MTL - Hello 1983-Chapter 1160 Impossible, absolutely impossible!

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  Chapter 1160 Impossible, absolutely impossible!

  According to the original plan, this medical seminar on the theme of cancer treatment will be held in the conference room of Zhonghua Hospital, and the scale is not large.

   Didn't spread the hero posts widely, but just pushed this news in the medical section of the Earth Network.

  The result was quite unexpected. In a few days, more than 500 people called to sign up for the seminar.

   And they are not ordinary people, they are basically authorities in the medical field in various countries.

   Either experienced clinical experts, or researchers with profound theories, many of whom are former Nobel Prize winners in medicine.

   "Qingshan, things seem to be getting bigger, so many people, how can we welcome them?" Wang Zhenguo's brow was sweating, he couldn't handle such a big scene.

  If it’s okay in China, you can ask the government to help you out, but in a foreign country with no relatives, who can you ask for help?

  Liu Qingshan was very happy: "Brother, this can prove that our Chinese medicine has received more and more attention from countries and colleagues. This is a good thing."

   "As for entertaining, you don't have to worry about it. They will make arrangements for you to book a big hotel, eat, drink, lodging, and even meetings."

  Wang Zhenguo couldn't help showing joy when he heard it, and then put on a bitter face: "There are hundreds of people, how much will it cost for people to eat horse chews?"

   "Don't worry, Wang, Liu is now the richest man in the world." Xiao Li slipped by.

  Liu Qingshan glanced at him: "It's just right, I entrust this matter to you, and you are solely responsible for the reception work."

  Xiao Li still wanted to talk about the conditions, so he heard Liu Qingshan muttering: "I heard that Master has researched a good prescription for nourishing the kidney."

   "I'll go, I'll do it right away." Xiao Li immediately went to work happily.

  Liu Qingshan was also very concerned about this seminar, contributing money and efforts, following the busy schedule, and basically ran to the airport every day to pick up people.

  In Xiao Li's words: the world's richest man, suddenly became a driver.

  When Liu Qingshan appeared at the airport again, this time he was directly allowed to drive the vehicle through the special passage.

  In the convoy, there was also Liu Yinfeng, who was also anxiously looking at the sky, waiting for the plane to land.

   There is also Little Six, who also looks excited, muttering from time to time: "The flight seems to be delayed."

  Finally, the plane they were waiting for landed, and the group walked down the gangway, and the one who ran in the front was the doll-like little Princess Sofia.

   "Six, here I come!"

  Sofia waved her little hand excitedly. Seeing that, she wished she could jump off the ladder.

  Little Six also galloped forward, and the two little friends hugged each other tightly and spun around vigorously.

  Liu Yinfeng also stepped forward quickly, and embraced affectionately with her old friend Grace. Both of them were so excited that tears glistened in their eyes.

  Grace at this moment is no longer the Cinderella she was when she was Liu Qingshan's assistant, but looks graceful and luxurious, giving Liu Qingshan the feeling that she is a bit like a princess in Roman Holiday.

  She came with the Royal Academy of Medicine, firstly, to revisit the old place, and secondly, mainly to support her.

  Liu Qingshan also leaned over, ready to shake hands, but Grace raised her palm and looked at Liu Qingshan with a smile, with a hint of naughtiness in her eyes.

  Liu Qingshan can only learn to give a hand kiss: "Your Highness, you didn't put mustard on your hand, did you?"

  Grace rolled her eyes, and she gave Liu Qingshan a little white: "I don't know if I can continue to be the assistant to Mr. Richest Man?"

  Grace's mood at the moment is also a bit complicated. She was indeed more optimistic about Liu Qingshan's development back then.

   But what I didn't expect was that he developed so rapidly. In just a few years, he has already become the richest man in the world.

  If she is not a princess, maybe she will really follow Liu Qingshan all the time and witness this great miracle.

  Liu Qingshan shook hands with the guests of the Royal Academy of Medicine one by one, led by Dr. Davis, who has a prominent name and has always been a member of the Nobel Prize Committee.

  This plane is flying from London, so there are also representatives from the British Medical School.

   There is also Liu Qingshan's old friend, Earl Martin, and several nobles.

  Martin, the little old man, is still in good spirits. After hugging Liu Qingshan, he patted Liu Qingshan's shoulder affectionately: "Mr. Mountain, you care too little about your team."

  Liu Qingshan has been a bit busy for the past two years, so he has no time to go to Great Britain. Anyway, the team is running well, so he doesn't have to worry about it.

   And with the Champions League in full swing, there are huge benefits on all fronts.

