MTL - Guardian-Chapter 97 Soul Light

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"Asshole!" Zhu Hong bent over and picked up a stone from the ground. The female snake demon is not a white soft cute girl. She has a good hand and a good set of smashing things. It is very stable and accurate. On the back cover of their official car, a piece of patent leather dropped very clearly.

云 Zhao Yunlan was not distressed, and there was no parking.

Just then, Zhu Hong ’s mobile phone rang, and she took it out and saw it was a text message from Chu Shuzhi. Chu Shuzhi said, "Zhao Chu told me to destroy the public money from yours this month. The bonus is deducted. You can take a few more. If all the deductions are made, the salary will be deducted. Take your time and don't take them away when you leave. "

Zhu Zhuhong pinched the side of the phone and shouted, "Zhao Yunlan, you idiot!"

The Great Wall of China looked at this colleague who was so rebellious and dared to commit the crime. The fragile, careful liver was frightened.

Zhu Honghong turned his eyes and glared at him: "What to see! Don't leave now!"

长 Guo Great Wall followed behind her.

Zhu Zhuhong was angry again: "Are you a man or a man? It is a man who drives me! Have you ever seen a man who lets a woman drive?"

Guo Changcheng blinked, realizing that she was completely angry—driving a broken car and not going to a public toilet, and never heard of the rules of men and women. Given that Zhu Hong is not human in his heart, Guo Changcheng is not Fearful, he said honestly, "Sister, you are not a girl ..."

I wish that the red face was sinking like water, like the King Cobra that was about to give a fatal blow, and the letter was about to spit out. Guo Changcheng instinctively felt the danger and did not dare to get into the car with a fart.

However, she didn't get in the car herself, and threw the door of the co-pilot, and waved at Guo Great Wall: "Go away, I'm going to find Zhao Yunlan."

Guo Guo Great Wall didn't have time to express a formed opinion from beginning to end, and Zhu Hong was gone.

Daqing and Chu Shuzhi sitting on Zhao Yunlan's car were actually quite painful-because the co-driver had a great **** who is not the same as before, knowing that he was the soul-slayer, the corpse king, the old cat, both It's no longer possible to find the red heart that used to catch whoever cheated on anyone.

气氛 The atmosphere was weird, so they went all the way to the entrance of the main town of the health villa.

The lavish "Quan Shui Wan Holiday Villa" has a large number of characters erected in the form of marble reliefs in the flowers with a strong sense of design. I don't know whether it is the material or the weather.

There are two security kiosks and two entrances at the entrance of the gate. Both sides of the road are blocked from passing, and there is a card reader for the owner to automatically open the door next to it, but it does not light up, as if it has been powered off.

云 Zhao Yunlan parked the car at the door, took out his mobile phone and glanced at it. The signal had left the bottom, if it was shaken slightly, it was completely gone.

The window of the security pavilion was somehow open. There was a small courier package on the window sill. Next to it was a notebook. There was a pen without a cap on it.

Whether it is on the windowsill or these things, there is a strange layer of gray.

Zhao Yunlan put on his gloves and took the notebook down to take a closer look. He found that this was a record of receiving and dispatching the courier. The janitor collected the courier package, registered it, and sent it to the owner. The owner had to do it later. Sign a word.

The last one, the record is exactly the date of the previous day, and it says "10A owner Mr. Li, Bao ..."

"Bao" was only written in half. The last hook didn't have time to turn, so it stopped abruptly.

Zhao Yunlan closed her eyes and could almost imagine the scene. The courier delivering the package delivered the package from the window, then took the registration form, and wrote the package information one by one on the top. The word "package" was only half written. For some reason, he was suddenly interrupted.

What interrupted me?

Now things are still in place, where did people go?

At this time, Shen Wei, who did not know when he got out of the car, came over, and put a hand on the window sill to apply a slightly strange color of gray.

巍 Shen Wei froze with his fingers, looked at it carefully, and then said to Zhao Yunlan lightly, "It didn't take long to fall."

云 Zhao Yunlan is about to kneel to this naked eye expert: "Falling ash? You can see it? How can I do that?"

Shen Wei patted his hand cleanly: "No other dust can be seen, but this is the ashes that have just fallen off. It is still very fresh. I personally think it will not exceed two or three days."

Zhao Yunlan: "..."

Shen Wei's tone is like saying, "Milk is just squeezed out and it's still fresh."

