MTL - Guardian-Chapter 67 Merit pen

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After Chu Chushu got in the car, he only reported an address, and leaned on the back seat to close his eyes and calm his mind.

Unknown to the Great Wall, Guo secretly turned his head and stared at him, feeling that Chu brother's face seemed to be covered with a layer of gray, with his eyes closed, like the stone carved on the mountain wall over the years, indifferent.

After paying the car money, Guo Great Wall remembered Daqing's entrustment again, and quickly picked up the bag that Chu Shu had forgotten, trotting and followed.

The house of Chu Shu lived in a very deep small alley. The two of them were at the mouth of the wind. The northwest wind poured into Chu Shuzhi's neckline, and he drew up the windbreaker that appeared to be a little broad on him, as if he was about to Take it everywhere.

Guo Guocheng could not help but call him, "Chu brother ..."

Su Chushu paused suddenly, staring back at Guo Changcheng who was walking behind him fiercely, and said in an unusually gentle but extremely sinister voice, "What are you still doing with me, don't you know I'm not human?"

Guo Great Wall stood three steps behind him, staring blankly at him: "Then ... what are you?"

Chu Shu flashed in front of him in an instant, completely invisible to the naked eye, grabbed his own things from Guo Changcheng, his fingers were cold, his body seemed to have some kind of yin and damp, dark eyes There was an indescribable gleam in it: "Have you ever seen a zombie? Zombies are cannibalistic, and I tell you what human flavour is. Human flesh is slippery and greasy in the mouth, and the crunchy bones are quack. Teeth, internal organs are fishy and stinky. They are hot when pulled out of the belly, just like they were just removed from the pot ... "

He looked at Guo Great Wall maliciously and licked his lips gently: "I am a zombie."

Guo Changcheng took a hard nap, but it was frozen by the opponent's hands. He felt that he was rightly scared, but he just didn't have the kind of fear that came from his heart. It was probably for Chu Shuzhi to be the attendant. Guo Changcheng felt that he could accept what Brother Chu was.

甚至 He even flashed a very weird thought in his heart—no wonder Chu brother did not eat peas.

Chu Shuzhi seemed to think that he was scared, and got a kind of unspeakable malicious satisfaction from his fear. He left and turned and left, but after a few steps, hesitating heard the news behind him The sound of footsteps, he turned around and found that Guo Great Wall was keeping up.

Wu Chushu raised an eyebrow: "Why, are you going to follow the zombie into the coffin?"

Guo Guo Great Wall stopped: "I ... I ..."

Wu Chushu snorted and walked forward, and then Guo Great Wall took the standard little daughter-in-law and followed.

Finally Chu Shushu finally ran out of patience, and shouted lowly, "Before I get angry, get out!"

Guo Great Wall: "Daqing ... Daqing asked me to send you home, you haven't arrived yet ..."

He did not finish this sentence, and was suddenly used to the wall by a strong force. Chu Shuzhi's skinny hands were made of steel bars, and he easily pinched him up, choking his throat, Guo Changcheng Feet clinging to the wall off the ground, only hands that stuck to his neck could be used to force him up and down, and he soon couldn't get up, his face flushed.

Chu Shuzhi looked up at him coldly. Only when he was close can he see that Chu Shuzhi's pupils were a little imperceptible and gray, usually not obvious, but when exposed to direct sunlight, there was a delicate Deadly.

Guo Great Wall kicked his legs and walked in vain in the air, grasping Chu Shu's hand instinctively, but couldn't hold it open.

"I confess that I can stand up to the conscience of heaven and earth. I have sinned for three hundred years. What I've done should have been redeemed. What are they and what qualifications do I have to comment on my stay?" These few words are coming, and the eyebrows are somber and scary, "Then I might as well show them the crime!"

Guo Changcheng's eyes began to glow with water. He was really a snot, he was crying a lot, he had no bones, and his personality was soft. I don't know how it grew so big. His expression was incredible, begging, and sad, but he didn't see how angry.

Guo Great Wall opened his mouth difficultly and could not make a sound. He could only discern his mouth shape, which was called Chu Brother.

Wu Chushu's hand was loose, and Ren Guocheng fell to the ground. He slowly retracted his hand, stood coldly, and watched Guo Changcheng sitting on the ground and coughed up.

