MTL - Great Tang Idyll-v4 Chapter 970 Paying benefits to return to the country

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I thought that I could see the ships in the past and wait for them to help me with the news. As a result, when the campfire was being held by the sea, the sea was convenient to have a few lights shining, and the eyes were shaking.

Suddenly, there were two fewer lights, and Zhang Xiaobao and Wang Hao sighed at the same time.

"That's awkward, how can I have two lights not to be taken?" asked Beckham as he looked through the bag for a telescope.

"Broken." Zhang Xiaobao explained to his sister: "The big searchlights are not very good because of the technology."

"It is the ship of the military that belongs to my Datang. There is no such equipment on the merchant ship. The power generation report can now be contacted." Wang Hao immediately judged the ownership of the ship on the sea.

At this time, only Datang has such technology, do not worry about ships in other countries.

Sure enough, the telegram sent out and quickly got a reply. There was a gunboat and a supply ship. It was conducting a regular cruise. When there were countless fires in the place at the beach, it would take a photo. If there is no radio signal here. In the past, boats were also sent to the boat for inspection.

Now there is no need to worry about the danger of being hit by the reefs on the beach. The two ships are ordered to drive towards the nearest lighthouse.

As long as you contact the lighthouse, other problems are not a problem, and ships will be dispatched soon.

The rest of Zhang Xiaobao’s side is waiting. Waiting for a few days, the big ships are concentrated here, riding back together, and sorting out the things they carry.

All the way through the territory of India, naturally, will not go empty-handed, but meet local people to trade with them.

The way of trade is not barter, it is to buy money directly, use the money of Datang, it is a hard currency, and all places that have trade with Datang are willing to use Datang.

Because Datang's merchants go elsewhere, one exchanges goods directly with the locals at a high exchange rate, and the other is to slightly lower the price of their goods so that the other party can buy them using Datang currency, but rarely use Datang's money. Buy each other's goods. Unless the other party's goods are very good, such as pearls, gold and other valuable luxury.

This has a consequence, and Datang’s money is very valuable outside. Many of the low-tech but good-quality things in Datang are also exported. As long as you use Datang's currency, you can directly row the boat to Datang, buy things in Datang, and make a profit after returning to your country or tribe.

The squeezing of weak countries by technology and military powers is so direct. There is no need to set up trade barriers specifically, but Datang still has export tariffs. There is no import tariff, and there is no fear that other places' primary products or raw materials will have an impact on Datang related industries.

Exports are different. Datang’s current quality is good, and it also contains a certain amount of technical content. Other countries come to buy it, add an export tax, don’t care, bring things back to their place, put this part of the tariff directly. To the cost of goods sales. Let other purchasers take it.

Zhang Xiaobao and Wang Hao know this and understand very thoroughly. For example, they were foreign luxury goods at that time, such as leather bags, and people's countries added an export tax to the country, plus an import tax. It looks expensive, but there are still people competing to buy.

Its own raw materials and working hours value is not very high, the price is high in the brand effect, it seems to have such a luxury, and its identity has also increased.

Zhang Xiaobao buys and buys a lot of luxury goods. Including yachts and airplanes, professional needs, but Wang Hao is not wearing and wearing any brand things, she is someone in the family who specializes in making, can't see the brand on the clothes, even if she just pulls the cloth around her neck, Others have to praise her scarf beautifully.

Not everyone can be fair to her. If you can't increase the value of your goods by your identity, you need to increase your identity with the value of the goods.

This is the case with countries and regions that have a relationship with Datang. The cost of raw materials is not important. The important thing is that it comes from Datang.

Beckham turned over the bag, did not turn the telescope out, turned out a large rough diamond stone, did not go through a cloth cutting process.

She watched the bonfire and praised: "It's really cheap, a big diamond, it's sold forty, and it can be used to make at least five hundred glass knives."

Next to Xiaohai sighed and said: "Let you learn mathematics, you don't work hard. Such a large diamond can make at least three thousand handle glass knives. If the craftsmanship is good, you can increase the quantity."

"Isn't that a fortune?" Xiaoqiang explored his head and said.

"I count how much a glass knife is." Xiaonan also followed the fun.

Xu Yizhen looked at his eyes and hesitated. He negotiated: "When I go back, I will use 10,000 glass knives to change with you. Isn't it?"

"Are you stupid or we are a fool? We talked about it, really thought that we would use this diamond to make a glass knife?" Beckham was very dissatisfied with Xu Yizhen.

"Listen to you saying that you want to make a glass knife."

"When you hear it, you believe it? You didn't buy two pieces too. Go back to make a fortune, remember to pay back the money, 10% of the profit, according to the day, recalculate every day, you borrow a total of two hundred and twenty , buy a lot of things, right?"

Xiaobei mentioned Xu Yiqi’s borrowing money. Xu Yizhen didn’t bring money, followed the team, and did not spend money on food and drink. When he traded with others, he had to borrow with Xiaobei.

