MTL - Hello 1983-Chapter 1101 Where is it ranked?

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  Chapter 1101, where is it ranked?

  Xiao Lulu's two chubby little hands were holding a stone that was already too big for her, and she was still grinning hard in her mouth.

  Look at that, I really put all my energy into breastfeeding.

  Liu Qingshan was really afraid that she would not be able to hold her, and the stone fell and hit his little foot, so he quickly took the piece of jade, boasting in his mouth: "The deer is so powerful, I found the jade in one go!"

  Xiaolulu was praised and grinned silly.

  Others also heard the news and came to check the stone in Liu Qingshan's hand.

   "This is jade, it's different from the stones we picked up, Lulu, you're awesome!" The little fourth pattered a kiss on Xiaolulu's face.

  After years of training, Li Likun can be regarded as an expert in appraising Hetian jade. After checking it, he also praised it:

   "What a piece of mountain water material, the outer shell is so white and delicate, and the jade meat inside may reach the level of suet jade, haha, Xiaolulu is lucky, tsk tsk!"

  Sometimes luck is really important. Everyone searched all morning and found nothing. Xiaolulu just played in the water, and accidentally got a piece of high-quality jade.

  Everyone laughed and laughed, and then went to a Populus euphratica tree not far away, where Li Tie and the others had already set up a barbecue grill here.

  Liu Qingshan was still talking about drinking with Aizimaiti, but Aizimaiti waved his hands again and again: "If I drink any more, my stomach will swell!"

  Everyone couldn't help laughing.

  In the afternoon, the unwilling fourth child and the others continued to hunt for treasures, and finally they all got something, but they were all very small jade materials, and the quality was average.

  But after all, it is my own labor income, and I don’t dislike it.

  When he returned to the company, the old man Alimu was also full of praise for the jade he found.

Such a good material, of course, is made of jade. According to the shape of the jade material, the old Alimu designed it: you can carve a pine tree, and then carve a sika deer under the tree. The meaning is also good, and it is especially suitable for small deer. .

  Liu Qingshan was also overjoyed, and decided to hand it over to Zhang Shuzi after he went back, and process it for his daughter himself.

  After staying in Hetian for a few days, Liu Qingshan finally left. It is really rare to be able to get together with Aizmaiti this time.

   After all, the border area is too wide, and the traffic is really inconvenient now.

  Go to a big city, then take a plane, fly back to the capital, and make a complete circle.

  The second day after returning to Beijing, Liu Qingshan was taken away by a car with a red flag on his face, and he didn't go home until very late.

  The family naturally knew what was going on, and seeing Liu Qingshan smiling, they didn't even ask.

  Wait until the next day, the news from Tuva was reported in the newspapers, and an additional autonomous region appeared in the country.

   This kind of thing is naturally celebrated by the whole country.

  In fact, in the Kanas area on the border, there are also a small number of Tuva people, only a few thousand people, who migrated from Tuva in the past.

   This is all right, this nation has grown a lot at once, with a population of nearly 300,000.

   However, Liu Qingshan's name did not appear in the media.

   This is also the result of discussions between Liu Qingshan and his superiors. Some things are not suitable to be shown in the open.

  Just resting in the capital for a few days, Liu Qingshan had to get busy again.

  The cartoon Kung Fu Panda has completed the post-production and is ready to be released.

  This time, the global simultaneous premiere will be held. In the domestic part, the voice actors are also very strong, and many stars are invited to participate. This is the first time in China.

  The dubbing of the English version was also produced by Columbia Pictures, and the big names in Hollywood were also invited to dub.

   It just so happens that it is the summer vacation, so it is more suitable for release during this period.

   So Liu Qingshan made some preparations, took his family, and flew to the United States again.

   Along with them, there is also the production team of Dashuxia Company, led by Gao Lingfeng.

  At the beginning of August, the plane taken by Liu Qingshan and his party landed at Los Angeles Airport.

  Because it is near the sea, although it is midsummer, the climate is not so hot. When you get off the plane, you can feel the sea breeze blowing, which is refreshing.

  Liu Qingshan held the little Lulu in his arms, and the little guy also stared at a pair of **** eyes, looking around curiously.

   I guess I was wondering when I saw so many foreigners around me.

  Both the fourth child and the sixth child wear skirts. They often go abroad and are used to it.

  Lao Wu was wearing a sportswear, looking around, and soon found Qian Yuzhen and Hong Yunsheng in the crowd.

  Smile bloomed on Shan Xing's face, beckoned, and ran up.

  Seeing her daughter, Qian Yuzhen went up to meet her excitedly, and hugged Shan Xing in her arms, only to find out that her daughter was already taller than her now.

  At first, I wanted to reprimand my daughter for not going to such a dangerous and backward place as Lilan, but the words came to my lips, but I couldn't say them any more.

  My daughter has grown up and has her own choices.

  In the welcome team, there are also Liu Qingshan's second sister Liu Yinfeng, Xiao Li and others.

  Liu Yinfeng was still wearing a well-fitting cheongsam, in the crowd, like a blooming peony, so dazzling.

   "Second sister!" The youngest and fourth rushed forward.

   There was also Xiao Liuzi, who also went up with a smile, and grabbed Liu Yinfeng's arm: "Second sister is so beautiful."

