting. They imagine that they will feel chilling when they eat the insects.

Since the fire was first seen, only three pots began to boil water, and others began to wash the beans. Normally boiled in water, a pot needs to be cooked for a quarter of an hour. If the boiled soybeans are taken out, the water in the pot is still open, and the edamame does not need to be cooked for a quarter of an hour. The seasoning in the pot can be continued. Change the water several times.

Xiaobei nine people, plus Xu Yizhen busy to go, only a small number of students in the school supervisor know how to work, the majority of the remaining people know that it is a beginner.

Xiaobei looked at the situation, frowning and sighing. Obviously, she was very dissatisfied with those who were not diligent and not divided.

The students are still smart, they will look at their faces, see Xiaobei’s indifference, and they will work hard with their heads down, and also consider whether they will participate in some practical activities after today. Anyway, it will be time for the examination. Have to participate and accumulate enough hours before, otherwise you will not be eligible.

Some people are active and see the atmosphere is not good, come and fight round.

"Beckham, the officials in Shanyang County of Chuzhou this year are really embarrassed. The rain in front is good. Who can think of a small cold wave? It’s like a big snow in Luzhou. It’s too rare, too inadequate. There is love."

"Hey? Luzhou? Under the goose snow? I was born in Luzhou, well, I can't make heavy snow in Luzhou, I will ask you, if I was born that year, I went to Luzhou to take office, not catching up. Hurricane, but heavy snow, thousands of miles are white, frozen for more than a month, do you think Luzhou can come over?" Xiaobei asked.

The man nodded quickly: "Can, must, Xiao Bao and Yu are staring at it, what are they afraid of? They will come up with countless ways to solve the disaster."

"Then I will ask you again. If the person in charge of Shanyang County in Chuzhou this year is my brother and sister, the soybeans have been planted. Can the soybeans mature in the face of a small cold wave?" Xiaobei asked.

The man continued to nod: "Yes, you must be able."

"That's right, in this case, where is the local government official's grievances?" Xiaobei said to the speaker.

"Hey~!" This person screamed: "This... who can compare with Xiaobao and Dai, it is difficult for a strong man."

"Who is this? If I was there, I would do it, what is the cold wave? A cold wind, it will be smoked between the ridges, common sense, this is common sense, do not understand? The current situation, the local disaster The mechanism is seriously lacking." Xiaobei said that he ran to the pot to see the water.

This person is embarrassed, he does not admit that Biebei said that it is common sense, but he did learn in books, to say that the preparation is not enough, but who can think of this month suddenly come to the cold wave?

Of course, it is not acceptable to think about it. As Xiaobei said, if the local governor is Xiaobao and Hey, then there is absolutely no problem. Even if they do not block the cold wave, they also have the ability to sell the soybeans. It is a reasonable price.

"Unlucky reminder, hehe~!" This person can only sigh for the officials of Shanyang County, Chuzhou. Who can let them not manage the telegraph department? A child’s problem of suffering from snacks and only edamame makes Xiaobei think of it. The way, as a result, local officials are falling, is there any reason?

"Yu Rongxiong, really not embarrassed." Xu Yizhen came over and said to the students, he knows this person, surnamed Wang, the family is slightly powerful, the name is run, the word Yurong, before the occasional contact, now they follow the Beckham all day There is no time to meet with the deceased, but they always pay for them to open a poem, because he is the richest person in the circle, and the family who came back from India.

"Why don't you? The things that haven't happened in a few decades have been caught up by them." Wang Run still insisted on his own ideas.

"It has nothing to do with decades or centuries. They are really unprepared. If I am a local official, I must order local bamboo and bamboo to be used for drying." Xu Yizhen also insisted.

"If there is no cold wave, why?"

"When the drought occurs, the bamboo is used as a channel to divert water. When it meets the sputum, it collects the bamboo into a column to store the soil. When the river is insufficient, the boat is tied into a row. In the summer, the shed is covered with a shed, but?"

"Forget it, I am not familiar with them, just a telegram." Wang Run shook his head.

Xu Yixiao smiled and said: "What is the relationship with the telegraph? Yu Rongxiong means that they are being investigated because there is more than one telegram? I think they are not doing well enough in the local area. If they do not have this telegram, they will keep it. The location is the inspection of Datang Yiwu, which is so derelict. This is true, but it is not as simple as losing them, but there are countless people who have lost their heads."

"Yes." Wang Run admitted: "One word, it is difficult."

