MTL - Harry Potter and the Badger Who Can’t Magic-Chapter 110 forced confession

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When they saw the miniature version of the dragon, the children hurried over.

"Brother Auston, brother Auston, is this your dragon, I haven't seen it before, where did you hide it?"

The children chattered around Auston and the dragon again.

"Come back!" Facing the excitement of the children, Vera was nervous, for fear that the dragon would hurt the children.

"Hehe, don't worry about Vera." Auston waved at her and smiled, "Mr. Long is a very gentle old man."

The children didn't dare to touch the giant dragon either, they just got close to see the dragon's appearance, and the 'gentle giant dragon' was also happy to be watched by the children.

"Okay, okay, kids, we still have things to do, there are some small dangers, you should go back to Sister Vera first."

After the children watched for a long time, Auston finally spoke up and drove the children into hidden magic.

Then Auston picked up the kettle next to him and took a sip into his mouth, then sprayed it onto the tall and thin face.

"Ah——, a dragon! There is a dragon!"

The man screamed and sat up, facing Auston's dark eyes and the giant dragon's big golden eyes. Saying that, I'm going to faint again.

"Hey! I'll faint again later."

Auston stepped on his leg involuntarily, and a sharp pain in his calf instantly woke the man up.

"I still have something to ask you."

The man hugged his calf tightly and looked carefully at Auston and the dragon.

"You have to answer truthfully. Our Mr. Long is not a good-natured man. Your fat accomplice has already become his lunch. If you are also dishonest, he doesn't mind having another dessert."

The man-eating dragon turned his huge golden eyeballs to glance at Auston, and then drooled down his mouth quite cooperatively.

Also drooling! Auston is also quite surprised, this guy can't really eat people!

The man was even more frightened,

"You, you... What question do you want to ask?"

Auston smiled and approached the man,

"I just heard you say something about Mr. LeMay."

"Well," the man nodded like a chicken pecking at rice.

"Is it Case Sandy who you said would be detrimental to Mr. Lemay?"

"Well," the man nodded again.

"Okay, another question, what is his mission?"

Auston continued to ask, but the man suddenly stopped talking.


Auston shouted angrily, causing the man to tremble, but he closed his lips even more.

The dragon also got closer, sniffing and looking at him.

The man was so frightened that he closed his eyes tightly,

"No, even if you ate me, I won't say it, or my master will kill me!"

Auston twitched the corners of his mouth and smiled.

"Your master is a mysterious person, right?"

The man opened his eyes in surprise, "How do you know!"

"Actually, we've seen each other a long time ago, haven't we, when I was in Hogsmeade, I should have remembered, you two are Death Eaters!"

The man looked at Auston without blinking.

"Do you think that if you don't leak the secret to me, the mysterious person will let you go?"

Perhaps it was because he saw that Auston was a child, so the man always took a fluke and thought that he would not kill, so he thought of getting away with it.

"Look at what this is?" With that said, Auston took out a small wooden box from his arms.

As soon as he saw the small box, the man was stunned. When Auston opened the box cover, and the beautiful giant lion spar inside was revealed, the man suddenly rushed towards Auston like a madman, trying to get the spar back.

Auston dodged the man,

"Mr. Long!" he cried.

The dragon immediately understood, stretched out his finger a little, and the man immediately lay down on the ground with his legs together.

Auston smiled, buckled the box and put it back in his arms. He walked to a place not far from the man. Even though his legs couldn't move, the man tried his best to stretch out his arms and try to catch Auston.

Auston squatted down not far from him, looking directly into the man's eyes,

"Don't struggle, I just want to negotiate a condition with you." Auston said, "You should know that now your mission has failed, and according to the character of the mysterious person, it is impossible for a disadvantaged person like you to do things again. keep it."

Auston watched clearly. Following his words, the man's eyes gradually became covered with fear. He continued to do so,

"However, if the two of us can cooperate happily, I can let you go. Whether it is the United Kingdom or the United States, you can hide as you like. I dare to believe that the Dark Lord like the mysterious man does not even have a serious body now. There's no time for revenge on a trivial traitor, don't you think?"

With these words, the man he was talking about became a little more active.

"How about it, it's a good deal to get out of here safely without being retaliated by the mysterious person."

The man also weighed the pros and cons for a short while.

"I want to go back to the UK. I can tell you everything, but you have to ensure that I can live safely in the UK."

"Of course!" Auston smiled, "I promise, I will find you the safest place in the UK."

" Now I'm going to answer my question, what mission did Case Sandy get?"

The man pursed his lips, was silent for a while, and finally made up his mind and said,

"The mysterious man heard that Nicolemeier had a book written by his ancestors that recorded ancient magic and ancient alchemy. He asked the Frenchman to kill Nicolemeier and then stole the book back."

After hearing his words, Auston felt bad, Mr. Lemay was in danger, and he had to go back as soon as possible.

"Also, has the mysterious man planned any activities recently?" Auston pressed on.

"It seems to be letting a Death Eater in England sneak something into Hogwarts." The man replied slightly confused, "Because I am not the Death Eater most trusted by the mysterious man, and I have no contact with him. To the most classified missions, I only heard about it occasionally."

When he said this, Allston knew, "Is your latest broomstick provided by that Death Eater far away in England?"

The man nodded sharply, "Yes, yes, it's him."

It seems that Lucius Malfoy is really not very honest. He didn't expect to get on the line with Voldemort so early. Even the broomstick for my son was just an incidental to wholesale.

"Okay, this gentleman, you're still very cooperative. I don't have any other problems," Auston said. "But in order to prevent you from going out and talking nonsense, I still need to take some confidentiality measures."

As he said that, Auston blinked at the giant dragon, and the giant dragon immediately understood.

"You, you... What are you doing? You agreed to let me go!" The man was bound by his legs and could only scream while twisting.

"Don't worry, it doesn't hurt at all." The giant dragon stretched out a finger, and the yellow light from the fingertip hit the man's temple, and he immediately passed out.