MTL - Hello 1983-Chapter 1091 most reasonable solution

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  Chapter 1091 The most reasonable solution

   "We want to withdraw and terminate the cooperation." Edward finally couldn't bear it anymore, and shouted very rudely.

  Liu Qingshan doesn't have any affection for this family. It's your turn to repay the hard-earned money that was collected from the Chinese people.

  In order to make black-hearted money, the Sassoon family even sold duck slices, poisoned the people of the country, and finally provoked a war. Such a black-hearted capitalist can't cheat him too much.

  But of course he won't immediately agree to the other party's unreasonable request. If he wants to quit, it's not that easy.

  Since you are on a thief ship, none of you will get off the ship unless you pay some protection fee.

   So Liu Qingshan stood up angrily: "If you want to quit, just follow the contract."

  Katyusha also took out the prepared contract: "Gentlemen, according to the agreement, if you withdraw without reason, you will get nothing."

   "What, there is such a clause?" Feilie was also in a hurry and snatched the contract.

  The assistant of his family next to him nodded: "Sir, such a clause is indeed indicated in the contract."

   This is the most common item when signing a contract, and Fei Lie doesn’t need to read it. For him, returning empty-handed, there is no way to pay the family:

   "Mr. Mountain, how can this be regarded as quitting without reason? The current situation has changed a lot from the original one. Of course we have a reason to choose."

  Liu Qingshan sneered: "Then let's go to court, anyway, I'm not afraid of a lawsuit, so I'll stay with you to the end."

  It was only then that Fei Lie and the others remembered that the person in front of him had filed a lawsuit with Lao Mi’s National Security Bureau.

   "Everyone, don't get excited. You have something to discuss, so don't hurt your friendship." Edward pretended to be a good guy instead, and if he couldn't be tough, he would be soft and hard.

  Liu Qingshan also sat down again, of course he had to put on a posture, in fact, he wished that the other party would withdraw.

  In the meeting room, it fell into silence again. Everyone had their own thoughts, and it was really difficult to unify their opinions.

  Suddenly, Boss Huo yawned: "I didn't get a good rest from the train ride last night. I'll go and catch up on it first. Anyway, we don't want to quit, so it's not fun to sit here."

   After finishing speaking, he stood up and walked out. Pan Mingpai and others naturally followed.

   "Young Master Huo, you can't leave."

  Philie still wanted to stop him, but Boss Huo hecked twice: "This is the end of the matter, anyway, I'm adamant, you can do whatever you want."

  After speaking, he stopped talking to them, and Shi Shiran left the conference room.

   "Brother Huo, wait for me." Mr. Zheng also stood up and followed suit, he didn't want to suffer here.

   "I also feel tired after saying this, let's stop here today." Liu Qingshan also stretched himself, got up and left as well.

   "Mr. Mountain, the matter has not been discussed yet?" Fei Lie was anxious.

  Liu Qingshan waved his hands without looking back, and then disappeared at the door.

  Filie was so angry that he wanted to throw the cup, but seeing Medvic with a fierce face, he could only endure it.

  Of course Liu Qingshan did not go back to his room to sleep, but chatted with Katyusha Jiang Shuichang and the others for a while, he needed to grasp the most real situation.

   "Things don't appear to be as bad as advertised."

  Katyusha is telling the truth at this moment: "I have communicated with several of my grandfather's old subordinates. They all belong to the middle and high-level government. According to them, the top is also divided into two factions, and they are arguing endlessly."

   Hearing what he said, Liu Qingshan basically knew it in his mind: he knew that capital was powerful enough to influence politics.

  Just like the United States, the president is just the spokesperson of those big consortia.

   Maozi’s side is now gradually being controlled by capital, and of course they can’t escape this frame.

  However, Liu Qingshan still needs to contact someone. I wonder if Comrade Sergey can bring him valuable news?

  In the past year or so, I have also had two phone calls with Sergey.

   This guy has gained the trust of the emperor, and the emperor has also been promoted from the director of the Investment Promotion Bureau to the mayor. Sergey has contributed a lot.

  With the help of Katyusha Firm, he successfully assisted the Emperor in attracting investment.

   With performance, the speed of the emperor's promotion has also accelerated. It is said that he has been valued by the gravedigger, so he should be able to get some inside information.

  Liu Qingshan made a call, but no one answered.

   Called again after a while, the phone was finally connected, and Sergey's voice came from inside: "Is it Katyusha?"

   "No, Comrade Sergey, it's me." Liu Qingshan greeted calmly.

   "Oh, Liu, it's great to receive your call!" Sergey's voice was obviously a little excited.

  He now trusts Liu Qingshan even more, and even feels a surge of gratitude in his heart.

  Through contact with the Great Emperor, Sergei was soon overwhelmed by the other party's personality charm.

  Sergey firmly believes that this is definitely the hope for their national rejuvenation.

  Although Sergey couldn't figure out how Liu Qingshan got to know the Emperor, he would not doubt Liu Qingshan's vision because of this.

