MTL - How to Feed an Abyss!-Chapter 122 way home

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Until the last second when the shock wave arrived, Qi Hong was controlling "Seeker 1". They are quite far away from that star, if they are a little further away, maybe there will be a little turnaround, they will not give up the slightest hope...

There is light everywhere.

Shi Yuan floats in the brilliant sea of ​​stars.

Everything is strange and familiar.

Obviously this was the first time in his memory that he had seen such a scene, but he somehow felt that he had seen such a boundless universe long ago.

He thought a lot.

He thought of the bright stage, the applause of the audience, the panic of the crowd when he first went to the underground shelter, and the triumphant sea of ​​flowers when Lu Tinghan returned; Frightened and uneasy, he remembered that he was standing side by side with Lu Tinghan on the balcony. He tentatively said that he is not a savior and cannot save mankind, but Lu Tinghan told him with a smile that it was meaningful for him to come to the city from the wilderness. He was coming to witness their courage.

He thought of the tower No. 4 standing tall, the phone ringing one after another, people coming and going in the welfare center, the old man who yearned for the stars, the little girl who liked fireworks, the boss who was a bit picky, and his lover who died on the top of the tower; he thought of jellyfish and Lin Lu, thinking of the sunset in the iron city, the deserter dancing with his imaginary wife in his arms, the sky is pink and blue; With blood and mud, and unspoken secrets, he kissed Lu Tinghan in the wilderness wind.

He thought of the majestic main city, the erupting black crystals, the joy and anticipation in Lu Tinghan's eyes when he said that they went to find Dun together. On the church murals, it never fades away; he thinks of the ugly mole man, the dark lair, the still standing capital, a general who defended his homeland, and he has a pocket watch given by the princess in his pocket; he thinks of the lighthouse by the sea, chasing white dolphins The lampkeeper, when he burst into tears under the splendid aurora, he felt that he was homesick.

The light was so dazzling that Shi Yuan couldn't see Lu Tinghan clearly, and their hands were still clasped.

Emotions are surging like waves, and memories are turning back and forth. He heard a heartbeat during the explosion.



It was his own heartbeat.

He is not alone, there is another heartbeat beating with him. After a long time, Shi Yuan realized that this was the pulse from the heart of the universe, the abyss.



The heartbeat gradually overlaps with him through the starlight, and the soul merges into a long river, regardless of you and me. They are of the same origin. In a trance, he returned to the dreamland. He stood in the middle of the stage, the queen bee, the blue butterfly, the giant snake, the fox and the white dolphin...all the monsters were looking at him, staring at him, and looking forward to him.

Shi Yuan looked down the stage.

In this unparalleled performance in this prosperous world, he is their only god.

Joy, anger, sorrow, joy, life and death, followed at this moment.

He followed Lu Tinghan to witness this world, and he had a warm home, a home that he could miss.

He finally understood the monsters too.

Black mist gushed out from Shi Yuan's body, covering the ship lightly.

The next shock wave came, sweeping the frigate! Hundreds of tons of steel were blown away in the blink of an eye, and they fell towards the bottom of the abyss.

The falling speed was too fast, like a meteor.

If they were on the ground, they would definitely hear the howling wind, but in the abyss everything was silent.

At the last moment, what Shi Yuan thought of was the night many years ago.

The young child stepped on the snow and saw the sea of ​​flowers, came to his side, and touched his head. Then they walked in the sea of ​​flowers. He couldn't understand human language, so he heard the child chattering with him, looking excited, as if he wanted to... take him home.

Shi Yuan rejected him—at that time, there was no one he liked enough to walk into the crowd of thousands.

The young Lu Tinghan showed him pictures of the city, and told him about the magnificent sunset, the gorgeous sky, the scattered forests, and the majestic and rolling city walls. Shi Yuan still remembers the pure love on Lu Tinghan's face, he understands that Lu Tinghan must go back to the city.

He must also take him home.

At that time, they held hands as they do now.

"Home." Shi Yuan said this unfamiliar word, standing in the sea of ​​snow and flowers, looking into the distance.

"Yes." The young Lu Tinghan said, "No matter what happens, no matter what the price is, I will come back to you—I swear. Then, we will go home together."

Reality has not been changed, but a glimmer of light reveals the past.