   For the advocate of this league, Mr. Mountain, of course, everyone still admires him.

  Especially with Liu Qingshan spending a lot of money, the two lineups of the Magpies performed very well in the league and the Champions League.

   As a result, the value of the team has also increased greatly, and many people are eyeing the Magpies.

  Earl Martin was entrusted by someone this time, and made a special trip to find Liu Qingshan to discuss the purchase of the team.

   Exchanged a few words with Earl Martin, and Liu Qingshan shook hands with the representatives of the medical association. He can also be regarded as a half-master of the seminar organized by Master.

  The representatives also smiled and were very polite. Of course they knew who the person in front of them was.

  Professor John, who led the team, thanked Liu Qingshan excitedly:

   "Mr. Mountain, we went to Huaxia to visit Mr. Hawking a few months ago. He recovered very well. This is simply a miracle. Please allow me to pay tribute to the ancient Chinese medicine!"

  The king of the universe has been receiving treatment for three years, and it was Liu Qingshan who helped contact him at the beginning.

  Liu Qingshan smiled: "It's really good news. This is the essence of medicine. Both Chinese medicine and Western medicine are for curing diseases and saving lives."

   So the group was taken to the hotel first and settled down.

  Liu Qingshan happened to see Xiao Li talking and laughing with a middle-aged man in the lobby of the hotel.

  Looking at the middle-aged man, Liu Qingshan became more and more familiar: Isn’t this Trump?

   "Liu, let's get acquainted." Xiao Li introduced to both parties with a smile. Trump is also a famous playboy.

  Liu Qingshan didn't have a good impression of this person, so he prepared to get away with a few perfunctory sentences.

  In the end, he was politely stopped by the other party: "Mr. Mountain, do you have time to talk?"

  Looking at Xiao Li's face, Liu Qingshan couldn't refuse directly, but after talking about it, this guy actually wanted to ask Liu Qingshan for financing. To put it bluntly, he just wanted to borrow money.

  Liu Qingshan just remembered that in the past few years, Trump has been miserable, his assets have shrunk by two-thirds, and he owes a whole lot of debt to the bank.

  The bank gave him a rule: no more than ten dollars for lunch.

  Liu Qingshan didn’t have any cash on hand, even if he had it, he wouldn’t give it to him.

  Just verbally encouraged the other party, and finally patted the other party's shoulder: "As long as a person has a dream, it is possible to realize it. Who knows if you will become the president of this country in the future?"

   "This is exactly my dream, and I will definitely work hard for it!" Trump was also fooled into his blood.

   "I wish you success." After Liu Qingshan dropped this sentence, he hurried away.

  Of course he hopes that this can be the president. An incompetent president must be good news for other countries.

   After being busy for more than a week, this medical seminar was finally held in the conference room of the hotel.

  The venue with nearly a thousand people is already full.

  In addition to more than 500 people from the medical field present, there were also representatives of doctors from Huaxia Hospital and representatives of patients who were invited.

  There is only one speaking seat on the podium, and there is no rostrum and leadership speeches like domestic meetings.

  As the initiator, of course the dumb grandfather spoke first. He led the translator, Little Six, with one hand, and followed Liu Qingshan on the other.

  After taking the stage, the dumb grandfather clasped his fists in accordance with the traditional Chinese etiquette and won a round of warm applause from the audience.

  Not to mention the halo of the Nobel Prize winner on the dumb grandfather, even the achievements and contributions he has made in the field of medicine over the years are worthy of this kind of treatment.

  Whether it is in the field of AIDS treatment or in the field of diabetes treatment, it is unique in the world.

   Really think that medical associations and medical organizations in various countries have nothing to do when they are full and have nothing to do, so they come all the way to join in the fun?

  It’s not attractive at all. If you invite people, they may not come.

  Standing behind the speaking seat, the dumb grandpa nodded and gestured with his hands, and the little six acted as interpreters for grandpa:

   "My colleagues, ladies and gentlemen, good morning, welcome to come, let us gather here and contribute to the cause of human health..."

  After some politeness, the dumb grandpa got to the point: "The focus of our seminar is the exploration of cancer. I hope everyone can speak freely and overcome this stubborn disease as soon as possible."

  Since it is a symposium, of course, many researchers and medical institutions have submitted requests to speak, mainly about some progress made in medical practice.

  This is not bad, a hundred flowers bloom.

  However, there are also some hidden worries: there will inevitably be some competition between each other.

  The first one to speak on stage was naturally Wang Zhenguo. He had been preparing for this moment for a long time.