Zhao Yunlan closed the notebook quietly, and found an evidence bag to pack it tightly. It was extremely fortunate that he had taken Guo Changcheng away, otherwise the result of scaring the pee would be no difference by the grudge electric stick in his hand attack.

不过 "But what do you say? This is ashes? Why don't I feel like it?" Zhao Yunlan thought unconsciously of the one that was cremated in a small box after death, and there was still some doubt.

Shen Wei explained patiently, "It ’s not the kind of ashes that have been burned." You know, "bone and ashes"? At that time, the person might be standing here, and then the flesh fell apart and the bones shattered into powder. on."

I wonder when Chu Shu who came over wondered, "What about the flesh of that man?"

"It's gone." Shen Wei pushed his glasses, "The flesh and blood don't have the ability to withstand bones, and it's hard to leave a trail."

Chu Chushu carefully organized the wording: "Listen to this, adults know how the people here are gone, right?"

Shen Wei nodded politely and said humbly, "I don't know much, but I just know a little bit about it."

Then, in the sight of two people and one cat, he said in a tone that is as common as common sense of fake words in popular science, "In the wild, when the co-workers knocked down Zhoushan, the sky broke down, and the underground ghosts were the first. When the next world came, humans and beasts within a radius of ten miles were like this, and instantly turned into powder, and no grass was born within a hundred miles. "

抬 He raised his hand and pointed under the doorplate of the villa area, which was still lush in the cold winter: "So the flowers over there should be fake."

"But this villa town is not ten miles away," Zhao Yunlan pointed out, "There are two big pine trees at the gate over there, and certainly not a hundred miles away ..."

因为 "Because of that."

They looked in the direction of Shen Wei's fingers, and saw a small garden at the entrance of the villa town. The garden surrounded the hall. The hall was not a building. It was divided into several small tall buildings, which surrounded the small garden uniquely. A circle, like a shadow wall, provides privacy to the owners inside.

"The pool in the middle is petal-shaped, and the water system extends to the surroundings, just to connect the several small building groups of the clubhouse." Chu Shuzhi usually dragged the same as 2.58 million, but at this time he put his attitude very low. Asked humbly, "Excuse me, is that a plum blossom?"

"Yes, Mr. Chu is profound-the plum blossom array is a town house that protects evil spirits," said Shen Wei. "So the yin is blocked by the array, and it can't come out for a while, at most it only affects this small section of the doorway. However, it can be calmed down by a rudely made plum blossom array. I think it should be okay to seal the backstory. It just happens that a small gap is missed here and it can be filled.

Zhu Chushu and Daqing didn't know what Houtu Dafeng really was. Listening to Shen Wei's words, it felt as if the button had fallen off and sewed a button.

云 Zhao Yunlan couldn't help but glance at him. Shen Wei, at first glance, has everything in place and he doesn't get out of the circle at all. In fact, he doesn't have any place to stay out of the circle.

Zhao Yunlan has probably understood this at this point—Since Shen Wei has got what he wants, it will be easy for him to worry about it. He might not even care about what happened afterwards. Zhao Yunlan suspected that he was even connected to his own. Life and death don't care.

"It's no wonder that the land government has made such a big movement, and now it's all over the sky, right?" Shen Wei smiled unconsciously, but the next moment, he felt that he had over-expressed his gloat and mischief in this way, so he was kind of rude. Immediately closed the smile, and coughed, "If it doesn't bother, follow me."

Zhu Chushu and Daqing immediately abandoned their leaders and decided to hug the promising "Leader Lady" thigh.

云 Zhao Yunlan didn't say anything, but just kept up silently. There was an ominous premonition in his heart—borrowing life. When he handed it over to Lin Jing, he was dizzy and didn't have much time to think about it. Now that he thinks about it, isn't it just the case of reincarnation? ?

问题 And the problem is, reincarnation 晷 ... it's in the face of the ghost.

The big seal is weak, and it can control most of the ghost clan, but it has not been able to hold down the ghost king for ten thousand years. Now three of the four holy artifacts have appeared, although all but the reincarnation are in their own hands. Here, the four pillars are like the four feet. You don't have to lift all four feet. Just pry off the two feet and you can basically flip the entire seal.

Who knows what the soul lamp of the dragon is?