  Liu Yinfeng patted the head of the little six, and then looked at the shoulders of the little four: "You are all grown-up girls!"

  Liu Qingshan's family of three also greeted her, Liu Yinfeng clapped her hands lightly, and then opened her arms to Xiao Lulu: "Lu Lu, do you recognize Second Aunt, ask Aunt to give you a hug."

  Xiao Lulu really doesn't know Ergu, but the little girl is never unfamiliar with people, so she cheerfully raised her little arms and was hugged by Liu Yinfeng.

  Bitting his small face, Xiao Lulu started giggling, making Liu Yinfeng feel tenderness in his heart.

   "Hehe, Second Sister, I like children so much." Liu Qingshan said, obviously implying something.

   Then Liu Yinfeng gave him a blank look, and he stopped talking.

   "Oh, Mr. Governor from Tuva, welcome to Los Angeles."

  Xiao Li saw that Liu Qingshan had greeted his family, so he stepped forward to hug Liu Qingshan.

  In the United States, there are really some people who are so idle that they buy a small island or something with their own money, and become kings on their own.

  However, someone like Liu Qingshan possessed such a large area of ​​territory at once, but he has never had it before. Xiao Li is envious of it.

  If it were him, he would have been the king of Tuva long ago.

  Liu Qingshan patted him on the shoulder: "Li, you still need to work hard."

  Xiao Li shrugged his shoulders. He knew that no matter how hard he tried, he could not surpass the mountain of Mountain.

   "Mr. Mountain, I'm so glad to see you, can I interview you?" A voice came from the side, which was naturally a reporter everywhere in Los Angeles.

  Liu Qingshan nodded towards the reporter. Since he was here to promote the movie, he certainly didn't mind increasing the exposure, so he took it as a promotion, although Columbia Pictures had already started promoting it.

  The reporter looked younger, and he handed over the microphone with excitement on his face: "Mr. Mountain, are you here for vacation, or do you have other business trips?"

   "Kung Fu Panda, our new movie will be released soon." Liu Qingshan was a little nervous looking at the young reporter, so he didn't talk about it.

  Unexpectedly, the reporter skipped the question directly: "Mr. Mountain, I heard that you bought Tuva in the Russian Federation. Can you introduce it in detail?"

  This reporter is not professional at all, Liu Qingshan secretly shook his head, and then saw several reporters approaching him, all of them greeted him with smiles.

  When the reporters opened their mouths, they always asked about the situation in Tuva first. It seems that this matter is really eye-catching.

   "Oh, Mountain, it's really you, it's so good!"

   Accompanied by a gust of fragrant wind, a familiar figure appeared in front of Liu Qingshan. It was Linda, a female reporter from Columbia TV.

  Anyway, they are also old friends. Liu Qingshan and Linda shook hands, joking:

   "Miss Linda, you are really clever, you know I'm coming to Los Angeles, don't you?"

  Linda smiled like a flower: "Mr. Mountain, you are the real magician. Every investment is extremely accurate."

  Liu Qingshan nodded: "Linda, as a friend, you can give me your pocket money to help you take care of it."

"No, no, Mr. Mountain, I don't dare to work hard. I just got the latest news. You have been listed on the Forbes rich list, and you have been ranked in the top ten billionaires. Congratulations, the new billionaire Mister Rich!"

  The Forbes Rich List is published by the magazine of the same name, starting in 1982, and it has been ten years now.

  Although this list has not been established for a long time, it has attracted much attention. Its status in the world is unquestionable, and it is more talked about by the public. Every person on the list is the envy of the public.

   During the year, every quarter, Forbes magazine will publish the changes of the rich list.

  Hearing the news from Linda, Liu Qingshan was also taken aback: He is really not interested in this list.

  When the other reporters heard this, they also became excited and began to inquire.

  Linda smiled and joked with Liu Qingshan: "Mr. Mountain, guess where you are ranked?"

  Liu Qingshan shook his head: "I think, maybe Forbes magazine made a mistake and filled in a few extra zeros for my assets."

  The reporters couldn't help but smile. The Forbes rankings have always been known for their objectivity and fairness. How could they make such a low-level mistake.

  Linda simply announced the answer directly. Among them, there are the Sudanese **** of Brunei, Walton, the founder of Wal-Mart, the DuPont family, the queen of Great Britain, and various oil tycoons in the Middle East, etc.

   That's right, in 1993, people like Gates and Buffett didn't make it into the top ten.

  Currently, the top ten richest people in the world are still dominated by established families. The rich people created by emerging technologies have not yet replaced these traditional rich people.

   But it's too soon. In two years, Gates will be the richest man in the world, and the old bus will also rise strongly.

  As for the assets, just like the Sultan, it is currently more than 30 billion U.S. dollars; the Queen's assets are just over 10 billion.

   After Linda’s introduction, everyone’s eyes focused on Liu Qingshan. The face in front of him was so young. He was already in the top ten of the rich list before he was thirty, which is really enviable.

Linda looked at Liu Qingshan with a smile: "Mr. Mountain, according to the latest Forbes statistics, you rank third on the rich list with a total asset of 14.5 billion US dollars, second only to Mr. **** and Mr. Walton. Congratulations, Mountain!"

  Liu Qingshan blinked: "Why do I feel like I don't have that much money?"

  (end of this chapter)