  The speech drafts were revised repeatedly with the dumb grandfather, striving for perfection.

  Wang Zhenguo first dialectically analyzed the mechanism of cancer from the theory of traditional Chinese medicine.

  Traditional Chinese medicine believes that cancer is caused by the excess of righteousness and evil in the body, and the imbalance of yin and yang, which leads to the occurrence of cancer. In fact, it is also the cause of all diseases.

  So during the treatment, it is necessary to strengthen the body and eliminate the evil, so that the spirit and body can reach a balance of yin and yang, and the disease will disappear on its own.

  As a result, Wang Zhenguo couldn't continue speaking just after he started talking, and he raised hundreds of hands.

  Wang Zhenguo had never seen such a scene before, and immediately froze on stage, not knowing what to do.

  Continue to talk, definitely not, those foreigners are all excited, and no one will listen.

  But this speech is very important to him and even the whole Chinese medicine.

   Still Liu Qingshan has rich experience, and hurried to the stage to save the scene: "Gentlemen, there must be a lot of doubts. This is a good thing. The more the truth is debated, the clearer it is."

   "However, everyone can write down the question, and we will discuss it together after Senior Brother Wang has finished speaking."

  Liu Qingshan’s words are of course useful. Those participants put down their hands one after another, but they all held small notebooks and recorded something in it.

  Wang Zhenguo was able to continue his speech. The episode just now affected his state a little bit, and the rest of his speech did not unfold, which seemed like a mechanical reading of the manuscript.

  But the colleagues below listened very seriously, because they had too many puzzles and doubts in their hearts, and wanted to have a good argument.

  After Wang Zhenguo finished speaking, the audience politely clapped their hands a few times, then swished, and raised their arms in unison.

  Looking at this posture, Wang Zhenguo felt a little guilty, and his forehead started to sweat.

   Liu Qingshan hastily stepped onto the stage, he is almost becoming the host now.

  He first chose Dr. Davis from the Royal Academy of Medicine in Stockholm. It is estimated that these people have similar ideas, because the principles of Chinese medicine are fundamentally different from those of Western medicine. There are completely two paths, so why not wonder?

  Dr. Davis took the microphone, got up and said: "Our research on cancer is based on cytology, so the treatment also starts from this."

   "This is the general perception of the international mainstream medical community, but what you just said does not seem to be the case, so I am very puzzled."

  The audience around nodded in unison, and it is estimated that their biggest doubts also came from this.

  No matter which subject, the theoretical basis is very important, because it plays a decisive role.

  Wang Zhenguo is still capable, and he is also calm at the moment, and explained the theoretical basis of Chinese medicine.

   As a result, it goes without saying that these foreigners naturally become more and more confused the more they listen to what is good and evil, Yin and Yang.

  Liu Qingshan is also a little helpless. It is impossible to knead the two systems with completely different theories.

  Even if we talk about it for three days and three nights, these foreigners are still foolish gods in the temple.

  The best way is to speak with facts.

  So he discussed a few words with Wang Zhenguo, and then the little six took the hand of little Tom and went on stage together.

   "Wait, there's me." Sophia also joined in the fun, holding Xiao Liuzi's other hand.

  The tense atmosphere in the audience has finally eased, and everyone will always be a little more tolerant towards human cubs.

  Little Six is ​​not stage fright at all. She first introduced Little Tom and Sophia, and then Little Six fiddled with the projector for a while, projecting Little Tom's case on it.

   There were murmurs of exclamation in the venue. No one could have imagined that this energetic little boy turned out to be a leukemia patient.

   "Let's read another report, this is Tom's inspection report last month." The little six put up another report and read them one by one.

  All the people present here are experts, and their eyes are like torches, and the exclamation in the venue immediately rang out.

  Little Six grinned: "Tom received traditional Chinese medicine treatment last year, and it lasted for a year. He is now fine."

   "We didn't use radiotherapy and chemotherapy to kill cancer cells, but just helped him strengthen his body, enhance his body function, and improve his resistance."

   "At the same time, use drugs to eliminate the evil spirit in his body. You don't understand this, so let's understand it as inhibiting cancer cells."

"Under the action of this kind of drug, Tom's own body functions returned to normal. You can understand it this way. It turns out that his resistance is too weak to beat the cancer cells; now that Tom has become stronger, he can defeat the opponent. It's actually that simple. .”

  Little Tom was also very cooperative. After the little six finished speaking, he raised his fist and put on a fighting posture.

  The medical elites below were dumbfounded: Is it really as simple as you said? Impossible, absolutely impossible!

  (end of this chapter)