MTL - Great Tang Idyll-v4 Chapter 941 No more than an account

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Seymour Domo is very complicated at this moment. He is trying to find out what the purpose of the Datang team is on his side.

He knew that because he helped the big eater, he made the people of Datang angry, and also took away many of the things stored in his own tribe. Fortunately, the current season is good. If you take things away in winter, you will Starved to death many people.

Just after taking a group of Datang’s army, now there is a group, people are more than that at that time, and the legendary Zhang Xiaobao and Wang Hao are led. The big eater has told himself that these two people are worried. Also.

The most important thing is that the first time I met today, the two did not seem very friendly to themselves. It seems that their previous plans were wrong and should be lowered.

Now that the other party has come up to the game, I don’t know how the other party is planning. Is it necessary to grab all the people on the side of the game?

The heart of the hot pot is gradually gone. Seymour Dharma slowly swallowed a piece of meat and looked at Zhang Xiaobao, who suddenly became angry and asked, "What?"

"Be more than anything, hunting, fishing, chopping wood, snoring, what you say is better than what we say, but the rules must be the same, to improve understanding, maybe we will change compared to us." Become a family."

Zhang Xiaobao stopped the chopsticks and said to Seymour Dharma, and took a small bowl to the front. He ate the soup from the hot pot and introduced it to the other party: "Drinking soup, fresh, hot pot soup, it depends on direct drinking. How is the taste, if not, it is not a good hot pot."

"Okay, okay." Seymour Domo also took a small bowl. Learned Zhang Xiaobao's appearance and took out the soup, screaming twice. As soon as he looked up, most of the soup in the bowl was filled with his stomach, and he praised him: "Good."

Zhang Xiaobao and Xiaobei are speechless. Is it so delicious to drink soup? Is that good to drink sour plum soup and mung bean soup? Solve the summer.

"Eating meat and eating meat, but today I met good meat, Beckham, don't eat it." Zhang Xiaobao once again invited Seymour Tama to move the chopsticks, not forgetting to shout a bit to the younger siblings. Otherwise, if you eat too much at night, you should not be able to sleep, and squatting around the stomach to eliminate food.

Beckham is telling the children of many tribes how to mix the best things in the hot pot. I am very serious. When I hear my brother’s words, I will return a big smile and promise: “Reassured, I don’t eat so much meat today. If you don't eat rice, you eat mushrooms and vegetables, and chew it, help my little stomach to digest. Just now I drank a bowl of soup and took it up. When the soup is gone, I won't support it."

Zhang Xiaobao nodded. This is a way to drink soup first, and wait until it stops. Wait a minute, the soup will be comfortable after digestion.

Beckham turned back. Pick up a plate of mushrooms and send them to the children of the tribe: "Eat mushrooms, eat mushrooms, good health, don't stare at the rice, I found that you can eat too much, and the people will catch up with the big ones."

Immediately, there was a translation to help the children to listen. The children in front of Beckham quickly pulled a few mouthfuls of rice in their mouths. This put a dozen mushrooms in a small hot pot and smiled at Xiaobei embarrassedly. Continue to eat.

Children in the tribe like to eat two things, venison and rice, and also know how to eat.

Too many faces are shy, and Zhang Xiaobao explained: "It is really your rice scent. We don't have the same rice in our locality. They all eat wheat. The meat is not good. The meat is usually exchanged with the tribe. I can only eat a meal in the day, and sometimes I can’t see you in a month according to your calendar."

"Yes, there is no oil in the stomach and there is less salt, so the children will eat more. After that, don't worry, the children will eat for ten days and a half, and you will see again. They promise that they will not eat three dinners as they do now. I feel hungry."

Zhang Xiaobao understands that the former Zhuang households are the same as the children of the current tribes. One is that there is more exercise and longer body needs. Another reason is that they can't eat anything that is too much water, and the more they eat, the poorer they can eat, the more productive they are. I can't keep up, saying that everything else is useless.

More and more, talking with Zhang Xiaobao, next to Seymour Domo is not willing, he admitted that he can not compare to the Datang people, and previously used the wrong strategy.

But he is the leader of the entire tribe. Unless he returns to China, his status can be lowered. Is it afraid that the Datang people will be on the same level as the heads of their own tribes?

So he slammed a lot more and said to him: "There are a lot of people, your people are not staying where I arranged, what are you doing?"

What he said was his local words. Zhang Xiaobao himself was very hard to translate, but he still understood the meaning. He smiled and extended his chopsticks to continue to eat meat for himself.

More and more, I was scared, my head went down, and then I reacted. It’s not right. I won’t be in charge of you in the future. Why do you say me? My people are few, add up to one hundred and twenty-six, but I am following the Datang people, not afraid of you.

When I thought about it, I suddenly felt very comfortable and happy. I sneaked a sip of soup and nodded with satisfaction. I pushed a pair of deer stalks to the front of Seymour Dharma and said with a smile:

"Simo Dharma and the leader, taste the tendons, and put a thing called chili in it, it tastes good, you come to be a guest, don't be polite, eat well, eat."