So the petals return from blooming to budding, the wind blows backwards, and the rain flows against the sky.

Then the child saw the way home.

The frigate fell straight down, Shi Yuan closed his eyes.

Everything fled upwards at high speed, Xue Jianhua gushed out from the shattered hull, and a pure white trace erupted in the air.

The world is brilliant, and he hears thousands of lonely heartbeats, all resonating on the magnificent stage, the palace of the universe.


Heartbreaking pain, dizzy pain.

Lu Tinghan's fingers moved, he frowned, trying to restrain his consciousness. After a few seconds, he suddenly opened his eyes!

Not seeing his fingers, he subconsciously touched his body.

It's solid ground, slightly damp soil.

…he is no longer on the frigate.

What happened?

How did he survive and where are the others? Is this the bottom of the abyss?

Lu Tinghan was in so much pain that he could hardly think, but he stabilized his mind with amazing perseverance and touched his waist. Fortunately, the tool pouch was still there, and he found the flashlight, and when he turned it on, the beam pierced the darkness—

The wreckage of the frigate was in sight.

He saw many instruments scattered on the ground, half of the hull was open, exposing the interior of the cockpit. He was thrown out of it.

Lu Tinghan froze for two seconds, got up shaking, and walked to the side of the cockpit. The light shone in, and there was a dark figure on the seat. He struggled to climb up, only to see Ke Zhengrong slumped on the seat, having lost his breath a long time ago.

Lu Tinghan stood silently for a few seconds, reached out and closed his eyes for him.

The seats of Qi Hong and Zhou Qian were both empty, with the broken seat belt hanging down on the seat, staggering, and Shi Yuan was nowhere to be seen.

This is not a good sign. The communicator and locator were all unusable, Lu Tinghan walked among the wreckage, calling their names again and again.

His voice was lost in the darkness, and no one answered.

Lu Tinghan clenched the flashlight so hard that his knuckles turned white, his heart was beating wildly.

Where? Where did everyone else go?

...What about Shi Yuan?

There were gauze, bandages, several antiseptics and antibiotics in the cabinet where the main body was deformed. He rolled them up in random and put them in his arms. Then he rolled over the wreckage of steel, the long grass and the scattered mechanical parts, calling out.


There is a low/groan very lightly.

Lu Tinghan heard this inaudible sound! He suddenly turned around and ran in that direction.

The green grass under his feet was getting higher and higher, reaching his waist. It was all jagged poisonous weeds infected by the No. 1 abyss. Fortunately, his combat uniform was only a little damaged, enough to resist the cutting of long grass.

"Where are you!" he cried, "answer me!"


"Uh here..."

Lu Tinghan quickly stepped forward to push aside the long grass, and finally saw Qi Hong lying on the ground.

Qi Hong was also thrown out of the cockpit, his shoulder hit a stone, and blood gushed out, staining the long grass under him. He closed his eyes and looked pale, and whispered, "I'm here..."

Lu Tinghan pressed Qi Hong's wound with gauze and bandages to stop the bleeding. When he was wrapping the bandage, Qi Hong barely opened his eyes and moaned, "What happened?"

"The frigate crashed, we should have reached the bottom of the abyss." Lu Tinghan quickly answered him, wrapping the bandage around him, "How do you feel? Can you sit up?"

"Uh..." Qi Hong shook his head, "I'll try..."

With Lu Tinghan's support, Qi Hong sat on the rock and seemed to be awake.

Lu Tinghan quickly ordered some medicine for him, and then asked, "Do you have any weapons?"

"The pistol is still there." Qi Hong said weakly, "You, you go and find other people, I will fire the gun if something happens."

"Okay, be careful." Lu Tinghan said simply, and stepped into the thick darkness again.

He found Zhou Qian under a dead tree.

A few small monsters surrounded Zhou Qian, and when they were illuminated by the light, they immediately went back underground. Zhou Qian was in a coma, but she was breathing smoothly, and there was no serious trauma.

Lu Tinghan heaved a sigh of relief, carried Zhou Qian on his back and returned to Qi Hong's side.

Qi Hong bandaged Zhou Qian's wound. Knowing that Ke Zhengrong had died, he asked Lu Tinghan in a hoarse voice, "... Where's Shi Yuan?"

Lu Tinghan shook his head quickly.

