MTL - Honey, It’s Time To Take Your Medicine!-Chapter 530 Goddess of Fate is fooling you (4,000 words)

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Ah ah ah ah ah…

  In the cave, Sanchi Kentaro's voice echoed.

  His strength is very strong, but his endurance is too weak. The feeling of his soul being stirred makes him completely unbearable.

   The clenched teeth are about to be broken, and the gaps between the teeth are full of blood.

   Sanchi Kentaro, who was rolling on the ground like a bug, didn't notice at all. Not far in front of him, the statue of the goddess suddenly opened his eyes.

  This statue was sculpted by Kentaro Sanchi. When it reached the woman's eyes, it was carved into a lazy posture with the eyelids slightly drooping.

  But now, it is obviously just a statue, but it has opened its eyes.

   Such a strange appearance also looms with creepy gloom.

   It's a pity that Kentaro Sanchi didn't feel it at all.

  After a long, long time passed, the pain tumbling in his mind finally subsided. Mitsuchi Kentaro was lying on the ground, stretched out, panting heavily.

  His body was completely soaked in sweat.

  The soil stuck to the clothes and hair, making her look more and more embarrassed.

  My heart was filled with resentment and hatred, and even some jealousy.

  Damn, hate, hate...

  Who is that sacred Qin Chu?

  It’s just a person who has just come to this world for more than a year. Compared with a boy like himself who has stayed in the Sky Continent for hundreds of years, how can he be so powerful?

   I just want to kill this guy, but it takes so much effort.

  A previous avatar failed and died, but it was barely acceptable.

  But now that the seven clones shot together, they are all dead?

  Where did he get such a strong power?

  Seven avatars, except one of them died a little earlier, and the remaining six died within a minute...

  Although there are still forty-nine clones, Sanzhi Kentaro's cowardly character began to flare up again. He began to wonder if such an existence could really be killed by himself?

   Could he have made a mistake in his perception that this Qin Chu had actually already reached the state of demigod?

   Otherwise, how could it be possible to have the strength to kill seven strong men over 90 levels in such a short period of time?

  He wants to retreat, but this is the duty that the goddess has arranged for him. If he can't even complete this little thing, how can he face the goddess?


   At this moment, a gust of wind blew through the closed cave.

   Immediately afterwards, a majestic yet soft and gentle voice began to spread in the cave.

   "My most loyal believer..."

  The familiar voice made Sanchi Kentaro's pupils shrink suddenly. Is that... the voice of Goddess?

   Auditory hallucinations?


  Michi Kentaro even felt that there was something wrong with his brain, maybe it was because the pain just now caused abnormal reactions in his ears.

  The voice of the goddess... I haven't heard it since I was first summoned.

  Even when the goddess wanted to kill Qin Chu by herself, the oracle appeared directly in her mind without any sound at all.

  Damn it, it's all due to that Qin Chu.

  Michi Kentaro was full of jealousy, obviously he was the first and the most powerful brave, but it seemed that Qin Chu's talent was even more exaggerated than himself.

   Wasted eight brave clones, none of which could kill this guy... What made Sanzhi Kentaro even more angry was that each of these eight brave clones possessed a super-level power.

There is no weak one who can become a super-level power...Even if it is said that Sanzhi Kentaro still has forty-nine brave clones in his hands, but the loss of these eight super-powers still makes Sanzhi Kentaro very regretful .

  He had a premonition that this man Qin Chu might become his most terrible enemy.

   We should concentrate all our strength on this man before he grows up to completely crush him... This should be the case, but the naturally timid character has not changed even after he has strong strength.

He didn't dare, he was worried that if Qin Chu really possessed the strength of a demigod, even if he concentrated all his strength, he might not be able to kill Qin Chu. In hell, it's all over.

  It was obviously an oracle issued by the goddess, but now Kentaro Michi didn't want to, and didn't dare to continue to carry out the idea.

   "My family... what are you hesitating about?"

"What are you afraid of?"

   "What are you afraid of?"

  The gentle voice sounded again.

  Kintaro Michi's body stiffened.

