MTL - Heaven’s Will Balancing System-Chapter 105 story

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Liu Xi's method of combing his hair is very comfortable, very skilled, and soon, the poetic hairstyle is reproduced.


Bai Xiao was sure that his fierce appearance had really softened.

The external image can really suppress the fierce appearance that he cannot suppress!

So, if the other way round, can he enhance his fierce appearance?

Bai Xiao needs to verify again, break up the hairstyle, and said to Liu Xi behind him: "Help me get a stern and more aggressive hairstyle."


Liu Xi tilted his head. Although he couldn't figure out what Bai Xiao wanted to do, he picked up a comb and helped Bai Xiao get up.

"Liu Xi, why do you want to seduce the Bai people?"

In his free time when Liu Xi considered how to start, Bai Xiao asked.

Liu Xi heard the words, his body paused for a moment, and asked, "You hate it?"

"Don't get me wrong, I just want to ask."

Bai Xiao shook his head.

"That's it!"

Liu Xi was relieved, and then whispered, "Don't you all guess? Get rid of the poverty and unrest here."

"What I want to ask is your deepest reason."

Baixiao said.

Liu Xi heard that after a long silence, he started to comb his hair for Bai Xiao, and then said, "Let's not be bullied."


A frown lifted.

"I started bullying when I was sensible."

Liu Xi's tone was low, and in the moonlight through the window, slowly came to her past.

"In the beginning, it was beaten by my family, but I grew up a bit, and after contacting the world outside the house, the people who hit me rose from single digits to double digits. Then, three digits ... everyone Take me as a punching bag and vent all my unhappiness on me, as if only in this way can they feel good and they can show a hearty smile. "

There was a hint of irony in Liu Xi's mouth, but when he saw it through the mirror, it was sad and unwilling.

"Uncomfortable, right? It's hard for you."

Bai Xiao comforted the sentence.

"Uncomfortable? This is pretty good, and even worse, it's still behind."

The sarcasm in his mouth was stronger, and Liu Xi continued: "In this humiliating time, I grew up. I spent my childhood and became a young girl, a beautiful young girl."

"After becoming a girl, my world changed."

"People around me changed my eyes. Gradually, there were fewer people who bullied me, until they disappeared. Those who used to frantically bully me even started to support me, fight for me, fight against others, and for me seemed to dare The world is hostile. "

"Unfortunately, my enemies are not who they are, those disgusting beasts!"

Liu Xi sneered.

"What attention they hit, I knew everything, pleased me, and Harrah followed me like a pig, nothing more than greedy for my beauty."

"It is a pity, however, that their faces have been shaped, and no matter how they are restored, their image is still ugly!"

"That's it. Days passed. Although they were disgusting, it was indeed the most comfortable period in my life."

"Gradually, I continue to grow up, I am more beautiful, however, my world has changed again."

"The more beautiful looks make it harder for them to restrain. In addition, I have been disdainful for many years. They can't bear it ..."

"One broke out first, and after I rejected his request again ..."

"I was scolded again, as if taking the lead. Within a day, everyone took off their smiles, harassed, threatened, stumped, and so on. Since that day, one after another ..."

Liu Xi combed his back for Bai Xiao, and tied his braids, memories appeared in his eyes.

Yeah, those days were her most uncomfortable days. She was careful every day. She did n’t dare to go anywhere, did n’t dare to stay at home. She only crowded into crowded places every day. Only in this way could they let them. Feeling fearful.

It is a pity that even with the orderly protection, her own consciousness to avoid danger can still prevent them from permeating like water.

She is still caught.

More than once ...

Fortunately, she has escaped fortunately in many arrests, as if the goddess of luck finally had mercy on her, so that she finally kept her innocence.

However, in the seemingly endless harassment, she collapsed. On a dark moonless night, she escaped from her birth day again, desperate, and cried heartbreakingly in the corner of the street.

What she cried was why her parents gave birth to her and made her suffer; she cried because of her looks and why it was so beautiful and criminal; she cried because of the ugliness that choked her ...

At that time, she wanted to die and acted for it ...

But in the end, she didn't die.

It was a homeless old man who saved her, and saved him with a surprisingly small amount of sack change.

She knew that it was this homeless old man begging for money for a lifetime.

She asked him about his ragged clothes, why he saved her, but he said, when he saw him, he rescued him.

She asked him what she would pay for it, but he said, no need, what can a little girl give him?

That was the first time she felt the warmth, the warmth from the world, the warmth from human nature, and she had the idea of ​​living again.

However, she wanted to live, but did not want to live in those days, she was confused and tangled.

So she asked him, how can I get rid of this bullying life?

The answer she got was: impossible!

The old man told her sadly that all the people in this city lived this kind of life, without exception, unless they became superior! However, it is too difficult, impossible ...

Upper Class!

She made a deep note of it. As for the 'impossible', she took it seriously, because she was confident in her beauty and she had enough capital.

She asked him again, what kind of person is considered superior?

He replied that here, there is only one kind of man— Bai people!

She asked, was the woman who married the Bai tribe considered superior?

He answered, forget it!

Therefore, she said confidently that she would become the wife of the Bai ethnic group!

Yeah, anyway, men are all lascivious and shameless creatures, anyway, they are all the same kind of nausea and nausea. In this case, why not use my virginity in the hands of their beasts to mislead the higher ones sooner or later? Beasts, what about a new life for yourself?

But facing him, he was deeply sighed, the thick crow's feet were deep wrinkled, and muttered again, impossible, wishful, and stop ...

So, in the following days, she lived a life of working hard and earning money while avoiding harassment from the mess, looking for opportunities to become a Bai lady.

At the age of sixteen this year, she finally found an opportunity, so she came here and met Bai Xiao ...


After the story is finished, it doesn't sound good, but it disappears.

Everyone is the protagonist of life, and everyone ’s experience is wonderful and sighing. If the world after the reincarnation is sweet, the sky is blue, and the sun is warm, the world of Liuxi is Coptis As bitter, the sky is covered with rain, no sun, no moon, full of the beauty of autumn.

"Okay, my hair is done."

Liu Xi looked around and said with satisfaction.

The image in the mirror, Bai Xiao sees an exotic braid, with no bangs or buns on his forehead. It perfectly reflects the fierce temperament revealed by Bai Xiao. It looks like a thief, Bai Xiao concluded Take this street to the street, you will definitely scare the child!

Sure enough, the change in the appearance of the surface can suppress or increase his fear!

Guess it!

His eyelids were slightly drooping, and now he was thinking about how much his appearance could influence his fearful face with full power.

However, think about the fierce appearance that can shake the soul and cause the air to shake inexplicably. It is estimated that the appearance of this image has little influence on it, otherwise it will not be recorded in the cheats.

As for the test, Bai Xiao looked around and shook his head to cancel the plan.

If it is really used, don't say whether Liu Xi will die on the spot if scared, it is estimated that the entire city will be shocked.

"Yes, thank you, please help me get back my previous hairstyle."

Baixiao said.

Liu Xi: "..."

"You fool me?"

Liu Xi asked ~ ~ Is it interesting to get around?


Bai Xiao laughed and said, "I'm not in a good position to tell you."

Liu Xi snorted and pouted his hair again, but this time, it was not so gentle.

"Liu Xi, if I help you solve your problems, will you give up your plan to climb the Bai ethnic group?"

Bai Xiao looked at Liu Xi as if nothing had happened, and said.


Liu Xi froze, then smiled slightly, and then returned.

One night, the past ... For the latest chapter, please pay attention to WeChat: rdww444