MTL - Her Majesty’s Modern Harem-~ Works related (12)

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If President Su can accompany me to drink a glass of wine tonight, no matter how difficult it is, I, Gao Daming, still have a little ability to help out. "


Chu Xian just wanted to argue, but was stopped by Su Junli. She said coldly: "Since ancient times, it has been a matter of course to repay debts. No matter how difficult it is for me, Su Junli, I will never default on your debts." For the payment, after three days, Manager Gao will come over."

"Haha, okay, okay, President Su, you are really getting happier!"

Although his wretched heart failed, Gao Daming, who got the debt repayment promise, squeezed his small eel eyes into a slit with a fat face, stood up and wanted to shake hands with Su Junli.

Su Junli didn't even look at him, didn't raise his eyelids, and said directly, "Chu Xian, see off the guests!"

Gao Daming withdrew his outstretched hands in embarrassment, picked up his briefcase and left. When he walked out of the door of the president's office, he suddenly felt a pain in his calf, as if he had been hit by something, and it went limp with a thud. , knelt on the ground, bumped his head against the elevator door, and at this time, the elevator door just opened, he was missing something to stop him, so he limp between the elevator doors, and was caught in the elevator that was about to close, making him cry and cry. Get away, but the pants sadly pinch the crotch...

Su Junli flicked the small ball of paper in her hand, and just wanted to discuss the issue of funds with Chu Xian, but she kept receiving calls urging to pay the original payment, calling in one after another, like a debt collector .

Chu Xian simply unplugged the phone cord at last, and the roots of his ears became clearer.

"The wages paid to the employees, the repayments from the bank, and these debts, how much do we owe them in total?" Su Junli asked, rubbing her sore brows.

"A total of about two billion yuan." Chu Xian said with a sad face, "and our company's total assets have now shrunk to less than five billion yuan."

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[050] Not all cold

Update time: 2013-1-11 21:20:54 Number of words in this chapter: 5113


Su Junli sat on the bed, holding the **** jade in her hand.

Mo Yu's warm and cool breath permeated from her bosom, but it couldn't clear up the irritability in her heart.

Two billion, where should I grab it?

Do you want to sell this black jade that you can meet but can't ask for?

Even if it is sold, it will only be worth 100 million yuan at most, which is far from the 2 billion yuan.

Before, she didn't have any idea about the amount of money. Passer-by A promised to pay her two billion back that day, and she didn't feel much about it. She didn't know how much the money was.

Now, at last, she had a sense of the number.

Passerby A deliberately avoided her. It is impossible for her to find him for money now, let alone with so much money, she does not believe that Passerby A will really fulfill his promise.

Lan Xin called, "Jun Li, my dad has already bought that gold-threaded red jadeite for 150 million, he asked me to give you the money, you should stay home, I'll go find you now. "

"This money belongs to you, how can I ask for it?" Su Junli said emotionally.

"Junli, I already know that your company is currently suffering from various debt collections and is in difficulty. We don't need this money for the time being. You need to use it urgently first, so there is no need to be polite." Lan Xin sincerely said road.

Su Junli looked at Mo Yu, her heart suddenly moved, and she had an idea.

Didn't Papa Lan say that before?

Gambling with rocks can be a knife to heaven or a knife to hell. It is the most profitable industry and the easiest to go bankrupt. If you have a discerning eye and can buy back those woolen materials with emeralds, you must make a lot of money.

I saw those few pieces of wool at Lan Xin's house that day. Although I didn't understand anything, I could feel the unique temperature and breath of jadeite in my palm. There is a thin layer of fluorescent light covering the wool, and it can be known that there is a good emerald inside.

According to Papa Lan, there is no advanced tool to detect whether there is jade in the stone. It can only be judged by experience and feeling. The gambling is very important. Even the famous stone gambling king often misses it. Eyes, it's a bet.

That day at Lan's house, I was able to accurately see the two pieces of wool with emeralds hidden. Is it a coincidence, or is it because I have some special talent?

But no matter what, this stone gambling should be a good way for her to solve her financial problems quickly.

"Lan Xin, you don't need to come. I'll go directly to your house. I have something to discuss with Uncle Lan." Su Junli said to Lan Xin after making up her mind.

"Okay, we'll wait for you."