The meaning of this statement is obvious. I will treat myself as the master and take Seymour Dharma as a guest. Not his subordinate as Seymour Dharma.

"You..." Seymour Dharma combined, how can he not see a lot of attitudes, which is clearly to leave the tribe.

In the latter case, Seymour Domo could not tell, and did not touch the hooves, bowed his head, held back the anger in his heart, and began to calculate.

Seymour Dharma admits that he has never seen too many small tribes of more than one hundred people, a small tribe of more than one hundred people, there are old people, women and children, too few people can participate in hunting. .

And a lot of this tribe will not come to fish, so it is easy to get some prey, fork a few fish, but also to change the wheat and salt.

Usually used to bully, and arranged them to the outside of the current whistle. I never thought that one day they would also betray, which is really irritating.

"A lot more. You don't want to go back now, I don't care about you, you can follow the Datang people for a while, wait for the Datang people to leave, and what you earn is still yours, I will never rob you."

Seymour Domo thought for a while, and said more.

A lot more is not stupid, but I can't hear the meaning of the leader. It is clearly threatening yourself.

More and more did not say anything, but looked at Zhang Xiaobao.

Zhang Xiaobao just finished a piece of meat and was about to send it to his mouth. He heard the words of two people and took over with his relatively poor Tianyu.

"Oh, Seymour Domo, the leader, you don't have to worry too much. We will always take his tribe, wait for the eater to succumb, and honestly give us the tribute every year, I will take them a lot. Go back to Datang and live a better life. Do you still think about the game, what?"

Seymour Domo was taken aback. I thought that I would like to speak the Tang dynasty, and I could bypass this Zhang Xiaobao with a lot of local words. I thought that Zhang Xiaobao would even have his own language, but also stood up to help a lot.

This time he finally understood that they would not have much more in the future. Betrayal, this is betrayal. I am not good to you, do you have to betray me?

Seymour Domo made more and more times, but more and more, he returned to a sneer expression, licking his neck, what kind of attitude you would like.

Seymour Domo couldn't think of other ways. He took a chopstick and put a tendon in his mouth. He chewed it in his mouth. The more he chewed it, the more spicy and the toughness of the tendon. When he chewed, he felt that the whole body was comfortable.

After eating a tendon, he said to Zhang Xiaobao: "I don't think it is better. You can leave something for us. We can give you something."

"No better than that? Well, let's talk about the fact that you help our enemies eat more people. With your help, many people who dare to stay at the riverside and attack us have caused great losses to us. A few people have lost their precious lives. How do you say that I should count with you?"

Zhang Xiaobao slammed the chopsticks '啪' and asked him to the Seymour Dharma.

The movement around it suddenly disappeared, and I looked over one by one.

Seymour Dharma knows that Zhang Xiaobao turned his face faster than flipping the book. He opened his mouth slightly and looked at Zhang Xiaobao. He glanced at the various eyes that he had stared at. After a few moments, he said, "I, we, we help." They, in fact, yes, they threaten, threaten us, no, not we have to fight with you."

"That is, you are afraid of them threatening, and then let us suffer a lot of losses, because you are not afraid of us, right?" Zhang Xiaobao asked.

"You, you have nothing to lose."

"We are dead, and six people have died." Zhang Xiaobao snorted and revealed his teeth.

"I know that the six people you died are not killed by the big eater, they are dead by themselves." Seymour Domo is not acknowledging.

"They can die when they stay at home. You don't help eat more people. If you eat more people, you won't be stationed by the river. If you don't station us, you don't have to send troops. If you don't send troops, you won't have wars. Don't beat us. How can six people die?

And our supplies, we kill more man-made ammunition, this is not money? In order to support us in the fight, some people in Datang are tired in the arsenal. Some people help to heat the road when they are going to repair the road. They should go to the grinding machine without pulling it. When they come here to pull things, they have to go to pull the mill, our The loss is big.

What do more people threaten you? You said it, I will treat you now according to how many people threaten you. Are you not afraid of me? ”

Zhang Xiaobao patted the table and said it sounded reasonable.

Seymour Domohe certainly can't tell the truth, saying that the big eater has promised, and after giving up the salt-producing place, give them a lot of salt and eat it casually.

Zhang Xiaobao forced: "You don't be angry, what do you say? We compare."

"Oh, I am not angry, it is a moment of excitement, huh, huh, come and eat, what are you doing, eat it, Seymour Dharma, the leader, the tendon is delicious? When you go back, I will give you a little more than what I will go back and think about it later, but what I want to say is that since it is a competition, it is natural to have a reward for it. It is better to gamble, how do you see it?"

"Well, OK." Seymour Domo can say anything, he just feels wronged, Zhang Xiaobao changed his face back and forth, he has to bear it, not because he can't beat the Datang people. (To be continued. If you like this work, you are welcome to come to the starting point to vote, the monthly pass, your support, is my biggest motivation.) 2k novel reading network