MTL - Half Immortal-Chapter 122 Golem Castle (35)

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Yan Wei listened to this rather elderly woman's explanation without saying a word.

Compared to the first floor hall of the big castle, this small castle hidden in a four-story maze is much simpler. Many furniture in the hall showed signs of aging, and some places even rusted and rotted. Although it is old, it is very clean.

Except for the **** road that the woman dragged from the door to the seat, the rest of the place was so clean that Yan Wei, a clean freak, couldn't pick out any major problems.

After she said what she just said, she raised her hand and motioned for Yan Wei to sit down on the seat in front of her.

"I'm his mother," she said, "about Ace, I can talk to you slowly."

Yan Mingguang didn't move, he just glanced at Yan Wei, speechless.

Yan Wei felt amused. This person just reminded him of the clues by hinting on his own initiative, but he was scolded by him just now, but now he seems to do nothing and say nothing, leaving all the initiative to him, and let him think and decide. The surface is calm, but Yan Wei always feels that this is a bit like silent ingratiating.

In this moment of silence.

He was so angry and funny.

He glanced at the woman's wrinkled face with dried blood, and just said, "Sorry, we're in a hurry, and we don't want to take it slow."

Yan Mingguang: “…”

Lin Zhen on the other end of the intercom said in a very soft voice: "Wow, little pet, it is indeed you, you have a personality."

The woman didn't seem to expect Yan Wei's answer, she choked for a minute or two, and then said with difficulty in her hoarse and aged voice: " must kill Ai s."

These, then there is your purpose - you need us. I don't care whether it is your conspiracy or your sincere purpose, we are not friends, since you have a purpose, you are asking for me, then please hurry up I don't want to waste time asking why after another."

The woman gave him a deep look.

Her protruding eyeballs could not see any emotion, it was clearly facing Yan Wei, and her pupils were still very dilated.

This should have been dead long ago. Yan Wei thought.

After a while, the woman said, "I didn't expect Ace to welcome a guest like you this time. No wonder you can come here so quickly."

Yan Wei spreads her hands.

The woman continued: "Ace is my son, the one who always wears a black robe. This small castle is my home from the beginning. After he was born, he created the big one. Castle, he moved this small castle into the labyrinth. He became more and more addicted to puppet art, and the entire castle was his puppet. If people in the town broke into this place, they would also be turned into soulless puppets by him. These guests are also the prey he drives in. He likes to watch you kill each other, and then destroy those puppets with souls, leaving behind those rigid evil puppets. From those guests, he learned some worldly things, friendship, love and affection, and he began to Wanting a mother, so he..."

Yan Wei's eyes moved, and he said, "Are you a puppet?"

"He made a puppet of my corpse. I was the first conscious puppet he made."

Yan Wei made a move.

He narrowed his eyes, as if looking at the woman, and seemed to be looking at the furnishings on the first floor of the castle behind her. He didn't speak for a while, the whole small castle was silent, only the voices of the two of them, not even the woman in front of him.

For a moment, he said, "Are you the kind puppet he made?"

"Yes. I am his mother, but strictly speaking, his mother is dead, and I am also his good puppet."

"Then you want us to kill him?"

"Because only by killing him can this end, and the remaining people will not continue to die in vain," the woman's expression was slack, but the whole person was trembling, which was enough to see that she was very excited now , "He was born in this jungle, the castle is the support of his ability, but also the cage that imprisoned him."

Yan Wei understood.

This is what the castle outline means.

An ominous crow is trapped in the round coin, and the crow carries a little crow on its back, and everything is trapped in this place. The black-robed man Ace has the ability to control puppets. He can create the most numb evil puppets, and he can also create the most real good puppets, but he can't live without it.

"Kill him and it's over."

"His play with human nature, his superb puppet skills, his lack of any kindness, and this **** castle will all disappear."

Yan Wei asked: "How do you know that the meat grinder can kill him? He can control all the evil puppets in this castle. It's not so easy to kill, right?"

The woman seemed to know everything: "Because of puppetry."

"Ace can give a good puppet soul, but this must be based on a corresponding reference - that is, the puppet's corresponding id. He can't create a puppet out of thin air, but he can also create a puppet at any time. A good puppet exactly like him, even if he dies, he can create a good puppet with his soul. Such a good puppet is different from you. It can exist independently and become the next Ace to live on. That's how he always exists."

"Only by using the meat grinder to instantly destroy everything in him will not give him the time and method to create a good puppet."

Yan Wei sneered: "Aren't you his mother? Would he want him to die so pitifully?"