After hanging up Lan Xin's phone, Su Junli woke up, combed her hair, put on her clothes, and was just about to go out when grandma knocked on the door and came in.

"Junli, this is the savings of the mother, not much, only one million, you can use it to pay those employees, and also, these are some jewelry collected by grandma, you can pick them up at the pawnshop in Antique Street to auction , should be exchanged for about one million yuan."

Grandma handed her a bank card and a rosewood jewelry box, her eyes full of love and worry.

Su Junli's eyes became hot, as if her throat was choked, she pushed the thing back into her hands: "Grandma, don't worry, I will take care of it. These are all your life savings, I can't be so unfilial."

"Money is something external to you. If you lose it, it will be gone. Grandma doesn't want to see you getting into trouble with the company's affairs. This is not something you can bear. At your age, you should play happily like other girls. Love happily instead of taking on such a big responsibility. Grandma is incompetent and can't help you, so there are only these things left, you can't be polite to grandma." Grandma touched her face and said.

Su Junli knew that grandma would be upset if she tried to evade it next time, so she nodded and put the things away.

As for whether she will use the coffin book, it depends on whether gambling with stones can bring her a better chance.

Seeing that she was willing to accept the money and jewelry, grandma was slightly relieved.

"Grandma, I have something to go to Lan Xin's house, you should go to bed early." Su Junli hugged her slightly thin shoulders and said.

"Okay, grandma won't bother you anymore. If you have anything to do, you must tell grandma." Grandma nodded and left with a cane.

Su Junli passed the living room and saw Su Junru there.

Su Junru didn't dress up in a strange shape this time, but was wearing a very homely white T-shirt. Her hair that had been dyed into a mess was also combed smoothly, and her plain face looked much more pleasing to the eye, and she also had a similarity with herself. Somewhat similar, after all, they are sisters of the same father.

"Su Junli!"

When Su Junru saw her, she stood up and called out.


Su Junli responded slightly.

"How's the company going?" Su Junru asked.


"I've also heard that the company's funds are very difficult, and now the debts are being collected by all parties..." Su Junru looked at Su Junli with a bit of worry in his eyes.

"Then do you regret not selling the shares to Lei's?" Su Junli asked in a slightly cold tone.

"I, Su Junru, never regret anything I do. I just think that I am also a member of the Su family, a shareholder of the Su Group, and have the responsibility to share Su's worries. These are my small savings and borrowed from friends. Some money, not much, but I did my best." Su Junru handed a card to her.

This surprised Su Junli. She didn't pick it up, but looked at Su Junru, "You should also know that the Su family is almost facing bankruptcy now. If you give me the money, I may not have a chance to pay you back."

"Hehe, I, Su Junru, don't care about the money." Su Junru smiled calmly, "Without money, the worst thing is to go to nightclubs to dance pole dancing, at least I can support myself."

"Pole dance? What kind of dance is that?" Su Junli asked suspiciously.

"Tsk tsk, Su Junli, you really know how to pretend, don't tell my old lady that you don't know what pole dancing is." Su Junru taunted, while stuffing the card on Su Junli's hand, and then Turn around and leave.

Holding the bank card with Su Junru's temperature in her hand, Su Junli's heart ignited a little warmth.

"This is mine, take it!"

Su Junhao came out of nowhere, with a cold expression on her face, and she handed a card to her in a blunt tone, "I bought my car, plus my savings, the total is only three million."

Su Junhao was like this, Su Junli was really surprised.

She originally thought that her younger sister would hate her very much, but unexpectedly, when she was in crisis, she was still willing to come out to help.

"Don't look at me like this, I'm not helping you, I'm just helping Su." Su Junhao coldly put the card on the table next to him, and turned to leave, his back was proud and stubborn.

Su Junli smiled, it seems that this Su family is not very chilling.

Su Junli came to Lan's house.

As soon as Lan Xin saw her, she hugged her and shouted heartbrokenly, "Look at you, your brows are almost wrinkled, you were aging prematurely and being an old woman."

"You are an old woman."

Su Junli gave her a blank look.

"Jun Li, you haven't eaten well these days, right? Auntie has made some good soup today, drink it quickly to restore your energy." Mama Lan said lovingly, holding her hand.