He said that the inspections sent by the imperial court did not find any problems. Later generations found that the previous inspections caused problems. The previous inspection made them unlucky. If they were found, they would have a reward.

Such as dereliction of duty, as long as the review and confirmation, the awards inspectors a thousand, such as local officials tens of thousands of money, found, the awards inspectors 5,000, all kinds of rewards are there, the punishment is also placed, do not want to force .

Beckham no longer worried about the final results of those officials. When the first pot of edamame was cooked and put into the basin, she first blew a hand and squeezed it. Why not use it directly? Because she is afraid of eating bugs, she can fry, but she doesn't like to boil.

"When you do it, try it, Xiaoyuan, give it." She reached out to Xiaoyuan.

Xiaoyuan took it up and ate it, let’s lick it: "The cinnamon is much more."

"I think so too." Xiaobei agreed.

"I didn't find out, I ate well." A student ate a few, and immediately grabbed a lot and said.

"You eat less, start to think that it is good, you will find a sour taste when you eat too much, and the cooking time is a little longer, the umami taste is not enough, the next pot is adjusted." Xiaobei summed up.

Speaking of eating, they are very authoritative. What they usually eat at home can be described as excellence, and they can only be dealt with when there is no way to go out.

After an hour of experimentation, the full-fledged talents determined the best fire and seasoning. On the same day, they were busy until the evening, and they worked day after day. Xiaobei finally put them back to Guozijian, and they only felt backache.

Beckham did not continue to look at the boiled edamame, returned home to rest for two days, finishing the team to open the road, went straight to Fengzhou.

Fengzhou is the core of the management of grassland farming. Because it is the Yellow River, it is also a distribution center for materials. It is a place where people have been abrupt in the north. Now they are contracted, and one big ranch is adjacent.

Beckham used to look at the life of the farmers, turn a big circle on the grassland, take a look at the potato planting pilot and train their own team.

Their own teams have been trained to accompany them for long-distance travel, but they have never cooperated. This is just an opportunity. Of course, for the first time, there are many elderly people working together.

As for potatoes, all the big Tang can basically be planted, but it is said that the potatoes are delicious, the starch is more, the output is large, and there are only three places in the front, north of Hebei Road, that is, Zhang Xiaobao and Wang Wei’s Heilongjiang. The right area, where Gansu is located; the remaining one is Lingzhou, Fengzhou, Inner Mongolia.

They can't go to the right, too far, and the Bohai Dudu government is equally far away, but Fengzhou is relatively close.

Although there are seed bases arranged by Si Nong Temple in all places in the Great Tang Dynasty, they are not planning to go to the nearest Henan Road. The potatoes are still not mature, and they are planted in the greenhouse. The normal harvest has already been harvested.

"This year's potatoes can be let go of eating." Xiaobei, who was on the road, said with enthusiasm.

Xu Yizhen, who followed the road together, secretly swallowed his mouth and asked indefinitely: "Really, really?"

"Well!" Beckham nodded and said: "After years of breeding, you can finally eat seeds without thinking about making seeds. Cabbage, potatoes, sweet potatoes, green onions, radishes, the output is getting higher and higher. ,well."

"Boiled cabbage radish is not worth the money, low yield can be replaced by other." Xu Yizhen has no love for these two dishes.

Xiaoyuan followed: "The key is not to be valuable, but to store in low temperature areas in winter, and a variety of dried vegetables. It is the baby in the cold winter."

"You can have a greenhouse." Xu Yizhen reminded.

"You can also have venison, bear's paw, sea cucumber and shark's fin, right? You still ask if you don't ask the shrimp for the official?" Xiaoyuan squeezed a sentence.

Xu Yizhen bowed his head and said that Xiaoyuan was saying the story of ‘He’s not eating meat.’

When walking on the road, the new and old people in the team also communicated, mainly the new personnel asked, the old man to answer, or met someone to talk about experience.

Don't look at the newcomer's class, learn a lot, when it comes to special tricks, the old team is very powerful. The trivial problem in the team's march is the most important thing. How to go to the toilet, how to watch the limelight to cook, and when the goods will increase the burden on the animals, all of them are learning.

They are different from other simple teams. Unlike caravans and military forces, they are comprehensive teams, fighting, organization, logistics, etc. They must be able to be converted at any time. Even if they are cooks, they can also pick up machine guns and fire points at critical moments. .

In addition to serving other people in other departments, we also need to educate them in the little bit of life, and become a king flower when needed.

