MTL - Harry Potter and the Badger Who Can’t Magic-Chapter 64 Deep in the Forbidden Forest

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It was pitch black in the forest, and Auston and Harry headed ahead.

Neville at the back grabbed Hagrid's jacket tightly.

They walked across silvery bloodstains on the path.

"This should be from a unicorn," Hagrid raised the oil lamp close to the blood spot on the ground, "Looks like that guy got it again tonight."

They then walked deeper into the woods, past a moss-covered tree stump. The murmur of running water could be heard, and there was apparently a stream somewhere nearby. The unicorn blood was still strewn about on the winding path.

Neville hugged Hagrid terrified, and was about to get into his padded jacket.

There was a faint light on the tip of Harry's wand, and Auston narrowed his eyes and stared straight ahead, for fear that something would suddenly come out of the woods.

Suddenly, Auston's heart tightened! On the other end of the path, he saw a distant figure.

Apparently Hagrid saw it too,

"No!" he cried, "hide behind that tree!"

Auston and Harry hurriedly dodged into the shadow behind a big tree on the side of the road, and Hagrid even dragged Neville into the shadow. Auston saw through the moonlight that Neville's eyes were closed, fingers poking holes in Hagrid's jacket.

Hagrid drew an arrow from behind, mounted it on a crossbow, and raised it to shoot.

Several people listened carefully. Something swished over the nearby fallen leaves with a sound like a cloak dragging on the ground.

Hagrid squinted at the dark path, and Auston also pulled out the fishing net from the bag a little.

After a few seconds, the sound gradually disappeared.

"I see," murmured Hagrid, "there's something that didn't belong here."

"Wolfman?" Harry asked.

"Not a werewolf, nor a unicorn," Hagrid said affirmatively. "Okay, come with me, now you have to be careful."

They walked more slowly than before, and Auston pricked up his ears, catching the tiniest sound. He was sure that the figure just now must be even more Voldemort, just when he was still thinking about how to sneak past and catch him.

Suddenly, in the open space ahead, they clearly saw something moving.

"Who's there!" cried Hagrid. "Come out! I'm armed!"

Auston was also surprised. He carefully supported his dagger, not too sure which one was Voldemort.

The man came forward in response, it was a horse man. Both Harry and Neville looked at his horse in surprise.

"Oh, so it was you, Ronan." Hagrid breathed a sigh of relief and said, "How are you?" He stepped forward and shook hands with the centaurs.

"Good evening, Hagrid," said Ronan, his voice low and sad. "You want to shoot me with a bow and arrow?"

"Have to be on your guard, Ronan," said Hagrid, patting his quiver. "There's a bad guy running around in this forest."

"Oh! By the way, I forgot to introduce. These are Auston, Harry and Neville. They are students at the school above." Hagrid pointed to them and introduced Ronan.

"Good evening," said Ronan, "are you students? Did you learn much at school?"

"Well...learned a little." Harry said timidly.

"Learn a little, well, that's pretty good." Ronan sighed. He raised his head and stared at the sky.

"Mars is very bright tonight." He suddenly said deeply.

"Yeah," said Hagrid, also looking up at the sky. "Listen to me, Ronan, I'm glad we met you because a unicorn was injured. Did you see anything?"

Ronan didn't answer right away. He stared up unblinkingly, then sighed again.

"It's always the innocent who suffer first," he said. "It's been that way for hundreds of years, and it's still the case now."

"Yes," said Hagrid, "but did you see anything, Ronan? Anything unusual?"

"Mars is very bright tonight." Ronan repeated again.

Hagrid looked at him impatiently.

"Extraordinarily bright." Ronan said, turning his head to look at Hagrid.

"Yes, but I mean, is there anything unusual near our house," Hagrid said. "Did you notice something strange?"

Ronan still didn't answer. Finally, he said: "There are many secrets in the forest."

There was a sudden movement in the bushes behind Ronan, and Hagrid raised his crossbow again, but it turned out that it was just the second centaur, with black hair and a black body, looking a little rougher than Ronan.

"Hello, Bane," said Hagrid, "how are you doing?"

Hagrid seemed to know every centaur here.

"Good evening, Hagrid, I wish you all the best."

"It's okay. You see, I was just asking Ronan, have you seen anything weird here lately? A unicorn was injured, do you know anything about it?" Hagrid asked.

Bane came over and stood beside Ronan, also looking up at the sky.

"Mars is very bright tonight." He also said the same thing.

"We've already heard this sentence. UU Reading" Hagrid said irritably, "Well, if any of you see something, come and tell me quickly, okay? Then let's go."

Auston and the others followed him out of the clearing, and Harry kept turning his head to look at Ronan and Bane until the trees blocked his view.

"Well, I never get a straight answer from the centaurs," said Hagrid angrily. "It's annoying to always look up at the stars. They're not interested in anything but the things around the moon."

"Maybe what they said is not unreasonable." Auston looked back at the two centaurs and murmured.

"Huh? What did you say?" Hagrid didn't hear him clearly.

"No...nothing," Auston smiled and shook his head, "Let's go."

A few of them walked into the depths of the woods again.

Even if the figure was Voldemort at the beginning, I'm afraid it's far away now. Auston stared hard at Harry, and only by following him could he find the half-dead Voldemort today.

Now is the best time to destroy him. It will be much easier to find the Horcruxes he split up later. Auston knows where they are anyway.

When Auston fell into a messy daydream. Suddenly, a red fire in the distance rose to the sky and burst open at the highest point.

Auston's heart sank, it's over! Hermione and the others are in trouble!

He couldn't help hating himself in his heart, knowing that there were too many unexpected things, yet he let Hermione and Delphi go into danger.

Now I can only hope that the two of them will not be in danger for the time being.

"You wait here," Hagrid instructed, "don't leave the path, I'll take a look."

After speaking, he ran through the woods in the direction of the sparks.
