MTL - Hilarious Pampered Consort: Lord I Will Wait for Your Divorce-Chapter 5750 Sleep a bit long 2

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Chapter 5750 Sleeping A Little Longer 2

After a while.

Qu Taner asked nervously again: "Chengcheng, Jiao Jiao is not a practitioner, can't she sleep so long, will she be hungry? ..."

There are only practitioners who do not eat or drink for the time being.

But what about ordinary people?

Even if you do n’t eat it for a day, you can't stand it. It's probably a psychological frustration. Qu Taner always felt that when Jiao Jiao came back, it seemed that the whole person was thin ...

"Chengcheng, Jiaojiao seems to have lost a lot of weight." Qu Tan'er felt heartache.


The corner of Morian City jumped.

Then looked down at Jiao Jiao on the bed.

The fair face has the tenderness peculiar to girls, where is it thin? Taking a closer look, even the city had to admit that Xiao Yu took good care of Jiao Jiao.

Of course, if others told her that Jiao Jiao had not lost weight, Qu Taner would not believe it.

As a parent, you usually get nervous about your child.

Rao is such a high-quality Qu Taner, no exception.

However, seeing Qu Taner was so nervous.

Half of the city was distressed and half blamed.

He blamed himself because he felt that he didn't take good care of them ...

Think of Jiao Jiao's situation again?

Morian City frowned again.

At the same time there is still a little dignified.

He couldn't help remembering that when the battleship exploded, Qu Taner had hurriedly said to him that Jiaojiao fainted when he saw the explosion of the battleship.

So, is Jiao Jiao caused by sadness or irritation?

If that's the case, it's still quite troublesome ...

The black eyes of Merian City shook unnoticeably. He took Qu Tan'er lightly and covered his long phoenix eyes with thick long eyelashes, comforting softly: "Taner, you know, Jiao Jiao is our child, Child, destined to be extraordinary! What is this little hurdle? "

Hearing words, Qu Taner's eyes brightened.


Just a small hurdle, what is it?

She believes her daughter will definitely step over!

However, in order to avoid sleeping too long, it is not good for the body.

Moran City still refined some pills that were good for the body and fed them to Mo Yunjiao himself. He did so to reassure Qu Taner.

Sure enough, after seeing it, Qu Taner was quite quiet.

When Qin Ling and Mo Yunyu met, they were relieved. This is the first time that they saw Qu Taner. It is too different from the previous one. Is there any wood?

Mo Yunyu was much more complicated.

He loves his younger sister, who didn't wake up and was anxious.

However, when I saw my mother-in-law, I couldn't tell the complexities in my heart, maybe it was envy or jealousy. Sometimes he also doubts whether he picked it up by the road, or it was given by the merchant when his father and mother went shopping ... he always felt that he was not too favored in his mother's heart.

No, it's not as favored as my sister!

However, if you think about it from another angle, he is luckier than his sister.

He grew up without his father and mother, but there were a lot of people petting it, and he didn't have any hardships when he was young. My sister is not the same. Wandering outside for more than ten years must have suffered a lot.

Thinking about it that way, Mo Yunyu distressed his sister a bit.

In the future, he will spoil her a little more ...

"Uncle Qin, how about we go eat something first?" Mo Yunyu whispered.

Qin Ling glanced at Qu Tan'er and Mo Liancheng, and nodded smilingly.

At this time, it is better to leave space for the couple.

PS: Dear friends, have you seen ... Which time did I write the main character to death? Haha! ~

However, I have always disliked spoilers ~

Spoilers ~ ~ will be a bit less fun.

(End of this chapter)