Chu Shuzhi looked complicatedly at this old child who likes to take this small notebook and chase notes behind him-the notes are ridiculous, the standard baby body is even a bit crooked, and the recorded things have no point at all, Basically what other people say, what he writes, even the other mantras are written in, Chu Shuzhi has seen him countless times to write Daqing's "stupid human" stroke by stroke-it seems that he is not studying a profession, but in Dedicated to include "Records of Senior Living".

Suddenly in his eyes, Guo Changcheng, who was coughing his lungs into a bow, still exuded heavy white light, and suddenly he felt the light a little burning.

Kui Fang just put a hand on Guo Changcheng's neck and suddenly placed it gently on his head, so that Guo Great Wall flinched instinctively.

Chu Shuzhi touched the top of his head, and then gently scratched his hair, as if touching a small child, and then said lowly, "Did you not study hard when you were a kid, you have studied" Dou E Excuse me? Excerpted clearly and clearly, "Poverty for the good is shorter for the good, and wealth for the evil is prolonged", have you heard of it? "

I've heard about it. Unfortunately, Great Wall Guo is probably not the material for reading. The contents of the book will be formatted automatically by him. He has not released his blush and thick neck, so he squatted on the ground and lifted it. Began to look at Chu Shuzhi confused.

Chu Shuzhi bent down slightly, raised his chin, looked at it, and shook his head: "You can't stop wide, the forehead is narrow, and the parents are thin. The auricles are thin and weak, and the master is awkward. Shou Shangwei Convex, lost by elders after middle age, it is likely to ruin the whole life. With such a thin fate, you have saved so many merits. What is the use other than making yourself impoverished? Do n’t be so stupid in the future, be your official The second generation, you should enjoy it, maybe you can have a few days. "

Guo Guocheng looked up at him unknownly.

Tong Chushu Zhi and his eyes widened for a moment, and suddenly smiled bitterly: "I see you as a bit indifferent."

After he finished speaking, he stretched out his hand and dragged Guo Changcheng like a little chicken. He waved at him: "Go back and talk to that cat, what else can I do? I'm just a little person, Neither courage nor ability, it is a role left to others to rub. I do n’t have the ability to find a job, nor do I seek death, but if there is nothing else, I take a few days off during the Spring Festival, go out and relax, and come back after fifteen . "

After I finished speaking, he disappeared in the same place under Guo Changcheng's eyelids, as if a ray of water vapor evaporated in the air, and disappeared in a blink of an eye.

The sulphur smell of firecracker debris came from the empty long narrow alley, and the street on New Year's Day seemed a bit depressed. The cold wind twirled here, blowing a strand of dull hair over Guo Changcheng's head. He took With a little tear, I sucked my nose, stood there for a while, and finally turned around and walked towards my house with heavy steps.

He didn't know whether Chu Shuzhi said those words, for his good, or just to express some grievances, but Guo Changcheng felt that he said something unreasonable.

Blessings are shallow and shallow. This is born by nature. There is no way. What does it have to do with him?

Guo Changcheng has always just felt that he is an incurable waste, and has occupied a lot of resources that people like him should not have. As for others, others say that it is "charity" or "love". In fact, It just made him feel that he was still useful.

Guo Great Wall never thought of anything from it.

But ... I still feel a little bit stuck in my heart when he hears the fact that he is "bad".

When Shen Wei came out of Zhao Yunlan's house, he felt that he was about to collapse. He carefully did not want to show any "vulnerabilities" in front of Zhao's mother, and did not want to cause trouble to Zhao Yunlan, but his mother's eyes were like X-rays. He kept swiping at him, and he was about to make a hole in him.

Shen Wei frowned on the road: "Why did your mother always look at me like that, did I accidentally reveal something wrong?"

Before Zhao Yunlan had time to speak, Daqing sitting at the back held his lunchbox filled with dried fish and intervened: "Lao Zhao had been fooling around all the time, and his comments were not good. I think his mother is hesitant."

Shen Wei didn't want to appear unreasonable, but when he heard these words, he frowned inevitably.

"Fat man, if you talk nonsense again, I will throw you out of the car, believe it or not?" Zhao Yunlan said expressionlessly.

