MTL - Great World of Magic Cube-Chapter 14 Impact branch

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After waiting for a while, the new help lying on the ground finally woke up. When I saw that I was sitting next to myself, I was too far away. It’s a black eye when I’m looking at it, but it’s good for a new help. Also a strong-minded person, struggling to sit up...

"Wake up." Ito Cheng continued to smoke a half-small cigarette in his hand. Fuxin’s help didn’t answer, and I sat there very consciously, waiting for Ito’s next words.

"Before the test, you lost and helped me to do one thing. I am not embarrassed about you. Take me to the top of the nearest [Twilight Dusk] that you can reach." Ito became enlightened.

"Impossible." The new help almost did not think about it. "Although you are strong, you can't beat them compared to the tops in the [Twilights of the Gods."

"It’s my problem to play without playing. You can just take me with me. You shouldn’t let it go.” Ito Cheng took the cigarette in his hand and slanted the side of the new help.

"Since you want to die, I will take you there."

Fuxinzhi was very uncomfortable to see by Ito’s eyes. He got up and went to the side to disband his younger brothers and let them go back. Then they came over and took Ito to leave.

Wending around, I don’t know how long it took. When the two came to a broken old building, Fuxin’s help pointed to the building road. “The recent high-rises of the [God of the Gods] are here, and it’s the new eight-boxer--- Nanjo Kisar, where she can see her on the fourth floor."

"Well, no matter what you are." Ito Cheng nodded and patted the shoulder of the new helper, and walked straight inside.

Crossing the door full of rust, carrying a dusty ladder, step by step, the footsteps sounded in the empty corridor, "tread, step, step".

Ito's footsteps are not big, but the speed is not slow, but only two or three minutes have already arrived at the four-story passage intersection, and the voices of people are faintly heard in the passage.


Just after Ishio took a few more steps, it may be that Ito’s footsteps finally caused the attention of the gang, or other reasons, one of them looked up and looked at the strange face of Ito’s strange drink and asked.

Ito Cheng did not answer, still step by step toward the inside.

"Stand up, here is the station of Miss [June of the Gods] Ji Shaluo, and then go ahead and repair we are not welcome." With this bad words, there are more than a dozen bad ones appearing in the corridor, one A face is not good at eating weapons.

"Oh!" Ito Cheng looked at them as a chuckle, and rushed into the crowd in vain. It was punching and kicking against the crowds. There was almost no enemy. Just put them all in a while. Fall to the ground.

Finally, after crossing a group of people on the ground, Ito Cheng saw the high-rise of the station, a red short-sleeved Nanjo Kisar.

"Miss Ji Shaluo, this person will be handed over to me." The white bird on the side whispered.

"No, my parents will meet him." Ji Shaluo threw the game console in his hand to the sofa beside him, and looked up at Ito’s enlightenment. "You are the guy who recently slammed bad organizations?"

"Yes, but I didn't expect that the eight fists of [The Gods Dusk] are actually a woman." Ito Cheng said with some surprise. Although I saw this anime in the same year, after all, I remembered it so clearly for a long time. I only know that there is a master in the eight-boxing martial arts, and the handsome master of Fenglin Temple is less serious than the one who is serious.

"Looks down on a woman?" Nanjo Kisha’s eyes narrowed and his tone was cold.

"That wouldn't be just an accident, but it's the same. Anyway, you are my purpose. It's just a knockout." Ito has shrugged indifferently. If you just arrived in the world just a week ago, Ito will never do this. Easy and confident look, but now...

"It’s a big deal." Nanjo Kisha Luo got up from the sofa, an exposed thigh, muscles looming, and at first glance it was a leg master.

"Is it true if you haven’t said it before, you can see it!" Ito Cheng said that he was the first to launch an attack.

Nanjo Kisha looked at Ito Cheng, who was about to rush to himself. The right leg suddenly made a mistake and almost lost a black shadow and rushed to Ito, only listening to the "嘭", Ji Shaluo knew that his attack was Blocked, but not offensive, keep legs out, the other is turned into a black shadow attack.

"Taekwondo?" Looking at the posture of these two legs, it is a bit of a Taekwondo smell, and the mouth is strange.

"There is still a mind to observe my movements, it was really underestimated." Ji Shaluo said that the speed of a quick kick is obviously higher than just a block.

"Eight Boxing Hao really is not blowing." Feeling the change of Kisarlo, Ito became a slight flashback, but it flashed, and Giusalro's attack immediately ran.

Left kick, right kick, kick, kick, kick, and lift... A set of Taekwondo moves in a coherent way, so that Ito is only able to fight.

When Ito was finally able to retreat to the wall, I saw that Gissarro was a high-legged fall, and Ito became a sneak peek. The fall of Kisararo fell to the wall and kicked. A wall of skin.

At this time, Ito Cheng quickly got up, and a fierce one rushed to the arms of Jisha Luo, sticking to the mountains!

I only listened to the muffled sound of "嘭", and then it was a sigh, and the whole person of Ji Shalui flew out, and fell to the ground.

Ito Saki quickly stepped forward, and Nanjo Kisararo was not vegetarian. He endured the pain in his chest and abdomen. Thomas was backed up and his legs were forced to retreat. This is not finished, actually took the lead in launching an attack, and vigorously jumped into the air and turned around and swayed...

Ito’s upper body leaned back slightly to escape Kisha’s sweeping leg, and at the same time stretched his legs and smashed the past. This time is very accurate. It’s just that Kisararo turned and swept his leg just before, and when he was unable to act, he would Re-route to the ground.

Ito Shun went straight to the foot of the squatting to complete a big step and another quickly to catch up. The two changes came to the front of Kisararo, a high-legged squat.

At this time, Gissarro’s body was not yet squared, and he couldn’t react completely. He could only watch the attack that was about to come.

At this moment, the white bird that had been watching the two men fighting suddenly rushed into the field, and directly attacked Ito’s attack with a high-lifting leg, forming a posture in which both of them were golden **** and looked at each other.

"I didn't expect that there is still a master hidden here." Ito Cheng laughed and said.

"I won't let you hurt Miss Kisharo." The white bird said with a serious look.

"Oh, really loyal." Ito Cheng smiled, suddenly a backflip, the other leg kicked directly in the lower edge of the white bird, but it felt obviously wrong, so that Ito Shun was full after the completion of the backflip It is a strange white bird.

On the other hand, although the white bird has some of the pains of being hit, it is obvious that there is no such thing as what he is dressed up.

"Oh ~ interesting."

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