  If the voice I heard before may be my own illusion, then it is absolutely not now.

  Michi Kentaro could even clearly feel the trajectory of the sound propagating in the air, right in front of him, it was the voice of the goddess.

  His lips were trembling slightly, his stiff neck twisted a little bit, and he looked in the direction of the sound.

   Soon, his pupils shook violently.

  Goddess is above.

  What did he see?

  Although the statue is cracked, it still exudes beauty, elegance and dignity... On that beautiful face, a pair of eyes have opened.

   Obviously carved from jade.

  No matter how smooth and moist it is, it cannot change the essence of being a stone.

  But now, those eyes are dignified and flexible, as if Nakasanchi Kentaro seems to be able to feel the two beams of light that diffuse from the pupils of the statue.

  The statue opened its eyes.

  Goddess, have you opened your eyes?

  Michi Kentaro seemed to have a turbulent sea in his heart, and he suddenly couldn't believe the picture he saw in front of him.

  However, the familiar feeling on the statue made him absolutely convinced that this is the goddess, and the will of the goddess has descended on this statue.

   And himself, being watched by the goddess.

  In an instant, a strong sense of shame surged deep in the man's heart.

   On the one hand, it was another failure of the task entrusted to him by the goddess.

On the other hand, it is also because my current appearance is too embarrassing, my whole body is soaked in sweat, my clothes and hair are covered with dust and mud... It is simply disrespectful for the goddess to see me like this, and it should not be done up.

After several seconds had passed, Sanchi Kintaro's body suddenly trembled violently. He seemed to have finally come to his senses, and immediately prostrated himself on the ground, with his forehead pressed against the dusty ground, and his body was constantly shaking. : "Ah, my lord goddess."

   A trembling, but full of admiration and excitement came out of his mouth.

  No matter how shameful it is, the fact that the goddess appeared in front of me again cannot be changed.

  For Sanchi Kentaro, this is already a great happiness, he really wants to raise his head to see everything about the goddess, and see those beautiful eyes clearly.

   But, he can't do this kind of thing, it's blasphemy.

   "Sorry, I failed again."

   "I also invite the goddess to come down to God's punishment."

  The goddess did not give an answer, but repeated the previous voice:

   "My family... what are you hesitating about?"

"What are you afraid of?"

   "What are you afraid of?"

   It was still the gentle tone.

   Very gentle, but with a dignity that rejects people thousands of miles away.

  Sora's voice kept echoing in Sanchi Kentaro's ears.

  Sweat once again appeared on the forehead of this original brave man. His timidity, and even his idea of ​​giving up the oracle, has been seen through by the goddess.

  He wanted to defend himself, but even if he opened his mouth under extreme fear, he still didn't know what to say.

   "As a follower of the goddess, failure is not terrible."

   "But, timid, absolutely shameful."

  The cold voice spread word by word.

  Every word made Sanchi Kentaro's scalp tingle.

  He had a very bad premonition.

   "It's shameful for the gods to have a subordinate who is so timid... Perhaps, I need to think about it and change to a new subordinate."

   "I think Qin Chu is good. Although he is weaker than you, he is more heroic than you."

   "That man has all the noble qualities necessary to be a brave man."


  Michi Kentaro gasped.

  Crawling on the ground to support his body, he subconsciously grasped his hands, allowing the soil to get into his nails.

  His eyes widened.

   This is what he fears the most.

  The thing that Sanchi Kentaro, who is devoted to the goddess with all his heart, is most afraid of being abandoned by the goddess, and now all this seems to be happening in front of him.

   What makes Sanchi Kentaro even more unbearable is that the one who replaced him as the goddess's entourage is actually Qin Chu who just defeated him?

   Unacceptable, unacceptable, unacceptable.

   Goddess is his.

  No one can get involved.

  The strong fear in his heart made Sanchi Kentaro unbearable anymore, he ran to the statue of the goddess like a madman.

  His hands almost crazily hugged the goddess's legs.


   "Master Goddess, please don't abandon me, please don't abandon me."

