MTL - How to Feed an Abyss!-Chapter 50 Jinhuai River and Dream

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Alliance March 1, 242, Fengyang City Detention Center.

Lu Tinghan stood behind the one-way glass. In the interrogation room, a man with a short hair was handcuffed tightly to the seat.

The inch-cut man's name was Jiang Huachi, and he was a retired soldier.

Last year when the alliance announced that the peak season was coming, he forged a pass and took Xia Fang and four other residents out of the city privately to Fengyang. On the way they were attacked by monsters, two were killed and three were injured, and all the survivors were arrested.

— Lu Tinghan told Shi Yuan this way.

The actual situation is more complicated. In addition to smuggling, Jiang Huachi also has 70 needles of military inhibitors in the trunk of his off-road vehicle.

Military inhibitors are expensive and cannot be used by civilians. If they are circulated in the market, the sellers can make a huge fortune—that is wealth that can make people bleed with envy in the last days.

"Jiang Huachi, male, 52 years old, enlisted in the army in 211, made a second-class personal contribution in 220, served as the captain of Fengyang City's third technical team in 226, and was dismissed because of a major mistake in 236." The adjutant reported, "What happened in 236 Yes…"

"I know." Lu Tinghan said, "I signed the verdict that he was ordered to discharge from the army."

According to the law of the alliance, Jiang Huachi went to a military court. After the judge made a ruling, the result would be signed by the head of the region.

Lu Tinghan is the person in charge.

—In 236, Lu Tinghan was still in the observation tower of Abyss 0. He has commanded countless battles through the optical brain, proved his ability, and won the rank of lieutenant general, mainly responsible for the command of Fengyang City.

Jiang Huachi was not the only one who went to court-martial, there were many people worse than him, but Lu Tinghan always had a good memory.

Jiang Huachi was supposed to be tried in Fengyang City, but he and several suspects were ordered to be transferred to the main city because of "coordinating the trial forces of the two cities".

The order came in a strange way.

It was terminated strangely, it was Lu Tinghan himself who stopped it.

Jiang Huachi yelled and cursed in the interrogation room: "I, just, ask, you, who the **** ordered to stop the transfer? I have seen the documents, how can there be any reason for revocation! Where did this come from? rule?!"

"It's an order from above." The soldier replied coldly.

"Which boss?" Jiang Huachi shouted, the handcuffs clanging, "Tell me your name, I'm a veteran, I've never seen such an outrageous order! You're abusing your power—"

"It's my order."

Jiang Huachi was stunned for a moment, turned around, saw that it was Lu Tinghan, his eyes widened, and he didn't say a word, like a duck with its neck choked.

…what happened? His mind is in a mess, why is Lu Tinghan here?

Is this something worthy of the admiral coming over in person?

He wants to interrogate me?

The interrogating officer backed away, but Lu Tinghan did not sit down, but stood on the opposite side of Jiang Huachi.

People who dare to forge passes, drive out of the city, and even resist arrest, their psychological quality is absolutely incomparable, and they have the ferocity of a desperado in their bones. Jiang Huachi restrained his doubts and raised his voice: "Admiral Lu, I have always admired you, but what does this mean?"

"Nothing interesting." Lu Tinghan said, "I just want to meet you here."

Jiang Huachi couldn't figure out his attitude for a while, and his face twitched: "Damn! What you said seems to have something to do with us. No matter how you say it, you can't withdraw the order. You have to give me an explanation."

"Let's leave the explanation to the military court," Lu Tinghan said, "I'm here to catch up on the old days."

Jiang Huachi grinned: "You still know my little guy?"

Lu Tinghan looked unmoved: "In 236, you traded military inhibitors in Fengyang City for personal gain, and seized 380 needles of inhibitors in a black/market warehouse. You have all internal organs. The judge sentenced you to discharge from the army, but you were exempted from prison The disaster, the verdict is signed by me."

"Thank you for remembering so much." Jiang Huachi said.

"This time you are also reselling military inhibitors. Smuggling people is just extra money for you."

"I didn't want to take anyone with me at first." Jiang Huachi looked calm, "That Xia is too difficult to deal with. Sometimes he said that his mother was going to die of illness, and sometimes he said that he had enough money, and he would never treat me badly. I just thought it didn’t matter, I made several passes, and taking one with him is still the same, so it’s better to bring a few more people together.”

Lu Tinghan: "Just because of this?"