"Thank you, Auntie. I'll discuss something with Uncle Lan before we drink." Su Junli said politely.

"Old Lan, why are you still dawdling up there? Jun Li is here, come down quickly." Mother Lan yelled upstairs.

Papa Lan came down in a hurry.

"Uncle Lan, I want to gamble with stones, can you take me to a place where I can gamble with stones immediately?" Su Junli asked straight to the point when she saw Papa Lan.

Papa Lan was startled, looked at her and asked, "Jun Li, you want to gamble with stones? Don't do it, the risk of betting with stones is too great, I'm afraid you will end up like me."

"Jun Li is lucky, so she won't be like you." Mother Lan interjected, "However, Jun Li, Auntie also advises you not to touch gambling stones. This kind of luck cannot always happen. And your company is in such a situation now, you can’t afford to be hurt.”

"Now the company is heavily in debt, and we have to pay off the two billion debts in just three days, otherwise the Su family is really done for, and I really have no other way out, so I can only try my luck with stone gambling. I know you are doing it for me Okay, but I've decided, so you don't need to persuade me." Su Junli said stubbornly.

"Two billion?" Lan Xin gasped, "Even if you're lucky, it's impossible to bet so much jadeite and make so much money."

"If you can gamble more than a dozen old pit glass seeds, the two billion should not be a problem." Su Junli said.

"God, dead woman, do you think gambling on stones is as simple as buying vegetables in the market? Some people spend their entire lives, but they can't gamble on a piece of good jadeite, let alone a dozen pieces of old pit glass. If you can really gamble, you are a miracle." Lan Xin shouted.

Lan's father and Lan's mother also shook their heads slightly, thinking that what Su Junli said was a bit ridiculous.

-----Off Topic-----

Raise your hand to support our family, Jun Li, to gamble on stone's children's shoes...

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[051] The hairpin of the night?

Update time: 2013-1-11 21:20:55 Number of words in this chapter: 3897


At Su Junli's insistence, Papa Lan agreed to take her to gamble with stones to try her luck.

Due to time constraints, there is no way to go to Myanmar for the time being, and according to his friend's revelations, Boss Huang from Yushi Street in Shawan, Modu, has brought in a batch of raw materials, a large amount, and many stone gambling enthusiasts They all went to try their luck.

Lan Xin insisted on going with her, on the surface she said she wanted to join in the fun, but in fact she was worried that Su Junli would lose her bet and develop psychological problems, so she wanted to be with her and watch her all the time to avoid any troubles.

In order to keep her capital, so as not to gamble like crazy and forget everything, Su Junli refused the 150 million credit card that Papa Lan gave her in exchange for gold silk and red jade, but only took her grandmother, Su Junru, and Su Junhao to give her money.

When I came to Shawan Yushi Street, I found that it was unexpectedly lively, with people coming and going. There are antique shops on both sides of the street. Most of the people in the shops are wearing traditional big mandarin jackets or cheongsams, which makes people feel that time is staggered. a feeling of.

In some open spaces in front of the shop, there were also many people setting up street stalls, most of whom bought some inferior imitations to deceive some ignorant people.

Of course, there are also some people with excellent eyesight and profound attainments who pick up the real goods from these humble stalls, and their prices soar. However, these opportunities are generally met but not sought after, and they are not discovered by ordinary people.

Su Junli, who has lived in the palace since she was a child, is naturally good at antique calligraphy and painting. However, her current goal is to gamble with stones, so she didn't stop too much, just glanced at it when passing by just go.

When her eyes fell on a burlap bag containing some broken copper and iron, her eyes froze, and she felt that the blood in her whole body was about to freeze.

She quickly walked to the sack in two steps—

The owner of the sack was a man in his thirties, dressed as a simple and honest peasant, his face was tanned, when he saw her coming, he parted his slightly thick lips and shouted flatteringly: " Miss, do you want to pick a few? These are all dug out from the ground by my father, there may be good things."

"Cut—" a shrewd and cunning stall owner in his fifties with triangular eyes laughed disdainfully next to him, "Brother Big Dog, it's just you who want to stick some scraps with you. Mud, can it be filled with unearthed artifacts? It’s so funny, miss, don’t be fooled by him.”

