MTL - How to Feed an Abyss!-Chapter 110 countercurrent rain

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Hearing this sentence, even Lu Tinghan was stunned for a moment.

He asked, "Are you going to... fly a flying machine?"

"No," Shi Yuan said, "I don't want to die yet."

Lu Tinghan: "..."


Shi Yuan continued: "I was just wondering if I could let you guys see the way." He curled up his tail in some confusion, "I don't know how to express it."

But Lu Tinghan suddenly remembered that at the underground station in the main city, the soldier surnamed Song asked hoarsely why Lu Tinghan followed the light back to the convoy when he was a child, and where the light passed, a road appeared in the sea of ​​snow and flowers , that was the direction he came from.

Shi Yuan had no impression of this, and was puzzled. At that time, he just wanted Lu Tinghan to go home too much, so he didn't think so much; and Lu Tinghan also asked Professor Guan, and the professor replied that Xue Jianhua was not affected in any way. , the pollution value has not changed, he does not think what Lao Song said is true.

Both he and Shi Yuan didn't bother with this matter anymore, until now, Shi Yuan brought it up again.

Lu Tinghan asked: "I may understand what you mean. But why so suddenly?"

"...I don't know either." Shi Yuan looked out the window, the gray world, the lightning smashed the clouds like a mad snake. He couldn’t see the black sea and ice floes clearly from such a distance, nor could he see the lighthouse and white dolphins clearly. He still looked forward, “Maybe I want to go home. Just like them.”

Lu Tinghan was speechless, and patted Shi Yuan's head: "Then let's try."

Shi Yuan stood by the window.

Lu Tinghan stood side by side with him, and saw him looking out intently. There was lightning and thunder, and he flicked the tip of his tail, staring very, very hard at the black clouds, as if trying to see through them.

A minute later, nothing happened.

Two minutes later, nothing happened.

Three minutes and four minutes... A full ten minutes passed, and Shi Yuan's eyes almost stared with sparks, the black cloud was still a black cloud.

"Huh—" Shi Yuan's tail limp on the ground, he said in frustration, "I can't do it."

"It's okay." Lu Tinghan smiled, and put his arms around his shoulders, "Didn't you finish writing Sudoku? Go and try again."

This matter is mysterious and mysterious, too incredible.

He didn't really hold out hope.

Tian Shiyuan not only did Sudoku, but also watched horror movies.

Adjutant Ning is a loyal fan of horror movies. During this trip, he saved several horror movies on his personal terminal. When Lu Tinghan was busy in the cab, Shi Yuan took Adjutant Ning's terminal and read a story about a serial killer in a thunderstorm.

— This is a very wrong choice.

This scene is exactly the same as the reality, which is too substituting. As soon as Lu Tinghan returned to his room, he saw Shi Yuan whose tail was tied in a knot.

Shi Yuan is wrapped in a quilt: qaq

Lu Tinghan untied his tail, went to bed and said, "Don't read it if you're afraid."

"I don't have anything else to do." Shi Yuan had lingering fears, "Actually, it's still pretty good." He thought for a while, "I want to watch it tomorrow."

This is the standard food and fun.

The next day, Shi Yuan watched two more movies, a rural chainsaw maniac and a supernatural movie. Lu Tinghan estimated that every half an hour on average, Shi Yuan would look for him with a knotted tail.

Finally, Shi Yuan drained Adjutant Ning's terminal and returned it.

The instrument has not been restored that night, the thunderstorm tends to intensify, and the aircraft is still parked in place.

Chi Yongge had to watch the night shift, so he opened the tea pot and poured it out vigorously, only scattered tea leaves and flower petals fell out.

"I have no more tea!" he lamented. "The fire of my life is gone!"

He boiled water and carefully poured it into a cup.

Shi Yuan also took a cup of his fire of life.

Lu Tinghan didn't let him drink tea at night - the last time he drank it, he was so excited all night, he tossed and turned with his tail in his arms. But now the tea is as weak as boiled water, and it has no effect at all.