He walked all over the neighborhood, but he didn't see Shi Yuan.

"Go and find him." Qi Hong coughed twice, "We're fine here, ahem, ahem, you see we've been in a coma for so long, and no monsters have attacked us yet, it should, should be safe for the time being The... take this."

Lu Tinghan's filter was broken, Qi Hong removed his anti-virus filter and handed it to him.

Lu Tinghan took it and nodded to him: "Okay, I'm leaving."

"General, be careful all the way." Qi Hong said, "Hurry up and get him back."

Said it was found, but in fact Lu Tinghan had no clue.

The flashlight shone around, with lush long grass on one side and a deep dense forest on the other. The figure of the monster flashed past, but it was not clear.

At the bottom of the No. 1 abyss turned out to be such a world, with lush vegetation and self-contained world, as if they traveled through the universe to another planet.

The frigate disintegrated as it fell, and the rear half disappeared. Lu Tinghan didn't know where the other falling point was, and whether Shi Yuan was there, but...

— like countless times before.

Regardless of deduction or intuition, Lu Tinghan will always find Shi Yuan.

Holding a gun in one hand and a flashlight in the other, Lu Tinghan stepped into the deep forest.

The woods were like ghosts, and little monsters were lurking in it, staring at him as an unexpected visitor, and large pieces of poisonous spores floated in the air from time to time.

Lu Tinghan walked in the forest stepping on fallen leaves and dead trees.

On the one hand, he was in a state of confusion, and couldn't help thinking about Shi Yuan: Did he turn into a black mist in time? After turning into a black mist, will it be repelled from the No. 1 abyss? Or even if he changed back to his original form, he couldn't resist the shock wave of the explosion? Where the **** is he now? How's it going? If Shi Yuan is fine, why isn't he by their side?

On the other hand, the quality of a soldier forced him to calm down, and the more he had to be calm at this time, he kept the troubles in his eyes, and moved forward cautiously and urgently.


Where exactly is Shi Yuan? !

"Swish Swish Swish—"


A swarm of rat-like monsters ran across the forest, their spores belching poisonous mist. The infection rate at the bottom of the abyss was terrifyingly high. Without equipment, Lu Tinghan had no way of knowing his own infection status, so he pricked his arm with an inhibitor and continued to move forward.

He quickly realized something was wrong.

The monsters rarely attacked him. He walked forward for more than ten minutes, only a thin, coyote-like creature approached, and he shot him in the head.

In addition, monsters big and small hide in the dark jungle without seeing their heads or tails. They all seemed to be running in one direction, and that was the direction Lu Tinghan was walking in.

It was also where he intuitively felt that Shi Yuan was.

Lu Tinghan's heart skipped a beat, and hope arose.


However, this hope was gradually consumed by the long journey.

The dense forest is endless, and there are many ghosts and shadows, and there is no end in sight. Lu Tinghan didn't know how far he had traveled and how many steep slopes he had climbed, but the woods were still dark and there was nothing. His steps became faster and faster, until he was almost running in the woods.

The sound of gurgling water came from not far away.

"Bang bang!" Lu Tinghan killed the approaching strange bird with two shots, and then stabbed through the small beast that was trying to attack him with his backhand. When the blade turned, the bones and muscles creaked. Before he had time to wipe off the blood on the blade, he quickly turned over the towering rocks, and saw a small stream at the bottom of the slope, flowing through fine sand and gravel.

Something is reflecting in the vegetation by the stream.

That's the light of a battle helmet!

"Shiyuan!" Lu Tinghan shouted.

no answer.

The vegetation was as tall as a person, so I couldn't see the situation clearly. The stone wall that went down was steep, and he didn't have time to worry too much. He grabbed the sharp stone and went down, bloodstains were drawn on his hands. Then he stepped across the stream and galloped across it!

The saber sliced ​​through the plants, and he froze for a moment—

No one, it's just a helmet.

A helmet with more than half of it broken, exposing the inner structure.

At this moment, no words can describe the chill.

Lu Tinghan checked his helmet repeatedly as if falling into an ice cave. It took a bad hit, it was badly broken, and it would fall apart with a little force.

But it clearly belongs to Shi Yuan.