Su Junli ignored them, but lowered her head and took out a hairpin from the sack that was so rusty that the original color could not be seen clearly. A piglet was hollowed out on it, and the carving technique was very rough.

"Woman, what are you doing with this? It's so dirty, and the carving skills are so bad, I don't know where it came from fake and shoddy products." Lan Xin saw that she was holding such a branch that was still dirty with dirt, and the carving skills were rough. Fachai, who looked extremely bad, couldn't help but screamed.

"Junli, these stalls are usually scams, let's go, Boss Huang's is about to open, so we can go there to take the first chance." Papa Lan also urged.

But they didn't see that Su Junli's originally calm and calm eyes were covered with a thin layer of mist with excitement, and the fingers holding the hairpin trembled slightly.

She knelt down and looked through the other scraps of metal in the sack, but she saw nothing else that could excite her.

"How to buy this thing?"

She slightly suppressed her excitement, and asked in a flat tone.

If it were another old and cunning businessman, it would be natural to see her special emotion for this hairpin, and she would definitely raise the price.

This stall owner named Big Dog is just like his appearance, he is honest and honest from the inside to the outside. Seeing Su Junli, who is well-dressed, beautiful and noble, holding that dilapidated hairpin in his hand, he feels guilty. Embarrassed, he scratched his head and said in a low voice: "My father said, at least 10,000 yuan should be bought..."

"Isn't it? Are you deliberately trying to cheat people? It's just such a piece of shit, and you actually want 10,000 yuan for each piece? You think we are being taken advantage of, and you are called a big dog. You can't be like this." Bottom line..."

Lan Xin chattered and cursed.

The big dog's simple and honest black face was flushed red, and he buried his head low, as if he was really a tyrant.

The stall owner next to him yelled again: "Oh, girl, come and have a look at me, these are fine products, I will tell you quietly, many of my things here are poured out by others, look at you For the sake of being beautiful and lovely, I will give you the most suitable price."

Su Junli ignored him, but said to the big dog: "Okay, I want all the things in your bag, and you can figure out how much it is."

"One...ten thousand yuan each, want them all..." The big dog was frightened, he really didn't have any confidence in his own pile of things, but his helpless father forced him to sell them He simply didn't believe that these things, which were not much better than broken copper and iron, could sell for 10,000 yuan each.

He has been squatting here for almost half a month. Usually, people don't even glance at it, but when Su Junli said that he would buy them all, he wondered if he was dreaming.

He twisted his thigh hard, um, it hurts, it's not a dream, he hastily and excitedly counted the number of those items, and then very interestingly, said in a low voice: "There are twenty-five items in total."

"Okay, I want it all." Su Junli said without blinking.

The big dog opened its mouth wide and couldn't close it for a long time, always feeling unreal.

"Damn woman, are you crazy, you want to spend 250,000 yuan to buy these scraps of metal? You're in a hurry for money now." Lan called anxiously.

Su Junli stroked the back of Lan Xin's hand, smiled faintly, and signaled her to be calm and calm.

Seeing her like this, Lan Xin shut up, but she really couldn't figure out why Su Junli would buy these things, are they really antiques?

Su Junli held the broken hairpin tightly with one hand, as if she would lose it if she let go.

"Lan Xin, pay for me." Su Junli looked at Lan Xin and said.

Because Boss Huang has a rule for betting on stones here, which is to use cash to trade, Su Junli also took out the one million grandma gave her, and Su Junru's one million and Su Junhao's three million in cash. And Lan Xin is responsible for carrying the cash bag.

Lan Xin reluctantly took out 250,000 yuan from the bag and handed it to Dagou.

The big dog tremblingly took a large stack of fresh red banknotes with his callused hands, and was so excited that he was about to faint, while the stall owners next to him were so jealous that they yelled at Su Junli one after another. Business.

Papa Lan knew that Su Junli's head hadn't been flooded. Seeing that she was so determined to buy this pile of things, he didn't say much, and took the responsibility of carrying the big bag on his back.

Su Junli ignored the yelling of other stall owners, and just stared blankly at the hairpin for a long time.

"What kind of antique is this hairpin?" Lan Xin couldn't help asking.

"I did this." Su Junli said in a strange tone, "I really didn't expect it to appear here."

