MTL - Holistic Fantasy-~ End this testimonial

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All-round fantasy.

This book, on the day of March 3, 2015, uploaded the first chapter, officially kicked off.

Today is October 1, 2016, which is just the National Day.

On this day, after the final call of the girl, I wrote the three words of the book again.


One and a half years!

Another year and a half!

Just like the book, it took a year and a half to write this book. Today, the book is finally ushered in!

One and a half years!

Nearly 6 million words!

A house article, can write this word count, as a house writer, should you be proud of it?

For example, it is not easy to write two long-story houses with nearly 6 million words.

Moreover, compared to the previous book, the energy spent on this book is undoubtedly more.

The book, because it is the relationship of the first book, the world that I wrote is all that I have seen before. I actually have a framework for writing, so there is still plenty of time to go online. It’s quite pleasant to talk about it.

However, if I was familiar with Fan, I basically wrote it in the book. When the book was opened, it immediately fell into an unprecedented madness, and with the family’s things, the result was even more Time can't be done on the penguin group.

This is really tired.

However, if you are tired, it is worth it.

Because, if you still keep it, you haven’t asked for a vacation, you haven’t missed it once, and you update the record of more than 10,000 words every day!

In terms of grades, the results obtained in this book are also gratifying.

Although many people have been criticized, even many of the book readers who have read the book think that there is no good book, but the results show everything, telling the truth, such as the effort is not in vain.

At least, compared to the big girl's summons, this all-round fantasy has risen more than a little bit, and even a little bit can get into the boutique!

A house that can enter the boutique is hard to come by!

Therefore, it is worthwhile to pour all the hardships and sufferings!

And of course, the next book, if you still will try to maintain the current update record, and strive to make the results better!

However, it is a year and a half year-round, with four thousand words per day down, and it is really tired.

Therefore, in order to prepare a new book, it is also to ease the fatigue, please friends and friends to allow a break for a while.

It won't be too long, just one month.

The new book will be uploaded in early November.

As for the specific time, what is the title of the book, wait until after the decision, such as the opening of a single chapter, tell all friends.

At that time, I hope that my friends can still support.

Of course, friends and friends don't need to worry about what to write like a book.

If you just want to tell your friends, at the moment, you still have no confidence in transformation.

Therefore, the next book, no accident, then it is still the same house, still the same cool text!

Therefore, friends and friends, let's see you next time!

I wish you all a happy National Day! To be continued