Shi Yuan was wrapped in a quilt on the bed, holding the teacup in both hands, and smacked his lips vigorously after taking a sip, only to taste the faint scent of flowers

. Then he lay down in front of the window at the head of the bed, looking at the continuous rain and the gloomy ancient battlefield.

Lu Tinghan sat next to him to contact the headquarters of the main city. After he finished explaining the matter, he also went to Shi Yuan's side and watched the rain with him.

The rain was endless, and there were strange and sharp whistling sounds from time to time, and a large number of ghosts passed through the clouds. As Chi Yongge said, it is really like the souls of the dead on the battlefield are trapped here, their obsession is still there, and they refuse to leave. They fought to the death for their country, and they didn't know how they would feel when they saw the doomsday world at this moment.

Shi Yuan curled up in Lu Tinghan's arms, drinking tea slowly.

He said, "Lu Tinghan, when can we go back?"

"Soon." Lu Tinghan replied in his ear, with a low voice, "I have discussed it with Adjutant Ning and the others. If the situation does not change in two days, we will move on."

"Will it be dangerous?"

"It's a little bit, but we can't delay." Lu Tinghan kissed Shi Yuan's soft black hair, "Don't worry, it will be fine when you get out of this battlefield."

"Oh..." Shi Yuan saw another large group of strange shadows flashing through the clouds, all kinds of strange things, their piercing cries merged with thunder, he asked, "Are those really dead people?"

"I don't think so." Lu Tinghan said, "But who knows?"

"I haven't seen what war between humans is like."

"It's also brutal, as you can see in 'Scorching Sun' or the Alliance Air Force."

"Will those soldiers be homesick?"

"I think so."

Shi Yuan looked at it carefully for a while, and those strange figures disappeared, only the rumbling thunder.

The road ahead is long, and the alliance is still far away.

He complained softly: "I want to go back—"

"Boom!" There was a knock on the door. Adjutant Ning's voice came: "General, can you come to the cab?"

Lu Tinghan responded, and patted Shi Yuan's head: "Go to bed early, and stop thinking about horror movies."

"Okay." Shi Yuan agreed.

Lu Tinghan went to the cab.

The holographic map is suspended in the center, marking many routes and data in different colors. They studied for many days, trying to find the safest direction to leave, but the delta abyss made the instrument malfunction. If they proceeded rashly, they might get lost completely, or run straight into the crowd of monsters.

In the main city, the monsters infected by Time Abyss are constantly recovering, and there is no time to hesitate.

Adjutant Ning showed the latest data to Lu Tinghan.

Lu Tinghan quickly scanned the rows of data, and Adjutant Ning examined the map by his side, and said after a while, "General, assuming the situation hasn't changed in two days, should we set off early in the morning?"

Lu Tinghan: "..."

Adjutant Ning continued: "At present, the pollution index is low from 7:00 to 10:00 in the morning, and the monsters should not be so active; but at night, the thunderstorm will subside a little, and it is safer to travel. Which time period is better for you? .”

Lu Tinghan: "..."

Adjutant Ning said to himself: "Well, Dr. Xiaochi and Mr. Douglas both think it's good morning, but I prefer the evening instead. Sometimes the abyss is there, and it should be able to deter monsters. They won't pose too much threat. But this is the territory of the empire. In case, I mean, in case Shiyuan is forced to be infected with monsters, it will be troublesome, and there is still a wave of mole men who have not gone to Dunton, and Dundon may not be safe. Land general, what do you think?"

Lu Tinghan: "..."

Adjutant Ning realized that Lu Tinghan hadn't answered the conversation until now.

Are you looking at the data too intently?

He looked up, and Lu Tinghan was staring at the cab outside.

Adjutant Ning also looked out, there were black clouds rolling, thunder and lightning, but nothing.

He asked, "What are you looking at?"