"You made it? No wonder the workmanship is so rough. However, since you made it, it is not a valuable antique. Why did you pay such a high price to buy it back?" Lan Xin asked.

"I like it." Su Junli said.

Naturally, she couldn't tell Lan Xin that this hairpin was actually the first handicraft she made when she was in Dayong. The rough hairpin was always tied in his hair, which caused many people to laugh, but he never took it off.

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[052] Prince Ruyu

Update time: 2013-1-11 21:21:02 Number of words in this chapter: 3591


There is a jargon in the jewelry industry: betting on stones is like betting on your life. If you win the bet, you will earn ten times and a hundred times, and you will become rich overnight; if you lose the bet, you will lose everything.

Compared with stone gambling transactions, risky transactions such as stocks and real estate are tender and pale in comparison.

As soon as Boss Huang's door was opened, many rumored people appeared one after another. Among them, some were jewelers who specialized in this business, some were rich kids who were looking for excitement and didn't care about how much money they had, and some were purely chasing after a night of violence. Rich gamblers, and some passing by to watch the excitement.

Papa Lan took Su Junli in with the burlap bag filled with broken copper and iron, just in time to meet his old friend Lao Zhang.

"Hey, I said Lao Lan, are you carrying a sack of money to gamble on rocks?" Lao Zhang joked.

"Hehe, Lao Zhang was joking. I have already sworn that I will never touch gambling stones again. This time, I came here with my little niece to have a look. This bag also contains the scraps that my little niece likes." Iron, not money." Papa Lan said with a smile.

When Lao Zhang saw Su Junli, he was slightly taken aback, "Isn't this Su Zhengyi's daughter? Why are you here to gamble on stones?"

"Hehe, it's just for fun, just for fun." Papa Lan said carelessly. Naturally, he couldn't tell others that Su Junli came here this time to make money by betting that the stones would rise sharply.

"In the financial crisis, the Su Group, which mainly focuses on foreign trade and exports, should be very inappropriate now. Why is President Su so free to appear here now?" Old Zhang asked puzzled.

"Old Zhang, this is her personal matter, so don't gossip here." Papa Lan glanced at Su Junli, only to find that she hadn't noticed what they were saying. Attracted by wool.

"Uncle Lan, how did you buy these woolen materials?" Su Junli asked, pointing to the pile of dim-looking, irregularly shaped, and small woolen materials randomly placed in the corner.

"President Su, look here, one piece is one thousand yuan." Lao Zhang pointed to a small wooden sign next to him enthusiastically.

"Thank you." Su Junli nodded to him politely, just about to walk over to look at those woolen materials, but was stopped by Lan's father, "Junli, these woolen materials are actually leftover scraps that have been picked out, and they can't be green at all. That’s why they are piled up here so cheaply, don’t waste your money.”

"Hehe, old friend, you are wrong. No one in this world knows whether a stone has jade or not unless it is untied." The one who was looking at the pile of wool was wearing a white Tang suit with combed hair. A seventy-year-old man with a calm and meticulous face interjected.

"I think so too." Su Junli smiled slightly at the old man, and walked to the pile of wool that not many people paid attention to and cared about.

Maybe it's because the environment here is too noisy, and the lights are quite bright, Su Junli didn't see any fluorescence on this pile of stones similar to when he saw the golden silk and red jadeite that day.

But she always has a feeling: there must be green in this pile of wool.

Since you can't see it, feel it with your hands!

She bent down slightly, and began to reach out to touch the nearest piece of wool.

"Junli, this is a flashlight, you can take a photo." Papa Lan took out the flashlight and gave it to her.

"Can this find out if there is jade in it?" Su Junli asked a little puzzled.

The people next to me couldn't help laughing, "Girl, if the flashlight can show whether there is jade in the stone, then the stone gambling industry will not exist in this world."

"The flashlight can clearly see the lines on the rocks, pine, etc., so that we can guess whether there is jade in it, and there is a magnifying glass. I'm ready." Papa Lan reminded in a low voice.

"No need, even if I read it, I don't understand it. I just touch it and feel it." Su Junli said.

"Hehe, girl, you are really funny." The old man said with a smile.

Su Junli ignored him.

