MTL - Heavenly Calamity-v6 Chapter 134 Illusion of death

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The illusion world was broken through a passage.

Thunder thundered out of it, and immediately broke away from illusion and returned to normal time and space. The people around him woke up one by one, and they obviously also had illusions. Although the illusion had just arrived, Brian rang the bell, and then Zhang Mu shot out to help, and it didn't arrive for 10 seconds before or after.

Some people feel like staying in the fantasy for dozens of minutes.

I've died several times!

Everyone was shocked.

That feeling of death was so real, as if I had died many times!

There is a special substance in the dark fog that surrounds it.

It contains a very strong spiritual energy, the fantasy world is very barren and there is nothing in it. However, the ubiquitous free spiritual substance is extremely dangerous, it can make the soul be disturbed by the spiritual energy without being aware, and sink into the spiritual fantasy.

Once in the illusion of death, it is difficult to extricate yourself.

This level of mausoleum is terrible here

Brian shook his tail and said, "The fantasy world relies on the fantasy of death. Once you fall into the boundless world of fantasy, you can't get rid of it forever without external assistance! Even if you know that you are in illusion, there is nothing you can do. To save yourself, you will only endure endless death in the illusion. "

Leng Yun had just emerged from the fantasy of death, could not help but sweat out, and couldn't help asking: "What will happen?"

"What will happen?" Brian hummed. "You will be killed, resurrected, killed, and resurrected again and again in the death fantasy. Because the spiritual energy of the fantasy world is inexhaustible. , The illusion will become deeper and deeper, and more and more unable to get rid of it. In this way, you ca n’t live, you ca n’t die, and you will always be trapped in the illusion until the spirit and soul die. "

"Can never get rid of it?"

"Yes, you know, the world of death and illusion is not the same as the outside world. The specific ratio depends on the strength of the individual's spirit. Sometimes, only a few minutes after the outside world, you have been killed thousands of times in the illusion. If it is not found or rescued within a day, it will definitely endure 100,000 million deaths. At that time, the spirit has already sunk deeply and cannot be rescued again. Even if it is rescued, it may be mentally broken and become A lunatic. "

Everyone suddenly felt creepy.

Brian went on to say: "Anyway, if you have the magical power, you will not die in a short period of time. You will only suffer hundreds of billions or even trillions of deaths day after day, year after year, and your spirit will continue to weaken. The number of endurances will be more and more. In the final reality every second, the death illusion is equivalent to a hundred years, and eventually the soul and spirit die in infinite pain. "

I am afraid that only the Wraith Tower can match the punishment in the world.

It's terrible.

Immortal spirit is not consumed, there will be nothing for hundreds of years without eating and drinking, in the real world for hundreds of years, I am afraid to have spent millions of years in the illusion of death.

It's almost eternal torture!

The deeper the eternal tomb is, the higher the danger it encounters. The burning world is obviously more terrible than the blood sea world, and the fantasy world is more terrifying than the burning world. I do n’t know what kind of terror will be encountered by everyone after reaching 3000 floors.

The fantasy world must be more difficult and horrible than the first two layers.

The sandstorm that burns the world is hugely destructive, but there is a way to avoid it, or a way to resist it. The fantasy world is different. This force acts directly on the spirit. The spiritual attack is not dodged, it is difficult to resist, and it can only be sustained.

Once in the illusion.

Even if you know the mental illusions clearly, there is no way to get rid of them, and you will eventually be killed in the illusion world, then resurrected back to the original point, then killed again, and then returned to the original point. Every time you are killed, It will look a little deeper, and eventually sink completely in the illusion, and you will never find yourself.

This is the terrible part of the fantasy world.

If you are not here, you will die!

Zhang Mu said to Brian, "Why aren't you affected?"

Brian shook his tail and said disdainfully, "How can such a low-level method deal with Master Brian?"

The instrumental spirit is a kind of soul life and has no spiritual power. Therefore, the sacrifice spirit cannot learn the magical skills. All abilities come from the weapon itself, so it will not be affected by spiritual magic.

Zhang Mu will not be affected.

As for the reason, it is very simple.

Illusion does not work for Zhang Mu!

The chaos monument stops in the spirit and the soul, and is almost invincible. Even if he does not own the chaos monument, Zhang Mu has absorbed a powerful thought matrix, possessing the ability of a part of the thought matrix, even reaching the state of the mind creation, spiritual soul It is very powerful and basically immune to spiritual soul damage.

Zhang Mu is not afraid of mental attacks, which does not mean that others are not afraid.

In order to prevent another stroke, Zhang Mu blessed everyone with a defense woven by chaotic energy. The defense of the chaos by the spirit and soul has always been very powerful, and Zhang Mu rarely suffers in this field.

As a result, the more dangerous fantasy world has become less threatening.

