MTL - Guardians of Tirisfal of Konoha-Chapter 366 change place

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   Chapter 366 Change Place

  Kurama mode is not only the coolest of all tailed beast chakra modes, but also the strongest of all tailed beast chakra modes.

   Unlike other tailed beasts, which have more or less unique properties, or special effects of Chakra, the bonus of the Kurama mode is simple and rude.

  Strength, Sensitivity, Endurance, Wisdom, Essence, Armor, Resistance, Dodge...

   All in all, the basic attributes that Chakra can enhance are all enhanced, and at the same time, a rude blue bar is attached.

  Although when we got to Minato, the blue bar became an N-speed back-to-blue BUFF, but it didn't affect Minato's fighting style.

  【Tsk...they are still wondering when this uncle became so good at talking, and he actually has the perfect person Zhuli...]

  The main body of the Kurama is drinking tea and eating snacks in Konoha, but his spirit is exactly the same as he is paying attention to Minato.

   It's just that he is in the illusion, and he is also drinking tea and eating snacks...

   This made Minato feel a little embarrassed watching him swear in earnest.

   But this is not important, strictly speaking, this is also the first time that Watergate has used the Kurama mode in actual combat.

   Endless chakra poured out continuously, making Minato let out a long breath:

   "Kurama, please keep an eye on it... I'm about to start!"

【Um. 】


   A few people with strong fighting power——

  The three-tailed Yakura, the four-tailed Laozi, the five-tailed Han, and the eight-tailed Kirabi all turned on the tailed beast chakra mode.

   But apart from Han, who is known for his strong physical skills, the task of the other three is to protect the other young people Zhuli.

   "The Technique of Light and Heavy Rocks!"

  Onogi lost weight for Han and Ai, who were mainly melee combatants, and made their speed almost increase by a step.

  The violent taijutsu attack combined with Ohnogi's dust escape, resisted the outsider golem for a while, but for the complete body Susanoo...

   "How to fight this kind of monster..."

   The tailed beast cannot be used, and the fighting power of the human pillars is greatly limited.

   Not to mention there are a few small tow oil bottles.

  Rope Tree uses the wooden scorpion to cooperate with the tailed beast chakra mode of several people and pillars. Even Susanoo's flat cut must be combined to resist a blow!

   "You have to deal with the outsider golems in order to..."

"pass it to me!"

   Minato's two-handed seal, endless Kurama Chakra, let him use the strongest time and space ninjutsu so far——

   "Flying Thunder God Guides Thunder!"

   "Let's change places!"


  The ground of the entire teleportation hall was shrouded in a huge flying thunder **** technique.

   In the next instant, Madara didn't even have a chance to react. The god-like complete body Susanoo, the violent outsider golem, and everyone present, all disappeared in place!

   "What a nasty art..."

   There is a large field in front of you, which looks very suitable for combat.

  Although there is Gaotianyuan City not far away, indicating that the floating island has not been separated from here, but Madara looked at the additional figures in front of him and understood the opponent's tactics.

   "Nagato, you should know that a group of trash fish cannot bring you victory."

   "Uchiha Madara... Your delusions should end today."

  As the strongest force of the Guardian Council, Nagato, the captain of the executive force, did not appear in the battle just now.

  The Four Shadows are strange, but I didn't have time to think about them.

   Now, they understand.

   "Speaker Satoru once said that the entire Gao Tianyuan has been reinforced with special protection techniques.

   Fighting here is the least damaging way to the environment of the ninja world...

   Moreover, Konoha Sannin and Uchiha Patriarch, I'm actually starting to feel fortunate that Konoha has so many shadow-level powerhouses. "

   Kazekage Luosha looked at the four Konoha ninjas standing in front of him and others with Nagato with complicated eyes.

   "It seems that you are not unprepared for my visit, but this lineup just prolongs the game time a little bit."

   looked away from Nagato, skipped Konoha Sannin, and moved to Uchiha Fugaku, who was holding his arms and looking grim.

   "A descendant of the Uchiha clan... report your name."

   "The contemporary Uchiha patriarch, Uchiha Fuyake - Madara-sama, didn't expect to see you in this way."

   "...A large part of my information came from your handwriting."

   In the previous battle, Madara felt that the group of people opposite him seemed to know a lot about the ninjutsu, taijutsu, and illusion that he had not shown in the previous battle with Satoru.

   In the previous battle between him and Satoru, they didn't show so much. To put it bluntly, the two of them just used various techniques to fight remotely.

   "Standing on the opposite side of you, of course, carefully gather intelligence..."

   Uchiha Fugaku stared at the spot in the gem on Susanoo's head without fear, and there was even a flash of excitement in his eyes:

   "It's really a rare experience to be able to participate in the battle with your own eyes."

"……I see."

   Looking at Nagato, which had already vacated the sky, a cold color flashed on Madara's face:

   "Looks like my family once again betrayed me...

   Nagato, do you also choose to be my enemy?

  Have you forgotten the great ideal——

  Since you are standing with the Uchiha clan leader, you must have seen the stone tablet of the six immortals! "

   Madara stretched out his right hand again:

   "Come here, Nagato...

   Nine tailed beasts gathered together, we are only one step away from our dream! "

   "Sorry, Madara, although I did see the stone tablet, you were deceiving me from the beginning..."

   Nagato's eyes were a little disappointed, and then he regained his firmness:

   "Unlimited monthly reading is the happiness you pursue, but it is not what I and we pursue, so let that illusory dream end today!"

   "Don't you care about the sacred mission given to you by the Six Paths Immortals!"

   Madara's face was serious. Although the appearance of the Nine Tailed Beasts made him intend to give up the chess piece of Nagato, he gave up the opponent and betrayed him on his own initiative.

   "Don't you care, the sacred mission represented by the eye of reincarnation!"

   The outsider golem has been quietly standing in place since it appeared here.

   Now, there are two permissions for the control of foreign golems.

   Uchiha Madara, and Nagato.

   But Nagato, who has the eye of reincarnation, has a higher authority in theory, but it cannot compare with Madara, who has been controlling golems for decades.

   Therefore, the outsider golem is controlled by Madara's powerful chakra, and Nagato can only keep it still.

   "You are now in a state of reincarnation from the filth - the art of reincarnation, is it prepared for resurrecting yourself?"

   Nagato's emotionless tone made Madara's face cold.

   "Furthermore, this is a mortal technique, so don't think that I will be deceived by you."

   "...So that's the case, you know..."

   "But do you know... an outsider golem can still be used like this?"


   Nagato was shocked, and saw Madara quickly forming a seal, and the violent chakra erupted from him!


   Nagato just wanted to take control of Yuyin and Madara, but suddenly found his arms...

   Can't move!


   Minato also noticed something was wrong with Nagato, because the outsider golem was moving again!

"How is this going……"

   Nagato felt as if he was bound by something, and at the same time, a layer of dark color slowly enveloped his left half!

   "Long time no see... Nagato, you were much more obedient when you were young."

   (end of this chapter)