At this time, Boss Huang came out from the inside. When he saw the old man, he immediately became a little respectful, and ran over like a dog and bowed his waist, "Oh, Mr. Fang, when did you come? Hurry up, good wool It's all inside and outside, so you don't have to insult your Dharma eyes."

"Hehe, Xiao Huang, the so-called good or bad wool is just your conclusion based on the appearance. It doesn't necessarily mean it's really good or bad. I'm busy with you. I'll take a look here first." The old man laughed.

Boss Huang nodded hastily, "Mr. Fang, you are very right. Last time you were surprised and missed it. I hope you can pick it up again this time and let me get the credit."

"You can't ask for it if you meet it, you can't ask for it if you meet it." Fang Lao smiled, ignored Boss Huang, and bent down to observe the wool.

In order to get rid of the noise, Su Junli closed her eyes, looked at her nose with her eyes, and her heart with her nose, allowing her five senses to enter an ethereal state, thus making her hands more sensitive.

"Woman, why are you closing your eyes?" Lan Xin asked in confusion.

Su Junli made a quiet movement and continued to touch the stone.

It seems that waste is waste. Wherever the palm touches, you can only feel the coldness and hardness of stone, without the warmth and aura of jade.

Just when she was about to be disappointed, when she touched a stone that was only the size of a basketball, a special breath slowly permeated from the palm of her hand, with strands of warmth.

It's jade!

She was overjoyed, and opened her eyes suddenly, only to see a pair of slender, white hands with well-defined joints and artistic texture on the stone, which looked more and more shining on the stone on the yellow sand skin.

She looked up, and what caught her eyes was a pair of red phoenix eyes that seemed to be smiling but not smiling, implying infinite spring love. The eyes were full of brilliance, like spring waves, like autumn water, and the face with these eyes was also extremely beautiful. Good-looking, with white skin like jade, nose like agar, lips like peach petals, thin chin, and a slender neck like a swan hangs a statue of Avalokitesvara in imperial green glass, making him even more tender and white.

Lan Xin, who prefers to look at masculinity, has long been stunned and shocked.

"I'm sorry, please go ahead!" The beautiful man let go of his hand from the stone and said with a smile. Its voice is soothing and pure, like the gurgling water in the valley flowing slowly through the heart.

She never thought that a man could have such a beautiful voice.

When the man removed his hand from the stone, she suddenly felt the temperature of the stone under her palm change, and the cold and hard texture of the original stone was restored.

She closed her eyes again suspiciously, and concentrated all her senses on the stone, but she could no longer feel the jade-like warm breath just now.

Could it be him?

Su Junli opened her eyes again, only to see that he had stood up, but he was wearing a blue robe, like green bamboo, like green cypress, especially prominent in the noisy crowd, as if everyone else had become his background generally.

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[053] My son, follow me, okay?

Update time: 2013-1-11 21:21:03 Number of words in this chapter: 4335


There are three thousand empress palaces and countless beauties. Although Su Junli likes male sex, she has a certain immunity, but she is still shocked by this beautiful man who is like a high-quality emerald jade in front of her.

"Who is the beauty?" She couldn't help asking.

The beautiful man's thin lips twitched slightly, and he said angrily: "You are beautiful, and your whole family is beautiful!"

He was obviously very angry and said cursing words, but his voice was so nice, coupled with his stunning appearance, he didn't feel any discomfort in other people's ears, but felt strange, and wanted him to come back again. One more curse.

"Of course I don't look bad." After all, she was new to this world, and Su Junli didn't quite understand that this sentence was a curse word in return, but she nodded seriously.

The handsome man felt that he was going to be messed up, and when he usually went out, although he had encountered a lot of mad bees and butterflies, he had never seen the woman in front of him call him a beauty so rudely, and even asked him who he was in a serious manner.

When he came here just now, he saw how beautiful she was touching the wool with her eyes closed, just like a quiet and ethereal ink landscape painting, which made him squat down unconsciously and deliberately touch the piece she wanted to touch Shi Shi, but he didn't expect that when she opened her eyes, what she said made him vomit blood.

"Mr. Murong, it's rare to see you here to join in the fun." Elder Fang smiled at the handsome man, with a humble expression that should not be underestimated.

"Ah? Mr. Murong?" Lan Xin exclaimed from the side, her big eyes stared at Murong Changkong with sparkling red hearts, "It's really better to see once than to hear a hundred times. Seeing is better than hearing a hundred times. Your son is indeed very handsome. , overwhelm the country and the city, out of the world..."