Lu Tinghan did his best to search the surroundings upside down, but there were no other traces, nothing at all. He saw some blood stains hanging on the leaves, and couldn't tell if it was left by a monster or... Shi Yuan, which made him even more uneasy.

"Where are you..." He muttered, "Answer me."

The deep forest is silent.

Lu Tinghan took a few deep breaths and forced himself to calm down.

He thought he must move on.

He has found Shi Yuan so many times, and it must be the same this time.

The search continued, he stepped on the fallen leaves, climbed the roots of the trees, avoided the poisonous flowers, and cut the hanging vines. No matter how strong a warrior is here, he will be exhausted here, and he climbed mountains and mountains as if he was tireless.

"Shiyuan—!" He shouted, "Where are you! Shiyuan—!"

"Shi Yuan! Answer me!"

A hidden rock tripped him, and he staggered a few steps, holding onto an old tree.

His heart was beating so fast that he didn't notice it, and only when he stopped did he feel that his chest was about to explode. He breathed heavily, coughed several times, then raised his head and continued to move forward.

Time passed by every minute, and despair spread in my heart little by little.

He didn't slow down, but he couldn't help thinking of possibilities, each of which was driving him crazy. The shattered helmet and the blood stained him like a ghost, along with the crashed ship.

Lu Tinghan finally couldn't run anymore.

He leaned on the boulder to pant for breath, sweat trickled down from his chin, and wet the soil under his feet.

"Where the **** are you..." he said softly.

It was too dark around, and he couldn't see the way forward.


Until a faint light shines in the distance.

Lu Tinghan lowered his head and didn't see it at first.

The light kept flickering, getting brighter and brighter.

As if calling to him.

Lu Tinghan finally noticed that the world was lit up, looked up, and saw the soft light spread across the sky. It is not dazzling, like the hazy white sky at dawn when the sun has not yet risen. But that is by no means sunshine, it is more varied and magnificent.

Just like the brilliance of the stars.

Lu Tinghan was stunned for half a second, he walked towards the bright place, thinking that if it must be Shi Yuan, it must be...

Ten minutes later, he found the other half of the frigate among a collapsed tree.

As he expected, the frigate disintegrated when it fell and broke into two pieces, separating Shi Yuan from everyone. In other words, Shi Yuan is probably nearby!

Light! Is it that light? !

Power surged in his body again, Lu Tinghan rushed towards the light. The terrain was rugged and steep, he jumped over gravel and stepped across the stream, stumbled all the way, fell and got up again, fell and staggered forward!

The wind was whistling in his ears, he was running so fast that nothing in the world could stop him.

Everyone in the world longs for miracles and a perfect ending, and so does Shi Yuan. He said he wanted to find the answer at the bottom of the abyss. But Lu Tinghan doesn't care about these anymore, **** the answers and **** the miracles, who cares about these? ! He wanted to hug Shi Yuan tightly, stroke his head, and stroke the soft black hair with his fingertips. He wanted to see him smile with his eyes bent and purr in his arms. He was willing to give everything just to hold those hands again.

— so he ran into the light.

The changing and mysterious light surges on the ground like a ribbon.

Lu Tinghan looked up.

It is no longer the rich black, but the Milky Way hangs high.

A dazzling beam of light flew into the air. It is extremely bright, becoming a lighthouse piercing the darkness, and reflecting a path at the bottom of the abyss.

A hazy, dreamy, old road paved by starlight.

At the same time, monsters all over the world raised their heads high, such as giant snakes in the fog, white dolphins under the aurora, fiery red foxes, fish schools in thunderstorms, deer with half-dead bones...

They looked at the bright lighthouse.

The monster in the forest ran towards it, and its body was hidden in the light, turning into starlight and heading straight to the universe, like a reversed meteor shower. Immediately afterwards, more and more monsters joined them, all kinds of strange things, lively and lively, a grand curtain call.

The gods use time to reveal the past, they see the way to come.

They go home.

The light fell in Lu Tinghan's eyes, like a bright light on the gray-blue sea. He ambled forward, wading through the long grass, brushing away the layers of leaves—

The boy stood alone in the sea of ​​flowers.

His eyes are bright, and he holds a flourishing star in his hands.

Colors burst from the fingers like tiny fireworks. Just like the novelty and joy of the first day of seeing—

"Look," he said, "it's light."