Even Beckham is always ready at the same time, otherwise how can Xu Yijun’s grandfather let him follow them? Really cultivate people.


With the departure of Beckham, the entire capital seems to be deserted.

Li Longji has been very troublesome these days. There are always a large group of children walking in various palaces on weekdays. The result is gone.

Without the leadership of Beckham, other children can't play, and it's even more impossible to play a palace and play games. They are not so courageous, and they don't have the same mentality as Beckham. At least Yushitai is Think so, although they dare not impeach.

"It’s a winter coming soon. I don’t know if the Great Wall is still in the snow when the Lily State is snowing?” In the Xingqing Palace, Li Longji put a piece of clothes and watched the goldfish in the fish tank spit bubbles. Said to himself.

"Your Majesty, Chen estimated that there is not much left. The former people are fresh, they would rather spend money to buy the position, and even let people save with ice. Recently people’s minds have not been put on it, and it is estimated that they have stopped to continue to take money. After all, the flowers are not small."

Gao Lishi took the words and said: "Beibei can afford this kind of consumption, who will let them have money, but... they are not stupid, how can they spend money for a dead thing every year, their one The meal may be an annual income for ordinary people, but they don't waste anything."

"Well, I know, Xiao Biao and the baby are wearing patches on the trousers when playing with the sand. The people who make up the craft are high, and they make various patterns, which makes people look down. You are right, snow is the year. Years, this year... No big deal in the DPRK?"

Li Longji revisited the previous topic.

Gao Lishi pondered for a moment and replied: "It should be nothing, just... obviously small."

"From an early age, I should experience the magnificence of the mountains and rivers of my Tang Dynasty. I told Xiaobao that this time I saved money, but I am not responsible for their consumption. It is not reluctant, it is never a rule."

Li Longji is determined to travel, but he still has to take Zhang Xiaobao's family. He hopes to go to the Bohai Governor's Office. In the end, he still has to see Zhang Xiaobao and Wang Wei's decision.

Li Longji understands that even if it is to go out for a trip, it must be purposeful. How can it be that the brigade is going to travel, and finally just for their own play?

Gao Lishi ordered people to inform his own son. The person who went to was Luo Bin. His status is already high in the palace, but as long as he is in the palace and involves the things of Zhang Wang, he must be personally It is never a man's hand, this is the basis for his consolidation of status.

When Luo Bin found Zhang Xiaobao and Wang Hao, the two were arranging people to play a part of the cotton that had just been collected, because the water cloud family was coming.

The Shuiyun family is now sixty-two, except for a few of them who stay in the capital outside the city. The rest of the family is back to the village of Zhuangzi in Sanshui County, and the children of the family must marry and bring the other person back. They are not allowed to follow. run.

Choosing a partner is not a family life. Shuiyun does not expect his family to rely on the power of others to develop, as long as the IQ is enough, otherwise your family will not be able to talk about how many cliffs belong to your home in a certain area.

If the IQ is high enough, even if it is strong, it will be fine. The body is thin and can be supplemented. The combat technology can also be taught.

If the IQ is worse, it is a big problem. For example, today, with the family coming over to ask for cotton, can you understand the IQ? Do not know who will give you cotton to make a nest? You can only do it yourself by getting the branches and adding your own feathers. After the snow is finished, the sky is frozen and straight, and the child is married to you to suffer?

What Xiaoyun knows, Zhang Xiaobao and Wang Wei know more clearly. When they heard the telegram saying that their family had thrown out the things on the top of the mountain, they knew that they had to prepare things.

So people let the popped up of a batch of cotton just picked up, so that they can take home and renovate them. Last year, it was not warm enough.

As for other wood boards, branches, straws and other things that may be needed, they can be prepared by people on Zhuangzi.

When Luo Bin entered the yard, it was actually a playground. It was also used for training. A group of hawks also fell from the sky and fell on the crossbar that had been prepared. Before they fell, they threw the gifts they brought and made the playground busy. .

When Luo Bin first saw such a situation, a group of eagle looked at the eyes and scared. The things that were thrown were dead and live. They were all bloody, and the dead were well handled. If there were snakes in the living, the people who had caught in the past still Be careful and be careful.

"Hey! General Shuiyun, I haven't seen it for many days, is it good?" Luo Bin waved and said hello to the water cloud.

The water cloud glanced over and turned back to continue to watch the animals busy.

Luo Bin sees that people don't like to take care of themselves, and they don't care. They continue to say: "Are all the family coming? Just come, just come, just eat, don't you eat?"

