MTL - Holistic Fantasy-~ 2162 See where you can escape

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(Thank you very much for the reward of ‘Q Yongjiang Yihao Q’!)

Noah’s understatement is finally a distortion of your expression.

"Sure enough, the "Fairy_Tail" should not be allowed to survive!" You whispered.

"At that time, we should deal with you right!"

"Unfortunately, at that time you didn't shoot, it was doomed to be impossible." Noah sneered out.

"Of course, even if you shot at that time, it is doomed to be impossible."

After that, Noah raised his hand directly.


Along with countless mechanical movements, the promoters of the "Fairy_Tail", all of them, raised their guns and turned the guns toward the front.

"and many more!"

"Don't kill us!"

"I surrender!"


Researchers wearing white coats screamed out loud.

However, Noah, who did not like to kill innocent people in the past, was indifferent.


This word, as if the fuse line, completely detonated the smoke that permeated the air.


In the next moment, the promoters belonging to the "Fairy_Tail" did not hesitate to pull the trigger of the gun in their hands, causing the muzzle to flash wildly.

Suddenly, countless bullets, like a storm, vented to the front.


In the sound of the body being torn, the bullets that were made were not in the body of a white-browed researcher.




Researchers wearing white coats all screamed before death, one after the other.

In just one moment, most of the researchers wearing white coats fell to the ground and could not die any more.

"Do not!"

"Don't kill us!"

"Stop! Surrender!"

The rest of the researchers all made a desperate shout, but then one after the other was shot, successively fell, and the ground was dyed into a scarlet color.

Looking at this scene, Noah's expression has no movement at all.

Even if it was Dina, Yanzhu, Xia Shi, and all the sons who were present, there was no change in expression, and the indifferent looking at the researchers went to death.

Even Lian Lianlang did not live to shoot the researchers one by one, but first ignored those terrorists.

For the sake of reason, a group of enemies who have no fighting ability and have surrendered, even criminals, should be arrested instead of being shot directly.

Even with Noah’s order, Lian Tailang, who upholds justice, should not be so heart-wrenching that a group of people without resistance can be shot.

However, no matter whether it is Noah who cherished life, or Lian Tailang who upholds justice, there is no one under his command, and there is not even a slight movement.

The reason is very simple, because of the gut animals in the surrounding bags.

The policemen who belonged to "Fairy_Tail" have already learned from Noah that the people of "Five Xianghui" are cultivating the gut animals in an attempt to control the gut animals to eliminate the resistance.

This move is simply crazy.

That is the gut animal.

Let's not say that we can control it. Once they are released, it is very likely that the gastro-intestinal virus will spread in a country and region, causing the disaster.

Therefore, humans will regard the gut animals as objects that must be eliminated.

If the intestines are not completely eliminated, even if only one is left, then in the end, it may threaten all human beings.

The gut animal virus is really terrible.

Once infected, it will immediately increase in number and spread like a plague.

Therefore, even if there is only one stage I of the gut, it is likely to eventually cause human demise.

Under such circumstances, the researchers here are actually ignoring the survival of human beings, not destroying the gut animals, but also cultivating them. This sin is more serious than any **** murderer in the "Five Xiang Club". .

Being a member of the "Fairy_Tail", people here are not people who don't know how to be serious.

In addition, "Fairy_Tail" is already the root of the fairy town. In the past, it was also responsible for enforcing laws and regulations in the fairy town. There is absolutely no partiality to the crime.

In view of this, even if the researchers did not have the ability to fight and surrendered on their own initiative, the promoters present were unrelentingly shooting.

As a result, one by one researchers became the first victims of the fall, falling down.

All of this, long said, is only a matter of seconds.

The researchers fell down one by one, and the mechanical soldiers and the terrorists of each one finally reacted.

"What are you doing?!"


Frankly speaking, even if it is another round, it is not possible to take the threat to the people to come to order.

However, in this situation, no one can care so much.


At the moment, all the terrorists have set up guns in their hands, while roaring and shooting constantly.

"Your Mightiness!"

"Your Mightiness!"

"We must retreat!"

"Hurry to retreat!"

"The current situation is not good for us!"

Each of the mechanical soldiers is still advocating in your body, while shooting at the front, shouting at you.

"How?" The voice of the blind man stood by the leisurely side, turning his gun in his hand and whispering.

"Retreat? Still looking for death?"

"Retreat!" You also pulled out the pistol and ordered it while shooting.

"Exit from the emergency channel! Fast!"

A group of mechanical soldiers quickly covered you, constantly retreating to the rear, and after opening an automatic door, all of them rushed in and escaped without a shadow.

Even Bao Zhizhuo people hated the direction of Noah, and immediately turned his head and escaped without a trace.

It is clear that he has been clamoring for a fight with the "Fairy_Tail" policeman, but now it is a sneak faster than one.

"Dad!" The nephew Xiaobinai has been staring at Dina, holding the little Taidao's hand and shaking her lips, her lips are groaning, as if she is holding back.

"No!" Scorpion Shadows of course knows what their baby daughter is thinking, and does not hesitate to veto.

The nephew Xiaobi was unwilling to look at her face, but she did not disobey the command of the scorpion, and glanced at her, then turned her head.

Immediately, the shadow of the scorpion and the scorpion Xiaobinai also fled into the emergency passage, and disappeared after a while.

After a group of mechanical soldiers retreated into the emergency passage, the automatic door suddenly closed.


"and many more!"

"And us!"

"Your Mightiness!"

"Your Mightiness!"

A group of policemen with "Fairy_Tail" were flustered by the terrorists who were squatting.

Unfortunately, the current situation is very clear.

A group of the most basic people with only one wing has been abandoned by you.

Just for a little time.

In this regard, the police officers belonging to the "Fairy_Tail" are unrelenting, madly venting firepower and shooting one terrorist after another.


"Damn police!"


The terrorists are madly shooting.

However, the starters of the "Fairy_Tail" are all equipped with heavy counter-terrorism shields. The guns and bullets that are hit in the future are all blocked, so that the shield's surface is not hit by bullets. , rubbing out of Mars.

The promoters belonging to the "Fairy_Tail" are all hiding behind the starter of the partner, accurately shooting a terrorist who can't find a cover.

In this attack, Noah made preparations.

On the other hand, the people of the "Five Xianghui" are passively greeted, and the natural preparation is insufficient.

As a result, a group of terrorists were finally brought to justice and all were shot.


Before the emergency passage, Noah slammed the sturdy automatic door, looking at the long tunnel in front, and a cold smile with no smile on his face.

"See where you can escape!"

Under the leadership of Noah, a group of "Fairy_Tail" police officers flooded into the passage and began to pursue the route of the remnant of the "Five Xianghui".

It’s a good show, it’s only now.

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