MTL - Heart of Empire-Chapter 19 Become the owner of the World Tree

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Uh ...

Lord interface:

Territorial territory: Comilla

Racial Forces: Elven Forest Forces

Resources: Gold Coins: 5000 Wood: 30 Ore: 20 Crystal: 8 Sulfur: 3 Gems: 5 Mercury: 4

Population: 231 (Humans: 149 Orcs: 77 Elves: 5)

Subordinate: None

Development: 1%

Economy: 100

Military: 700

Faith: None

Owned Building: Tree of Life

Trainable arms: None

特性 National characteristics: None

Uh ...

From the memories left by the evil spirits, Dion knew that this lord interface was an interface that could only be created after the territory was officially built. This is a general statistical interface. On this interface, Dane can roughly understand the situation of his territory.

In terms of resources, these seemingly considerable resources were actually bought by him for gold coins. He had long understood that the important resources needed to build the territory, so he bought some of it, and now most of it is on the Changfan, and some of it has been removed. However, he is not quite sure how the system defines the unit of resources.

Gold coins are well understood, they are gold coins. He has 5,000 gold coins in his hand, which exactly matches the data on this statistical interface. But the others are not right. What is the so-called 'a unit' counted by the system, he is not quite sure. He bought some of them and stored them on the Changfan.

But it doesn't matter. Although he didn't figure out the actual conversion ratio, it was obvious that the more of these things, the better.

Alas, what he did not understand most was the issue of population.

Humans and half-orcs, it is clear that they should be the ghastly mercenary regiment that followed him across the ocean from the mainland. The number is also right. Except for himself, the remaining population is exactly 226 people, more than half of humans, and less than half of orcs. What struck him, however, was the five elf population: when was there five elf in his team?

Dean quickly figured out what happened to the five elf populations: on the territorial map of the system interface, on the canopy of the world tree, he found five light clusters with blue light.

According to his own consciousness, he certainly would not consider such a light group to be an elf. But this is exactly the elves. At least, among the forest forces identified by the system, this is indeed a kind of elves—elves.

Puppet elf is a strange creature born naturally between heaven and earth. They can't speak, but possess superb intelligence. They can only be born from the tree of life, and cannot be too far from the tree of life, and be born with the tree of life, and die with the tree of life. Moreover, they are also the hardest-working workers who can do most of the work around the tree of life.

Dean grinned, which was tantamount to hitting a pillow when he fell asleep. When the tree of life was established, he was thinking that in the ranks of the forest forces, there was a lot of things that he couldn't mobilize humans to build. Unexpectedly, the system actually gave away his five elves who specialize in this way.

So what are you afraid of? He didn't want to think about it, went directly to the building interface, found the **** tree tower, and chose to build directly.

急 The top priority is to build a god-guided tree tower. Military strength, he now has a fearsome mercenary regiment, so don't worry too much for the time being. In terms of resources, he has money, and he has already prepared a whole ship of supplies from the mainland. In the near future, he should not worry about anything. But population development is a big problem that cannot be solved. Especially the Elven population, he could not obtain it by other means. The solution can only be found through the architecture of the "Heart of the Dynasty" system.

"To build a **** guide tree tower, it will cost gold: 500, wood: 7, ore: 3, will you build it?"

No nonsense, Dane clicked ‘Yes’ directly.

The next moment, in the territorial view, just like he was building the tree of life, an illusion model of the **** tree tower appeared, and he let him choose the place to build it. Of course, there are different places. The god-guided tree tower is much smaller than the tree of life. Although it is still taller and stronger than any tree that Dion has ever seen, but after he has seen the tree of life, it is a little witch see a big witch Already.

Moreover, the guide tree tower must be built on the grassland transformed by the tree of life, not on the barren land in the distance. This also proves that the **** tree tower does not have the ability to transform the nature of the land like the tree of life.

He directly built the **** guide tree tower not far from the tree of life, and directly mobilized all five elves to participate in the construction of the **** guide tree tower.

Five elves worked together, and the speed of the construction of the guide tree tower was greatly accelerated. He checked it out. In the system interface, it took about five days to build the guide tree tower.

For such a long construction time, he frowned, and he was very dissatisfied.

Obviously, the tree of life rising from the ground in this place is absolutely a shocking event. Fortunately, Comilla Island is located in the deep ocean and is not likely to be found outside, but the monsters on the island must have noticed the movement here. Dane didn't want to wait long for the development of the territory, he needed a little faster speed.

He now has only five elves, and it takes five days to assemble all of them to build the **** guide tree tower. This time is too long. Fortunately, adding more elves can speed up the construction, which gives Dion a clear path.

He quickly clicked on the building interface of the tree of life to see the resources needed to generate the elf. Not many, do not need gold coins, UU reading needs a wood, and a crystal. So, he directly pulled up the production sequence of ten elves.

树 The tree of life produces elf much faster than building construction, and can generate one in about an hour. He set up these elves that were not born, and ordered them to invest in the construction of the **** tree tower as soon as they were produced.

After doing this, he kept his mind in the territorial interface, shaking around to see if he could find anything else he could do.

Obviously there are many things that can be done, but when all the elves have been scheduled to work, he is also powerless to want to do.

Alas, he retired from the Empire Tower and returned to the real world.

I stood up from the grass, and the surrounding environment was quiet. He leaned his body on the huge trunk of the tree of life and smiled with satisfaction.

I scratched my skin for a long time, he scratched his head, stood up, and thought of an important thing: the tree of life has been built, but the problem of defense has not been solved. When the tree of life was born, the movement was so big, and the monsters on the island were not blind. It is estimated that by that time, they will face a lot of trouble. He decided that he would have to mobilize some people tomorrow, and before the formal establishment of his forest kingdom, he would have to guard the "seedlings".

He patted his buttocks and carried a long knife, and he started to go to the "Ghostblade Port" named after him.

Halfway along, he encountered Sarko, who was anxious and carrying more than twenty mercenaries.


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