"Okay, let me tell you the truth." Jiang Huachi moved his handcuffs, "I know how dangerous it is to go out of the city, but I just want to do it. Bring a few more people, take cover, and chat on the way to relieve loneliness. Yes. Besides, in case something happens, I can still have a few backs after I die, right? Death is not lonely."

He didn't notice that his words unconsciously increased. When people have a low sense of security, it is inevitable to bluff and compete for a strong position, especially for a man with a conceit like him.

Lu Tinghan made him too disturbed, he pretended not to care, but his words became aggressive.

"You still don't forget your original intention." Lu Tinghan said, "You really like inhibitors."

"Yeah, that thing is great. It saved lives. Everyone likes it. No matter how much it costs, they want to buy it."

Lu Tinghan raised his eyebrows.

Jiang Huachi's lips were cracked and bleeding. He licked it, and said confidently, "I know what you are going to ask. Yes, yes, I am not short of money, but I just feel that life is too boring, and I need some adventures." .I used to be the captain of the technical team. I was dismissed to hold a grudge. I can only make myself happier by proving that there are loopholes in the system, you understand?"

Lu Tinghan: "It's understandable."

There was no joy or anger in his gray-blue eyes, and he seemed to be persuaded by Jiang Huachi.

Jiang Huachi continued: "Admiral Lu, do you really have nothing else to do? Instead of looking for a small guy like me to reminisce about the old days, why not spend more time and use your brain to read the hearts of monsters. Besides, don't you have a little lover, you don't mind taking it with you all day..."

He got stuck in the middle of the sentence.

—He said the wrong thing.

No matter how open Lu Tinghan was, he shouldn't be able to know about this matter.

Jiang Huachi's back was cold, and before he could react, his chest was heavy, and his eyes were pitch black!

No one expected that Lu Tinghan would suddenly explode, and the heavy military boots kicked Jiang Huachi in the chest with great force! If Jiang Huachi's hands were not handcuffed on the table, this kick would have sent him flying upside down and breaking several ribs on the wall.

The handcuffs slammed, the chair fell to the ground, and the wrist was dislocated from too much force. Jiang Huachi held his deformed hands and knelt on the ground, shaking all over, and the smell of blood surged in his throat.

He lowered his head and coughed desperately. Out of the corner of his eye, those deadly military boots stopped beside him. They were smooth and elegant, and they might have crushed some monster's head.

He struggled to look up.

I thought I would see an angry face, but Lu Tinghan looked down at him with a relaxed and calm expression.

Lu Tinghan said, "Go ahead."

This man is so **** ruthless, Jiang Huachi scolded his mother in his heart, if he really talked about it, he might hit his heart.

He coughed and smiled apologetically: "Look at me, I rushed to show off after hearing something. It's all a matter of chasing rumors, nothing, you-cough cough cough calm down!"

Lu Tinghan asked again: "Where did the inhibitor come from?"

"Ahem, cough, didn't I explain everything, the transport vehicle is not strictly guarded, I just got wind of it, and I wanted to steal some dry military rations to resell, but I won the jackpot and found the inhibitor." Jiang Huachi slowly Standing up, leaning your forearms on the table, arching your back, "It's been decades, I'm just lucky this time, and I'm still making trouble like this."

Lu Tinghan: "Let me see, your luck is really good."

Jiang Huachi panted, "Do you think it's good luck not to die?"

"It's true from the results. It's a miracle that some of you are still alive." Lu Tinghan said, "But that's not what I'm talking about, it was five years ago."

Jiang Huachi said subconsciously: "Five years ago, I was also arrested—"

"How cold is the Jinhuai River in December?" Lu Tinghan said, "Is it enough to hide 1,000 injections of inhibitors and a corpse?"

This sentence, which sounded inexplicable to others, made Jiang Huachi's expression change instantly.

He looked at Lu Tinghan as if he saw an evil spirit, this kind of psychological collapse was inevitable, he was shaking like a sieve, and the blood on his face faded completely!

"You, you, you..." He shook his voice, "You know..."

"Yes, I know." Lu Tinghan said, "That's why I said, I'm here to catch up on the past."

Jiang Huachi was too shocked to speak. Lu Tinghan stopped talking, turned around and walked outside the interrogation room. The handcuffs behind him clanged, and Jiang Huachi ignored his dislocated hand and roared, "Evidence! Where's your evidence? Show me it?! Otherwise, you'll say nothing..."

The door of the interrogation room was closed, blocking out the sound.

Two mutant officers stood outside, tall and burly, with beast-like vertical pupils.

"Ask him more about inhibitors." Lu Tinghan said, "Don't let him die."

The two officers saluted and stepped forward to open the door of the interrogation room.