Daqing was sitting with his tail up and shaking like a pendulum to show his innocence: "Meow--"

Zhao Yunlan then stared at him severely in the rearview mirror, and then said to Shen Wei, "So what, don't you think about it, although I used to ... cough, I have never brought anyone before the old lady. Besides, it ’s the shore to turn back to evil now, and the prisoners of labor reform have to give a chance to be a new person ... No, I do n’t seem to be so ridiculous except that I have always been thrown away by people. Dead fat people have been taken by you into the ditch— —In fact, she was suspicious just now, not your reason, mainly because when I made dumplings, I accidentally got out of the cabinet with her ... "

Xu Shenwei's expression froze again. Fortunately, it was not him who drove at this time.

"Oh," Daqing paused for two seconds, and said dryly, "A fighter in the new era, Zhao Yunlan, I am optimistic about you."

Shen Wei: "You ... you tell your mother ..."

"I told my mother that I love you so much that I love you, and she wanted to agree. From then on, she will have multiple sons, one for each and earn one. If she doesn't agree, she will have to pay one, and then there will be no one left." Zhao Yun Lan dragged and said, "My mother isn't stupid, she can settle accounts. Don't worry."

Daqing listened relentlessly to tear down his stage: "Hold it down, you don't dare to talk to the queen mother like this-Teacher Shen, you can see that he has some noodles on his body, it must be directly in the kitchen to his mother Knelt down-I deliberately inquired about it for the first two days, knowing that your dad is not at home before returning, and see if you are doing well. "

Zhao Yunlan: "..."

Oh shit……

Shen Wei was speechless for a while, after a while, he whispered, "You are really ..."

He was really what he was, and he didn't finish, and the epilogue turned into a light and light sigh.

It was Daqing who broke this ambiguous silence. Daqing was impatient to see that they were sticky and in love, so they rushed and said, "Oh, to Lao Zhao, let me tell you something, you know Lao Chu. Has his merit lapsed today? "

"Ah?" Zhao Yunlan took a moment to react before he responded, "Is it 300 years? What does he say? Will he leave the special investigation office in the future? But it's good anyway ..."

The word "thing" has not been exported yet, Daqing went on to say, "What a fart, the local government will not pick it."

云 Zhao Yunlan frowned: "Why?"

Wu Daqing: "How can I know why, it is nothing but nonsense such as" meritorious merit ", there is no indicator, who knows how big this" meritorious merit "is, they have the final say."

Shen Wei asked: "What? Chu Shuzhi brought merit?"

"Yes." Daqing said, "Soul-souling sometimes has insufficient manpower, so that the Lord will go to the local government to receive the offenders in custody, even if it is a labor reform."

Shen Wei nodded, then explained with a slightly unpleasant expression: "This is no way. Most of the ghosts that can be caught by the prefecture are overwhelming. They are really useless. There is a real skill that will not be so unless you volunteer It is easy for them to seize it. It is their usual practice to delay the merits and years. In this case, it is normal for one or two hundred years. "

云 Zhao Yunlan didn't say a word, his brows frowned even more.

A series of things happened. It wasn't the day or two that Zhao Yunlan had a lingering feeling about the land government, but it wasn't time to tear his face.

It is normal for all parties to have their plans and calculations. Zhao Yunlan is not a young man who does not know Chai Migui. These messy twists and turns are all around him, but as long as everyone has the same goals, they will play games in private. It is also a matter of harmony, and then each has his own skills, there is nothing to say.

But several times in recent times, there are signs of kicking over there. Even though Zhao Yunlan didn't say anything, she was not unhappy.

At this time, Shen Wei asked, "What is the merit of Chu Shuzhi? Is it convenient to tell me?"

"I only know it vaguely, but it's not particularly clear," Zhao Yunlan said, "you ask Daqing."

Daqing was sitting on the back seat, and the faint cat's eyes looked at Shen Wei—it knew that Shen Wei was a master, but now he couldn't figure out his weight. The hidden rules of the fly-house dog in Difu were not necessarily even Zhao Yunlan. The clause makes it clear why he is so rare.

This made Daqing's speech pause for a while, and after a while, it slowly said, "Chu Shu's cultivation is the corpse, probably Teacher Shen can see it?"