Zhang Mu opened the map and found the teleportation monument leading to the deep. There are 10 teleportation monuments in the fantasy world, and only 2 can enter the deep level. One of them goes to the 1942 floor and the other goes to the 2300 floor. No doubt Choose the fastest route to the ground floor.

"Okay, let's go!"

The team set off for the teleportation monument.

Everyone was protected by Zhang Mu's forces, and the black fog did not affect it anymore.

The alien was surprised.

I have never heard that there is a way to resist mental harm so easily. Zhang Mu did not explain to them, they also knew it and did not ask. After all, everyone has a secret. Zhang Mu doesn't want to say that there must be his truth. If the secret is accidentally leaked, there may be a danger of being destroyed. Zhang Mu now wants to destroy these immortals. It's so simple!

"There seem to be several statues in front!"

"What statue, that body!"

As the crowd moved forward, suddenly there were several unmovable figures.

Zhang Mu stepped forward to check.

A total of 7 people, all dressed as Xuan people, half of their bodies were buried underground, with a thick layer of gray stone on their bodies. Zhang Mu shattered the layers of ash outside, revealing the treasures shrouded in light. These people are still delicate and elastic, as if still alive, but their eyes have long been empty, and the soul has long since disappeared.

no doubt.

"This is an explorer who has opened a pure land," Thunder said.

"Isn't that tens of thousands of years?"

There are no traces of damage on the two soulless bodies. They are the victims of the illusion, and the spirit and soul sink into endless death until they completely die.

These people are extremely lucky.

Because it is so deep into the eternal mausoleum.

At the same time, several people were very unfortunate.

Reached the 1700th floor, died in an infinite terrible fantasy.

The immortal corpse will not rot, although in the past tens of thousands of years, its appearance is normal, just like a normal person. Zhang Mu searched a few victims, found the treasures, and looked at some surprises. It was found that a few dead ghosts had gained a lot. 7 people got 5 immortal fruits. In addition, in the Pure Land world, they searched Thousands of geniuses!

This time I made a lot of money.

It is no accident that these seven immortals can reach the 1700-level mausoleum.

The weakest person in this group may be able to sweep the seven or eight immortals. The strongest person is not weaker than Xun Peng, or even above Xun Peng. No matter how powerful it is, it's not dead in a fantasy world. All the treasures collected so hard are reduced to other people's wedding clothes?

The people divided up the treasure and the body was taken away.

The squad moved on.

There was no danger on the way.

In fact, the threat of this world's mausoleum is nothing like this!

Perhaps the relationship is just right, the whole process is much easier than the first two layers, and we have walked more than half of the journey without encountering any challenges and troubles. Although the fantasy world is materially barren, under the rich spiritual energy, some plants have also been bred, all of which are spiritual fairy grass and fruit that are difficult to find outside.

Mental attributes are very rare.

Doomed to be extremely valuable.

In the process of everyone's progress, suddenly someone found a large cluster of dreamland fairy grass.

Everyone rushed to collect the dream, Dreamland Fairy Grass is a fairy-level herb, it can emit a strange fragrance, affect the lives of neighbors, and fall into a wonderful dream, so that it is difficult to extricate themselves, the effect is similar to the black mist. Dreamland grass, if it is a refining elixir, can be used to break powerful illusions, or to assist in cultivation, to strengthen the spirit.

There are hundreds of plants in a cluster.

All of them are growing!

Although the dream fairy grass is not a high-end product, it is also a fairy-grade material. Because of its attributes, its value is not lower than the value of ordinary fairy grass. Any one can be sold at a high price.

The crowd hurried to start collecting.

Dreamland grass is purple in color, about a foot tall, has long roots, beautiful leaves, and a beautiful dreamland flower. This grass is an excellent material no matter where it is.

Zhang Mulian picked more than ten plants.

Not too many good things.

Even if it is picked up as decorative grass breeding is also good.

During Zhang Mu's picking process, he suddenly felt a slight energy fluctuation. Zhang Mu's conditional reflection locked the source of the fluctuation. Looking in this direction, a layer of transparent shadow in front.

"this is……"

Zhang Mu found an unheard creature, the whole body was almost transparent, but three eyes were exposed, only the eyes, not the entire eyeballs, were found from the side or the back.

The structure of this eye is very weird, it is all white, there are no eyeballs at all, and there are stripes around it, like layers.

Zhang Mu and the phantom looked at each other, and there was a strong energy in the spirit. Although very strong, it could not interfere with Zhang Mu, who was mentally immune.

"What kind of monster is this!"

Others have also discovered mysterious creatures.

Seeing this, Brian immediately yelled, "Phantoms! Watch their eyes!"

There were about thirty or forty magical monsters nearby. The body of the magical monster was completely transparent. It only appeared when the eyes were opened, and people could feel its existence. When the demons close their eyes, they will blend perfectly with space and the environment, and will not work with any investigative techniques.

"Kill them!"

Although I do not know what kind of creature.

However, this is definitely not a kind.