  So Sergey was excited when he received the call from Liu Qingshan.

   "Comrade Sergey, congratulations on becoming the assistant to the mayor." Liu Qingshan chatted with Sergey very casually.

   "Liu, I would like to thank you for your support and help. Now I am full of motivation again!" Sergey said sincerely. From his voice, Liu Qingshan felt sincerity.

  So he asked: "I came to Gongqingcheng mainly because of the purchase of bonds. Now I need the most accurate information."

   With Sergey, there is no need to go around in circles, the other party still needs his help now.

   There was a pause on the other end of the phone, and then Sergey's deliberately low voice came:

   "The news I got here is that the bond will definitely not be voided, but the final value is subject to discussion."

   "Understood, Mr. Assistant to the Mayor, I hope I can call you Mr. Special Assistant to the President in the future." Liu Qingshan chatted with Sergey for a few more words, then put down the phone, his heart was completely at ease.

  His original judgment was not wrong, and now he has received insider information from Sergey. Next, his plan needs to be implemented as soon as possible.

   Originally, I wanted to delay for a while, but Edward and the others lost their patience completely because of the torment, so they wanted to fight for some benefits.

  But now we have to cut the mess quickly. If this matter is confirmed, Edward and others will get the news, and they will definitely not quit shouting if they are killed.

   When it was time for lunch, all the people from all walks of life got together again.

  Lunch is still very rich, with authentic Russian flavor, but Edward and the others are a bit unwilling to eat.

   Boss Huo, on the other hand, is heartless and still eats and drinks. He likes caviar the most, one by one, like red pearls.

  Liu Qingshan also has a good appetite, eating several steaks.

  It is a whole beef rib roasted, smeared with midi and special seasonings, wrapped with tin foil, and then smoked in a special mud stove.

   When it was almost time to eat, Edward brought up the old story again: "Mr. Mountain, how are you thinking?"

   "This steak is grilled well." Liu Qingshan talked about him from left to right.

   "I'm talking about our withdrawal." Edward saw Liu Qingshan's pretentious posture, and he was also furious.

   "Oh, this matter, you choose to quit, of course it is your freedom."

  Liu Qingshan put a clean beef rib on the dining table, and then wiped his hands with a napkin: "There is a saying in China, which is called good gathering and good separation, and we can't hurt our friendship because of this."

  Filie was overjoyed when he heard that, and quickly interjected: "Isn't there still more than 3 billion US dollars left, we admit our losses, and just get this part of the cash."

  Liu Qingshan smiled: "That's really a big loss. You invested a total of 500 million, and now you only get back 300 million."

   "Investment is not 100% profitable. We understand, understand." Fei Lie nodded repeatedly.

   "Sir, do you think we are all idiots?" Medvic was so angry that he wanted to pick something up.

Liu Qingshan raised his hand to signal him to be quiet, and then said to Edward and the others: "Then how about this, we take the rest of the money, and then buy the bonds, all of which belong to you, and it cost more than 10 billion to buy. "

  What do we need that pile of waste paper for?

  Edward laughed again and again: "Mr. Mountain, don't be joking, we invested in you because we trusted you."

  Liu Qingshan spread his hands: "It's not me pulling you, it's your voluntary, everyone may wish to listen to my opinion, and distribute cash and bonds according to the shares you own. This is the most reasonable solution at present."

  Edward also knew that Liu Qingshan's proposal was relatively fair, but in that case, their loss would be too great.

  Their 5 billion accounts for more than 30% of the shares. If they are distributed in this way, they can only get back 1 billion US dollars in the end, with a net loss of 4 billion US dollars.

   This is four billion U.S. dollars, and it was still in an era when the currency did not depreciate significantly.

   With these 4 billion, it is basically possible to buy any well-known large company in the world.

  Edward and the others couldn't help but bleed.

   Their habit is to plunder other people's capital. When have they been plundered by others, or is this a situation where they almost robbed them all?

   At this time, Boss Huo, who was full of food and drink, said, "I agree with this plan, although I am not going to withdraw."

   "Agree!" Other shareholders also expressed their opinions one after another, including the representatives of Xiao Li and Lao Ba, who also raised their hands.

  They have already called, and the reply is: everything is under the arrangement of Mr. Mountain.

   As for Liu Qingshan, both of them chose to trust him.

  This is equivalent to the resolution of the general meeting of shareholders, and Edward and others cannot refute it.

  But they are not reconciled, it really doesn't make any sense to make a lot of bonds like waste paper.

   "Mr. Mountain, we don't need bonds, let's mortgage them all to you, how about half of them?"

   Liu Qingshan shook his head with a smile.

   "What about 40%?"

  Liu Qingshan still shook his head.

  Edward began to drop all the way, and finally dropped to 10%, Liu Qingshan still shook his head.

  Filler finally couldn't take it anymore: "Mr. Mountain, what you have done is a humiliation to us, so just burn it!"

  (end of this chapter)