MTL - Great Voyage: the Strongest Clone System-Chapter 19

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There's nothing you can do if you don't give up, after all, it's an advancing city guarded by Magellan! Not to mention that Liu Ye is only half of Enel's level of combat power now, even if the real Enel is here, it is almost impossible to break through Magellan's guards and rescue the prisoners who are advancing into the city.

Madara Uchiha and Chishou Hasuma are two damned things. If you want to level up in it, just practice. Maybe in a few days, you won't be able to withstand the harsh environment of the push city and you will die?

When the two of them are dead, they can choose to randomly resurrect and let them escape from the advancing city.

Of course, if the two of them can really survive in a place like Propulsion City, they can beat prisoners to level up under Magellan's nose.

Liu Ye really doesn't mind letting them train in the advance city to level 20 or 30 before leaving the mountain..


ps: ask for everything.

Chapter 23 The Great Merchant!!

With such thoughts.

Liu Ye, who closed the system panel, stretched out and ate a rare serious breakfast.

Because today is a big day for the Belmer family!

"Today, it's time for big businessmen to buy oranges on a large scale." At the dinner table, Bermel smiled very happily: "Unlike those small buyers, big businessmen not only offer higher prices, but they also sell very well. Luxurious, there is almost no chance of fraud. If our oranges can be purchased in large quantities this year, we will not have to worry about living expenses for the next year.”

"Can I buy new clothes?" Noqigao asked.

"Of course." Bermel smiled and patted Noqigao's head.

"Can I buy a book then?" Nami asked expectantly.

"Buy a book? What book?" Bermel was taken aback.

"A book about the weather, and the sea!" Nami made an analogy, waving her arms, trying her best to show what she wanted.

Seeing this scene, Liu Ye silently swallowed the bread in his hand.

Secret thought: As expected of a genius navigator, are you already interested in sailing at this age?

And Belmer on the table also understood what Nami wanted.

Although it was a little embarrassing, after all, books in this world are not cheap things, but in the face of Nami's eager eyes, Belmer still agreed with a smile.

"That's great! Belmer~!" Nami, who received the promise, let out a cheerful voice.

Although Belmer looked helpless, there was an indelible smile in his eyes.

To be honest, she has always been indebted to Nami and Nuoqigao. Compared with other children, Nami and Nuoqigao can only wear clothes picked up from the garbage, so that they just buy them for them. A new dress will make them happy for a long time.

The same is true of buying books. At this age, what kind of children do not sit in a bright classroom and learn knowledge? And she actually had to struggle over whether a mere book was worth buying!

Thinking of this, Bellmer subconsciously looked at the only person on the table who didn't speak.

"Liu Ye, don't you have anything you want?" Bermel smiled and said, "If you want something, just say it. As long as it's not too much, it doesn't matter today."

"I don't have anything I want." Liu Ye refused without hesitation.

joke! He is not a simple child like Nuoqigao and Nami! Beneath this young body lies a mature and ambitious heart! What he wanted, Belmer couldn't give at all.

"I can buy you a wooden sword this time, how about that?" Bellemel teased: "The great swordsman Liu Ye?"


Willow leaves that broke defense in a second.


Becoming a handsome swordsman is Liu Ye's first goal after coming to the world of pirates.

It's just that the ending was not so good, so that until now, the "green years" has become a joke that the whole family brings up from time to time.

But.. these days are different!

Wearing work clothes, Liu Ye, who was carrying oranges diligently, looked at Bellmer who was also busy in front of him, as well as Nami and Nuoqigao who were chasing and playing in the orange orchard.

With a sneer, stupid women can never see the true power of men!

For the sake of being a family, I won't care more about you. Sooner or later, it will surprise you!

But this superior state of mind only lasted for less than a few seconds, and was directly broken by a complaining voice.

"Liu Ye, why are you being lazy again?!" The sweaty Belmer saw his eldest son who started daydreaming again, and taught a dissatisfied lesson: "Having a dream is a good thing, but it must be realistic, at least We have to solve the problem of food and clothing first!”

"Food and clothing? This kind of insignificant thing..." Liu Ye sneered: "Don't say it's just enough food and clothing, as long as I am willing, even conquering a kingdom is just a matter of snapping my fingers!"

"Okay, King Liuye. Compared with this, you should hurry up and pack the oranges. I missed today, and I don't know when I will be able to sell this price next time." Bermel casually said. .

"..." Willow leaves with a stiff smile on his face.

Chapter 24 You can try to ask her for help!!

Geza Town Big Market!

The largest trading market on the island where Cocoa West Village is located.

Compared with the sparsely populated Cocoyasi Village, Gesa Town is a very prosperous large town. This town has at least more than 5,000 permanent residents, and the super-large market based in Gesa Town, It is also an important market that all villagers in dozens of villages on the entire island must go to every month.

In this large bazaar, anyone can occupy a booth for free and sell their wares..

The people on the island refer to the day when the Gesa market opens as a 'trading day', while Liu Ye calls it a 'going to the market'.

"My dignified 100 million volt discharge powerhouse actually wants to see the orange stand?!"

She stared at the pile of oranges in front of her.

Liu Ye ignored Bellmer who was arguing with the so-called 'big businessmen', and while Bellmer was not paying attention, he quickly opened an orange and stuffed it into the mouth.

At this time, Bermel finally negotiated a price with the 'big businessmen'.

"One ton of oranges, 50,000 bellies." The big belly businessman did not shy away from revealing his right hand, which was covered with a large gold ring, and said to Belle Meyer, "But we only need to have a diameter of more than seven centimeters and no outer skin. The flawed results, as for those defective products... Forget it, the customers we face are all nobles."

"Of course I know that." Bellmer waved his hand boldly, and then pulled the car covered with cloth behind the willow leaves, revealing dozens of boxes full of oranges: "The oranges here are at least 1.2 tons, which definitely suits you. requirements.

"We can still trust Bermel's reputation." The big businessman showed a satisfied smile.

But when he saw Liu Yezhi who was standing in front of the orange stand, his face was expressionless, and his fat face was oily, and he immediately showed a bit of disgust.

"We met again this year, Liu Ye." The big businessman said in a muffled voice, "It's really bad luck to meet you kid for three consecutive years."

"Each each other." Liu Ye smiled.