MTL - Harry Potter and the Secret Treasures-Chapter 18 Ai Wen’s revenge

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What is more difficult than the metamorphosis class is the potion class, which is what all Gryffindor students think.

Deep in the basement, the cold potion class, because of the relationship between various potions all year round, there is a faint smell in the air here. There are glass jars in the classroom along the wall, and the animal specimens soaked inside are more Make you tremble.

More cold than the potion classroom, it is the face of the potion class professor Snape. As long as he stood there, no one would dare to speak in the whole class.

In the first lesson, after ridiculing everyone, Snape shouted Ai Wen and prepared to give him a horse.

However, Ai Wen was prepared, and he answered all the questions raised by the other party.

"Hey, hey, another Mr. Master!" Snape snorted softly.

That's right, this is the new nickname that Aiwen got from him after the "successful savior's follow-up", matching Hermione's "Miss Master".

Snape still gave Aiwen a point, on the grounds that his uniform was not neatly dressed, but after discovering that Alvin had almost completely reversed the "Thousands of Magical Herbs and Pestle" and "Magic Pharmacy and Potion", He changed his strategy.

He treats Irvine now, just like treating Hermione, that is, it doesn't matter.

This made Ai Wen a lot easier, but he was hard to be happy when he listened to Snape looking for various reasons and deducting points from Gryffindor students.

To be honest, Snape is still very capable.

For example, they are going to have a simple remedy for acne today. The configuration steps on the blackboard in front of the classroom are different from those in the book. One more step is to cook the snot.

A small change makes the treatment of the syrup better.

All the students present, except for Ai Wen who had previously practiced this potion, did not find this.

Snape didn't specifically explain that it seems that this is not a big deal, but Avon knows how difficult it is. Each potion recipe and configuration process described in "Magic Pharmacy and Potion" is the best method that has been practiced by thousands of potions masters.

Snape can actually change it, even the most basic and simple potion is a very great thing.

"As everyone said, Professor Snape is really terrible." Colin had not recovered from the shadow of the potion class when he was having dinner.

He seems to have a lingering fear. If Ai Wen prevented him from putting the porcupine into the boiling pot in time, he might report to the school hospital now. But then again, if Snape had been staring at him, he might not forget this.

For this mistake, he was deducted two points and got an "idiot" from Snape.

"Colin, happy, Professor Snape is just not good at expressing, people are still good." Ai Wen comforted him.

This sentence was heard by Ron, who just sat down. He immediately stood up and said with amazement, "God, you are actually praising Snape, you will not be cursed by him?!"

"I am just telling the truth." Ai Wen did not pay attention to him, bowed his head to destroy the pie in front of him.

"Hello, Harry!" Colin hurriedly stood up and saw excitedly as he walked over.

"Hello, Colin!" Harry replied helplessly. The other party seemed to have carried his schedule down. He has told him about six or seven times today, but Colin is still enjoying it, as if this is the world. The most exciting thing.

Ha used the eyes of help to look at Ai Wen, for this, Ai Wen also loves to help.

He couldn't stop Colin and Ginny from worshiping Harry, just as he couldn't stop Hermione from admiring Lockhart.

"Yes!" I thought of this, Ai Wen turned and looked at Hermione. "Professor Lockhart has agreed to help us. He invited me to go to his office after dinner and promised to put his manuscript on the newspaper. It seems to be the part of the book "Traveling with Vampires" that has never been published."

"Really, Avon!" Hermione looked very happy. "Is it tonight, can I go with you?"

"I think there should be no problem, but I still have something to write at night. You can go with Colin and remember to take more photos."

"Oh, I thought that after the bad black magic defense class yesterday, you already recognized the essence of the guy, Hermione!" said Ron. "He is a liar who can't do anything."

"Nonsense!" Hermione glanced at him. "You have all seen his book, think about the amazing things he did..."

"Just he said he did it."

The debate didn't last long. After dinner, Hermione and Colin went to Lockhart's office, and Harry and Ron promised to go to the ghost of Gryffindor Castle, "The little headless Nick," and asked him to contact other ghosts. , to provide news to the newspaper.

Aiwen originally planned to go with them, but suddenly received a reply from Bahida Bashat, which detailed the day when Voldemort was defeated, the life of Harry's father and mother, including various details.

These are first-hand historical materials and have never appeared in any other book.

Ai Wen didn't even have time to tell Harry about it. He returned to the lounge at the fastest speed. After reading the letter back and forth several times in front of the familiar sofa next to the fire, he handwritten it with some trembling. .

"The guardian of love, the great mother Lily Potter!"

This is his topic, and Ai Wen briefly introduced Lily's life, including her excellent performance at Hogwarts and three things that escaped from Voldemort.

Immediately after the literary style, he used a slightly exaggerated and rigorous tone to describe Lily’s last day of life, as if he had seen all things happen before, and on the basis of Bacheda’s reply, it added countless detail.

Especially in the end, after the defeat of James Potter's duel was defeated by Voldemort, Lily repeatedly prayed for Voldemort for Harry, repeatedly refused, but she still struggled to protect Harry, the article reached its peak here.

Ai Wen used a lot of sensational ink to highlight Lily’s greatness as a mother, her love for Harry, and the tragic scene of the battle at that time. I believe that anyone who is not a Death Eater can’t help but shed tears when he sees it. .

Regarding the magic that Lily used last, Ai Wen took it with him. First of all, he didn't know what the curse was. Secondly, he couldn't determine if Dumbledore wanted to let people know about it, because Bahida did not mention this paragraph.

As the rumor, after Voldemort killed Lily, he wanted to kill Harry, but he failed, whether it was killed by a rebounding curse or running away. In short, he never appeared again.

The truth cannot be said, but this does not prevent Ai Wen from conceiving details.

In his description, Lily fell to the ground slowly after Voldemort's death curse, and her hands still caught Voldemort's robes and stopped him from going to Harry. In her arms was a The round pendant is on the front of the family portrait of the Porter family, and on the back is a photo of a brunette boy when she was a child.

The picture ends up here and the text ends.

Regarding this dark-haired boy, Ai Wen completely refers to Snape's way of writing. As for whether he can be guessed who this is, it is not something he considered.

"Oh, this is not my revenge against Snape." Ai Wen thought without hesitation, "Hey, since you dare to deduct me, then I can't make you feel good!"