"..." Lu Tinghan put down the materials, and walked to the huge window in a few steps, "I saw a little light source."

Adjutant Ning tried his best to look again, and several ferocious bolts of lightning struck down, reflecting the ground pale. This is the only light in the world.

Standing in front of the window, Lu Tinghan said affirmatively, "I saw the light. Ning, move towards 2 o'clock at speed 3!"

Deputy Ning

The official was surprised: "Yes!"

He didn't know what happened, but he absolutely trusted Lu Tinghan. He manipulated the aircraft and proceeded carefully towards the east-south direction. Others came to the cab when they heard the movement, and they were all surprised.

"What happened?" Chi Yongge asked, "Did the equipment recover, where are we going? Why..."

He stopped talking abruptly - Adjutant Ning made a silent gesture to him. Chi Yongge's eyes fell on Lu Tinghan, and saw him staring at a certain point in the void.

So he stopped asking, and quickly stepped forward with Douglas to assist Adjutant Ning.

Facing the torrential rain, the aircraft had an obvious sense of stagnation when traveling. Weird shadows were still wandering in the clouds and mist, as if they were eyeing them.

A few seconds later, pale lightning strikes down, the light blinding! It was so close that it seemed to pass by the aircraft. "Boom—" There was another deafening thunder, which made people's eardrums hurt.

The wind blows endlessly, and this place is indeed a dangerous place.

Before he knew it, Chi Yongge's clothes were wet with sweat.

Can we really leave?

he thought so. The movements of his hands didn't stop, but the restlessness for many days made him restless. He couldn't help but wonder if they would die on this deserted battlefield like the old soldiers.

Heart pounding.

Until he saw a ray of light.

The light was warm yellow, dim and gentle, but it pierced through the thick clouds.

It floated in the air, flashing past lightly.

"Follow it." Lu Tinghan said, "...follow it."

The aircraft went in the direction of the light.

When they got closer, everyone discovered the mystery of the light.

—Under the warm glow, Lu Tinghan saw the raindrops flowing against the sky.

Not only the rain, the black clouds receded to both sides in a strange way, as if being cut by a sharp sword of the void; the thunder and lightning also violated the laws of nature, first the thunder came, and then the lightning rushed upwards, like a mad The snake returned to the sky and disappeared into the clouds.

It's a world where... time travels back.

"..." Lu Tinghan opened his eyes slightly.

Warm yellow light fell into his eyes, like a lighthouse on a gray-blue ocean.

Then, billions of drops of rising rain were reflected in his eyes.

"What is this..." Adjutant Ning murmured, "Am I dreaming, or is this world crazy, that light seems to be showing us the way...?"

I saw that in front of the aircraft, the stratus clouds receded, and there was obviously a "road" waiting for them, leading to an unknown distance.

And the appearance of the "road" is very familiar.

Lu Tinghan said: "It's our way." He stared ahead, "This kind of trace is left by the aircraft after driving."

"What do you mean, what do you mean?" Chi Yongge's head was in a mess, and he looked in front of the glass.

He quickly understood: Only when the aircraft breaks through the dark clouds will there be such a "crack" in the clouds, which is the "road" they see now. Judging from the shape of the crack, it is obviously going in the opposite direction, that is, the direction of the empire.

They returned by the same way, and they did pass through this battlefield when they came.

Chi Yongge murmured: "This is the trace we left when we came here... How did it reappear? Is it because time went backwards? We have returned to the past, it is really unbelievable..."

"No, you can't say that." Lu Tinghan said in a low voice, "Look at the panel, the rain is still coming from above."

It was only then that everyone noticed that the data panel showed that the force-bearing surface of the aircraft was still at the top, that is to say, the flow direction of the rainwater had not changed.

Adjutant Ning frowned and said: "But the rain is obviously going to the sky! Is it my eyes?!" He rubbed his eyes vigorously, but no matter how he looked at it, the world was upside down. Is it a hallucination?!"