   "I swear, I will no longer be afraid, I will definitely complete the goal of the goddess, I will kill Qin Chu, and come to see you with that guy's head."

  The statue of the goddess still stood quietly and upright, without the slightest anger because Kentaro Sanchi hugged his legs.

   After all, it's just a statue.

  However, where Sanchi Kentaro couldn't see, the statue's head was slightly lowered to the side, looking down at the idiot... Ah no, how can it be called an idiot?

   This is really a very useful tool.

   Faintly, there seemed to be a trace of a smile on the face of the statue, but it disappeared quickly, as if it had never appeared at all.

   "My favorite family member..."

  The voice of the goddess sounded again.

  In the looming, Sanchi Kentaro seemed to feel that his head was being caressed by the soft little hands of the goddess.

  That feeling made Sanchi Kentaro very warm and comfortable. He wanted to look up, but he didn't have the guts.

   "You don't have to do the matter of killing Qin Chu."

   "I made things difficult for you."

  Sanchi Kentaro was so frightened that his heart was about to explode. He thought that the goddess had completely given up on himself.

   "Please don't worry, I haven't given up on you, after all, you are a family member who has been by my side for more than a hundred years."

   "I love you more than all other creatures."


  Kentaro Michi let out a long breath.

   This sentence brought him great comfort.

"The reason why you were asked to kill Qin Chu before is because your strength is far superior to him... But now, it will be very difficult for you to kill him, because that brave man is about to step into a demigod." The goddess quietly She said that she skillfully used words to win over the loyalty of believers and relatives: "Qin Chu, who has stepped into the demigod realm, appears in front of him again, and you are very likely to die."

   "You are my favorite family member, how can I bear to see you die?"

   Mitsuchi Kentaro was overwhelmed with gratitude for the concern of the goddess.

  Master Goddess really values ​​herself very much, but sadly, I can't even satisfy Her Ladyship's small requirements. It's really too shameful, too embarrassing, and I'm so sorry for the goddess' love for me.

  However, what happened to that fellow Qin Chu?

   It is said that if you break through to a demigod, you can break through to a demigod, right?

  The face of the statue of the goddess raised an arc slightly, and she knew exactly what Kentaro Sanchi was thinking...Why did Qin Chu become a demigod?

   Naturally, my own help is indispensable.

   Of course, there is no need to tell this believer the truth, otherwise he will be sad.

  The benevolent goddess never lets her family members shed tears.

  As if, the upper body of the statue leaned back a little, as if this would put a little distance between him and Sanchi Kentaro: "My family, do you know why Qin Chu's strength has improved so quickly?"

  Michi Kentaro shook his head in a daze.

  He doesn't understand.

  My own strength has improved very quickly, because I have absorbed the strength of other brave men.

  He's cheating, cheating.

   Could it be that Qin Chu is the same as himself?

  Damn it, it would be nice if the Sky Continent had its own brave man, Kentaro Sanchi, why should there be another Qin Chu?

   "You are absorbing the power of other brave men, while Qin Chu is absorbing the power of the evil god's remnant."

  The goddess gave the answer very gently.

  The power of the evil god's remnant body?

  Michi Kentaro was stunned, and after a long time, he couldn't help but let out a murmur: That lunatic.

   That's right, madman.

  How strange the power of the evil **** is, Sanchi Kentaro knows it very well.

   That is difficult for a brave man like him to be contaminated. Qin Chu dared to absorb the energy of the evil god's remnant body. What is it if he is not a lunatic?

   No wonder that guy's strength improved so fast.

   Immediately afterwards, Sanchi Kentaro felt that the voice of the goddess seemed to become more gentle:

   "My most beloved servant, straighten your chest."

   "I have always believed that your talent is by no means inferior to anyone else. What you lack is courage and some opportunities."

   "I believe that what Qin Chu can do, you can definitely do. You are no worse than Qin Chu. He can devour the remnants of evil gods. I believe you can too, don't you?"

   "This time you failed, I believe that you will succeed next time, I have been watching you."

   "You have to believe...the goddess will protect you!"

  The four thousand words of the first chapter are here.