Entering from the pedestrian path next to the gate, a thick, unspeakable death gas came to his face. Although he followed Shen Wei, Daqing still couldn't help blasting his hair, and the spirit whip quietly followed Zhao Yunlan. His arm wrapped around, a sharp tip appeared on his wrist, and his other hand felt the small dagger hidden in his sleeve.

The Quanshuiwan villa town in front of Zhao Yunlan is actually more like a trap-Lin Jing's video did not take him in. With Lin Jing's caution, under such poor conditions, he would not Will go alone without contacting the headquarters.

Something is misleading or ... forcing him to lose his sense of features before he can step into this area.

Even if Lin Linjing was a Dharma line, he could not stop the radon from thousands of feet from Huang Quan when Dafeng cracked. Wouldn't it be more convenient to kill him directly?

I kept him ... for whom?

Town soul order or Shen Wei?

The artificially-made sentimental trails are empty, and each house is an empty room with a weird shape. There is no ghost shadow. The black robe on Shen Wei's body does not know when it will turn out. He probably also felt something. Soulcutter was clasped in his hand.

The sound of the footsteps of the three people and one cat was very obvious on the ground, and the echo came from far away, with an indescribable gloom.

There was a slightly sunken sunset in mid-air, but I do n’t know when it started, the sunset has changed from a warm red orange to some indescribably stiff blood red ... like the paper human face in a shroud shop, The kind of hard red face piled up with cinnabar was weird.

It dragged the human figure to the ground, leaving an astonishing black shadow. At this moment, Zhao Yunlan suddenly stretched out his feet to pick out the black cat that was next to him. At the same time, the man took a big step forward and had no time. Turning around, the dagger in his hand has reached his back heart, a soothing collision sounded, Youyou's teeth collided with Zhao Yunlan's steel knife, Youyou lost a few big teeth, and the steel knife was A crack broke.

Immediately, Zhao Yunlan took one foot as a fulcrum, and was about to make a circle to make a knife for the beast, but suddenly the face of the beast suddenly showed an expression of extreme fear, and the whole ugly body was like a humble balloon, deflated Likely sucked into Shen Wei's palm.

Countless bells in the distance sounded at the same time, and a clean road in the town rose to a layer of black mist two feet high. The black cat screamed and struck Zhao Yunlan's shoulders. There were **** hands on the ground. Stretch!

I do n’t know when the beast that climbed to the roof was like a zombie that suddenly appeared behind the person in the movie. Hula jumped off the roof, and his huge paws clasped Chu Shuzhi's head, and he opened his mouth to bite down. Chu Shuzhi's skinny hand became as stiff as a stone for a moment, and then poked into the throat of the beast than ferocious. The beast stepped back two or three steps, and fell to the ground. There are countless ghosts that are even more strange than it, and they eat up all their bones and flesh.

Countless ghosts climbed out of the ground, ugly.

Shen Wei jumped at the corner of his eyes, he was born out of the ghost family, and had deep-rooted hatred for such fellows, especially ... they even dared to appear in front of Zhao Yunlan.

He yanked out the Soul Slayer, and Zhao Yunlan glanced at the corner: "Shen Wei is slow, this is not ..."

But it was too late, the Soul-Cleaving Sword stretched for several meters, swept out, and shattered, and countless ghosts instantly died under his sword, Shen Wei looked cold, and then turned his wrists down, the blade with great force It was pressed down, and it was impenetrable. He was forced away by a few feet of dark fog across the entire town, and hula fell to the ground and scattered cleanly. Then the blade fell to the ground, leaving a dozens of meters deep on the ground. The narrow rift, the inhuman screams rang through the sky, and the man's eyes stared fiercely at the crack in the ground: "Get out."

His shot was extremely fast and his destructive power was amazing. Until then, Zhao Yunlan, who was only less than five steps away from him, finally took his arm and finished his own words: "This is not a big seal, I suspect it is just Don't act arrogantly!

A sharp laughter sounded suddenly, and came around in all directions: "Yeah, it's a pity that the Lord's head and mouth can't be faster than the soul-stealing Lord's sword."

The entire ground split by Shen Wei split to two sides. Shen Wei dragged Zhao Yunlan into his arms, while Chu Shuzhi and Black Cat Daqing fell to the other side. The gap became larger and larger, as if the ground had turned over. Follow and blink, and the people on either side cannot see who else.

Shen Wei snorted suddenly, holding Zhao Yunlan's hand tightly as if forcibly pulled away by something, a black gas wrapped around his arm like a sticky spider web.