Lan Xin's language skills are not very good, and it is not easy to blurt out a series of adjectives.

"Gusu Murong?"

Su Junli has a good impression of the surname Murong. Her most powerful prime minister is also surnamed Murong. His name is Murong Feng. He is a man with a handsome face and amazing ability to govern the country.

In retrospect, Murong Feng was still the first man she fell in love with. However, she only watched him from a distance, like Dui Ye, and didn't want to touch him, because he was already married as a wife, and the husband and wife were deeply in love. Dayong is a good story.

A gentleman has everything and does nothing.

Like it, don't have to get it!

She appreciates his talent in managing the world and admiring the country, broke Dayong's custom of a man as a prime minister, which was unprecedented in Dayong's history, and under heavy pressure, directly appointed him as her prime minister to assist her in governing the country.

Murong Feng really lived up to her expectations, managed the country in an orderly manner, and made her an emperor of peace and happiness.

She is the king and he is the minister. Although the two sometimes have a good time drinking and talking, there is always a layer of estrangement and distance between them.


Murong Changkong nodded slightly.

"Okay, yes, my name is Su Junli!"

Su Junli stretched out his hand towards Murong Changkong—

Murong Changkong looked at her hand, which was as white and beautiful as a spring onion, hesitated for a moment, and stretched out his hand to hold it.

His temperature is really the same as that of jade, cool and warm, just like the feeling of holding that piece of black jade, very comfortable, it should be warm in winter and cool in summer, very suitable for warming the bed.

If Murong Changkong knew what she was thinking at this moment, he would probably vomit three catties of blood.

He held her catkin, which was soft but strong, and suddenly he felt that holding it would hold the world, which made him reluctant to let go.

"Murong, follow me, okay?" Su Junli asked sincerely looking at Murong Changkong with his dark eyes.

with her? What's the meaning?

Murong Changkong looked at her with perplexed eyes.

Elder Fang chuckled from the side: "Girl, do you know who Master Murong is? How could he follow you like an ordinary person?"

Because Lan Xin had seen Su Junli's behavior towards Passerby A and knew what she was thinking, her mouth opened wide again in astonishment, unable to close it for a long time.

"What identity?" Su Junli asked with raised eyebrows.

"Junli, the Murong family is one of the four major families in China. Its family members are all over the military, government, business, literature, art and entertainment, and Mr. Murong is Murong's direct descendant. He may be the next head of the Murong family." Papa Lan was beside him. Wiping sweat explained.

"Well, yes, it means that he has more capital to follow me." Su Junli nodded slightly.

Almost all the people around her who were listening to her were about to vomit blood and die.

Boss Huang, who learned that Mr. Murong had come to his store, staggered directly when he heard Su Junli's words, bumped his head against the pillar next to him, rubbed his forehead and asked, "Lao Lan, is your niece from other places?" Did you travel through the place?"

He was just talking casually, but he didn't expect to be hit by his words.

Papa Lan also smiled wryly, looking at Murong Changkong nervously, worried that he would get angry.

The Murong family's power is so huge, once they want to deal with a person, it is definitely not something that Su Junli can bear in his position.

A trace of displeasure flashed across Murong Changkong's jade-like face, but the eyes that looked at Su Junli were even more profound.

He could see that there was no pretense of hypocrisy on Su Junli's face, her tone of voice was natural, and her eyes were sincere, not like the kind of woman who wanted to deliberately attract his attention.

"Then tell me, what capital do you have for me to follow you!" he asked.

"If you can't see it, I won't explain it." Su Junli shrugged slightly, her tone was soft, but extremely domineering, "However, I believe that you will be mine sooner or later."

When she said this, there was an air of self-confidence and pride on her face, which made Murong Changkong's heartstrings move slightly as if something had plucked her.

A good family background, excellent appearance, and extreme talent gave him an arrogance and self-cleanness that ordinary people don't have. He has never been involved with any woman, nor has he become interested in any woman.

Of course, usually there are quite a few women who try to attract him and get close to him with their own tricks, but he dodges them in disgust.

If any other woman said that to him, he would definitely kick her away without hesitation.