When he said that he was reminding the busy people, someone immediately went to the courtyard of the animal to bring a few sheep, slaughtered and peeled on the spot, and cut the meat into a small strip to feed the water cloud.

Others are responsible for suspending the large sink, where there is water flowing, and the person holding the shower starts to spray water next to it, bathing the eagle, and the medical staff also come up to see the eagle, and find the scratched area immediately. Anti-inflammatory.

The last person who came up was specifically familiar with the eagle, holding the eagle relatives, and judging where the eagle in front was uncomfortable, similar to caring for children.

Zhang Xiaobao also personally accompanied the water cloud to chat.

"Do you want salt?" asked Zhang Xiaobao? Also take a water bowl with a little salt, the water cloud tastes, look at a group of his family, see Zhang Xiaobao, Zhang Xiaobao understand, no.

"Do you want Mao?" Zhang Xiaobao also brought a wide-mouthed box containing rabbit fur and hemp.

Shuiyun looked at it and called for two wins at home. After that, three eaglees followed, and some people immediately rolled the meat in a hairy box and fed the three hawks, feeding several pieces in succession. Only the eagle began to spit. The spit out was a mixture of hair and stomach. The inside was still wrapped in pebbles. The spit-out eagle drank some water and began to rest with closed eyes. It is estimated that it is temporarily impossible to continue eating.

Luo Bin was surprised and slightly opened his mouth, and then asked inexplicably: "Little son, this is...?"

"The procedure of the servant eagle, Shuiyun, because of the water in the cloud, is better than the waiter. If you need him, he will tell you that other lion-fed talents are in trouble. Many times the eagle is sick and does not know what it is."

Zhang Xiaobao explained while listening to the head of the water cloud, and the water cloud comfortably squinted and enjoyed.

Luo Bin seems to know the general nod and asks: "Is the wild eagle not alive?"

"Living, but living and living differently, just like people, are living, can the people of Datang and other places live the same? Water clouds are sick, and they are treated, and the wild can't die." Eagles like the Great Tang Dynasty are specially inspected regularly. People from other places do not have this treatment."

Zhang Xiaobao said with a sigh of emotion, and he did not know whether he was a man or an eagle.

Luo Bin doesn't think there is anything wrong with increasing investment in the eagle. He said: "There is no problem with good treatment, especially the water cloud. It is the first eagle of the ages. There are hawks that can command the whole Tang Dynasty, and there is no cloud. The eagle of Datang can only do simple reconnaissance and hunting."

Zhang Xiaobao and Wang Hao also agree with each other. The biggest role of Shuiyun is not to kill a few people during the battle, but its commanding ability. With his existence, the eagle group raised by Datang can be used to transport items, which is extra important in disaster relief, not only flexible, but also fast.

If a team of friends is lost in the mountains, the efficiency of the eagle group is the highest. It is easy to lock the position and then hover. The rescuers on the ground do not have to work hard to search the net.

If a village is disconnected from the outside due to natural disasters, the water cloud can direct the eagle group to air the material, which is safer and more convenient than dispatching the aircraft.

Without the water cloud, the ability to airdrop is lost. In practice, airdrops are the most important. For example, the snowy roads and the highlands surrounded by heavy rains, the existence of water clouds is the hope of the trapped people.

Waiting for the rest of the water cloud to finish, the cotton bundles were sent, Zhang Xiaobao said to the water cloud: "Beibei they went out to stroll, if you have time, you will turn in the sky."

After that, everyone made room, waiting for the water cloud to fly high and dive, or grab the things directly on the ground and take off.

When the eagle is flying, the posture is the most beautiful. The bigger the eagle, the longer the eagle is, the more handsome the eagle is. The moment of hunting and diving is the expression of strength and beauty. It can mix the fierce, speed, stretch and leisurely forms. together.

Everyone who has seen eagle hunting has almost a dream of turning into an eagle, only to experience the pride and conquest of that moment, and the water cloud is the overlord.

Luo Bin was fortunate enough to see a scene of a group of hawks diving, although not hunting, but the momentum is not much worse.

Sixty-two eagle hovering in the sky in turn is not a common thing. People near the city are excited to look up, and some even have already chosen their position early, and they found it when the Shuiyun family came.

Li Longji also got the information. At this moment, he is standing on the highest floor of the palace. He is holding a telescope. From his place, he can see two kings in the capital of the city. The entire capital has only one field, not so much. It is used by two training centers of Zhang Wang. It is better to say that it is an activity space for the water cloud family.

