MTL - He is From Great Sea of Stars-Chapter 126 On the knowledge of looking for a princess

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the same poem?

When Huo Xingchao said this, he did not deliberately lower his voice, so many people around him heard it.

I couldn't help but stepped forward to take a look.


It's really the same.

Not only the verses, but even the handwriting is exactly the same, almost as if the same person wrote two poems and posted them on two trees.

The onlookers have already begun to think about it, and there are all kinds of shady and dirty plots in their minds.

But at the same time, they felt strange.

If the two poems are in different handwriting, then it doesn't matter, no matter whether it is copying or plotting, no matter how you think about it, you can figure it out.

But what if the handwriting is exactly the same?

Even if it is cheating, no one will be so stupid.



These two trees are on the edge of the forest, and they are short trees. The paper is posted in the inner position, so it is very unobtrusive. A lot of people didn't notice it at first, so even though the poem was well done, there wasn't a single circle above it.

But as long as there is enough time, after these people have finished reading the other trees, there will always be people who will notice this place. Isn't it ridiculous that these two identical poems are posted on two trees so close together?

This is the idea of ​​most people, and also the idea of ​​the Queen Mother. She looked at the verses on the two sheets of paper, and finally picked up the pen and drew a circle on one of them, and praised,

"This poem is well done."

She said so, and the others followed suit.

"Yeah, this poem is of the highest quality. Besides, seeing the same handwriting on the two pieces of paper, it must have been written by the same person. Probably some young lady saw that there was no poem of her own in the forest, and thought that the people below were negligent, so she made it up by herself. Come up with one."

The reason why it is said to be a lady is because the handwriting on the paper is beautiful and the hairpin is in small script, and it looks like it was written by a female family.

Neglecting to make up poems is already a euphemism.

Most people don't think about some shady and private frame-up methods, but they think that this poet is not afraid that his poems are too remote, for fear that everyone will not see it and there will be fewer circles, so I specially added an extra one. Just to get people's attention.

- It's a really unpredictable idea.

An Xiaowang also stared at the poem for a while, and finally curled his lips, picked up the pen and drew a circle.

This is the first circle he has drawn since he watched it for so long, and the queen mother on the side was shocked.

He couldn't help but ask, "This poem actually makes you feel good?"

The little prince smiled, "It's not too good, this check can be hit or not."

"But well,"

He paused for a while, and then showed a hint of mischief and interest, "I really want to know why this poet posted two poems."

...then what does this have to do with the circle you've drawn on it?

Eh, wait.

The people around him turned their heads and suddenly understood.

The queen mother said that although this poetry contest is anonymous, the winner will be announced.

It's okay for Lord An to circle it, but if everyone circles this poem, and the top name in it, wouldn't it be possible to know who the poet is!

And once you know who the poet is, it means you can know what's going on with these two identical poems.

A group of people suddenly became enthusiastic and began to praise this kind of poetry in a remote place.

"The artistic conception is far away, the words are fresh, it is a good poem!"

"Rare and rare, just a few simple strokes point out the interest of Xishan, which shows that the poet Huizhilan's heart."

"The idea is particularly novel, and the words are not overly stacked, which is also very good!"


Then there is a stroke on the top, and after a while, there are more than a dozen circles. Even the person who drew the circle enthusiastically went to pull others to add to the poem.

According to this trend, the first name is undoubtedly.

Looking at the scene in front of her, the queen mother directly stretched out her hand and poked the head of the culprit who started this trend, helpless,


Huo Xingchao didn't take it seriously, hooked his lips,

"Mother, don't you want to know?"

"I do not want."

The empress dowager is the same as him, "I just want to pass this hunting in peace and quiet, and don't bother me with unexplainable things!"

"If you don't get married one day, I won't be able to spare my mind for one day. When you get married one day, I will be relieved and have the face to see the late emperor."


here we go again.

The teenager tilted his head and changed the subject with ease,

"Empress mother, the emperor is looking for you, I'll just go around by myself, you don't need to worry about me."

"I'm too lazy to take care of you!"

The queen mother snorted softly, and when she saw his condescending face, she was really angry, so she turned and left with the hand of the maid.

Huo Chaochao: "The queen mother looks really angry."

Huo Xingxing: "Then you don't know why she is angry, can I really go and marry her a princess?"

Huo Chaochao: "Since your concubine is already married, why don't you want to marry the princess?"

The boy's footsteps stopped.

He looked at the bright light of the lantern beside him, with a little mockery in his eyes, "Why I don't want to, others don't know, is it possible that you don't know?"

"Huo Chaochao, whether it's the side concubine or the main concubine, it makes no difference to me. I will only marry one wife in my life. I don't have a happy girl around me. If you have one, tell me and I will go for you. marry."


"Then what about Miss Lin?"

Huo Chaochao lowered his voice, "If you really only choose a wife for me, are you planning to keep her a widow?"

"I won't marry her."

The boy took a few steps forward, the wind picked up the hair on his forehead and cast a few shadows on his eyes.