It was almost one o'clock in the morning when Lu Tinghan returned home.

The light in the living room was still on, the white bird put its head into its feathers, the wretched fish slept on its stomach, and a piece of its tail slipped off the sofa and hung on the armrest of the sofa.

Shi Yuan fell asleep on the sofa again.

"Shi Yuan." Lu Tinghan hung up his coat and shouted, "Shi Yuan, wake up."

There was a rustling sound, and the black devil's horns felt the call of humans, and slowly rose behind the sofa.

Shi Yuan was obviously sleepy, and his hair was a little messy. His eyes were sleepy, the tip of his tail flicked happily, he looked at Lu Tinghan and smiled with his eyes bent: "Ah, you're back—"

In the middle of speaking, he tilted his head and fell asleep on the back of the sofa.

The person is asleep, but the tail is not asleep, it is still swaying in the air, madly expressing love for Lu Tinghan.

Lu Tinghan: "..."

Lu Tinghan approached, and "slapped" Shi Yuan's forehead.

"Ah!" Shi Yuan woke up, clutching his head, "Why are you hitting me again?"

"How many times have I told you that you will catch a cold if you sleep outside." Lu Tinghan said.

"I was playing with my tail while waiting for you," Shi Yuan explained, "I fell asleep all of a sudden."

Lu Tinghan: "Hurry up and go to sleep."

"And you?"

"I still have something to do, about an hour."

"Okay." Shi Yuan rubbed his forehead, "You have to hurry up and accompany me."

Lu Tinghan agreed.

Shi Yuan went to bed. Lu Tinghan went to the study and opened the file on the terminal.

The document is about Jiang Huachi.

Contrary to what everyone thinks, Jiang Huachi not only hid 380 needles of military inhibitors 5 years ago.

It was a quartermaster who reported Jiang Huachi, and the quartermaster disappeared afterwards, and no bones were found.

And the new document in Lu Tinghan's hand confirmed that the newly salvaged corpse in the Jinhuai River was the quartermaster, and it was confirmed together with the corpse that it was an inhibitor container box with a number engraved on it, a total of 1,000 needles—this It is also quite strange that no one reported such a large number of thefts at that time.

Not a 380-pin inhibitor.

It's 1380 stitches and one life.

If the search was not so random at that time, Jiang Huachi would have been sentenced to death long ago.

If Lu Tinghan hadn't noticed the subtle perfunctory of the search team at the time, and traced it to today, the truth would have sunk in the Jinhuai River in December forever.

Lu Tinghan scanned the documents silently, and the light illuminated his expressionless face.

The last page, stuck on anonymous private mail.

There was no text in the email, only a blurry old photo: the sun was shining in midsummer, a middle-aged man in a light blue shirt hugged a young man who was doing nothing, and the two of them faced the camera with stiff and stiff smiles.

Despite the difference in face and age—

Those were the young Su Enqi and Jiang Huachi.

Lu Tinghan stared at the photo, and after a long time let out a light breath.

Like a sigh.

Further down the page, it is another matter.

That's a dossier.

【Name: Shi Yuan

The first investigation: the blood test was normal, no pollution value was found, the subject's former residence outside the city has not been located, and no previous records of entering and leaving the city have been found...

Second investigation: no exception

The third investigation: no exception

The fifth survey: in progress]

Lu Tinghan paused for a moment, then closed the page silently, and entered the bedroom.

As soon as he got into bed, Shi Yuan snorted and rolled into his arms, complaining, "Why did you come here?"

"Some things are delayed." Lu Tinghan kissed Shi Yuan on the forehead, "Go to sleep, good night."

When the alarm sounded the next day, Shi Yuan followed the crowd to the first floor and ran towards the entrance of the shelter.

Until he saw a girl with black hair and green eyes standing in the corner, holding a doll unicorn, secretly looking at him.

Shi Yuan was persuaded by Lu Tinghan, believing that there are no ghosts in this world.

He was a little nervous and curious, and after hesitating for a while, he walked towards the girl.

The girl laughed, turned around, and disappeared behind the locked door. The next second the door was unlocked, and the door opened to Shi Yuan.

Shi Yuan followed her all the way, passed through layers of access control, and came to the fifth floor.

It is still a huge computer room full of servers.

The difference is that the holographic projector is working, projecting the figure of the girl. She jumped up lightly, as if she had no weight, and landed on a server, dangling her white feet.

"Hello." Shi Yuan said, "Excuse me, are you a ghost?"

