MTL - Help! The General’s Gone Mad With Pampering Me-Chapter 13 fall into thinking

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  Chapter 13 Thinking

  Xiaoshuang had been guarding the door just now, and didn't see anyone coming in at all.

   After entering the house, it is enough to be surprised to see someone inside, let alone a big man standing inside.

  Shen Li hurried forward to stop Xiaoshuang before she could make a louder noise.

  She frantically covered Xiaoshuang's mouth.

   "Shhhhh, don't talk."

  Xiaoshuang couldn't make a sound "woo woo woo", and only looked at Shen Li in horror.

  Shen Li looked at her.

   "Don't bark, understand?"

   After Xiaoshuang nodded, Shen Li finally let go of her.

  Xiaoshuang was still in a dazed state, her eyes unconsciously glanced at Si Yan, and her voice trembled when she spoke.

   "Miss, he... who is he?"

   Dressed in black and wearing a half mask, it looks so scary!

  Shen Li coughed softly, but really couldn't make up any decent reason, so she only spoke vaguely.

   "I got lost just now, he sent me back, and I'm leaving soon."

   After finishing speaking, Shen Li winked at Si Yan.


  Shen Li hoped that Si Yan would leave quickly, so as to fulfill her lie.

  Since she came here, although she has not behaved like a lady, she is within the controllable range.

  She didn't intend to have anything to do with this unknown man.

  Fortunately, Si Yan is a wink, he glanced at Shen Li calmly, then opened the back window and jumped out, disappearing in an instant.

  Shen Li: …

  She didn't let him go like this.


  On the way back, Shen Li leaned on the carriage exhausted, and began to review everything that happened today.

  The appearance of the man just now was purely accidental, and it is estimated that he will never see him again in the future, so it is not within the scope of consideration.

  As for Jin Changqing, she said that today, but any man with self-respect should not bother her anymore. As for who he wants to marry, it has nothing to do with her.

   Today’s incident, although the purpose of clarifying the rumors has been achieved, but what about in the future.

  After seeing those big ladies today, Shen Li somewhat understood why Zhong Ning didn't come to such an occasion.

  The big families in the capital can gain a firm foothold here, one depends on people, and the other depends on money, and their Earl's Mansion, with few people and thin money, does not occupy either, so it is destined to have no place.

  During the half-dream and half-awake state, Shen Li suddenly remembered the words of Master Jingyuan.

"They come, the security."

  Now that you have come, you must face everything calmly, without rush or rashness.

  If you are frank, there is no need to be obsessed with the background and identity of the past.

   Then she has no reason to follow the path of the original owner, to be a low-browed and pleasing young lady, to take care of her husband and children, and to serve her parents-in-law.

   Can you find another way!

  Thinking about it this way, Shen Li instantly regained his energy.

  But she had to go back and talk to Zhong Ning first.


  After returning to the Earl's Mansion, Shen Li looked at Xiaoshuang who was hesitant to speak, and instructed.

   "After you go back, you must not mention that man today to your wife, do you understand?"

  Xiaoshuang's face was half shocked, half terrified.

   "But miss... how do you know someone like that."

   Doesn't look like a good person!

  Shen Li resisted the uneasiness of conscience, explained without blushing and heartbeat, and brainwashed Xiaoshuang by the way.

   "I don't know him, I met him on the road today, do you understand?

   You see Madam is so timid, you will only worry her if you say it, so don't tell her. "

  Xiaoshuang: Why can't I understand Miss more and more.

  (end of this chapter)