"Anyway, there is no decree yet, and no one else knows about it. If the queen mother really wants me to marry her, I will ask the decree to go to the frontier and come back when she gets married."

There was silence in my heart.

Huo Chaochao finally sighed,

"You really..."

"It's all said, don't say I'm a child."

He frowned, in a dissatisfied tone,

"Believe it or not, I'll have someone cook a plate of celery dumplings later!"

"That was not what I meant."

Huo Chaochao couldn't help laughing, "I mean, you have finally grown up."


The relationship between Huo Xingxing and Huo Chaochao sounds like an enemy but not an enemy, and a friend but not a friend.

When I was young, I always thought that one person would monopolize this body, but when I grew up, I seemed to be used to the existence of the other party, and I felt that it was good to have someone who listened to my mind like this.

However, Huo Chaochao is far weaker than Huo Xingxing, and most of the time he can only come out at night to personally feel the cool breeze and bright moon at night.

Even if he occasionally occupies his body after taking a nap during the day, he will pretend to be Huo Xingxing to avoid scaring others.

Not many people know about his anomaly.

The first is the queen mother, the second is the emperor's brother, and the third is the nanny beside her.

The emperor checked the famous doctor Gao Gao for him and told him that he was not the only two-faced person in this world.

As long as you take care of it slowly, it will heal on its own one day.

Even if it doesn't heal, it won't affect the lifespan.

Only they themselves know that this is not like a disease.

They coexist with each other, with different preferences and different temperaments, just like two different souls.


When he was very young, before he was about five years old, Huo Xingchao still lived in the palace.

At that time, he was still a lively, cute, playful, but also obedient and sensible little prince, everyone liked him.

But one day, while chasing his puppy, he strayed into a desolate palace and saw a woman in plain clothes.

When the woman saw him, her eyes suddenly lit up, and the emotions inside made him fearful. He wanted to escape, but was dragged back by the woman.

Huo Xingchao lived with this woman for a full month in this desolate and desolate palace.

When someone came to deliver food and water, she would seal her mouth, tie him up, and hide him in a hole in the bed so that no one would find him.

After the person left, he was released again, but he didn't loosen his ties, he just hugged him, shook him, and called "baby", his eyes were very gentle.

- But within half an hour, she will go mad.

Beat him with a broom, pinch him, drag him by the hair and throw him on the ground, and even catch a mouse and put it in his clothes. He looked at him with hatred in his eyes.

Xiao Xingchao cried hoarsely, and his whole body was shaking, shouting desperately, hoping to attract the attention of the palace people.


For half a month, no matter how much he cried, no one came to save him.

On the contrary, the more he cried, the more excited the woman became, and continued to torture him with a smile.

Later, Huo Xingchao gave up.

He would never speak again, no matter what she did to him, kissed and hugged him, or beat her and scolded him, he was numb and silent, as if he had no soul at all.

On the day the Queen Mother found him, he was sitting in the yard watching the woman roasting mice, his eyes were numb and empty, and there was no expression at all.

The queen mother stood at the gate of the courtyard, and cried out with a wow, heartbreaking,

"My Star Dynasty..."

Later, he learned that it was a forbidden palace, and inside it lived the concubine Hui, the father's favorite. Because he was involved in the witch-gu incident, he was imprisoned in that forbidden palace.

He also knew that this concubine Hui once lost a child, and after being claustrophobic for a long time, she would sometimes treat him as his own son, and sometimes the son of an enemy.

So sometimes it's good and sometimes it's bad. When it's good, I can't wait to take out my heart, and when it's bad, it can torture people to death.

After Huo Xingchao was brought out, the concubine Hui was executed by the angry queen mother.

But when a person dies, the damage that has been done does not go away.

Five-year-old Huo Xingchao hardly spoke for a whole year.

When he turned into a normal person again, he was no longer the original self.

Huo Xingchao is no longer Huo Xingchao.

It was Huo Xingxing and Huo Chaochao.

Huo Xingxing was full of spikes, irritable and irritable, and faced every malicious person with an attacking attitude.

Huo Chaochao is gentle, friendly, and considerate, never making anyone unhappy.

In that lifetime, Huo Xingxing fell in love with the gentle and thoughtful Lin Wan, and married her as a concubine.

But Huo Chaochao fell in love with Qu Shuning, who was as free as the wind.

For so many years, Huo Chaochao has always been weak, and is getting weaker every day.

Huo Xingxing knew that he might disappear soon.

So he married Qu Shuning, closed himself up, and let Huo Chaochao spend the last time with his beloved woman.

But when he wakes up again.

Huo Chaochao disappeared.

Lin Wan also disappeared.

There is a letter on the table.

Huo Xingxing, sorry.

Since childhood, everyone thought that you are bad and I am good.

Even you think so.

But I know that I am the darkest one.

All that bad, **** stuff, it's all on me.

The bones are broken, and the exterior looks brighter.

Huo Xingxing, I have only loved such a woman in my life. If you really hate me, kill her. If you can't kill her, treat her well.

Feel sorry.

I beg you.