After borrowing two hundred and twenty, I bought a lot of good things in the local area. After going back, after processing, the value can be increased by nearly three hundred times. Now he hopes to get home soon.

"Yes, yes, 10% profit." Xu Yizhen replied, while still calculating in his heart, but how can it be counted after dozens of days.

"Admit it, first remind you, Xiaohai brother forget, if it is a hundred days, then you need to pay two hundred and twenty-three times more than 13,780 times." Xiaobei smiled at Xu Yizhen Say.

Xu Yiqi’s face was bitter and nodded: “It’s not going to be a hundred days. I’m borrowing money until now it’s fifteen days. As soon as I set foot on the territory of Datang, I will immediately ask Qianzhuang to give you the money. In the last fifty days, it will be calculated according to fifty days. What is it?"

He spoke to Xiaohai.

Xiaohai brow wrinkled, found a branch, pulled it on the ground, pulled it twice, shook his head, took out the abacus from the bag, smashed it, and after dozens of breaths, he said to Xu Yizhen: "Fifty days. Ten percent interest per day is rolling, which is one hundred and seventeen three hundred and nine times."

Xu Yi’s words could not be said, and he extended his thumb to Xiao Haibi’s painting.

Zhang Xiaobao and Wang Hao also looked at his brother Xiaohai with relief. He said that they would, but they would be as skilled as Xiaohai, not so fast.

of course. What makes the two happy is that the younger brother Xiao Hai is indeed very talented in mathematics, but he has not learned to be stupid. If there are only numbers and formulas in the mind of the whole school, the two will take enforcement measures.

Xu Yizhen heard more than 100 times in 50 days, and his heart relaxed, more than one hundred times can bear, more than 30,000 yuan, more than 13,000 times more than one hundred days.

Although I can't get 30,000 in my home, I can go to the bank immediately after I landed, mortgage the things, and take out the money to return them to Beckham. If the price of the loan is too strong, you can use the credit of the family to borrow, or even borrow someone else to borrow.

How to calculate is more cost-effective than owing to Beckham, the interest is too high, and profitable.

Zhang Xiaobao and Wang Wei did not manage the transaction between Xu Yizhen and their younger siblings. They believed that the little guys would not hang on to Xu Yizhen. It was necessary to calculate the time to go back. If it takes a hundred days, the interest rate will never be so high.

For the transaction, the two people are more happy and gratified. Are they short of money? There is no shortage of nature. What is embarrassing now is how to make good use of the money, not to make more money. How to improve the life of Datang children.

Give Xu Yizhen an interest, indicating that the little guys are sensible, borrowing two hundred and twenty, or giving Xu Yiqi the money, nothing.

But Xu Yiyi lost a sense of accomplishment, and when he was at home, people in his circles would look down on him. I think that he is the cheaper of Beckham, not his own skill.

According to the current situation, Xu Yiqi took risks, his own judgment and choice. When he went back, he could pat his chest with the people in the circle and said that under such high interest rates, he bet, he believed his own vision.

As a result, the old man Xu Jian will be happy.

This time, I didn’t play any fun, but the money didn’t make much money. I went all the way through India. In addition to the tribes I received before, others all traded with Indians.

The method of trading is to take the money to buy the local good things, and then sell the consumables such as cans that are not used in the team to the locals who just got the money. It is not very expensive to sell, and it is half cheaper than the merchants.

Anyway, things can't be used, and going back is worthless.

Zhang Xiaobao and Wang Hao’s team waited for six days before they got together the boats that could take them back. Some were from the ship that Datang had just come out to trade, carrying things on the ship, and unloading things, leaving a few people. With the cooperation of the guards, trade with the locals, so that the ship will be carrying Zhang Xiaobao and Wang Hao back.

There is also a merchant ship that has been loaded with goods from the outside for many days to return to Datang. The goods are also unloaded, first placed in the local area, and the team that sent Zhang Xiaobao and Wang Hao went back and ran for a short trip.

No one is compensating for things that are voluntary.

Zhang Xiaobao and Wang Wei did not say anything about state compensation. They wrote down every merchant ship. After waiting for it, they provided some good methods or techniques for merchants.

The people in the tribe who followed the team to go to Tang together with the team, finally felt what is called a strong country.

Especially the original tribal leader Seymour Dharma, he knows what is behind this thing. It is the cohesiveness of a country. If you change to your own tribe and change to your own country, there will never be such a situation unless it is threatened by force. Next, otherwise who is willing to give up their own interests?

"It seems that it will not take long. Datang will occupy the places around them, at least when I am alive, I can see it. It is really strong."

When he came to the boat and watched the people on the boat show their joy to the people in Zhang Xiaobao and Wang Hao’s team, Seymour Domo snorted with emotion.

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