Lu Tinghan's voice was still very low: "The reality has not been changed, it's just that what we see is different." He spoke faster and faster, "It's that light, it allows us to see the past... Hurry up ! Keep up with it!"

The aircraft followed the yellow light and moved forward slowly.

This moment is quite mysterious.

Obviously nothing has changed in reality, but the light reveals the way of the past, and the rain and electricity all over the world rush towards the sky. Even if the equipment was broken in a mess, even if there were thunder and lightning and ghosts, they were still heading in the right direction.

All the way was unimpeded, and everyone in the cab was amazed and pleasantly surprised, calling it a miracle.

Lu Tinghan froze. He remembered what this looked like: this was like the light that Lao Song said he had followed!

Everything was right, Lao Song said that Xuejianhua changed from blooming to buds and then back to buds, and Professor Guan told him with certainty that Xuejianhua hadn't changed in any way.

What if they were both right?

As a child he had only seen the past, only seen, only witnessed—and that was enough.

Enough to get him home.

Now, enough to get them home.

Is it Shi Yuan?

Is this a miracle Shi Yuan did! If yes, can he do more? !

Lu Tinghan's heartbeat has never been so fast, he is quick-witted, and many ideas and plans are surging in his mind! He rushed back to the room regardless of the shouts of others, and pushed open the door with a "bang"—

He stopped suddenly.

Light poured into the dark room from behind him, his shadow was elongated, and fell on the soft bedding—the cold scented tea was in hand, and Shi Yuan's upper body was lying on the bay window a little higher than the bed, with his chin resting on the Marble tiles, but the waist is slumped, the lower body is wrapped in the quilt on the bed, and the tail is slightly curled up.

Normal people need to have a very good spine to perform this strange posture, and their backs will definitely hurt after a while.

And he was able to sleep so comfortably.

He slept so deeply and soundly that thunder and lightning could not wake him.

Everything that was happening seemed to have nothing to do with him. Perhaps the light was too dazzling, he snorted twice, flicked the tip of his tail, and said vaguely: "...What's the matter? Are you coming to bed after work?"

He was half asleep and half awake, trying to fight against the drowsiness, and it took a long time before he continued: "Come here, I'm covered with the quilt so warm..."

The voice became lower and lower, and fell asleep again.

His expression was calm and soft.


Lu Tinghan relaxed his body.

…never mind. he thinks.

It doesn't matter whether this miracle was done by Shi Yuan or not.

A little monster shouldn't bear such heavy expectations, he just wants to come to the city to find his human beings, and then be patted on the head.

Lu Tinghan let out a breath slowly, sat on the side of the bed and whispered, "Shi Yuan..."

Shi Yuan's tail woke up and shook happily for a while before he responded: "...Huh?"

"It's nothing, I'll talk to you tomorrow. We'll be home soon." Lu Tinghan gently held his hand and looked out the window. The warm yellow color smudged the sky, coating their faces. soft light.

He said, "Look, that's light."

The aircraft left the ancient battlefield safely. As Lu Tinghan expected, Shi Yuan was in a daze about this matter.

"I don't know what happened, I just remember, I dreamed you were littering," he said.

Adjutant Ning asked: "You really don't remember anything?!"

Shi Yuan thought hard, until his tail curled up, and he still said: "I don't know... I really didn't do anything, I just kept sleeping."

Adjutant Ning still wanted to ask, but was suppressed by Lu Tinghan's gesture.

Lu Tinghan said: "It's okay, we will know the answer." He touched Shi Yuan's head, "Even if it doesn't, it doesn't matter."

Shi Yuan: "Hurr, snort, snort!"

Twenty-four days later, the outline of the alliance's main city appeared on the horizon. It is still majestic.

What you see along the way dissipates like smoke and clouds, exhaustion, surprises, emotions, and relief... A journey has a beginning and an end, wandering for several months, and the tired bird should return.