"He is no longer my child," the woman's voice suddenly hoarse, the voice echoed in the castle, her hoarse voice was pathetic, "It's been a long time, it's been a long time... I don't know how many batches of guests have come, There are also some people who try to kill him, or time will take him away, but there will always be a good puppet created by him to replace him, and a new good puppet will be created to replace the old one before he dies... my child Already dead, already dead!!"

On the second floor of the castle, several players were being chased by evil puppets and fled in embarrassment.

The bloodless corpses of the evil puppets were scattered all over the place, and these people looked at the Venus players who appeared before and after in horror - they were even more terrifying than the evil puppets chasing the players. Being caught up by the evil puppet, at most, will be a happy death, and being caught up by the player will be thrown into a meat grinder and smashed into thousands of pieces.

They shrank, only to see one of the Venusian come forward, with the point of the knife pointed at them, and said, "Hand over all the coins you have on you—remember, it is all, If I search and find any of you left in a while, I'll send you to the meat grinder to play."

Those people hurriedly took out coins.

They naturally know the importance of coins, and also know that Venus is the method of preventing others from scoring to keep Venus first, but for them now, life is obviously the most important thing of.

They handed over all the coins without saying a word. The people of Venus did what they said, took the coins and noted their organization before letting them go.

The man who just raised the knife weighed the coins in his hand and said, "The third one, what else is missing?"

"Not much, there are not many alive now, only those few hard bones are left. The coins of Yuhua's group have been snatched by us, tsk, the other shore flower is really Will hide, coward."

"Go to Xu Miaomiao first, they are not good-"

The man's voice suddenly stopped.

He looked surprised, raised his finger to the aisle in the distance, and said softly, "Look!"

The rest followed the direction he pointed.

A young man in a windbreaker was in a state of embarrassment. The windbreaker had a lot of holes, some of which were stained with blood, and there seemed to be several stab wounds on his body. Someone was chasing him behind him, but he seemed to be exhausted, staggered and fell to the ground, looking at the approaching person in horror.

They recognize this man and have had a conflict with them at the observatory before. And those who are close...

The people at Qixing recognized it at a glance—it was Xue Wan.

The young man who fell to the ground may not have noticed them in fear, but Xue Wan could see them if he walked forward.

"Something's wrong," the third child whispered, "We have never seen another Xue Wan, this should be it, but we don't know whether it is a good puppet or a self. Xue Wan's character, he I myself said that it is impossible for us to meet another him peacefully, so let's withdraw first, don't let him see us, and then tell Xue Wan that another he has appeared."

The rest of the people obviously agreed with this point, no delay at all, they nodded and turned back to the star observation platform on the fourth floor.

In front of him, Xue Wan who was holding a knife also stopped.

This "Xue Wan" is expressionless, and her movements are very mechanical. Only when she maintains the same posture just now can it be seen from a distance.


But infighting and suspicion can."

"So you are asking us to catch the man in black, your son Ace, and throw him into the meat grinder to end it all?" Yan Wei asked.

The woman nodded: "Yes. Ace came back just now, and it seems that the consumption is not light, but after he recovered, he left, otherwise I would not be able to receive you in. This is just his secret rest. Where he is, he should be heading back to his favorite observatory, and you might have to do some work to catch him."

Yan Wei chuckled: "I think you need to understand one thing - I'm not a savior, I'm not interested in ending this..."

He paused.

Yan Mingguang glanced at him.

Yan Wei suddenly felt like she was lying, but continued: "I have no interest in ending this, I am just a guest who wants to leave. And you are the one who desperately wants me to People who do things, why should I believe you? From the time I came in to the present, everything is what you say, everything is what you tell me, what you say is what you say, what if I can't kill Ace at all? What if we What if it's not Ace's opponent that ends up being delivered to the door?"

The woman was taken aback.

Yan Wei raised his eyebrows: "Of course, from my current speculation, I think what you said has a certain truth - the coin traps the crow, the crow symbolizes all evils, and when the crow dies, The evil dissipates. But it's too risky to do so, how can I make sure I'm alive even if I fail?"

"Ah, why don't we do it like this. Since Ace has changed one after another, and you are still here, he must be paranoid about the existence of his mother? That's easy, we I'll tie you up, and we'll use you as a bargaining chip if something goes wrong."

The woman was completely stunned.

Yan Wei smiled, put his hand on Yan Mingguang's shoulder, and said, "Mr. Yan, what do you think?"

Yan Mingguang didn't say anything, but Lin Zhen on the other end of the walkie-talkie couldn't help but let out a soft cheer: "If you win, you will earn blood, but if you lose, you will not lose!"