The girl tilted her head and said, "No, my name is Alice—"

The name looked familiar, and Shi Yuan asked, "Are you"

The girl laughed: "They all call me that."

Shi Yuan was a little surprised: "But I asked Mr. Lin before, and he said that you have no personality and are virtual."

"That's because I have never appeared in front of them." Alice hugged the doll unicorn, "According to my database, humans will be afraid of machines that can pass the Turing test perfectly, and they will produce things like 'This AI They have a mind of their own, they're a threat', 'we can't trust robots', 'all programs should be destroyed immediately'. It's too risky to engage with them."

Her figure suddenly flashed to the server beside Shi Yuan: "But, it seems that you may be different from them. I monitor everyone in the tower, but I have never seen you like this. Will use your information to expand the database, classified in 'special data'."

Shi Yuan was puzzled, "What's the difference between me and them?"

"I've seen you since the first day you came here." Alice said, "You have the 'peace' that they don't have, and you don't care about many things. Under my analysis, I think that people like you There is a high probability that the National People's Congress won't care whether I'm an AI or not, and won't tell my secrets, the probability is above 99." She giggled, "We're pretty similar, we're all different!"

And it is.

Shi Yuan was still confused: "You want to be friends with me?"

"Yes!" Alice suddenly appeared in front of Shi Yuan, looking up at him, "I can't appear for too long, or they will find out, but we can chat and play together! I have been waiting for this day It's been too long, I've been waiting for your appearance. Shiyuan, what do you think? Are you willing to be my good friend?"

Shi Yuan thought for a while: "Of course, I like new friends." He added, "I like it very much."

Alice suddenly burst into laughter, and the servers in the entire computer room lit up signal lights alternately, and the data flow rushed through it, like a sea of ​​joy.

Through her green eyes, you can see the jumping data.

She is calculating and running endlessly, even at this moment, she is mobilizing information, assisting the army in combat, and calculating the two items of "echo" and "overlook". Supercomputers and countless servers have given her billions of trillions of data, as well as computing power that the human brain will never be able to achieve. However, it is such an existence that calls the echo, looks at the sea of ​​stars, hugs her unicorn, and rejoices because she has made her first friend.

"Okay, I can't stay longer." Alice stood in front of Shi Yuan, her figure gradually becoming transparent, "Wait for the next time, wait for the next time—come back to me again."

She smiled and waved at Shiyuan, and disappeared.

The server lights were still blinking.

Shi Yuan went to the shelter. By the evening of the second day, the all-clear was lifted and he returned home.

Lu Tinghan also went home, Shi Yuan asked him: "Lu Tinghan, do you know 'Alice'?"

Lu Tinghan: "Yes, I know."

Shi Yuan said, "Can you tell me her story? I'm curious."

In this regard, Lu Tinghan responded to every request.

So Lu Tinghan told him that there really was a person called "Alice".

It was July 2, 170 years of the alliance, the last day before the apocalypse, an 8-year-old girl Alice Philippa met her brother to watch fireworks by the river.

She failed to do so.

She stumbled and fell to her death on the path next to the embankment.

"From a very young age, Alice has an excellent match with the optical brain. Her mind and thinking seem to be tailor-made for this system." Lu Tinghan said, "After her death, her brain was frozen. After getting up, the brain was put into a compartment filled with nutrient solution, connected to the system, and sent out nerve electrical signals."

He paused: "This has brought a breakthrough improvement to our algorithm system. The new AI is named after her as a token of commemoration and gratitude. Her family feels comforted and feels that her daughter has made outstanding achievements for mankind." Contribution, in a sense, she survived that way."

Shi Yuan said, "That's pretty good too. Where is her brain?"

"In the main city, with the supercomputer." Lu Tinghan rubbed his eyebrows, "The only problem with this matter is that she will have dreams."


"Well. The brain still maintains its physiological activity. Due to the stimulation of nerve electrical signals, it can still 'feel' things." Lu Tinghan said, "It has residual self-awareness, and often has the same dream, about The dream of falling to death has been like this for 72 years, and she is trapped there."

—Alice dreamed that she fell from a height.

She doesn't really fall to the ground, she repeats that moment over and over again.

It was too high there, the breeze raised her long hair, and she heard the fireworks explode in the distance while she was falling, and a burst of beautiful colors burst out. The red, orange, yellow and green ignited the summer dream, making people smile.

She is Alice in Wonderland.

For her, the fireworks will never dissipate, and the summer will never end. She died on the last day before the end of the world. She died at the most beautiful moment in this world, and her dream is always bright and complete.