MTL - I Am a Normal Player!-Chapter 13 Intermediate area St. Mary's Hospital

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  Chapter 13 Middle-level area St. Mary's Hospital

  【Intermediate area: St. Mary's Hospital】

  【Task: Investigate and solve the reasons for the abandonment of the hospital】

  Gu Shanhai held Yun Lingcao and felt that this game was going to be bad. It must not be a puzzle book, he is not good at this type of copy.

   After all, most of the time, horror is tied to solving puzzles. Otherwise, is it still called horror after the recklessness has passed? That's called fighting monsters.

  ‘Hope to find some good plants, or else.’

   Otherwise, Gu Shanhai intends to burn the hospital down, isn't it just a solution, what can be faster than a fire.

   As for the word "exploring" earlier, he simply ignored it.

   "What do you think about this?" A player named Qingcheng Baihu said.

  There are also two players named Qingcheng Ziying and Qingcheng Chiju nearby.

  Obviously either from a game studio or from a professional club, they came in as a team.

  The rest are Gu Shanhai and a female player named Rashomon.

  Five-person book, three-person team plus two individual configurations.

   And why didn't the other party make up the five people? It is estimated that the upper limit of the invitation letter is three people, and the two of them are extra people.

   "Yes, I suggest burning the hospital directly. Do you have any kindling?" Gu Shanhai said seriously.


  As soon as this remark came out, the remaining four people were stunned. Is there something wrong?

   "Brother's idea is very good, but it should not work." Qingcheng White Fox very tactfully refused.

   "Okay, why not, if this goes in, according to the routine, you not only need to solve puzzles but also fight monsters. You probably don't want to run for a long time for a fuse, right?"

   "So as long as the hospital is gone, everything will be solved."

  Gu Shanhai said that you have to be safe when doing things, there are risks in going in, and if you can solve it outside, you can solve it outside.

   "That. We are here to play the game, not to play the lunatic simulator." Rashomon on the side couldn't help complaining about Gu Shanhai.

   "Hey, why don't you listen to persuasion." Gu Shanhai sighed, saying that the current players are all timid.

"Okay, let's go in and take a look. Brother's way of burning the hospital can be tried later. It's not just burning outside, you can start burning from the inside too." A player named Qingcheng Ziying came out to talk to the hospital. Mud, he thinks that Gu Shanhai's approach is still advisable, but it will sacrifice their task rewards and settlement evaluation.

  If he burns like this, he will definitely not even get an A-level settlement evaluation.

   "Are you a professional team of the game club?" When Gu Shanhai followed them in, he made some connections with Qingcheng Ziying.

   "Third line, third line." Qingcheng Ziying said resentfully.

He is not modest. He said that he is the third team, but he is actually a substitute for the third team. In other words, he sits on the bench most of the time. It's a service with the boss, but the treatment is better than that of ordinary game studios.

  So it’s really just a small team, and Gu Shanhai has never heard of it.

   "Tsk, why don't you bring your boss? Such a good opportunity." Gu Shanhai asked.

   "Usually the boss sends out the invitation letter. We got it ourselves, so we must digest it internally." Qingcheng Ziying didn't hide it either, and this kind of thing is not a big deal.

   Everyone quickly entered the hospital building. The whole hospital is actually one building, but it is very large and connected together.

"It's been abandoned for a few years. To be honest, I don't know why this hospital was built in the wilderness. Is it because there are too many patients to delay their fishing?" Gu Shanhai really couldn't bear this logical question. .

  No business in front of the village, no shop in the back, why hasn’t such an obviously problematic hospital been investigated and banned.

   "Damn it. You said this hospital wasn't abandoned because it wasn't up to standard, right?"

   Gu Shanhai turned his brain around and left the three players speechless.

   "It doesn't look like it. Look at this newspaper. The business was pretty good before." Qingcheng Chiju picked up the newspaper on the ground and flicked the dust and dirt, revealing a line of headlines on the newspaper.

  St. Mary's Hospital has treated over a thousand civilians, and the mayor brought people to express condolences in person!

  In addition to the title, there is also a picture, a group of blond people standing together in suits and shoes, yes, no one is wearing a white coat.

  Especially the dean, just like a businessman, shaking hands with the mayor with a smile on his face.

"Didn't you feel that there was something wrong? For example, why did you use civilians instead of patients? Another one is worthy of praise for saving a thousand people. Any **** hospital can crush him." Gu Shanhai Point out the problem with the title.

  The remaining three people were also taken aback. At first glance, there was no problem, but when they actually thought about it, they were a little scared.

   "Could it be?" Rashomon was about to speak when he heard some movement from the depths of the hospital, like footsteps.

  Everyone couldn't help but look tense, but they didn't feel the horror, so they were thinking about whether to do something.

  Gu Shanhai frowned and took the newspaper to check it. There was another report in the corner of the newspaper.

  【In the coming week, there will be a particle storm on the sun, which will lead to changes in the global magnetic field. The particle storm is due to the Pleiades star cluster.】

  ‘Although I don’t understand science, don’t fool me so blatantly. ’ Looking at this article, the first half was okay, but then it went straight up to the so-called Maosu star cluster, which is not known how many light-years away.

   Well, although it looks very fake, it may be true no matter how unscientific it is. If it is really scientific, he thinks that he can be reborn is already unscientific enough.

   "Chasing!" Qingcheng White Fox suddenly shouted, took out a **** fire ax from his arms with a snap, and rushed forward.

  The remaining two were not easy. One took out a pistol of unknown style, and the other was a firecracker, and followed.

   Seeing this, Rashomon could only take out a long sword.

   Just Gu Shanhai has a face full of shit, what are you chasing after?

  He put it there to read the newspaper just now, so naturally he didn't pay much attention to it.

"Wait for me~" Gu Shanhai really didn't dare to stay alone. When he had teammates, he wanted to burn the hospital and someone would persuade him, but if he didn't have teammates, he might not be able to suppress the desire to set fire up.

  He just got started with a new gadget, and he always felt a bit like walking in night clothes without using it once or twice.

  So in order to avoid this desire to do something, I could only follow up with my teammates in tears, not knowing what monster they found.

   As for not being a monster? This is impossible, not because the monsters are pulling out their weapons one by one.

  (end of this chapter)