After all, Shuiyun is a general. There should be a house, and the house of others will build a house. Is the Shuiyun home only empty?

At this time, we can see that the Shuiyun family has a high level of skill and whose ability is low. Every two hawks are diving at the same time. Some eagle have to slow down when they pass, to control the landing. Some eagle catches The cotton bag screamed at the wings and was afraid of flying.

Others are even caught off, so they have to hover up for the next dive. It is estimated that they will be cleaned up when they return home. According to people, you can grab the cotton bag and expect you to catch the living thing?

The first eleven eagle performed the best, perhaps the water cloud deliberately requested. The eleven eagle were doing low-altitude change when they caught the cotton bag, and they could see it without height. The side is swaying, and the wings are scraped against the ground to bring up the dust.

In the end, only the water cloud and the red dragonfly were left. The people underneath began to shout: "Water cloud, come one, water cloud, come one."

It means letting the water cloud perform a more beautiful movement.

Perhaps it is because today I can go back and re-decorate the new home, and I will be happy to turn it back. The red dragonfly will fly down obliquely, and the water cloud will suddenly accelerate. When the claws caught the cotton bag, the whole body slammed into a swivel one hundred degrees. A cotton bag was picked up and caught by the red dragonfly. The water cloud was just gliding back to the next cotton bag. Over the sky, another one turned back 180 degrees, grabbed the bag and forced it in the air, soaring away, leaving a piece of dust flying.

The people standing around the playground looked silly all the time. Zhang Xiaobao frowned and raised his hands to look at it. The fist fist shook his head again.

"How? Did you find that you can't do the same thing?" Wang Hao asked.

"Yes, only the last one after the vacancy can not be made, because the second time I touched the bag, my arm is estimated to be unable to withstand such a large pressure, and the effect can not be played." Zhang Xiaobao's arm is estimated to bear how much The pressure, and at the same time, bouncing the body again.

The previous action is completed, you can run to the front of the first bag with the fastest speed, and then a fish jump, the hand first pushes down when the bag is touched, bounces, the waist is forced, the body side turns One hundred and eighty degrees, let go, and then continue to complete the emptying under the hand and waist coordination before the back to the ground, grab the second bag when the head is down.

But at this time, after you want to finish the air-spinning, you have to force the arm to move the bag again. It is like a ground hand-holding action when you jump the pommel horse and a saddle-handed hand movement. Both need the coordination of inertia and waist strength and the coordination of the body.

In this way, even a professional elite pommel horse athlete can do it hard, because not only does it require two supports, but it also requires two catches.

"Hey, there are wings that are different." Zhang Xiaobao can only helplessly end.

Wang Hao just laughed.

After a while, other people have issued amazing voices. It turns out that there is a difference between the eagle and the eagle, and it is still very big.

Only two pilots who came back from a round of silence were silent, and they have been reminiscing about the domineering horror of the eagle, which is what these pilots should have, and reminds them of what the younger son and the little lady had said.

The sky is always a hero. Only the same knight can compete against the sky knight. No matter how many weapons on the ground can hit the sky, they are all in a weak position, not only in speed, but also in the arrogance of blood in the sky, under the sky. Invincible, my sky I rule. In the face of bullets, like the eagle diving, I can.

Now the two pilots have finally grasped it, and when the Shuiyun family swooped, it was an unprecedented momentum.

Zhang Xiaobao came over and patted the shoulders of the two pilots and said, “Is there a feeling? After two days, let’s arrange a look at the scene of the Shuiyun family hunting in the plains of the mountain valley.”

The two nodded to the place.


The weather became colder, and the area south of the Yangtze River felt the chill of the cold wind. The large fishing boats and cargo ships in the north began to gather in the south sea.

They don't want to spend the winter, when they are good, they plan to make more money. If they are reluctant to leave their family, they will take the family together and go to Luzhou. The long stretch of the coast can find a place to be placed.

The migratory birds have not been seen in the north of the Yellow River. Even the Swallows who are not going to the south every year in Zhuangzi have followed the big team this year. It is estimated that they want to marry the outside world. It is a kind of happiness to stay in one place for a lifetime. Peace is also a pity.

Everything that is snowy in winter is busy, ready for winter firewood and cotton.

They didn't wait until Fengzhou, and they were blocked by a heavy snow. It was time to test the training level of the team. 2k novel reading network