MTL - Harry Potter: Hello the Dark Lord-v3 Chapter 211 Castle of Shade and the Lost Lands

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"It seems that Grandpa Tosta really doesn't know about the 'Tomb of the God of Death'... By the way, you just said that only the descendants of Danatus can enter the 'Tomb of the God of Death', so the four or five people who were sent out to find the old man Is there any family member in the group?"

Tosta nodded: "I will arrange one or two family members to accompany each batch."

"That's good, let's continue talking about the other two ancient legal worlds." Qin Weijie brought the topic back as he spoke.

"The remaining two ancient legal realms are the ethnic group-inhabited ancient legal realm called 'Shadow Fort', and the 'Lost Land' war-type ancient legal realm.

The ancient law world of "Shadow Castle" is relatively livable, with a climate comparable to that of the real world. The inhabited population is a kind of necromantic creature called "zombie". 80% of the whole world is black ocean, and the total land area is almost three The size of the United Kingdom, divided into four square islands, and a central island.

The so-called "Shadow Castle" is located on the central island, and there lives a powerful creature in the "Shadow Castle"—the Skeleton Monarch. Four different 'zombie' groups can also be understood as four countries. "

"Hey? Grandpa Tosta, since the 'Shadow Castle' is already ruled by a skeleton monarch, why do you say that the welfare family controls this ancient legal world?" Qin Weijie asked.

Tosta was not annoyed by Qin Weijie's interruption, but still patiently explained: "The Skeleton Monarch was originally the youngest son of the patriarch 'Danatus' of the Welfare Family, but he parted ways because he disagreed with his father's ideas, and finally went his separate ways in ancient times. The establishment of the 'Shadow Fort' in the legal world continues to practice its own ideas."

"What idea?"

"The Living Dead Project...

The young master should also be aware that the intelligence of undead creatures will be reduced when they enter the real world. Except for high-level undead creatures, it is difficult for other undead creatures to create actual value. They can only be manipulated by the controller to do some simple mechanical work.

However, human beings have always retained the wisdom to transform the world and create art. The power of the **** of death can control the undead, but it cannot control the living. If people are killed and turned into undead, it will inevitably lack human wisdom.

Back then, Danatus believed that the God of Death only needed to manage the order of the undead, but the Skeleton Monarch had greater ambitions. He hoped to use the power of the God of Death to control the whole world.

So he tried to change human beings into a brand-new species with undead characteristics but retained human intelligence, in an attempt to completely transform all human beings and control the world.

This is his plan for the living dead. For this reason, he took advantage of the opportunity of the Black Death to secretly experiment with living people, turning those human beings into monsters that are neither alive nor dead. This is the embryonic form of zombies.

It is precisely because of the audacity of the Skeleton Monarch that it has attracted the attention of many God Prisoners forces. It can be said that Danatus was eventually hunted down and killed by several God Prisoners forces, half of which was due to the Skeleton Monarch's reckless actions . "

"Tsk tsk tsk, you really are a filial son! A model in the world of cheating fathers!" Qin Weijie couldn't help complaining: "What happened after that? Anyway, I know that the Skeleton Monarch did not succeed in the cliff, otherwise he wouldn't be hiding in the ancient law world. "

Tosta nodded: "The Skeleton Monarch did not succeed. The zombies he created did possess human wisdom after centuries of evolution, but zombies also have many disadvantages, such as their bodies will always be in a state of decay. , and even though they are intelligent, their ability to move becomes extremely slow due to physical limitations and they cannot do fine work.

As for what you are curious about, why the Welfare family has mastered the 'Shadow Castle', it is because of the repentance of the Skeleton Monarch...Because of his own fault, the Death God fell, and the Skeleton Monarch felt guilty, so he vowed to protect the family for the rest of his life, which is why Dana After the fall of Tess, the Welfare Family, descendants of the **** of death, can continue to exist, mainly because the Welfare Family is guarded by the Skeleton Monarch behind them.

The Fort of the Shadows has a close relationship with the welfare family, and it can be regarded as one of the foundations of the family. All the products in the world of the Castle of the Shadows will be supplied to the family immediately, so the family controls the Fort of the Shadows. "

"Oh, oh, I understand! The redemption of a filial son... It seems that the family still has a lot of secrets!" Qin Weijie couldn't help feeling that there were indeed many secrets in the welfare family that he didn't know: "Let's talk about the 'lost 'Well, what kind of world is that?"

"The Lost Land is a world full of wars. The entire Lost Land is a continent. Its size is close to that of the European continent. The landform is high in the south and low in the north. There are many hills and mountains in the south. It is rumored that there is a kind of monster called 'Evil Ghost' in the south of the mountains. 'Biological survival, the northern plains are suitable for living and farming.

This world was discovered by the welfare family three hundred years ago. After the family's understanding of the history of the lost land, we learned that the lost land has been ruled by an empire called 'Naya' for thousands of ~It's just that something went wrong within the empire about twenty years or so before we got in.

In order to guard against the invasion of the "evil spirit" in the south, the empire sent Marshal Axelons to garrison the southern mountains. However, Marshal Axelons, who was stationed in the southern mountains, fought for many years, and made great achievements in battle. The royal family worried that he would support his troops and stand on his own feet, so he planned to suppress and balance the southern garrison. Unable to compete with Marshal Acailons, he can only rely on external forces.

The external force that the Naya royal family relied on was the power of the church. The royal family allowed the religion of the Lost Land, the "Tian Yi Hui", to grow, intending to use the power of the church to check and balance Acerons. Unexpectedly, the royal family did not get what they wanted in the end. The church's several conflicts with the southern garrison finally strengthened Aceron's determination to support himself and establish the Southern Kingdom in the southern mountains, and began several years of war with the Naya Empire.

It's a pity that the royal family of Naya did not expect that the church has never been loyal to the royal family. They made a lot of war fortune in the war, and they seduced people's hearts to strengthen the power of the church. They seized most of the land in the northern plain and established the Tianyi Kingdom. , In the end, a situation of three parts of the world was created. So far, the Naya Empire, the Southern Kingdom, and the Kingdom of Tianyi God were divided into rival courts, and the entire Lost Land fell into war. "

"It's just ordinary people's war tactics. Is it necessary to explain it so clearly?" Qin Weijie felt that he had been taught an inexplicable history lesson at this moment, and couldn't help curling his lips.

Tosta smiled and shook his head: "They are not ordinary people... The Lost Land also has magic. The Tianyi Church believes in the Holy Light and masters the magic of the light attribute. The southern kingdom is martial and all the people are soldiers. They have a strong body and have A melee magical ability similar to 'Blood Magic'.


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